path: root/dev-python/astroid
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python/astroid')
3 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/astroid/Manifest b/dev-python/astroid/Manifest
index 0e0ec68f758a..de11d1ce7759 100644
--- a/dev-python/astroid/Manifest
+++ b/dev-python/astroid/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+AUX astroid-3.2.2-py313.patch 6670 BLAKE2B cb969f85e7810a2d1ef8088a9d35bc086df001589bd0de58be204db762e59aa145f930d275a02f49868277514a5ec492020d1537b323582b79733a5aebb6ba28 SHA512 d2800eab3ba1c54048a24758c9fbfb911a5af0add7a24d0c00f3b245a1a7fb5efbed9614ed5e0032fbf619a473192ba8039047bffdf33fdcdc027a22db2a5643
DIST 465306 BLAKE2B f5bda1377eb825f4166804473eab592d07c6353295dca01517c3facf783ec71f281a27f6344699097784dde7315f794a62cbfae86879b2bbe446fb1191d40995 SHA512 1330f557664b5066309879b8bf05e29102000a6e08c63d94a7e7033f1e2295a3a9c3114f3587b9867f71b49e11428036438e4f22352498494f914f7c9f60d4ea
+EBUILD astroid-3.2.2-r1.ebuild 2884 BLAKE2B 418099d6daa3b214708730fffe4e8f9ba2d3e38189846b4faef3e3c9a0944ff9baa7ff9eca5a3f7bd7777967e9017b5a525bcc63ed596f9b2eba40669a254358 SHA512 b9e2768c60f64b83770c2aa900f6e8244fd48b25fe66c22e983c80ef0a8bba83c3a6be20dbf3c7f2e7cb79b874817f59b904af0524aff9f056b9c8e3568bdea1
EBUILD astroid-3.2.2.ebuild 2828 BLAKE2B c8aaa4f72bbc0c815046df90a2f2a3de627cf8817ca74819b7d2497d3903c0f7aaf8b5943406c4e346e4b382d25ddd188482e37c86a00b2b4b64e82acf3bd3d2 SHA512 0d90cec90fc0fc409cb081152da353032088340a8cf7488080c3c92162aa697eb45adf661d39f58269f671b96c4fdadc1a7ec3ae5de7ef32c541d5941ed92236
MISC metadata.xml 1148 BLAKE2B 29a6cfc0c292117920be154d37ed4770f1fb1679186576fe6151cc02d1d6be766045e0231e2fceb87cbd250dbed3888c99b7ca7dc0182cc700a11961d9cd6d9e SHA512 6821d13f5e82bd73ee4fd165c0b4c94f40cd6af536dee1658cccb4175e67da2611c4d1478cdef1607535f23224116ad482197e0b0eef8f0a94d596bf250b3074
diff --git a/dev-python/astroid/astroid-3.2.2-r1.ebuild b/dev-python/astroid/astroid-3.2.2-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a3d9b680035d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/astroid/astroid-3.2.2-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( pypy3 python3_{10..13} )
+inherit distutils-r1
+DESCRIPTION="Abstract Syntax Tree for logilab packages"
+ -> ${P}.gh.tar.gz
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+# Version specified in pyproject.toml
+ $(python_gen_cond_dep '
+ >=dev-python/typing-extensions-4.0.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ ' 3.10)
+# dev-python/regex isn't available for pypy
+ dev-python/setuptools-scm[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ test? (
+ dev-python/attrs[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ >=dev-python/numpy-1.17.0[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/python-dateutil[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ $(python_gen_cond_dep '
+ dev-python/regex[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ ' 'python*')
+ )
+distutils_enable_tests pytest
+ # (rebased)
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-py313.patch"
+python_test() {
+ # no clue why they're broken
+ tests/
+ tests/
+ # pydantic-2?
+ tests/brain/
+ # requires urllib3 with bundled six (skipped with urllib3>=2)
+ tests/
+ # hangs
+ tests/
+ # TODO
+ tests/
+ # numpy-2 (
+ tests/brain/numpy/
+ tests/brain/numpy/
+ tests/brain/numpy/
+ tests/brain/numpy/
+ tests/brain/numpy/
+ tests/brain/numpy/
+ tests/brain/numpy/
+ )
+ case ${EPYTHON} in
+ pypy3)
+ tests/
+ )
+ ;;
+ esac
+ epytest
diff --git a/dev-python/astroid/files/astroid-3.2.2-py313.patch b/dev-python/astroid/files/astroid-3.2.2-py313.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f8addfe9ef7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/astroid/files/astroid-3.2.2-py313.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+diff --git a/astroid/brain/ b/astroid/brain/
+index 88a4385f..743dfe96 100644
+--- a/astroid/brain/
++++ b/astroid/brain/
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from typing import Literal, Tuple, Union
+ from astroid import bases, context, nodes
+ from astroid.builder import parse
+-from astroid.const import PY39_PLUS, PY310_PLUS
++from astroid.const import PY39_PLUS, PY310_PLUS, PY313_PLUS
+ from astroid.exceptions import AstroidSyntaxError, InferenceError, UseInferenceDefault
+ from astroid.inference_tip import inference_tip
+ from astroid.manager import AstroidManager
+@@ -503,6 +503,15 @@ def _looks_like_dataclass_field_call(
+ return == FIELD_NAME and inferred.root().name in DATACLASS_MODULES
++def _looks_like_dataclasses(node: nodes.Module) -> bool:
++ return node.qname() == "dataclasses"
++def _resolve_private_replace_to_public(node: nodes.Module) -> None:
++ if "_replace" in node.locals:
++ node.locals["replace"] = node.locals["_replace"]
+ def _get_field_default(field_call: nodes.Call) -> _FieldDefaultReturn:
+ """Return a the default value of a field call, and the corresponding keyword
+ argument name.
