path: root/dev-util/boost-build
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/boost-build')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/boost-build/Manifest b/dev-util/boost-build/Manifest
index c5dfe6b77fb9..03edd4846bb8 100644
--- a/dev-util/boost-build/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/boost-build/Manifest
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
-AUX boost-build-1.71.0-add-none-feature-options.patch 484 BLAKE2B b1b8b3b837679ad1e3d2b3dc8aa22dd4c6e18687d159964851dc1ca852acd6cbd5000eeda69cfaee11160c37849ca02026de26ba82960235689d83da5401100c SHA512 954b0472cc25afca6a56b793419e4aec3bac2c4683309c9a43619ba5aed166d9b17c0f2b621c46c05507163fb98c314083df20681d148564a666b59fdfdda86c
AUX boost-build-1.71.0-darwin-gentoo-toolchain.patch 651 BLAKE2B b6fe461f4db4a07d4961199dd3c707584b35af4a8ca3c0da8921eb366e80b81aa25506ef18cd9d732f3177e2505258be4268a0e58e5325c59deb7d76d3b55645 SHA512 80aa0b261b6aa1f89bffb34ec720c0b8a5b6e2e4867dcf4fc1cf58ba798243cf61a12c4ea1ce6ebc97ca9ec45fb959fb9c0ec997844d3c750d4a2f5a76f11c63
AUX boost-build-1.71.0-disable_python_rpath.patch 343 BLAKE2B 7b8449db1054dcee76ecbe1b1c826ae3d6964acfcfc0850ff3c75d3c71b043587bccac6b96797229c6dec39beb593893d16ae93a4d7fd16b969129fe63f73d0b SHA512 99bc1260f3d36faf60ab2837039466201bddfeec5c60f65c1c5e52d6d6c1667d419376328f8202596aa2b66448308175d2504062ee6e1708ea0f44d02988ceb4
AUX boost-build-1.71.0-fix-test.patch 363 BLAKE2B b64a87e69df3d4832e5704014a92b4588b60abc5ad361d3daad39a33a92aba2e0368373be26ea10ae2ea4396a18c098ca5dd00db995f03c9a35e2eb1f9002990 SHA512 d349ff3040c219c3a9f9f6182ca3f1fe7e25d8f2975dd04e66d8e281caf10a5b27cab5e6fa6240ed57b24524fa045a88ba1cf9220efcf065726c78c68378c5e8
-AUX boost-build-1.71.0-no-implicit-march-flags.patch 15700 BLAKE2B dc73dcbd5320db6c57b62a009371325c5e6964ca76dc66f1504a8ff3498c631dd6defc3b46288be3148048856c4385f95bfda32b60751e038b7da205eb4b3e10 SHA512 a4b62f5a0e96896dde641e2d59551036c2844fdff02c5f266f05fcd4b651c096d9af93ec468af3a5f2b98ca1020ca82612da4db3de498b9eb7e9e1bc40654bcc
AUX boost-build-1.71.0-respect-c_ld-flags.patch 367 BLAKE2B fee2e2f2db024a1421ad7f7d59a17908d6d74bd95c568c27adf9853725d8d92b7460d1c520c2a591f4a8d41213e2bd822044aef490b7b50590a6dac63630dc39 SHA512 148171cd6b1946e4dd0c2cfe734ff9a7e7adb4789868a363bd6f0855fad882f69e34aa079c0e1521864db5f5b7dfa449cfed74236b5f6743ed520ed477e48d1c
AUX boost-build-1.73.0-add-none-feature-options.patch 475 BLAKE2B 5211dbc9188056bea09c4d9d5073cb772ff876b6ed7a05c18db34b2b86b85301d092c6dfd5698aec9ad93a828aeef8283d005136cfb4eb10ab2001f50f41b51a SHA512 0ba75a1e46a58dcc6a332ef8cc8a688f1219619cf84b681233e044da1fda754b7f8dc5ecc903776674729275d7a39a571803022cd66b99e9e335e6ba5bbc5501
AUX boost-build-1.74.0-no-implicit-march-flags.patch 16904 BLAKE2B cd37f24ca075760dd220926b081ab898f0f61e9de22e1dbc119afd5d746f3a7d215065332c96af9f64299e9374d994655d196430ad7deac592a42e7d165b0bdf SHA512 d07b55530d26c63b7453d265e27ba6a1e902f67f2b74e581a0286f563e0b2afa833bbdeb625be1a0beec255ead811eecb10d3a6f45c27cb929dc224430c60a8c
AUX site-config.jam 688 BLAKE2B e43a7ad1a94d113a7f890e8b634770f5c60556101d428d83f655bbbe72c46b587485886a9941d05a2ae4319fc325f1e0ecfb9b660158b81c5e9fd02e0b1c0530 SHA512 b65bf1be3133f9f66d3139b00f195a288591bb20a13ba35041507c2c33d7d2da6047c3b02dc27bc4eb21798b91e1262a60e294b7fd4af90808b9de0f5af517df
