path: root/dev-libs/ppl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-libs/ppl')
-rw-r--r--dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r2.ebuild (renamed from dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2.ebuild)37
-rw-r--r--dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r3.ebuild (renamed from dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r1.ebuild)28
8 files changed, 1366 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/dev-libs/ppl/Manifest b/dev-libs/ppl/Manifest
index 8561755fddd9..6fb30f627f82 100644
--- a/dev-libs/ppl/Manifest
+++ b/dev-libs/ppl/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
+AUX disable-boeing-tests.patch 21485 BLAKE2B e68bab59710c63726f04a139e84d72b277e85625bc405c594a22c005186a2c3aae3850e17b81d38fa0231dcfd08454d488bbad2474ed810be78ef646d9c92559 SHA512 fc8dc020e493e5726167741d1548c661bac07991a982bf09ff61f593adfd2faf723886cbcb16d741db61e46530c4dddf49b6b61b67fef7d5ac15ca577c7fc46d
+AUX disable-containsintegerpoint1.patch 1039 BLAKE2B c608e3e2e03350ac72b987284e4d05089bd4bcd3ae3aa53864eec21a3475c88a0c6f66062ff19f9fe9d84179d68e2acb9b979a2fc54e439878188604e7f98b86 SHA512 3fc14d9161e0b6ab0ea70bf3d35e85efcafa0a5fa62cf5c7d3af624517688ea2a0747cdd8e7859c500f03d6cda1fa958136b3322484de1450db8892191bdfa1a
+AUX disable-mipproblem2.patch 1098 BLAKE2B b15da536e0e46a2edbec44e4c68a97e57b96d71639b382aa5efe4032e788db241e49e717e3b7b99f602633980b7b269d1f743c1cc9eb21eca4c03aa6e54ba121 SHA512 430917cae1dcff8772643be468fe69116ba2b58c9d7cac505584e4bc27b830f7a61cc213d364a26ccf08196b594fe1552f5566e71184286dff1b56fd5a60a635
+AUX fix-clang-build.patch 1546 BLAKE2B ba0557f5cb36defa21cc5afdfa8d65bda9fe2a3b8d6262609eccf70e29f6442a7b261b22ffc112ff30cfddc0b8f2a80ffd787d2e9f14f8bb1ba35c095110d695 SHA512 d802c597e408ca50fe01e240c868b2fb5cc2ca3ff00cf15ff1de1c1dc5d0cf0b88da25de0d1151f8011e331f85e343348150285bb515c9ffc17806ff4edd082d
DIST ppl-1.2.tar.xz 14136236 BLAKE2B 060b73384dac558dc8b2b0f1027ed0aa270b0adf0992c2ca1a281fa7bcdf959cba3a9e8ee29e978d12c3eee606b819075c5bcab59f4aed24fbf1c5512b5e2c36 SHA512 b509ed85fa6aedd40119bd4c980b17f33072c56c2acd923da3445b6bc80d48051cfa4c04cce96f6974711f5279c24b31cb3869f87b2eb6a2a1b30a058c809350
-EBUILD ppl-1.2-r1.ebuild 1255 BLAKE2B 612a952756364bbacb0c24fe5c3315be58ede4e7cb10c51cadda39cd877f2b3bcad7435d5c9021148de9198ecda30167b9a70ae7ab04093a274037ff6da80d9a SHA512 d1b1660084489f1ac8d15f948e319a97c7a94405807cf933c0c8a17d7977eb358a95a7245f47680640aa452b4f610a18d86573636c6dd4dac449fdf9cbba064e
-EBUILD ppl-1.2.ebuild 1596 BLAKE2B a1330aef84f7a9024e170aeff4adee135245c8f4ab1b5643db1508df14b738cf0ac8d2ae195b9c930e2a4393513af4fb04b0b1cb8f4fcad970fe60c2aa713be6 SHA512 d6ed03ac19c4789e99a0c797da5b93229ee02935373607c33f3227c16672d288d0c2ddd2c9fec5cd2cc81bc5b6441bc97d28dadd89b8a97815f1cd792a8c813a
-MISC metadata.xml 354 BLAKE2B 77e58ca8f59039d9814e8388a7fa941fe88130fadd21720447f050f09cbccdf289153f15874c6f48cd7d8720841d181e4904e515df87c3a16fc8673283b41b4c SHA512 5f42b5399f8961160bd6ed9db93c11e2f7c7f1e750c227068fb828ac7519c927b55786d7cf60481d21813d48af51e7cae7e1c8baca12f8fbe6a1f4e701377a50
+EBUILD ppl-1.2-r2.ebuild 1666 BLAKE2B 6a3083a1a69c6cd5e34d85b4e9112c835ce916286e378b0270a0aa8f4ba62515beda7d2d8260da1e7bf788bcacb9985a56813de8d848ed4260f1a9c3afd98342 SHA512 2961a2a457f75c89e5417093b4c5b60a2abf4b63bb3d95d321b67d1b03e06cd73986d43a18362cf73daf8d57002ddaa97620d063fd1cf4a1ac0af453625e6fe2
+EBUILD ppl-1.2-r3.ebuild 1707 BLAKE2B 76ae5f1deb692cf77ec6737bf6934d572d3926828a89e0f1bb705567fae5b220ff03090a1ebbf8017525fa6bd530bb9dd5dc7ae7821103979ed51c4a5310c1a0 SHA512 c88528a7f0e2d1036fbb74973bfc917577c615f6d3e51e9a8cc8ff842913b933f4a493644f23101adc1f4a9620495f749b9731c40eefaba261623a6c4ee5ea12
+MISC metadata.xml 859 BLAKE2B 73b368a2852176bfc7e38a89b8ec0c239fd4e96a838bad0fd883d50125cb25cbe2962fddd3c62d420a3bb97287d80c47c356f063dcacf39057d4bd07cb3b110b SHA512 a7f896a4a2a485c18df3cf03038621bfaf93057eefb43ff093f9cf89d0d71937e96de0ef0fd5dc20fd12580cc60bebd80d74e64fd40941e9f3bfe1f91d1666bb
diff --git a/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-boeing-tests.patch b/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-boeing-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca208b8707ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-boeing-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1176 @@
+From 14ceb43dee3c3a029dd5398d809796011dd3d772 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michael Orlitzky <>
+Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 10:52:53 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/1] demos/ppl_lpsol/examples: disable the boeing[12].mps
+ tests.
+These two tests fail due to numerical noise on 32-bit systems, and
+this commit disables them to prevent build failures on Gentoo. This
+one is a bit trickier than the other test removals because we need to
+hack the expected output out of the expected_mpz file as well.
+Warning: this is only half of the solution. The boeing[12].mps files
+must still be deleted by the ebuild. The patch does not do this to
+avoid running afoul of the 20KiB patch size limit in Gentoo.