+@@ -618,6 +627,13 @@ def _infer_instance_from_annotation(
+ def register(manager: AstroidManager) -> None:
++ if PY313_PLUS:
++ manager.register_transform(
++ nodes.Module,
++ _resolve_private_replace_to_public,
++ _looks_like_dataclasses,
++ )
+ manager.register_transform(
+ nodes.ClassDef, dataclass_transform, is_decorated_with_dataclass
+ )
+diff --git a/astroid/brain/ b/astroid/brain/
+index 116cd2ee..d0f53132 100644
+--- a/astroid/brain/
++++ b/astroid/brain/
+@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from import Iterator
+ from astroid import bases, context, inference_tip, nodes
+ from astroid.builder import _extract_single_node
++from astroid.const import PY313_PLUS
+ from astroid.exceptions import InferenceError, UseInferenceDefault
+ from astroid.manager import AstroidManager
+@@ -27,10 +28,11 @@ def _looks_like_parents_subscript(node: nodes.Subscript) -> bool:
+ value = next(node.value.infer())
+ except (InferenceError, StopIteration):
+ return False
++ parents = "builtins.tuple" if PY313_PLUS else "pathlib._PathParents"
+ return (
+ isinstance(value, bases.Instance)
+ and isinstance(value._proxied, nodes.ClassDef)
+- and value.qname() == "pathlib._PathParents"
++ and value.qname() == parents
+ )
+diff --git a/astroid/brain/ b/astroid/brain/
+index 9965abc2..7a7c7183 100644
+--- a/astroid/brain/
++++ b/astroid/brain/
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from typing import Final
+ from astroid import context, extract_node, inference_tip
+ from astroid.brain.helpers import register_module_extender
+ from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder, _extract_single_node
+-from astroid.const import PY39_PLUS, PY312_PLUS
++from astroid.const import PY39_PLUS, PY312_PLUS, PY313_PLUS
+ from astroid.exceptions import (
+ AstroidSyntaxError,
+ AttributeInferenceError,
+@@ -168,6 +168,15 @@ def infer_typing_attr(
+ # If typing subscript belongs to an alias handle it separately.
+ raise UseInferenceDefault
++ if (
++ PY313_PLUS
++ and isinstance(value, FunctionDef)
++ and value.qname() == "typing.Annotated"
++ ):
++ # typing.Annotated is a FunctionDef on 3.13+
++ node._explicit_inference = lambda node, context: iter([value])
++ return iter([value])
+ if isinstance(value, ClassDef) and value.qname() in {
+ "typing.Generic",
+ "typing.Annotated",
+diff --git a/tests/brain/ b/tests/brain/
+index b8bc84e3..78b6f8b3 100644
+--- a/tests/brain/
++++ b/tests/brain/
+@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ class TypingBrain(unittest.TestCase):
+ @test_utils.require_version(minver="3.9")
+ def test_typing_annotated_subscriptable(self):
+- """Test typing.Annotated is subscriptable with __class_getitem__"""
++ """typing.Annotated is subscriptable with __class_getitem__ below 3.13."""
+ node = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ import typing
+@@ -655,8 +655,13 @@ class TypingBrain(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ )
+ inferred = next(node.infer())
+- assert isinstance(inferred, nodes.ClassDef)
+- assert isinstance(inferred.getattr("__class_getitem__")[0], nodes.FunctionDef)
++ if PY313_PLUS:
++ assert isinstance(inferred, nodes.FunctionDef)
++ else:
++ assert isinstance(inferred, nodes.ClassDef)
++ assert isinstance(
++ inferred.getattr("__class_getitem__")[0], nodes.FunctionDef
++ )
+ def test_typing_generic_slots(self):
+ """Test slots for Generic subclass."""
+diff --git a/tests/brain/ b/tests/brain/
+index d935d964..5aea8d37 100644
+--- a/tests/brain/
++++ b/tests/brain/
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+ import astroid
+ from astroid import bases
+-from astroid.const import PY310_PLUS
++from astroid.const import PY310_PLUS, PY313_PLUS
+ from astroid.util import Uninferable
+@@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ def test_inference_parents() -> None:
+ inferred = name_node.inferred()
+ assert len(inferred) == 1
+ assert isinstance(inferred[0], bases.Instance)
+- assert inferred[0].qname() == "pathlib._PathParents"
++ if PY313_PLUS:
++ assert inferred[0].qname() == "builtins.tuple"
++ else:
++ assert inferred[0].qname() == "pathlib._PathParents"
+ def test_inference_parents_subscript_index() -> None:
+@@ -40,7 +43,10 @@ def test_inference_parents_subscript_index() -> None:
+ inferred = path.inferred()
+ assert len(inferred) == 1
+ assert isinstance(inferred[0], bases.Instance)
+- assert inferred[0].qname() == "pathlib.Path"
++ if PY313_PLUS:
++ assert inferred[0].qname() == "pathlib._local.Path"
++ else:
++ assert inferred[0].qname() == "pathlib.Path"
+ def test_inference_parents_subscript_slice() -> None:
+diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
+index ec8fc71b..95f00821 100644
+--- a/tests/
++++ b/tests/
+@@ -4458,8 +4458,7 @@ class InferenceTest(resources.SysPathSetup, unittest.TestCase):
+ # and reraise it as a TypeError in Class.getitem
+ node = extract_node(
+ """
+- def test():
+- yield
++ def test(): ...
+ test()
+ """
+ )