path: root/games-strategy/heroes3
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'games-strategy/heroes3')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/games-strategy/heroes3/Manifest b/games-strategy/heroes3/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 168420e6169e..000000000000
--- a/games-strategy/heroes3/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-AUX 195 BLAKE2B 8c588f523487201cc7323f49e0912c32dee2699d04ed4ac9bea55aa588918fc797c93d2fbeb04aa5a726ebce01e0862d5e21a80d477f1e32f535f5c5c9d771ef SHA512 ac1871676ffb0c818ddd9dcadad031d3e296982a989dcc91241b2630eb773e341058e1d4406374a21bcc0f6c8caba94398541ddbc540e7c140660838ef3ed0c8
-DIST 3012188 BLAKE2B 9a76fef81737fd4d0bd6d6c75a5c845a8fef00e739463737996b2065cc9be0c773c198d76310ceafb25cd60b01ded7862cc3ef906eebbe91d50d5f34d454a23a SHA512 d0cb902386361b17009aece0d0508a0c19683c71acf3abe11a7f50ec2d4710a89cda3f5f9da326b58e9b945da5f62533dea54457e141ce71ebc3e9945dca814d
-DIST 2643068 BLAKE2B bb975aca97d5b753badb6f0511f2bc88f3ace3488f82a1d70ddd5cadf78f8ab57c4472f6d3d3e9f69728d1008d51ab31a816660611e421873f7b773bf76fb23e SHA512 3578dbed0ed9fd47f67e6abaec4b4d66628160509e68dc3bea7b5288230e344b5b8f9d380c6a35ffc9d084d0e2a54ce84df72b13bfb609fa4d7edd1456264276
-EBUILD heroes3-1.3.1a-r2.ebuild 5490 BLAKE2B a28b071bb1d6aa050206caf1bb60fab3cd57efe9cdb69f4176e6e8e56615acc624b4d1ab62b895330d0e6a42adfa9da1989a9a9ddf39a4ab68dfa678e4a22041 SHA512 51047c467215e0127630dbb056107220f4bf71d6b03006f509e49f4073a19275681790c07cf73e13037a90cc1923a5f56d63a96db14639ef62f4d3fd12b1f427
-MISC metadata.xml 451 BLAKE2B ea23bfe60a36d79f73d5ec04c4b58fe66241baff684458e6121f0f247ee8516767f372551e8b17933cbdb4271d3e99f6028c9a99136daa6e8b558e7a918acf2a SHA512 d4b4f5dd75aec49703e77221d3811c20f72405f45f5ac7990e46a8cf8d639f3c53c5bfae13e6615c0a0ac16ee57073c8e92de355f7e1ac934d9be6b90bce6990
diff --git a/games-strategy/heroes3/files/ b/games-strategy/heroes3/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3847c539ed76..000000000000
--- a/games-strategy/heroes3/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-if [ ! -d "${DIR}" ]; then
- echo "* Creating '${DIR}'"
- mkdir -p ${DIR}
-# fixes bug #93604
-cd ${DIR}
-exec GAMES_PREFIX_OPT/heroes3/heroes3 ${@}
diff --git a/games-strategy/heroes3/heroes3-1.3.1a-r2.ebuild b/games-strategy/heroes3/heroes3-1.3.1a-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b85c58595f..000000000000
--- a/games-strategy/heroes3/heroes3-1.3.1a-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# [x] Base Install Required (+4 MB)
-# [x] Scenarios (+7 MB)
-# [x] Sounds and Graphics (+118 MB)
-# [x] Music (+65 MB)
-# [x] Videos (+147 MB)
-# --------------------
-# Total 341 MB
-LANGS="de es pl"
-inherit eutils unpacker cdrom games
-DESCRIPTION="Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia"
-# Since I do not have a PPC machine to test with, I will leave the PPC stuff in
-# here so someone else can stabilize loki_setupdb and loki_patch for PPC and
-# then KEYWORD this appropriately.
-SRC_URI="x86? ( mirror://lokigames/${PN}/${P} )
- amd64? ( mirror://lokigames/${PN}/${P} )
- ppc? ( mirror://lokigames/${PN}/${P} )"
-# This is commented because the server is unreachable.
-# linguas_es? ( ${LANGPACKPATHPREFIX}-es.tar.gz )
-# linguas_de? ( ${LANGPACKPATHPREFIX}-de.tar.gz )
-# linguas_pl? ( ${LANGPACKPATHPREFIX}-pl.tar.gz )"
-IUSE="nocd maps music sounds videos"
-#linguas_en linguas_es linguas_pl linguas_de"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-RESTRICT="strip mirror bindist"
- games-util/loki_patch"
-RDEPEND="!ppc? ( sys-libs/lib-compat-loki )"
-pkg_setup() {
- games_pkg_setup
-# strip-linguas en ${LANGS}
- use nocd && fullinstall=1
- use sounds && use videos && use maps && fullinstall=1
- [[ ${fullinstall} -eq 1 ]] \
- && ewarn "The full installation takes about 341 MB of space!"