-DIST boost_1_72_0.tar.bz2 106907358 BLAKE2B ab270a0e3cb24da687d86785e2d2e6d7731b4dbc07bd839eadb642dfa5a428ad584acb1f3529661a8de9a986008ff3427491041059ea2b742348d02e00761cd8 SHA512 63bbd1743e7c904b2e69fdc2eafd1c2a8a30fd70d960dcd366059d0100f000cb605d56cbd9397bb18421631f1c9552a772c434d0f0caddbe56302273f51fd1f6
DIST boost_1_74_0.tar.bz2 109600630 BLAKE2B 2982f64fccf6fdb3b4b74452e603f459242d7abb42df4162278d9b558b637786a2eb97442126967b19088d591777c64ced8f60a23e71eaa0b7545e80f800de63 SHA512 4ec9c1164ec9b95ce46ba1c073e586c94b3882dce5b7347ea14bbef0c1da230e12aa5328a501ce38cae1b1d7623daa3246325625899179b4cc309242540982a4
-EBUILD boost-build-1.72.0.ebuild 1997 BLAKE2B 3324ba02b442f04e3a5d46c42aeff5c860670797397f6d854590d7d63333e2feb9bf45b7a6ef8e36a520fcea8fd90f72123a13383cde2e61183577e76e44531a SHA512 3d5202a851bfccda98c8c72a080fc2e140b242640364dbdccba448de4a0cc0945a7b1d3ffc568e09e44eac1157168b0c36d9559bd1f8e561b369f71a3d79d72e
EBUILD boost-build-1.74.0.ebuild 1970 BLAKE2B fe580d61fc9dc857728603a0736d300e879d1ebb67cceefd12658d4caf9aa3632dc18b48b6b58cc4483840bda0a14c72aed579163fe29749191d581e8e9f24fd SHA512 903cbcd060470d292fac6c19e4686bc52e33d3b5bf2f694bafe96221b7c58db0492742fd296346ad2485db2bdc728fba36931a93cb9f61a9d41804c9c69410ae
MISC metadata.xml 329 BLAKE2B f492b1ba64c3f7bce1d3fb304bcff93357cc069dfd06b69c25cf26f4423ebea51ac4614a8d865635568f0e9db424a6904fc1edd5fa729243838e16e9887f4202 SHA512 57baf2d8e0a4c240d99f68ce122086a147d42145687b712609fdcd73b77fe3fdfecc1b078edb6a9c922213482fcc17c2fccb6762ec69890fbc9a912c4cb34827
diff --git a/dev-util/boost-build/boost-build-1.72.0.ebuild b/dev-util/boost-build/boost-build-1.72.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b06584c1dc8d..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/boost-build/boost-build-1.72.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit flag-o-matic prefix toolchain-funcs
-MY_PV="$(ver_rs 1- _)"
-DESCRIPTION="A system for large project software construction, simple to use and powerful"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.71.0-disable_python_rpath.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.71.0-darwin-gentoo-toolchain.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.71.0-add-none-feature-options.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.71.0-respect-c_ld-flags.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.71.0-no-implicit-march-flags.patch
-src_unpack() {
- tar xojf "${DISTDIR}/${A}" boost_${MY_PV}/tools/build || die "unpacking tar failed"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- pushd .. >/dev/null || die
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.71.0-fix-test.patch
- popd >/dev/null || die
-src_configure() {
- hprefixify engine/Jambase
- tc-export CXX
-src_compile() {
- cd engine || die
- ./ cxx -d+2 --without-python || die "building bjam failed"
-src_test() {
- # Forget tests, bjam is a lost cause
- :
-src_install() {
- dobin engine/{bjam,b2}
- insinto /usr/share/boost-build
- doins -r "${FILESDIR}/site-config.jam" \
- ../boost-build.jam bootstrap.jam build-system.jam ../example/user-config.jam *.py \
- build kernel options tools util
- find "${ED}"/usr/share/boost-build -iname '*.py' -delete || die
- dodoc ../notes/{changes,release_procedure,build_dir_option,relative_source_paths}.txt
- if use examples; then
- docinto examples
- dodoc -r ../example/.