+ demos/ppl_lpsol/ | 21 -
+ demos/ppl_lpsol/examples/ | 2 -
+ demos/ppl_lpsol/expected_mpz | 1070 --------------------------
+ 3 files changed, 1093 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/demos/ppl_lpsol/ b/demos/ppl_lpsol/
+index d6d6a38b2..7c73ba455 100644
+--- a/demos/ppl_lpsol/
++++ b/demos/ppl_lpsol/
+@@ -115,8 +115,6 @@ endif !ASSERTIONS_ENABLED
+ adlittle.mps \
+ blend.mps \
+-boeing1.mps \
+-boeing2.mps \
+ egout.mps \
+ kb2.mps \
+ lseu.mps \
+@@ -161,8 +159,6 @@ adlittle.mps \
+ afiro.mps \
+ bgprtr.mps \
+ blend.mps \
+-boeing1.mps \
+-boeing2.mps \
+ kb2.mps \
+ sample.mps \
+ sc105.mps \
+@@ -172,13 +168,9 @@ ship08l.mps
+ adlittle.mps \
+-boeing1.mps \
+-boeing2.mps \
+ rout.mps
+-boeing1.mps \
+-boeing2.mps \
+ ex12.mps \
+ mas74.mps \
+ modglob.mps
+@@ -291,19 +283,6 @@ check-local: ppl_lpsol$(EXEEXT)
+ echo "*** ppl_lpsol -e -r $$m -oobtained $$file" >>obtained; \
+ ./ppl_lpsol$(EXEEXT) -e -r $(CHECK_OPTION) $$m -oobtained $$path >/dev/null; \
+ done
+- $(ECHO_SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) "-r -m -c0.00000000518 boeing1.mps" >>obtained
+- -$(SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) -r -m -c0.00000000518 $(srcdir)/examples/boeing1.mps >/dev/null
+- $(ECHO_SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) "-r -M -c0.0000000105 boeing1.mps" >>obtained
+- -$(SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) -r -M -c0.0000000105 $(srcdir)/examples/boeing1.mps $$m >/dev/null
+- $(ECHO_SIMPLEX) "-n boeing1.mps" >>obtained
+- -$(SIMPLEX) -n $(srcdir)/examples/boeing1.mps >/dev/null
+- $(ECHO_SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) "-r -m -c0.00000000863 boeing2.mps" >>obtained
+- -$(SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) -r -m -c0.00000000863 $(srcdir)/examples/boeing2.mps >/dev/null
+- $(ECHO_SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) "-r -M -c0.00000000213 boeing2.mps" >>obtained
+- -$(SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) -r -M -c0.00000000213 $(srcdir)/examples/boeing2.mps $$m >/dev/null
+- $(ECHO_SIMPLEX) "-n boeing2.mps" >>obtained
+- -$(SIMPLEX) -n $(srcdir)/examples/boeing2.mps >/dev/null
+ $(ECHO_SIMPLEX) "-r -m mas74.mps" >>obtained
+ -$(SIMPLEX) -r -m $(srcdir)/examples/mas74.mps >/dev/null
+ $(ECHO_SIMPLEX_NOCHECK) "-r -M -c0.000123 mas74.mps" >>obtained
+diff --git a/demos/ppl_lpsol/examples/ b/demos/ppl_lpsol/examples/
+index f621a68d4..ce333c7c5 100644
+--- a/demos/ppl_lpsol/examples/
++++ b/demos/ppl_lpsol/examples/
+@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ adlittle.mps \
+ afiro.mps \
+ bgprtr.mps \
+ blend.mps \
+-boeing1.mps \
+-boeing2.mps \
+ egout.mps \
+ ex12.mps \
+ ex1.mps \
+diff --git a/demos/ppl_lpsol/expected_mpz b/demos/ppl_lpsol/expected_mpz
+index 2bb4f1658..5024da1f6 100644
+--- a/demos/ppl_lpsol/expected_mpz
++++ b/demos/ppl_lpsol/expected_mpz
+@@ -3937,1076 +3937,6 @@ Optimum value: 0
+ Optimum location:
+ x1 = 0
+ x2 = 0
+-*** ./ppl_lpsol -s -p1 -oobtained -r -m -c0.00000000518 boeing1.mps
+-Optimum value: -335.2135675
+-Optimum location:
+-PBOSHNL0 = 0
+-PBOSHNL1 = 12
+-PBOSHNL7 = 0
+-PBOSHNL8 = 0
+-PBOSLAX0 = 14
+-PBOSLAX1 = 0
+-PBOSLAX7 = 0
+-PBOSSEA0 = 0
+-PBOSSEA1 = 0
+-PBOSSEA2 = 49
+-PBOSSFO0 = 60
+-PBOSSFO1 = 73
+-PBOSTPE1 = 1
+-PBOSTPE2 = 0
+-PBOSTYO1 = 3
+-PBOSTYO2 = 0
+-PBOSYUL0 = 28.13380282
+-PBOSYUL1 = 347.7678621
+-PBOSYUL2 = 0.325
+-PBOSYUL3 = 336.7733351
+-PBOSYUL4 = 0
+-PBOSYVR0 = 0
+-PBOSYVR1 = 0
+-PBOSYVR2 = 26
+-PBOSYWG0 = 0
+-PBOSYWG1 = 0
+-PBOSYWG7 = 37
+-PBOSYYZ0 = 19.03169014
+-PBOSYYZ1 = 195.9683099
+-PBUROAK0 = 11
+-PBUROAK1 = 16
+-PBURSEA0 = 83
+-PBURSEA1 = 0
+-PBURSFO0 = 278
+-PHNLLAX0 = 104.0482353
+-PHNLLAX1 = 33.04
+-PHNLLAX2 = 68.20588235
+-PHNLLAX3 = 98
+-PHNLLON0 = 0
+-PHNLLON6 = 5
+-PHNLPAR0 = 0
+-PHNLPAR6 = 1
+-PHNLSEA0 = 0
+-PHNLSEA1 = 157.7943925
+-PHNLSEA2 = 0
+-PHNLSFO0 = 35
+-PHNLSFO1 = 0
+-PHNLSFO7 = 0
+-PHNLYVR0 = 94.20560748
+-PHNLYVR1 = 0
+-PHNLYVR7 = 39.79439252