-# if [[ -n "${fullinstall}" ]]
-# then
-# langcount=0
-# for i in ${LINGUAS}
-# do
-# i="${i/_/-}"
-# if [[ ${i} != "en" ]]
-# then
-# let $((++langcount))
-# if [[ $langcount = 2 ]]
-# then
-# eerror "Heroes3 only supports one localization at once!"
-# die "Localization is only supported when Heroes3 is in a single language!"
-# fi
-# fi
-# done
-# else
-# for i in ${LINGUAS}
-# do
-# i="${i/_/-}"
-# if [[ ${i} != "en" ]]
-# then
-# eerror "Full installation (nocd flag or data + video + maps flags) is needed for ${i} language!"
-# die "Localization is only supported when Heroes3 is fully locally installed!"
-# fi
-# done
-# fi
-src_unpack() {
- cdrom_get_cds hiscore.tar.gz
- (use x86 || use amd64) && unpack_makeself ${P}
- use ppc && unpack_makeself ${P}
-# for i in ${LINGUAS}
-# do
-# i="${i/_/-}"
-# if [[ ${i} != "en" ]]
-# then
-# mkdir localize
-# cd localize
-## unpack_makeself ${PN}-localize-${LANGPACKVERSION}.run
-# unpack ${LANGPACKPREFIX}-${i}.tar.gz
-# break
-# fi
-# done
-src_install() {
- exeinto "${dir}"
- insinto "${dir}"
- einfo "Copying files... this may take a while..."
- doexe "${CDROM_ROOT}"/bin/x86/${PN}
- doins "${CDROM_ROOT}"/{Heroes_III_Tutorial.pdf,README,icon.{bmp,xpm}}
- if use nocd
- then
- doins -r "${CDROM_ROOT}"/{data,maps,mp3}
- else
- if use maps
- then
- doins -r "${CDROM_ROOT}"/maps
- fi
- if use music
- then
- doins -r "${CDROM_ROOT}"/mp3
- fi
- if use sounds
- then
- insinto "${dir}"/data
- doins "${CDROM_ROOT}"/data/{*.lod,*.snd}
- fi
- if use videos
- then
- doins -r "${CDROM_ROOT}"/data/video
- fi
- fi
-# if [[ -n "${fullinstall}" ]]
-# then
-# for i in ${LINGUAS}
-# do
-# i="${i/_/-}"
-# if [[ ${i} != "en" ]]
-# then
-# find "${S}/localize/${i}" -type f | while read xfile
-# do
-# local file=$(echo "${xfile}" | \
-# sed "s#^${S}/localize/${i}/##;s#\.xdelta\$##")
-# ebegin "Localizing ${file}"
-# xdelta patch "${xfile}" "${Ddir}/${file}" "${Ddir}/${file}.xdp"
-# local retval=$?
-# if [[ $retval = 0 ]]
-# then
-# mv -f "${Ddir}/${file}.xdp" "${Ddir}/${file}"
-# else
-# rm -f "${Ddir}/${file}.xdp"
-# fi
-# eend $retval "File $file could not be localized/patched! Original english version untouched..."
-# done
-# break
-# fi
-# done
-# fi
- tar zxf "${CDROM_ROOT}"/hiscore.tar.gz -C "${Ddir}" || die
- cd "${S}"
- loki_patch --verify patch.dat
- loki_patch patch.dat "${Ddir}" >& /dev/null || die
- # now, since these files are coming off a cd, the times/sizes/md5sums wont
- # be different ... that means portage will try to unmerge some files (!)
- # we run touch on ${D} so as to make sure portage doesnt do any such thing
- find "${Ddir}" -exec touch '{}' \;
- newicon "${CDROM_ROOT}"/icon.xpm heroes3.xpm
- prepgamesdirs
- make_desktop_entry heroes3 "Heroes of Might and Magic III" "heroes3"
- if ! use ppc
- then
- einfo "Linking libs provided by 'sys-libs/lib-compat-loki' to '${dir}'."
- dosym /lib/ "${dir}"/
- dosym /usr/lib/ "${dir}"/
- dosym /usr/lib/ "${dir}"/
- fi
- elog "Changing 'hiscore.dat' to be writeable for group 'games'."
- fperms g+w "${dir}/data/hiscore.dat"
- # in order to play campaign games, put this wrapper in place.
- # it changes CWD to a user-writeable directory before executing heroes3.
- # (fixes bug #93604)
- einfo "Preparing wrapper."
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/ "${T}"/heroes3 || die
- sed -i -e "s:GAMES_PREFIX_OPT:${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}:" "${T}"/heroes3 || die
- dogamesbin "${T}"/heroes3
-pkg_postinst() {
- games_pkg_postinst
- elog "To play the game run:"
- elog " heroes3"
diff --git a/games-strategy/heroes3/metadata.xml b/games-strategy/heroes3/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ae90d93661b..000000000000
--- a/games-strategy/heroes3/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo Games Project</name>
- </maintainer>
- <use>
- <flag name="maps">Installs optional map data</flag>
- <flag name="music">Installs optional music data</flag>
- <flag name="sounds">Installs optional sound data</flag>
- </use>