path: root/net-irc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-irc')
-rw-r--r--net-irc/Manifest.gzbin7904 -> 7904 bytes
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/net-irc/Manifest.gz b/net-irc/Manifest.gz
index 61bddde78c7e..78e883db3649 100644
--- a/net-irc/Manifest.gz
+++ b/net-irc/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/net-irc/psybnc/Manifest b/net-irc/psybnc/Manifest
index fb3547591382..cc2826de92ad 100644
--- a/net-irc/psybnc/Manifest
+++ b/net-irc/psybnc/Manifest
@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@ AUX psybnc.confd 113 BLAKE2B e4fddc3cb37c5b9defea0d4d6e6c2b26f34bf50fbbe51679b8f
AUX psybnc.initd 896 BLAKE2B 2ce596d089c8da1b32020571bbc8bebc9ab3aa2a7aa7dbacb8e62646bbc3876308cc5204a56acfddf003bf69defa879c94b7564fba78ba494478fde237a520c0 SHA512 101a8d5926c779b7de2df767070ea230fc14a0c9ff42449f0f2b7355fefb74956c18817253b30cd2d9db048d62b3e32ce24d61038023e33702034b2923c26461
DIST psyBNC-2.4.3.tar.gz 1108733 BLAKE2B e0f02cab97b503301db0a4c111497e4f99b75d8d2c798b2b5d97997a4c4921d8a7de8dabad79c1291fa4b7efce0d1ed0c7dede1345b155561bb6ce6033b591bb SHA512 02228baef6fa889d5e12bfa715facc2eab3b033c01b1f799a1c6c995ef9eedfacf3ed328c875f52595d64c47124c20e4145288b2636182dea17ec9027d367bb7
EBUILD psybnc-2.4.3-r1.ebuild 4759 BLAKE2B 4327f0cf5525103af222dbf4d973d0afcd8c48c787801bc3388636c768f04b0ad26e4ef876aa52fcb58abc0d6de14c60c6a7b5f91ec82086bbd56c4165e347d8 SHA512 7414878dc90be59ee9301657f2a31e8c521b5c783d94d6f1bb7b1421d08c10469fb12ae59d6041c938e9dd6ac9f1ad89b46c0b1759df2977028dce077050d2e3
-EBUILD psybnc-2.4.3.ebuild 4688 BLAKE2B 69ec35e57f32b129bd4d46bf0f2179ec833ca0bc5b4b3d94ab0dfe199809f2061a9ce679f5425b8d34ef165a169c84ce38b62a37a672c28a326b7f533915a75e SHA512 48f79fbb6b5d7379e117e4eb8d01877f45a061d17bb545585ae65ca66a208ce454e756e13ab25dd2346a1305cd2813de99c7d58fa5f20cfc432282035543c5b4
MISC metadata.xml 361 BLAKE2B 66e3ce95043d6691e73a6e5efc2637e0f0d0e6638e034fe7687ba67f9e5c40c6e416ae020e1508e9d0f9636c5e833aa364051bacedb15ad3ca9f48cd726854d1 SHA512 75103320e23878d078c05c1a763aa2526ed79a7cf953f3f3c2a272e7d215b5ba95dcc60581186ac73db07a2891abe9ab4e82d906f4e2494e63004ce435a8f9e8
diff --git a/net-irc/psybnc/psybnc-2.4.3.ebuild b/net-irc/psybnc/psybnc-2.4.3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e4b61275e275..000000000000
--- a/net-irc/psybnc/psybnc-2.4.3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit toolchain-funcs
-MY_PV="$(ver_rs 3 -)"
-DESCRIPTION="A multi-user and multi-server gateway to IRC networks"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
-IUSE="ipv6 ssl oidentd scripting multinetwork"
- acct-group/psybnc
- acct-user/psybnc
- ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.7d:= )
- oidentd? ( >=net-misc/oidentd-2.0 )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.4.3-Fix-build-with-Clang-16.patch
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}" || die
- # Useless files
- rm -f */INFO || die
- # Pretend we already have a certificate, we generate it in pkg_config
- touch key/psybnc.cert.pem || die
- if [[ -f "${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/psybnc/salt.h ]]; then
- einfo "Using existing salt.h for password encryption"
- cp "${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/psybnc/salt.h salt.h || die
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Add oidentd
- use oidentd && PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-oidentd.patch )
- # Add scripting support
- use scripting && PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-scripting.patch )
- # Add multinetwork support
- use multinetwork && PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-multinetwork.patch )