- docompress -x /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
- fi
diff --git a/dev-util/boost-build/files/boost-build-1.71.0-add-none-feature-options.patch b/dev-util/boost-build/files/boost-build-1.71.0-add-none-feature-options.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd1641d15cc..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/boost-build/files/boost-build-1.71.0-add-none-feature-options.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- a/tools/features/debug-feature.jam
-+++ b/tools/features/debug-feature.jam
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- import feature ;
- feature.feature debug-symbols
-- : on off
-+ : on off none
- : propagated ;
- feature.feature profiling
---- a/tools/features/optimization-feature.jam
-+++ b/tools/features/optimization-feature.jam
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- import feature ;
- feature.feature optimization
-- : off speed space
-+ : off none speed space
- : propagated ;
- feature.feature inlining
diff --git a/dev-util/boost-build/files/boost-build-1.71.0-no-implicit-march-flags.patch b/dev-util/boost-build/files/boost-build-1.71.0-no-implicit-march-flags.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cd184030deeb..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/boost-build/files/boost-build-1.71.0-no-implicit-march-flags.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-Prevent bjam from injecting what it thinks are great -march/-mcpu flags
-in order to optimize code for you. This breaks on 32-bit builds, because
--march=i686 will not work on an i486 CHOST.
-See also:
---- a/tools/gcc.jam
-+++ b/tools/gcc.jam
-@@ -1187,128 +1187,8 @@
- # x86 and compatible
- # The 'native' option appeared in gcc 4.2 so we cannot safely use it as default.
- # Use i686 instead for 32-bit.
--toolset.flags gcc OPTIONS <architecture>x86/<address-model>32/<instruction-set> : -march=i686 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : native : -march=native ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : i486 : -march=i486 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : i586 : -march=i586 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : i686 : -march=i686 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentium : -march=pentium ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentium-mmx : -march=pentium-mmx ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentiumpro : -march=pentiumpro ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentium2 : -march=pentium2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentium3 : -march=pentium3 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentium3m : -march=pentium3m ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentium-m : -march=pentium-m ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentium4 : -march=pentium4 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : pentium4m : -march=pentium4m ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : prescott : -march=prescott ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : nocona : -march=nocona ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : core2 : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : conroe : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : conroe-xe : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : conroe-l : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : allendale : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : wolfdale : -march=core2 -msse4.1 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : merom : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : merom-xe : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : kentsfield : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : kentsfield-xe : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : yorksfield : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : penryn : -march=core2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : corei7 : -march=corei7 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : nehalem : -march=corei7 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : corei7-avx : -march=corei7-avx ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : sandy-bridge : -march=corei7-avx ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : core-avx-i : -march=core-avx-i ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : ivy-bridge : -march=core-avx-i ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : haswell : -march=core-avx-i -mavx2 -mfma -mbmi -mbmi2 -mlzcnt ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : broadwell : -march=broadwell ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : skylake : -march=skylake ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : skylake-avx512 : -march=skylake-avx512 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : cannonlake : -march=skylake-avx512 -mavx512vbmi -mavx512ifma -msha ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : icelake : -march=icelake ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : k6 : -march=k6 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : k6-2 : -march=k6-2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : k6-3 : -march=k6-3 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : athlon : -march=athlon ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : athlon-tbird : -march=athlon-tbird ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : athlon-4 : -march=athlon-4 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : athlon-xp : -march=athlon-xp ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : athlon-mp : -march=athlon-mp ;
- ##
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : k8 : -march=k8 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : opteron : -march=opteron ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : athlon64 : -march=athlon64 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : athlon-fx : -march=athlon-fx ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : k8-sse3 : -march=k8-sse3 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : opteron-sse3 : -march=opteron-sse3 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : athlon64-sse3 : -march=athlon64-sse3 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : amdfam10 : -march=amdfam10 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : barcelona : -march=barcelona ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : bdver1 : -march=bdver1 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : bdver2 : -march=bdver2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : bdver3 : -march=bdver3 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : bdver4 : -march=bdver4 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : btver1 : -march=btver1 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : btver2 : -march=btver2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : znver1 : -march=znver1 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : winchip-c6 : -march=winchip-c6 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : winchip2 : -march=winchip2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : c3 : -march=c3 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : c3-2 : -march=c3-2 ;