+-PLASSEA0 = 70.01327253
+-PLASSEA1 = 342.9867275
+-PLASYVR0 = 0
+-PLASYVR6 = 37
+-PLAXOAK0 = 32
+-PLAXOAK1 = 0
+-PLAXOAK2 = 46
+-PLAXSEA0 = 0
+-PLAXSEA1 = 0
+-PLAXSEA2 = 0
+-PLAXSEA3 = 546.0147059
+-PLAXSEA4 = 3.720588235
+-PLAXSEA5 = 139
+-PLAXSEA6 = 66.26744186
+-PLAXSEA7 = 0
+-PLAXSEA8 = 57
+-PLAXSEA9 = 5.415868673
+-PLAXSFO0 = 33.04
+-PLAXSFO1 = 260.8488372
+-PLAXSFO2 = 839.9632721
+-PLAXSFO3 = 87.90697674
+-PLAXSFO4 = 168
+-PLAXSFO5 = 98
+-PLAXSFO6 = 1464.240914
+-PLAXTPE0 = 8.581395349
+-PLAXTPE1 = 0
+-PLAXTPE2 = 18
+-PLAXTPE8 = 4.418604651
+-PLAXTYO0 = 41
+-PLAXTYO1 = 0
+-PLAXTYO2 = 0
+-PLAXTYO8 = 0
+-PLAXYVR0 = 0
+-PLAXYVR1 = 153.755814
+-PLAXYVR2 = 39.24418605
+-PLONPAR0 = 0
+-PLONPAR1 = 0
+-PLONPAR2 = 2
+-PLONSEA0 = 0
+-PLONSEA1 = 151
+-PLONYVR0 = 0
+-PLONYVR1 = 0
+-PLONYVR7 = 51
+-POAKONT0 = 0
+-POAKONT1 = 13
+-POAKSEA0 = 37.89108456
+-POAKSEA1 = 77.15303309
+-POAKSEA2 = 6.955882353
+-PONTSFO0 = 177
+-PONTSEA0 = 23.10431985
+-PONTSEA1 = 24.89568015
+-PONTSEA2 = 0
+-PPARSEA0 = 0
+-PPARSEA1 = 68
+-PPARYVR0 = 0
+-PPARYVR1 = 0
+-PPARYVR7 = 24
+-PRNOSEA0 = 0
+-PRNOSEA1 = 291
+-PRNOYVR0 = 67
+-PSEASFO0 = 0
+-PSEASFO1 = 839.9632721
+-PSEASFO2 = 146.6809139
+-PSEASFO3 = 236.6
+-PSEASFO4 = 0
+-PSEASFO5 = 50.75581395
+-PSEASFO6 = 168
+-PSEATPE0 = 15.81395349
+-PSEATPE1 = 0
+-PSEATPE2 = 0
+-PSEATPE3 = 49.60465116
+-PSEATYO0 = 59.98837209
+-PSEATYO1 = 0
+-PSEATYO2 = 0
+-PSEATYO3 = 95.01162791
+-PSEAYVR0 = 164.8598131
+-PSEAYVR1 = 0
+-PSEAYVR2 = 0
+-PSEAYVR3 = 392
+-PSEAYVR4 = 0
+-PSEAYVR5 = 70.01327253
+-PSEAYVR6 = 0
+-PSEAYVR7 = 50.75581395
+-PSEAYVR8 = 47.16549296
+-PSFOTPE0 = 0
+-PSFOTPE1 = 0
+-PSFOTPE2 = 0
+-PSFOTPE8 = 6
+-PSFOTYO0 = 0
+-PSFOTYO1 = 0
+-PSFOTYO2 = 0
+-PSFOTYO8 = 17
+-PSFOYVR0 = 260.8488372
+-PSFOYVR1 = 37.15116279
+-PTPETYO0 = 111
+-PTPETYO1 = 0
+-PTPETYO2 = 0
+-PTPETYO3 = 0
+-PTPEYVR0 = 57
+-PTYOYVR0 = 91
+-PYULYVR0 = 36.4084507
+-PYULYVR1 = 134.1343917
+-PYULYVR2 = 139.6904909
+-PYULYVR3 = 4.766666667
+-PYULYWG0 = 0
+-PYULYWG1 = 271.3172923
+-PYULYWG2 = 0
+-PYULYWG3 = 178.6827077
+-PYULYYZ0 = 0
+-PYULYYZ1 = 266.6818464
+-PYULYYZ2 = 0
+-PYULYYZ3 = 431.9057717
+-PYULYYZ4 = 1913.412382
+-PYVRYWG0 = 14.67957746
+-PYVRYWG1 = 271.3172923
+-PYVRYWG2 = 138.0031303
+-PYVRYYZ0 = 4.352112676
+-PYVRYYZ1 = 241.2835753
+-PYVRYYZ2 = 126.3643121
+-PYWGYYZ0 = 14.67957746
+-PYWGYYZ1 = 138.0031303
+-PYWGYYZ2 = 0
+-PYWGYYZ3 = 125.3172923
+-PBOSOAK0 = 11
+-PBOSOAK6 = 0
+-PBOSBUR1 = 7
+-PBOSBUR2 = 0
+-PBOSONT1 = 4
+-PBOSONT2 = 0
+-PBURYVR1 = 26
+-PBURTYO1 = 2
+-PBURTPE1 = 1
+-PBURHNL0 = 11
+-PBURHNL6 = 0
+-PHNLOAK0 = 0
+-PHNLOAK1 = 24
+-PHNLOAK2 = 0
+-PHNLOAK8 = 0
+-PHNLONT0 = 9.705882353
+-PHNLONT6 = 6.294117647
+-PHNLYWG1 = 3
+-PHNLYYZ1 = 24
+-PHNLYUL1 = 40
+-PLASTYO1 = 5
+-PLASTPE1 = 1
+-PLAXLON0 = 13
+-PLAXLON6 = 0
+-PLAXLON7 = 0
+-PLAXPAR0 = 8
+-PLAXPAR6 = 0
+-PLAXPAR7 = 0
+-PBURLON1 = 1
+-PBURPAR1 = 1
+-PLONONT1 = 1
+-PLONOAK1 = 1
+-POAKPAR1 = 2
+-POAKTYO1 = 7
+-POAKTPE1 = 2
+-PONTPAR1 = 2
+-PONTTYO1 = 2
+-PONTTPE1 = 1
+-PPARSFO1 = 2
+-PRNOTYO1 = 5
+-PRNOTPE1 = 2
+-PTPEYWG1 = 21
+-PTPEYYZ1 = 13
+-PTPEYUL1 = 6
+-PTYOYUL1 = 7
+-PTYOYYZ1 = 17
+-PTYOYWG1 = 25
+-PLAXONT0 = 6.294117647
+-GRDTIMO1 = 0
+-GRDTIMN1 = -49.01286158
+-GRDTIMO2 = 0
+-GRDTIMN2 = 0
+-GRDTIMO3 = 0
+-GRDTIMN3 = -47
+-GRDTIMO4 = 0
+-GRDTIMN4 = 0
+-GRDTIMO5 = 0
+-GRDTIMN5 = -47.24353963
+-GRDTIMO6 = 0
+-GRDTIMN6 = -81
+-N1001AC1 = 0
+-N1001AC2 = 0
+-N1001AC3 = 0
+-N1002AC1 = 0
+-N1002AC2 = 0
+-N1002AC3 = 2.355140187
+-N1003AC1 = 0
+-N1003AC2 = 0.1603208556
+-N1003AC3 = 0.7214438503
+-N1004AC1 = 0.28
+-N1004AC2 = 0
+-N1004AC3 = 0
+-N1005AC3 = 0.0859375
+-N1105AC3 = 0.8382352941
+-N1006AC3 = 0.07582720588
+-N1007AC1 = 0
+-N1007AC2 = 0
+-N1007AC3 = 0
+-N1008AC1 = 0
+-N1008AC2 = 0
+-N1008AC3 = 0
+-N1008AC4 = 0
+-N1008AC5 = 0
+-N1008AC6 = 4.65801495
+-N1009AC1 = 0
+-N1009AC2 = 0.07488107822
+-N1009AC3 = 0
+-N1009AC4 = 0
+-N1009AC5 = 1.921947674
+-N1010AC1 = 0
+-N1010AC2 = 0
+-N1010AC3 = 0
+-N1010AC4 = 0
+-N1010AC5 = 0
+-N1010AC6 = 7