- # Prevent stripping the binary
- sed -i -e "/@strip/ d" tools/autoconf.c || die
-src_compile() {
- if use ipv6; then
- rm -f tools/chkipv6.c || die
- fi
- if use ssl; then
- rm -f tools/chkssl.c || die
- fi
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}"
-src_install() {
- dobin psybnc
- insinto /usr/share/psybnc
- doins -r help lang salt.h
- fperms 0600 /usr/share/psybnc/salt.h
- insinto /etc/psybnc
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/psybnc.conf
- keepdir "${PSYBNC_HOME}"/{log,motd,scripts}
- dosym ../../../usr/share/psybnc/lang "${PSYBNC_HOME}"/lang
- dosym ../../../usr/share/psybnc/help "${PSYBNC_HOME}"/help
- fowners psybnc:psybnc "${PSYBNC_HOME}"/{,log,motd,scripts} /etc/psybnc/psybnc.conf
- fperms 0750 "${PSYBNC_HOME}"/{,log,motd,scripts}
- fperms 0640 /etc/psybnc/psybnc.conf
- if use ssl; then
- keepdir /etc/psybnc/ssl
- dosym ../../../etc/psybnc/ssl "${PSYBNC_HOME}"/key
- else
- # Drop SSL listener from psybnc.conf
- sed -i -e "/^# Default SSL listener$/,+4 d" "${D}"/etc/psybnc/psybnc.conf || die
- fi
- if use oidentd; then
- insinto /etc
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/oidentd.conf.psybnc
- fperms 640 /etc/oidentd.conf.psybnc
- # Install init-script with oidentd-support
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/psybnc-oidentd.initd psybnc
- else
- # Install init-script without oidentd-support
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/psybnc.initd psybnc
- fi
- if use scripting ; then
- fi
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/psybnc.confd psybnc
- docinto example-script
- dodoc scripts/example/DEFAULT.SCRIPT
-pkg_config() {
- if use ssl; then
- if [[ -f "${EROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.cert.pem || -f "${EROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.key.pem ]]; then
- ewarn "Existing /etc/psybnc/psybnc.cert.pem or /etc/psybnc/psybnc.key.pem found!"
- ewarn "Remove /etc/psybnc/psybnc.*.pem and run emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF} again."
- return
- fi
- einfo "Generating certificate request..."
- openssl req -new -out "${ROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.req.pem \
- -keyout "${ROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.key.pem -nodes || die
- einfo "Generating self-signed certificate..."
- openssl req -x509 -days 365 -in "${ROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.req.pem \
- -key "${ROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.key.pem \
- -out "${ROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.cert.pem || die
- einfo "Setting permissions on files..."
- chown root:psybnc "${ROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.{cert,key,req}.pem || die
- chmod 0640 "${ROOT}"/etc/psybnc/ssl/psybnc.{cert,key,req}.pem || die
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use ssl; then
- elog
- elog "Please run \"emerge --config =${CATEGORY}/${PF}\" to create the needed SSL certificates."
- fi
- if use oidentd; then
- elog
- elog "You have enabled oidentd-support. You will need to set"
- elog "up your ${EROOT}/etc/oident.conf file before running psybnc. An example"
- elog "for psyBNC can be found under ${EROOT}/etc/oidentd.conf.psybnc"
- fi
- elog
- elog "You can connect to psyBNC on port 23998 with user gentoo and password gentoo."
- elog "Please edit the psyBNC configuration at ${EROOT}/etc/psybnc/psybnc.conf to change this."
- elog
- elog "To be able to reuse an existing psybnc.conf, you need to make sure that the"
- elog "old salt.h is available at ${EROOT}/usr/share/psybnc/salt.h when compiling a new"
- elog "version of psyBNC. It is needed for password encryption and decryption."
- elog