- ##
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : x86 : atom : -march=atom ;
--# Sparc
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : v7 : -mcpu=v7 : default ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : cypress : -mcpu=cypress ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : v8 : -mcpu=v8 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : supersparc : -mcpu=supersparc ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : sparclite : -mcpu=sparclite ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : hypersparc : -mcpu=hypersparc ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : sparclite86x : -mcpu=sparclite86x ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : f930 : -mcpu=f930 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : f934 : -mcpu=f934 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : sparclet : -mcpu=sparclet ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : tsc701 : -mcpu=tsc701 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : v9 : -mcpu=v9 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : ultrasparc : -mcpu=ultrasparc ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : sparc : ultrasparc3 : -mcpu=ultrasparc3 ;
- # RS/6000 & PowerPC
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 403 : -mcpu=403 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 505 : -mcpu=505 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 601 : -mcpu=601 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 602 : -mcpu=602 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 603 : -mcpu=603 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 603e : -mcpu=603e ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 604 : -mcpu=604 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 604e : -mcpu=604e ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 620 : -mcpu=620 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 630 : -mcpu=630 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 740 : -mcpu=740 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 7400 : -mcpu=7400 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 7450 : -mcpu=7450 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 750 : -mcpu=750 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 801 : -mcpu=801 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 821 : -mcpu=821 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 823 : -mcpu=823 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 860 : -mcpu=860 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 970 : -mcpu=970 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : 8540 : -mcpu=8540 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : power : -mcpu=power ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : power2 : -mcpu=power2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : power3 : -mcpu=power3 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : power4 : -mcpu=power4 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : power5 : -mcpu=power5 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : powerpc : -mcpu=powerpc ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : powerpc64 : -mcpu=powerpc64 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : rios : -mcpu=rios ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : rios1 : -mcpu=rios1 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : rios2 : -mcpu=rios2 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : rsc : -mcpu=rsc ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : power : rs64a : -mcpu=rs64 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : s390x : z196 : -march=z196 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : s390x : zEC12 : -march=zEC12 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : s390x : z13 : -march=z13 ;
--cpu-flags gcc OPTIONS : s390x : z14 : -march=z14 ;
- # AIX variant of RS/6000 & PowerPC
- toolset.flags gcc AROPTIONS <address-model>64/<target-os>aix : "-X64" ;
---- a/tools/
-+++ b/tools/
-@@ -745,125 +745,14 @@
- # x86 and compatible
- flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', ['<architecture>x86/<address-model>32'], ['-m32'])
- flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', ['<architecture>x86/<address-model>64'], ['-m64'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'native', ['-march=native'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'i486', ['-march=i486'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'i586', ['-march=i586'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'i686', ['-march=i686'], default=True)
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentium', ['-march=pentium'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentium-mmx', ['-march=pentium-mmx'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentiumpro', ['-march=pentiumpro'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentium2', ['-march=pentium2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentium3', ['-march=pentium3'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentium3m', ['-march=pentium3m'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentium-m', ['-march=pentium-m'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentium4', ['-march=pentium4'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'pentium4m', ['-march=pentium4m'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'prescott', ['-march=prescott'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'nocona', ['-march=nocona'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'core2', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'conroe', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'conroe-xe', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'conroe-l', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'allendale', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'wolfdale', ['-march=core2', '-msse4.1'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'merom', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'merom-xe', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'kentsfield', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'kentsfield-xe', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'yorksfield', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'penryn', ['-march=core2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'corei7', ['-march=corei7'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'nehalem', ['-march=corei7'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'corei7-avx', ['-march=corei7-avx'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'sandy-bridge', ['-march=corei7-avx'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'core-avx-i', ['-march=core-avx-i'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'ivy-bridge', ['-march=core-avx-i'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'haswell', ['-march=core-avx-i', '-mavx2', '-mfma', '-mbmi', '-mbmi2', '-mlzcnt'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'k6', ['-march=k6'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'k6-2', ['-march=k6-2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'k6-3', ['-march=k6-3'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'athlon', ['-march=athlon'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'athlon-tbird', ['-march=athlon-tbird'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'athlon-4', ['-march=athlon-4'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'athlon-xp', ['-march=athlon-xp'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'athlon-mp', ['-march=athlon-mp'])