+-N1011AC1 = 0
+-N1011AC2 = 3.085065996
+-N1011AC3 = 0.6951730236
+-N1011AC4 = 0
+-N1011AC5 = 3.897217244
+-N1011AC6 = 0
+-N1012AC1 = 1.510832058
+-N1012AC2 = 0
+-N1012AC3 = 0
+-N1012AC4 = 0
+-N1012AC5 = 2.417331293
+-N1013AC3 = 0
+-N1013AC4 = 0
+-N1013AC5 = 0
+-N1013AC6 = 0.9241727941
+-N1014AC3 = 0
+-N1014AC4 = 0
+-N1014AC5 = 1.691245404
+-N1014AC6 = 0.2228170956
+-N1015AC3 = 0
+-N1015AC4 = 0.7048194147
+-N1015AC5 = 0.1595430366
+-N1015AC6 = 2.135637549
+-N1016AC3 = 0
+-N1016AC4 = 0
+-N1016AC5 = 0.7
+-N1016AC6 = 3.3
+-N1017AC3 = 0
+-N1017AC4 = 0
+-N1017AC5 = 0
+-N1017AC6 = 0.1617647059
+-N1018AC1 = 0
+-N1018AC2 = 0
+-N1018AC3 = 0
+-N1018AC4 = 0
+-N1018AC5 = 0
+-N1018AC6 = 1.196428571
+-N1019AC1 = 0
+-N1019AC2 = 0
+-N1019AC3 = 0
+-N1019AC4 = 0.2345133807
+-N1019AC5 = 0.7654866193
+-N1020AC1 = 0.2228332753
+-N1020AC2 = 0
+-N1020AC3 = 0
+-N1020AC4 = 0
+-N1020AC5 = 3.200696136
+-N1020AC6 = 0
+-N1021AC1 = 0.664202377
+-N1021AC2 = 0
+-N1021AC3 = 0
+-N1021AC4 = 0
+-N1021AC5 = 2.453858782
+-N1022AC1 = 0
+-N1023AC1 = 0
+-N1026AC1 = 1
+-N1027AC1 = 0.476744186
+-N1028AC1 = 0
+-N1029AC1 = 0.523255814
+-N1030AC1 = 1
+-N1032AC1 = 0
+-N1032AC2 = 0
+-N1032AC3 = 0
+-N1032AC4 = 0.8274647887
+-N1032AC5 = 0
+-N1033AC1 = 0.4860357964
+-N1033AC2 = 0.5004769224
+-N1033AC3 = 0
+-N1033AC4 = 0
+-N1033AC5 = 2.061996183
+-N1034AC1 = 0
+-N1034AC2 = 0
+-N1034AC3 = 3.174783885
+-N1035AC1 = 0.6827679474
+-N1035AC2 = 0
+-N1035AC3 = 0
+-N1035AC4 = 0.7269371829
+-N1035AC5 = 0.2529831862
+-N1036AC1 = 0.1083333333
+-N1036AC2 = 0
+-N1036AC3 = 0
+-N1037AC4 = 0
+-N1037AC5 = 0
+-N1038AC4 = 0.2383968781
+-N1038AC5 = 1.271450017
+-N1039AC4 = 0
+-N1039AC5 = 2.077705904
+-N1040AC4 = 0
+-N1040AC5 = 0
+-N1040AC6 = 9.513243659
+-N1041AC4 = 8.856901224
+-N1041AC5 = 0
+-N1041AC6 = 20
+-N1042AC4 = 0
+-N1042AC5 = 0
+-N1042AC6 = 0
+-N1043AC1 = 0.1725352113
+-N1043AC2 = 0
+-N1043AC3 = 0
+-N1044AC1 = 0
+-N1044AC2 = 0
+-N1044AC3 = 1
+-N1046AC3 = 1
+-N1047AC1 = 0
+-N1047AC2 = 0
+-N1047AC3 = 1
+-N1050AC3 = 0
+-N1050AC4 = 0
+-N1050AC5 = 0.0731874145
+-N1051AC1 = 0
+-N1051AC2 = 0
+-N1051AC3 = 0
+-N1051AC4 = 0
+-N1051AC5 = 4.651904242
+-N1051AC6 = 20
+-*** ./ppl_lpsol -s -p1 -oobtained -r -M -c0.0000000105 boeing1.mps
+-Optimum value: 286.9746573
+-Optimum location:
+-PBOSHNL0 = 0
+-PBOSHNL1 = 10
+-PBOSHNL7 = 0
+-PBOSHNL8 = 0
+-PBOSLAX0 = 0
+-PBOSLAX1 = 0
+-PBOSLAX7 = 12
+-PBOSSEA0 = 0
+-PBOSSEA1 = 40
+-PBOSSEA2 = 0
+-PBOSSFO0 = 48
+-PBOSSFO1 = 73
+-PBOSTPE1 = 0
+-PBOSTPE2 = 0
+-PBOSTYO1 = 0
+-PBOSTYO2 = 0
+-PBOSYUL0 = 372
+-PBOSYUL1 = 224.0530973
+-PBOSYUL2 = 0
+-PBOSYUL3 = 11.94690265
+-PBOSYUL4 = 0
+-PBOSYVR0 = 0
+-PBOSYVR1 = 23
+-PBOSYVR2 = 0
+-PBOSYWG0 = 33
+-PBOSYWG1 = 0
+-PBOSYWG7 = 0
+-PBOSYYZ0 = 193
+-PBOSYYZ1 = 0
+-PBUROAK0 = 9
+-PBUROAK1 = 15
+-PBURSEA0 = 69
+-PBURSEA1 = 0
+-PBURSFO0 = 243
+-PHNLLAX0 = 0
+-PHNLLAX1 = 126.296875
+-PHNLLAX2 = 100.03125
+-PHNLLAX3 = 104.4375
+-PHNLLON0 = 0
+-PHNLLON6 = 0
+-PHNLPAR0 = 0
+-PHNLPAR6 = 0
+-PHNLSEA0 = 0
+-PHNLSEA1 = 135.2523364
+-PHNLSEA2 = 0
+-PHNLSFO0 = 0
+-PHNLSFO1 = 0
+-PHNLSFO7 = 31
+-PHNLYVR0 = 80.74766355
+-PHNLYVR1 = 0
+-PHNLYVR7 = 35.25233645
+-PLASSEA0 = 365
+-PLASSEA1 = 0
+-PLASYVR0 = 0
+-PLASYVR6 = 33
+-PLAXOAK0 = 42.765625
+-PLAXOAK1 = 0
+-PLAXOAK2 = 46
+-PLAXSEA0 = 543.96875
+-PLAXSEA1 = 0
+-PLAXSEA2 = 0
+-PLAXSEA3 = 0
+-PLAXSEA4 = 6
+-PLAXSEA5 = 139
+-PLAXSEA6 = 0
+-PLAXSEA7 = 0
+-PLAXSEA8 = 66
+-PLAXSEA9 = 12.03125
+-PLAXSFO0 = 164.828125
+-PLAXSFO1 = 842
+-PLAXSFO2 = 0
+-PLAXSFO3 = 168
+-PLAXSFO4 = 168
+-PLAXSFO5 = 144
+-PLAXSFO6 = 1212.171875
+-PLAXTPE0 = 0
+-PLAXTPE1 = 18
+-PLAXTPE2 = 9
+-PLAXTPE8 = 0
+-PLAXTYO0 = 0
+-PLAXTYO1 = 0
+-PLAXTYO2 = 0
+-PLAXTYO8 = 36
+-PLAXYVR0 = 116
+-PLAXYVR1 = 0
+-PLAXYVR2 = 57
+-PLONPAR0 = 0
+-PLONPAR1 = 0
+-PLONPAR2 = 0
+-PLONSEA0 = 0
+-PLONSEA1 = 127
+-PLONYVR0 = 0
+-PLONYVR1 = 0
+-PLONYVR7 = 45
+-POAKONT0 = 0
+-POAKONT1 = 11
+-POAKSEA0 = 41
+-POAKSEA1 = 57
+-POAKSEA2 = 0
+-PONTSFO0 = 155
+-PONTSEA0 = 25
+-PONTSEA1 = 12
+-PONTSEA2 = 0
+-PPARSEA0 = 0
