path: root/skel/.config/qtile/
diff options
authorMatthew Weber <>2023-04-19 21:52:18 -0400
committerMatthew Weber <>2023-04-19 21:52:18 -0400
commit3e713d0906d488da390dc4bbf477a388643e19d0 (patch)
treefa1d38026d8e867e1df6ecd6de5dde6275d6c0ce /skel/.config/qtile/
parent107ca66579d51c20678a7e330ba08045891ea300 (diff)
added qtile config and readme
Diffstat (limited to 'skel/.config/qtile/')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/skel/.config/qtile/ b/skel/.config/qtile/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a255e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/skel/.config/qtile/
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+def dracula():
+ colors = [["#282a36", "#282a36"], #background (dark grey) [0]
+ ["#44475a", "#44475a"], #light grey [1]
+ ["#f8f8f2", "#f8f8f2"], #foreground (white) [2]
+ ["#6272a4", "#6272a4"], #blue/grey) [3]
+ ["#8be9fd", "#8be9fd"], #cyan [4]
+ ["#50fa7b", "#50fa7b"], #green [5]
+ ["#ffb86c", "#ffb86c"], #orange [6]
+ ["#ff79c6", "#ff79c6"], #pink [7]
+ ["#bd93f9", "#bd93f9"], #purple [8]
+ ['#ff5555', '#ff5555'], #red [9]
+ ["#f1fa8c", "#f1fa8c"]] #yellow [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#282a36"
+ foregroundColor = "#f8f8f2"
+ workspaceColor = "#bd93f9"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#44475a"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def everforest():
+ colors = [["#2B3339", "#2B3339"], #background (dark grey) [0]
+ ["#7C8377", "#7C8377"], #light grey [1]
+ ["#D5C9AB", "#D5C9AB"], #foreground (beige) [2]
+ ["#6272a4", "#6272a4"], #blue/grey) [3]
+ ["#7FBBB3", "#7FBBB3"], #blue [4]
+ ["#A7C080", "#A7C080"], #green [5]
+ ["#E69875", "#E69875"], #orange [6]
+ ["#D196B3", "#D196B3"], #pink [7]
+ ["#A7C080", "#A7C080"], #green [8]
+ ['#ED8082', '#ED8080'], #red [9]
+ ["#D5C9AB", "#D5C9AB"]] #beige [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#2B3339"
+ foregroundColor = "#D5C9AB"
+ workspaceColor = "#A7C080"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#7c8377"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def doomone():
+ colors = [["#282c34", "#282c34"], #background (dark grey) [0]
+ ["#44475a", "#44475a"], #light grey [1]
+ ["#bbc2cf", "#bbc2cf"], #foreground (white) [2]
+ ["#3071db", "#3071db"], #dark blue) [3]
+ ["#51afef", "#51afef"], #blue [4]
+ ["#98be65", "#98be65"], #green [5]
+ ["#da8548", "#da8548"], #orange [6]
+ ["#a9a1e1", "#a9a1e1"], #pink [7]
+ ["#c678dd", "#c678dd"], #purple [8]
+ ['#ff6c6b', '#ff6c6b'], #red [9]
+ ["#ecbe7b", "#ecbe7b"]] #yellow [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#282a36"
+ foregroundColor = "#bbc2cf"
+ workspaceColor = "#51afef"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#44475a"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def nord():
+ colors = [["#2e3440", "#2e3440"], #background (dark grey) [0]
+ ["#4c556a", "#4c566a"], #grey [1]
+ ["#d8dee9", "#d8dee9"], #foreground (beige) [2]
+ ["#81a1c1", "#81a1c1"], #blue/grey) [3]
+ ["#88c0d0", "#88c0d0"], #blue [4]
+ ["#a3be8c", "#a3be8c"], #green [5]
+ ["#e69875", "#e69875"], #orange [6]
+ ["#D196B3", "#D196B3"], #pink [7]
+ ["#a3be8c", "#a3be8c"], #green [8]
+ ['#bf616a', '#bf616a'], #red [9]
+ ["#ebcb8b", "#ebcb8b"]] #yellow [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#2e3440"
+ foregroundColor = "#d8dee9"
+ workspaceColor = "#a3be8c"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#4c566a"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def gruvbox():
+ colors = [["#282828", "#282828"], #background (dark grey) [0]
+ ["#928374", "#928374"], #light grey [1]
+ ["#ebdbb2", "#ebddb2"], #foreground (white) [2]
+ ["#458588", "#458588"], #blue) [3]
+ ["#83a598", "#83a598"], #light blue [4]
+ ["#b8bb26", "#b8bb26"], #green [5]
+ ["#d79921", "#d79921"], #orange [6]