- ##
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'k8', ['-march=k8'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'opteron', ['-march=opteron'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'athlon64', ['-march=athlon64'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'athlon-fx', ['-march=athlon-fx'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'k8-sse3', ['-march=k8-sse3'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'opteron-sse3', ['-march=opteron-sse3'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'athlon64-sse3', ['-march=athlon64-sse3'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'amdfam10', ['-march=amdfam10'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'barcelona', ['-march=barcelona'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'bdver1', ['-march=bdver1'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'bdver2', ['-march=bdver2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'bdver3', ['-march=bdver3'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'btver1', ['-march=btver1'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'btver2', ['-march=btver2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'winchip-c6', ['-march=winchip-c6'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'winchip2', ['-march=winchip2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'c3', ['-march=c3'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'c3-2', ['-march=c3-2'])
- ##
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'x86', 'atom', ['-march=atom'])
- # Sparc
- flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', ['<architecture>sparc/<address-model>32'], ['-m32'])
- flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', ['<architecture>sparc/<address-model>64'], ['-m64'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'v7', ['-mcpu=v7'], default=True)
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'cypress', ['-mcpu=cypress'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'v8', ['-mcpu=v8'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'supersparc', ['-mcpu=supersparc'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'sparclite', ['-mcpu=sparclite'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'hypersparc', ['-mcpu=hypersparc'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'sparclite86x', ['-mcpu=sparclite86x'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'f930', ['-mcpu=f930'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'f934', ['-mcpu=f934'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'sparclet', ['-mcpu=sparclet'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'tsc701', ['-mcpu=tsc701'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'v9', ['-mcpu=v9'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'ultrasparc', ['-mcpu=ultrasparc'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'sparc', 'ultrasparc3', ['-mcpu=ultrasparc3'])
- # RS/6000 & PowerPC
- flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', ['<architecture>power/<address-model>32'], ['-m32'])
- flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', ['<architecture>power/<address-model>64'], ['-m64'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '403', ['-mcpu=403'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '505', ['-mcpu=505'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '601', ['-mcpu=601'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '602', ['-mcpu=602'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '603', ['-mcpu=603'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '603e', ['-mcpu=603e'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '604', ['-mcpu=604'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '604e', ['-mcpu=604e'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '620', ['-mcpu=620'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '630', ['-mcpu=630'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '740', ['-mcpu=740'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '7400', ['-mcpu=7400'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '7450', ['-mcpu=7450'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '750', ['-mcpu=750'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '801', ['-mcpu=801'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '821', ['-mcpu=821'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '823', ['-mcpu=823'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '860', ['-mcpu=860'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '970', ['-mcpu=970'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', '8540', ['-mcpu=8540'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'power', ['-mcpu=power'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'power2', ['-mcpu=power2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'power3', ['-mcpu=power3'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'power4', ['-mcpu=power4'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'power5', ['-mcpu=power5'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'powerpc', ['-mcpu=powerpc'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'powerpc64', ['-mcpu=powerpc64'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'rios', ['-mcpu=rios'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'rios1', ['-mcpu=rios1'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'rios2', ['-mcpu=rios2'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'rsc', ['-mcpu=rsc'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 'power', 'rs64a', ['-mcpu=rs64'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 's390x', 'z196', ['-march=z196'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 's390x', 'zEC12', ['-march=zEC12'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 's390x', 'z13', ['-march=z13'])
--cpu_flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', 's390x', 'z14', ['-march=z14'])
- # AIX variant of RS/6000 & PowerPC
- flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', ['<architecture>power/<address-model>32/<target-os>aix'], ['-maix32'])
- flags('gcc', 'OPTIONS', ['<architecture>power/<address-model>64/<target-os>aix'], ['-maix64'])