+-PPARSEA1 = 53
+-PPARYVR0 = 0
+-PPARYVR1 = 0
+-PPARYVR7 = 21
+-PRNOSEA0 = 255
+-PRNOSEA1 = 0
+-PRNOYVR0 = 60
+-PSEASFO0 = 574
+-PSEASFO1 = 0
+-PSEASFO2 = 156
+-PSEASFO3 = 224
+-PSEASFO4 = 0
+-PSEASFO5 = 168
+-PSEASFO6 = 168
+-PSEATPE0 = 0
+-PSEATPE1 = 0
+-PSEATPE2 = 42
+-PSEATPE3 = 0
+-PSEATYO0 = 0
+-PSEATYO1 = 0
+-PSEATYO2 = 126
+-PSEATYO3 = 27
+-PSEAYVR0 = 104.2523364
+-PSEAYVR1 = 0
+-PSEAYVR2 = 0
+-PSEAYVR3 = 0
+-PSEAYVR4 = 0
+-PSEAYVR5 = 0
+-PSEAYVR6 = 0
+-PSEAYVR7 = 0
+-PSEAYVR8 = 545
+-PSFOTPE0 = 0
+-PSFOTPE1 = 0
+-PSFOTPE2 = 0
+-PSFOTPE8 = 0
+-PSFOTYO0 = 0
+-PSFOTYO1 = 0
+-PSFOTYO2 = 0
+-PSFOTYO8 = 15
+-PSFOYVR0 = 268
+-PSFOYVR1 = 0
+-PTPETYO0 = 0
+-PTPETYO1 = 0
+-PTPETYO2 = 0
+-PTPETYO3 = 99
+-PTPEYVR0 = 44
+-PTYOYVR0 = 74
+-PYULYVR0 = 182
+-PYULYVR1 = 88
+-PYULYVR2 = 0
+-PYULYVR3 = 0
+-PYULYWG0 = 161.3018868
+-PYULYWG1 = 178
+-PYULYWG2 = 31.69811321
+-PYULYWG3 = 0
+-PYULYYZ0 = 0
+-PYULYYZ1 = 0
+-PYULYYZ2 = 245.3018868
+-PYULYYZ3 = 2104.698113
+-PYULYYZ4 = 0
+-PYVRYWG0 = 194.3018868
+-PYVRYWG1 = 178
+-PYVRYWG2 = 4.698113208
+-PYVRYYZ0 = 328.6981132
+-PYVRYYZ1 = 0
+-PYVRYYZ2 = 4.301886792
+-PYWGYYZ0 = 0
+-PYWGYYZ1 = 4.698113208
+-PYWGYYZ2 = 245.3018868
+-PYWGYYZ3 = 0
+-PBOSOAK0 = 9
+-PBOSOAK6 = 0
+-PBOSBUR1 = 0
+-PBOSBUR2 = 0
+-PBOSONT1 = 0
+-PBOSONT2 = 0
+-PBURYVR1 = 23
+-PBURTYO1 = 0
+-PBURTPE1 = 0
+-PBURHNL0 = 9
+-PBURHNL6 = 0
+-PHNLOAK0 = 0
+-PHNLOAK1 = 2.234375
+-PHNLOAK2 = 0
+-PHNLOAK8 = 18.765625
+-PHNLONT0 = 0
+-PHNLONT6 = 14
+-PHNLYWG1 = 0
+-PHNLYYZ1 = 21
+-PHNLYUL1 = 35
+-PLASTYO1 = 0
+-PLASTPE1 = 0
+-PLAXLON0 = 11
+-PLAXLON6 = 0
+-PLAXLON7 = 0
+-PLAXPAR0 = 0
+-PLAXPAR6 = 0
+-PLAXPAR7 = 0
+-PBURLON1 = 0
+-PBURPAR1 = 0
+-PLONONT1 = 0
+-PLONOAK1 = 0
+-POAKPAR1 = 0
+-POAKTYO1 = 0
+-POAKTPE1 = 0
+-PONTPAR1 = 0
+-PONTTYO1 = 0
+-PONTTPE1 = 0
+-PPARSFO1 = 0
+-PRNOTYO1 = 0
+-PRNOTPE1 = 0
+-PTPEYWG1 = 18
+-PTPEYYZ1 = 11
+-PTPEYUL1 = 0
+-PTYOYUL1 = 0
+-PTYOYYZ1 = 15
+-PTYOYWG1 = 22
+-PLAXONT0 = 14
+-GRDTIMO1 = 0
+-GRDTIMN1 = -105
+-GRDTIMO2 = 0
+-GRDTIMN2 = -91
+-GRDTIMO3 = 0
+-GRDTIMN3 = -47
+-GRDTIMO4 = 0
+-GRDTIMN4 = -43.5
+-GRDTIMO5 = 0
+-GRDTIMN5 = -87
+-GRDTIMO6 = 0
+-GRDTIMN6 = -81
+-N1001AC1 = 0
+-N1001AC2 = 0
+-N1001AC3 = 0
+-N1002AC1 = 0
+-N1002AC2 = 2.018691589
+-N1002AC3 = 0
+-N1003AC1 = 0
+-N1003AC2 = 0
+-N1003AC3 = 0
+-N1004AC1 = 0
+-N1004AC2 = 1.0703125
+-N1004AC3 = 0
+-N1005AC3 = 0.0703125
+-N1105AC3 = 0.9296875
+-N1006AC3 = 0
+-N1007AC1 = 0
+-N1007AC2 = 0
+-N1007AC3 = 0
+-N1008AC1 = 5.28156777
+-N1008AC2 = 0
+-N1008AC3 = 1.986798016
+-N1008AC4 = 0
+-N1008AC5 = 0
+-N1008AC6 = 0
+-N1009AC1 = 0
+-N1009AC2 = 0
+-N1009AC3 = 0
+-N1009AC4 = 0
+-N1009AC5 = 0
+-N1010AC1 = 7
+-N1010AC2 = 7
+-N1010AC3 = 7
+-N1010AC4 = 7
+-N1010AC5 = 7
+-N1010AC6 = 7
+-N1011AC1 = 0
+-N1011AC2 = 0
+-N1011AC3 = 0
+-N1011AC4 = 0
+-N1011AC5 = 0
+-N1011AC6 = 0
+-N1012AC1 = 0
+-N1012AC2 = 0
+-N1012AC3 = 0
+-N1012AC4 = 0
+-N1012AC5 = 0
+-N1013AC3 = 0
+-N1013AC4 = 0
+-N1013AC5 = 0
+-N1013AC6 = 1
+-N1014AC3 = 0
+-N1014AC4 = 0
+-N1014AC5 = 0
+-N1014AC6 = 1.909090909
+-N1015AC3 = 0
+-N1015AC4 = 0
+-N1015AC5 = 0
+-N1015AC6 = 3
+-N1016AC3 = 0
+-N1016AC4 = 0
+-N1016AC5 = 0
+-N1016AC6 = 4
+-N1017AC3 = 0
+-N1017AC4 = 0
+-N1017AC5 = 0
+-N1017AC6 = 0.09090909091
+-N1018AC1 = 3.782713663
+-N1018AC2 = 6.749720385
+-N1018AC3 = 7
+-N1018AC4 = 0
+-N1018AC5 = 4.039001305
+-N1018AC6 = 0
+-N1019AC1 = 0
+-N1019AC2 = 1.412371134
+-N1019AC3 = 0
+-N1019AC4 = 2.587628866
+-N1019AC5 = 0
+-N1020AC1 = 0
+-N1020AC2 = 0
+-N1020AC3 = 0
+-N1020AC4 = 0
+-N1020AC5 = 0
+-N1020AC6 = 0
+-N1021AC1 = 0
+-N1021AC2 = 0
+-N1021AC3 = 0
+-N1021AC4 = 0
+-N1021AC5 = 0
+-N1022AC1 = 0
+-N1023AC1 = 0
+-N1026AC1 = 1
+-N1027AC1 = 0
+-N1028AC1 = 0
+-N1029AC1 = 1
+-N1030AC1 = 1
+-N1032AC1 = 1
+-N1032AC2 = 1
+-N1032AC3 = 1
+-N1032AC4 = 1
+-N1032AC5 = 1
+-N1033AC1 = 0
+-N1033AC2 = 1.371681416
+-N1033AC3 = 0
+-N1033AC4 = 0.6283185841
+-N1033AC5 = 0
+-N1034AC1 = 0
+-N1034AC2 = 0
+-N1034AC3 = 0
+-N1035AC1 = 0
+-N1035AC2 = 0.04608448823
+-N1035AC3 = 0
+-N1035AC4 = 0.01051928536