+ ["#d3869b", "#d3869b"], #pink [7]
+ ["#b16286", "#b16286"], #purple [8]
+ ['#cc241d', '#cc241d'], #red [9]
+ ["#fabd2f", "#fabd2f"]] #yellow [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#282828"
+ foregroundColor = "#ebddb2"
+ workspaceColor = "#b8bb26"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#928375"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def catppuccin():
+ colors = [["#232634", "#232634"], #background (dark grey) [0]
+ ["#51576d", "#51576d"], #light grey [1]
+ ["#f2d5cf", "#f2d5cf"], #foreground (white) [2]
+ ["#8caaee", "#8caaee"], #blue) [3]
+ ["#b5bfe2", "#b5bfe2"], #light blue [4]
+ ["#a6d189", "#a6d189"], #green [5]
+ ["#ef9f76", "#ef9f76"], #orange [6]
+ ["#f4b8e4", "#f4b8e4"], #pink [7]
+ ["#ca9ee6", "#ca9ee6"], #purple [8]
+ ['#e78284', '#e78284'], #red [9]
+ ["#e5c890", "#e5c890"]] #yellow [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#232634"
+ foregroundColor = "#c6d0f5"
+ workspaceColor = "#e5c890"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#babbf1"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def moonfly():
+ colors = [["#323437", "#323437"], #background (dark grey) [0]
+ ["#9e9e9e", "#9e9e9e"], #light grey [1]
+ ["#b2b2b2", "#b2b2b2"], #foreground (white) [2]
+ ["#80a0ff", "#80a0ff"], #blue) [3]
+ ["#b2ceee", "#b2ceee"], #light blue [4]
+ ["#8cc85f", "#8cc85f"], #green [5]
+ ["#ef9f76", "#ef9f76"], #orange [6]
+ ["#ff5189", "#ff5189"], #pink [7]
+ ["#d183e8", "#d183e8"], #purple [8]
+ ['#ff5454', '#ff5454'], #red [9]
+ ["#e3c78a", "#e3c78a"]] #yellow [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#080808"
+ foregroundColor = "#b2b2b2"
+ workspaceColor = "#e3c78a"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#9e9e9e"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def retro():
+ colors = [["#160B00", "#160B00"], #background (dark grey) [0]
+ ["#663300", "#663300"], #darkorange [1]
+ ["#8B4500", "#8B4500"], #less dark orange (white) [2]
+ ["#A35100", "#A35100"], #less less dark orange [3]
+ ["#C26100", "#C26100"], #light orange [4]
+ ["#E07000", "#E07000"], #green [5]
+ ["#FF7F00", "#FF7F00"], #orange [6]
+ ["#FF8E1F", "#FF8E1F"], #pink [7]
+ ["#FF8E1F", "#FF8E1F"], #purple [8]
+ ['#FF8E1F', '#FF8E1F'], #red [9]
+ ["#FF8E1F", "#FF8E1F"]] #yellow [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#160B00"
+ foregroundColor = "#DE7B1B"
+ workspaceColor = "#DE7B1B"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#DE7B1B"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def whitey():
+ colors = [["#2a2a2a", "#2a2a2a"], # black [0]
+ ["#A73D47", "#A73D47"], # red [1]
+ ["#87A357", "#87A357"], # green [2]
+ ["#EB973D", "#EB973D"], # yellow [3]
+ ["#2FA7B8", "#2FA7B8"], # cyan [4]
+ ["#A03946", "#A03946"], # magenta [5]
+ ["#1D345E", "#1D345E"], # blue [6]
+ ["#DBE3EC", "#DBE3EC"], # white [7]
+ ["#E5953E", "#E5953E"], # orange [8]
+ ['#A73D47', '#A73D47'], #red [9]
+ ["#FF8E1F", "#FF8E1F"]] #yellow [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#FCFCFA"
+ foregroundColor = "#2a2a2a"
+ workspaceColor = "#66688F"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#2a2a2a"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo
+def redcore():
+ colors = [["#31363b", "#31363b"], #breeze blue [0]
+ ["#7f8c8d", "#7f8c8d"], #light grey [1]
+ ["#3daee9", "#3daee9"], #blue [2]
+ ["#804453", "#804453"], #Maroon [3]
+ ["#2FA7B8", "#2FA7B8"],
+ ["#27ae60", "#27ae60"], #green [5]
+ ["#1D345E", "#1D345E"],
+ ["#bfc3c7", "#bfc3c7"], #gray [7]
+ ["#fdbc4b", "#fdbc4b"], #orange [8]
+ ['#520a0a', '#520a0a'], #red [9]
+ ["#eff0f1", "#eff0f1"]] #white [10]
+ backgroundColor = "#31363b"
+ foregroundColor = "#eff0f1"
+ workspaceColor = "#27ae60"
+ foregroundColorTwo = "#2a2a2a"
+ return colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, foregroundColorTwo