+-N1035AC5 = 0
+-N1036AC1 = 0
+-N1036AC2 = 0
+-N1036AC3 = 0
+-N1037AC4 = 0
+-N1037AC5 = 3.220930233
+-N1038AC4 = 0
+-N1038AC5 = 0
+-N1039AC4 = 0
+-N1039AC5 = 0
+-N1040AC4 = 10
+-N1040AC5 = 10
+-N1040AC6 = 10
+-N1041AC4 = 5.79377625
+-N1041AC5 = 20
+-N1041AC6 = 20
+-N1042AC4 = 20
+-N1042AC5 = 20
+-N1042AC6 = 20
+-N1043AC1 = 0
+-N1043AC2 = 0
+-N1043AC3 = 0
+-N1044AC1 = 0
+-N1044AC2 = 1
+-N1044AC3 = 0
+-N1046AC3 = 1
+-N1047AC1 = 0
+-N1047AC2 = 1
+-N1047AC3 = 0
+-N1050AC3 = 0.109375
+-N1050AC4 = 0
+-N1050AC5 = 0
+-N1051AC1 = 20
+-N1051AC2 = 20
+-N1051AC3 = 20
+-N1051AC4 = 0
+-N1051AC5 = 20
+-N1051AC6 = 11.52971853
+-*** ./ppl_lpsol -s -p1 -c -oobtained -n boeing1.mps
+-Feasible problem.
+-*** ./ppl_lpsol -s -p1 -oobtained -r -m -c0.00000000863 boeing2.mps
+-Optimum value: -315.018728
+-Optimum location:
+-PBOSORD0 = 302
+-PBOSORD1 = 0
+-PBOSORD2 = 0
+-PBOSORD3 = 0
+-PBOSORD4 = 0
+-PBOSLGA0 = 712
+-PBOSLGA1 = 268
+-PBOSLGA2 = 0
+-PBOSLGA3 = 1372
+-PBOSCLE0 = 4.108024927
+-PBOSCLE1 = 137.8919751
+-PBOSCLE2 = 0
+-PBOSCLE3 = 0
+-PORDBOS0 = 34
+-PORDBOS1 = 0
+-PORDBOS2 = 0
+-PORDBOS3 = 268
+-PORDBOS4 = 0
+-PORDLGA0 = 0
+-PORDLGA1 = 515
+-PORDLGA2 = 0
+-PORDLGA3 = 0
+-PORDCLE0 = 470.294686
+-PORDCLE1 = 148.705314
+-PORDCLE2 = 0
+-PORDCLE3 = 0
+-PLGABOS0 = 1162
+-PLGABOS1 = 0
+-PLGABOS2 = 458
+-PLGABOS3 = 0
+-PLGABOS4 = 0
+-PLGABOS5 = 1123
+-PLGAORD0 = 712
+-PLGAORD1 = 0
+-PLGAORD2 = 0
+-PLGAORD3 = 0
+-PLGACLE0 = 0
+-PLGACLE1 = 249
+-PLGACLE2 = 268
+-PCLEBOS0 = 131
+-PCLEBOS1 = 0
+-PCLEBOS2 = 0
+-PCLEBOS3 = 0
+-PCLEBOS4 = 0
+-PCLEORD0 = 178.5972891
+-PCLEORD1 = 249
+-PCLEORD2 = 16.40271092
+-PCLEORD3 = 268
+-PCLEORD4 = 0
+-PCLELGA0 = 0
+-PCLELGA1 = 0
+-PCLELGA2 = 409
+-PCLELGA3 = 0
+-BBOSORD0 = 0
+-BBOSORD1 = 0
+-BBOSCLE0 = 0.1616272102
+-BBOSCLE1 = 7.026778587
+-BORDBOS0 = 0
+-CBOSORD0 = 12
+-CBOSORD1 = 0
+-CBOSORD2 = 0
+-CBOSORD3 = 0
+-CBOSORD4 = 0
+-CBOSCLE0 = 0
+-CBOSCLE1 = 8.811594203
+-CBOSCLE2 = 0
+-CBOSCLE3 = 0
+-CORDBOS0 = 1.5
+-CORDBOS1 = 22.5
+-CORDBOS2 = 0
+-CORDBOS3 = 0
+-CORDBOS4 = 0
+-CORDLGA0 = 13
+-CORDLGA1 = 0
+-CORDLGA2 = 0
+-CORDLGA3 = 0
+-CLGAORD0 = 22.5
+-CLGAORD1 = 22.5
+-CLGAORD2 = 0
+-CLGAORD3 = 0
+-CLGACLE0 = 16
+-CLGACLE1 = 0
+-CLGACLE2 = 0
+-CCLELGA0 = 0
+-CCLELGA1 = 5
+-CCLELGA2 = 0
+-CCLELGA3 = 0
+-GRDTIMO1 = 0
+-GRDTIMN1 = 0
+-GRDTIMO2 = 0
+-GRDTIMN2 = -76.79770851
+-GRDTIMN3 = -10.27177739
+-GRDTIMN4 = -21.60844089
+-N1003AC1 = 0
+-N1003AC2 = 6.724489796
+-N1003AC3 = 0.4
+-N1003AC4 = 0
+-N1005AC1 = 0.01346893419
+-N1005AC2 = 0
+-N1005AC3 = 0
+-N1005AC4 = 0
+-N1011AC1 = 0.5855648822
+-N1011AC2 = 0
+-N1011AC3 = 0.2937198068
+-N1011AC4 = 0
+-N1013AC2 = 7.265306122
+-N1013AC4 = 2
+-N1015AC2 = 0
+-N1015AC4 = 1.422222222
+-N1017AC2 = 0
+-N1017AC4 = 2
+-N1019AC2 = 2.540816327
+-N1019AC4 = 0
+-N1021AC1 = 0.01346893419
+-N1021AC2 = 0.1254559795
+-N1021AC3 = 0
+-N1021AC4 = 0
+-N1002AC1 = 0
+-N1002AC2 = 4.798925367
+-N1002AC3 = 0
+-N1002AC4 = 0
+-N1004AC2 = 0
+-N1004AC4 = 2
+-N1006AC1 = 0.5990338164
+-N1006AC2 = 0
+-N1006AC3 = 0.6937198068
+-N1006AC4 = 0
+-N1008AC2 = 11.85714286
+-N1008AC4 = 2
+-N1010AC2 = 0
+-N1010AC4 = 0
+-N1012AC2 = 0
+-N1012AC4 = 1.422222222
+-N1014AC2 = 4.673469388
+-N1014AC4 = 0
+-N1100AC2 = 2.734693878
+-N1100AC4 = 0
+-N1102AC2 = 0
+-N1102AC4 = 0
+-N1200AC2 = 14
+-N1200AC4 = 0
+-N1201AC2 = 11.45918367
+-N1201AC4 = 0
+-*** ./ppl_lpsol -s -p1 -oobtained -r -M -c0.00000000213 boeing2.mps
+-Optimum value: -73.3689691
+-Optimum location:
+-PBOSORD0 = 28
+-PBOSORD1 = 0
+-PBOSORD2 = 0
+-PBOSORD3 = 0
+-PBOSORD4 = 249
+-PBOSLGA0 = 258.2518986
+-PBOSLGA1 = 686
+-PBOSLGA2 = 35.74810145
+-PBOSLGA3 = 1372
+-PBOSCLE0 = 0
+-PBOSCLE1 = 0
+-PBOSCLE2 = 0
+-PBOSCLE3 = 142
+-PORDBOS0 = 302
+-PORDBOS1 = 0
+-PORDBOS2 = 0
+-PORDBOS3 = 0
+-PORDBOS4 = 0
+-PORDLGA0 = 0
+-PORDLGA1 = 0
+-PORDLGA2 = 515
+-PORDLGA3 = 0
+-PORDCLE0 = 0
+-PORDCLE1 = 619
+-PORDCLE2 = 0
+-PORDCLE3 = 0
+-PLGABOS0 = 0
+-PLGABOS1 = 712
+-PLGABOS2 = 0
+-PLGABOS3 = 686
+-PLGABOS4 = 426.7481014
+-PLGABOS5 = 918.2518986
+-PLGAORD0 = 258.2518986
+-PLGAORD1 = 0
+-PLGAORD2 = 453.7481014
+-PLGAORD3 = 0
+-PLGACLE0 = 517
+-PLGACLE1 = 0
+-PLGACLE2 = 0
+-PCLEBOS0 = 131
+-PCLEBOS1 = 0
+-PCLEBOS2 = 0
+-PCLEBOS3 = 0
+-PCLEBOS4 = 0
+-PCLEORD0 = 0
+-PCLEORD1 = 0
+-PCLEORD2 = 712
+-PCLEORD3 = 0
+-PCLEORD4 = 0
+-PCLELGA0 = 197
+-PCLELGA1 = 70
+-PCLELGA2 = 0
+-PCLELGA3 = 142
+-BBOSORD0 = 0
+-BBOSORD1 = 0
+-BBOSCLE0 = 0
+-BBOSCLE1 = 0
+-BORDBOS0 = 0
+-CBOSORD0 = 0
+-CBOSORD1 = 0
+-CBOSORD2 = 0
+-CBOSORD3 = 0
+-CBOSORD4 = 0
+-CBOSCLE0 = 0
+-CBOSCLE1 = 0
+-CBOSCLE2 = 12.8
+-CBOSCLE3 = 0
+-CORDBOS0 = 19.2
+-CORDBOS1 = 0
+-CORDBOS2 = 0
+-CORDBOS3 = 0
+-CORDBOS4 = 0
+-CORDLGA0 = 0
+-CORDLGA1 = 0
+-CORDLGA2 = 10.4
+-CORDLGA3 = 0
+-CLGAORD0 = 0
+-CLGAORD1 = 0
+-CLGAORD2 = 10.4
+-CLGAORD3 = 25.6
+-CLGACLE0 = 12.8
+-CLGACLE1 = 0
+-CLGACLE2 = 0
+-CCLELGA0 = 0
+-CCLELGA1 = 0
+-CCLELGA2 = 0
+-CCLELGA3 = 0
+-GRDTIMO1 = 73.01076
+-GRDTIMN1 = -100
+-GRDTIMO2 = 0
+-GRDTIMN2 = -90
+-GRDTIMN3 = -45
+-GRDTIMN4 = -45
+-N1003AC1 = 7
+-N1003AC2 = 0
+-N1003AC3 = 0.6856076556
+-N1003AC4 = 0
+-N1005AC1 = 0
+-N1005AC2 = 0
+-N1005AC3 = 0
+-N1005AC4 = 0
+-N1011AC1 = 0
+-N1011AC2 = 0
+-N1011AC3 = 1.314392344
+-N1011AC4 = 0
+-N1013AC2 = 2.635223455
+-N1013AC4 = 0
+-N1015AC2 = 5.275510204
+-N1015AC4 = 2
+-N1017AC2 = 0
+-N1017AC4 = 0
+-N1019AC2 = 4.630082668
+-N1019AC4 = 0.9244444444
+-N1021AC1 = 7
+-N1021AC2 = 0
+-N1021AC3 = 2
+-N1021AC4 = 2
+-N1002AC1 = 7
+-N1002AC2 = 0
+-N1002AC3 = 2
+-N1002AC4 = 2
+-N1004AC2 = 0
+-N1004AC4 = 0
+-N1006AC1 = 7
+-N1006AC2 = 0
+-N1006AC3 = 2
+-N1006AC4 = 0
+-N1008AC2 = 0
+-N1008AC4 = 0
+-N1010AC2 = 7.265306122
+-N1010AC4 = 0.9244444444
+-N1012AC2 = 5.275510204
+-N1012AC4 = 2
+-N1014AC2 = 0
+-N1014AC4 = 0
+-N1100AC2 = 7
+-N1100AC4 = 5.274621909
+-N1102AC2 = 4.354572464
+-N1102AC4 = 0
+-N1200AC2 = 14
+-N1200AC4 = 0.9244444444
+-N1201AC2 = 9.369917332
+-N1201AC4 = 0
+-*** ./ppl_lpsol -s -p1 -c -oobtained -n boeing2.mps
+-Feasible problem.
+ *** ./ppl_lpsol -s -p1 -c -oobtained -r -m mas74.mps
+ Optimum value: 10482.79528
+ Optimum location:
diff --git a/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-containsintegerpoint1.patch b/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-containsintegerpoint1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..00494674073d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-containsintegerpoint1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+From c88aa34ffe31d4314ea87e27a2c974927bcd962e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michael Orlitzky <>
+Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 10:40:29 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] tests/Box/ disable the
+ "containsintegerpoint1" test.
+There is an upstream report about the "containsintegerpoint1" test
+failing on Arch Linux, so this commit proactively disables it.
+ tests/Box/ | 3 ---
+ 1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/Box/ b/tests/Box/
+index adfcb8432..56e4fa535 100644
+--- a/tests/Box/
++++ b/tests/Box/
+@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ congruences1 \
+ constrains1 \
+ constraints1 \
+ contains1 \
+-containsintegerpoint1 \
+ difference1 \
+ discrete1 \
+ disjoint1 \
+@@ -201,8 +200,6 @@ constraints1_SOURCES =
+ contains1_SOURCES =
+-containsintegerpoint1_SOURCES =
+ difference1_SOURCES =
+ discrete1_SOURCES =
diff --git a/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-mipproblem2.patch b/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-mipproblem2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e2a507047f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/ppl/files/disable-mipproblem2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+From 5199ade9ce4b09fdcc4bb4117d796eafe260cf56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Michael Orlitzky <>
+Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 10:16:59 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] tests/MIP_Problem/ disable mipproblem2.
+The "mipproblem2" test sometimes fails on PPC64 systems, and the
+easiest way to work around that is to simply delete the test. Guess
+what this commit does.
+ tests/MIP_Problem/ | 3 ---
+ 1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/tests/MIP_Problem/ b/tests/MIP_Problem/
+index 80f66cbb2..911fca67d 100644
+--- a/tests/MIP_Problem/
++++ b/tests/MIP_Problem/
+@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ TESTS = \
+ ascii_dump_load1 \
+ exceptions1 \
+ mipproblem1 \
+-mipproblem2 \
+ mipproblem3 \
+ mipproblem4
+@@ -73,8 +72,6 @@ exceptions1_SOURCES =
+ mipproblem1_SOURCES =
+-mipproblem2_SOURCES =
+ mipproblem3_SOURCES =
+ mipproblem4_SOURCES =
diff --git a/dev-libs/ppl/files/fix-clang-build.patch b/dev-libs/ppl/files/fix-clang-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..648ff59aa307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-libs/ppl/files/fix-clang-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+From: Roberto Bagnara <>
+Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2018 08:11:09 +0000 (+0100)
+Subject: Added missing "template" and "typename" keywords.
+Added missing "template" and "typename" keywords.
+(Thanks to Dmitrii Pasechnik.)
+diff --git a/src/Determinate_inlines.hh b/src/Determinate_inlines.hh
+index 2749953..5b47275 100644
+--- a/src/Determinate_inlines.hh
++++ b/src/Determinate_inlines.hh
+@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ operator()(Determinate& x, const Determinate& y) const {
+ template <typename PSET>
+ template <typename Binary_Operator_Assign>
++inline typename
++Determinate<PSET>::template Binary_Operator_Assign_Lifter<Binary_Operator_Assign>
+ Determinate<PSET>::lift_op_assign(Binary_Operator_Assign op_assign) {
+ return Binary_Operator_Assign_Lifter<Binary_Operator_Assign>(op_assign);
+ }
+diff --git a/src/OR_Matrix_inlines.hh b/src/OR_Matrix_inlines.hh
+index b20b697..8124b7f 100644
+--- a/src/OR_Matrix_inlines.hh
++++ b/src/OR_Matrix_inlines.hh
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ OR_Matrix<T>::Pseudo_Row<U>::Pseudo_Row(const Pseudo_Row<V>& y)
+ template <typename T>
+ template <typename U>
+-inline OR_Matrix<T>::Pseudo_Row<U>&
++inline typename OR_Matrix<T>::template Pseudo_Row<U>&
+ OR_Matrix<T>::Pseudo_Row<U>::operator=(const Pseudo_Row& y) {
+ first = y.first;
diff --git a/dev-libs/ppl/metadata.xml b/dev-libs/ppl/metadata.xml
index d1dc39110e28..3520098af316 100644
--- a/dev-libs/ppl/metadata.xml
+++ b/dev-libs/ppl/metadata.xml
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
-<maintainer type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo Toolchain Project</name>
- <flag name="lpsol">Build the ppl_lpsol linear programming problem solver</flag>
+ <maintainer type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>François Bissey</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Proxy Maintainers</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <use>
+ <flag name="cdd">
+ Build the ppl_lcdd program for vertex/facet enumeration
+ accepting the same input format as the programs shipped with
+ <pkg>sci-libs/cddlib</pkg> and <pkg>sci-libs/lrslib</pkg>
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="lpsol">
+ Build the ppl_lpsol linear program solver that uses
+ <pkg>sci-mathematics/glpk</pkg> for its input routines
+ </flag>
+ </use>
diff --git a/dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2.ebuild b/dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r2.ebuild
index f312858082bb..091d9ca0a9f3 100644
--- a/dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r2.ebuild
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools
DESCRIPTION="The Parma Polyhedra Library for numerical analysis of complex systems"
@@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ SRC_URI="${PV}/${P}.tar.xz
SLOT="0/4.14" # SONAMEs
KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~sparc-solaris"
-IUSE="+cxx doc lpsol pch static-libs test"
+IUSE="cdd +cxx doc lpsol pch static-libs test"
lpsol? ( sci-mathematics/glpk )"
@@ -20,21 +22,30 @@ DEPEND="${RDEPEND}
RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use test ; then
- ewarn "The PPL testsuite will be run."
- ewarn "Note that this can take several hours to complete on a fast machine."
- fi
+ "${FILESDIR}/disable-mipproblem2.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/disable-containsintegerpoint1.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/disable-boeing-tests.patch"
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ # The patch should do this, but then the diff makes it run
+ # afoul of the Gentoo patch size limit.
+ rm demos/ppl_lpsol/examples/boeing[12].mps || die
+ eautoreconf
src_configure() {
local interfaces=( c )
use cxx && interfaces+=( cxx )
econf \
- --docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
--disable-debugging \
--disable-optimization \
$(use_enable doc documentation) \
+ $(use_enable cdd ppl_lcdd) \
$(use_enable lpsol ppl_lpsol) \
$(use_enable pch) \
$(use_enable static-libs static) \
@@ -42,15 +53,11 @@ src_configure() {
$(use test && echo --enable-check=quick)
-src_test() {
- # default src_test runs with -j1, overriding it here saves about
- # 30 minutes and is recommended by upstream
- emake check
src_install() {
- use static-libs || find "${ED}"/usr -name 'libppl*.la' -delete
+ if ! use static-libs; then
+ find "${ED}"/usr -name 'libppl*.la' -delete || die
+ fi
pushd "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" >/dev/null || die
rm gpl* fdl* || die
diff --git a/dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r1.ebuild b/dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r3.ebuild
index 6980ae7142cf..91ea71b2109c 100644
--- a/dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r1.ebuild
+++ b/dev-libs/ppl/ppl-1.2-r3.ebuild
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools
DESCRIPTION="The Parma Polyhedra Library for numerical analysis of complex systems"
@@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ SRC_URI="${PV}/${P}.tar.xz
SLOT="0/4.14" # SONAMEs
KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~sparc-solaris"
-IUSE="+cxx doc lpsol pch static-libs test"
+IUSE="cdd +cxx doc lpsol pch static-libs test"
lpsol? ( sci-mathematics/glpk )"
@@ -20,6 +22,23 @@ DEPEND="${RDEPEND}
RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ "${FILESDIR}/disable-mipproblem2.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/disable-containsintegerpoint1.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/disable-boeing-tests.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/fix-clang-build.patch"
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ # The patch should do this, but then the diff makes it run
+ # afoul of the Gentoo patch size limit.
+ rm demos/ppl_lpsol/examples/boeing[12].mps || die
+ eautoreconf
src_configure() {
local interfaces=( c )
use cxx && interfaces+=( cxx )
@@ -27,6 +46,7 @@ src_configure() {
--disable-debugging \
--disable-optimization \
$(use_enable doc documentation) \
+ $(use_enable cdd ppl_lcdd) \
$(use_enable lpsol ppl_lpsol) \
$(use_enable pch) \
$(use_enable static-libs static) \
@@ -36,7 +56,9 @@ src_configure() {
src_install() {
- use static-libs || find "${ED}"/usr -name 'libppl*.la' -delete
+ if ! use static-libs; then
+ find "${ED}"/usr -name 'libppl*.la' -delete || die
+ fi
pushd "${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}" >/dev/null || die
rm gpl* fdl* || die