path: root/dev-lang/nasm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/nasm')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/nasm/Manifest b/dev-lang/nasm/Manifest
index cdb880a2a025..06f48abac090 100644
--- a/dev-lang/nasm/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/nasm/Manifest
@@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
AUX nasm-2.15-bsd-cp-doc.patch 278 BLAKE2B eb2d6fffb03da68a43df8db6cbadeb72753f0474f91011038b6ec0b3a449fbd0e3cde59abfb1b22fa0c991629960f456815b1c86ec55292f54a879d8a0a079f1 SHA512 ba691e4f0fd3b676280de5b79e6872f7efe034da28fc66e247c3f757761e2191c54f585ca724747812fa55afb4b9d76366f50659702561c7eb69483de265b3e5
-AUX nasm-2.16-autoconf-macro-fixes.patch 8841 BLAKE2B b60d26d6f3b6b9775e5c12a5d313e3df5b5deebafcae09570d066d46744a5001c0f3ea38c0629abf407f77107ba900c94ceb1562f46f83fd2311ce9ffde3d25b SHA512 95eed48a15f05942b4252c01a05a8eb355ba33288462f6e9ae01f952f831ce476276d51b859cac902d76340f122f5bbf882d511935f36ab54dbc8bae02e176d3
-AUX nasm-2.16.02-unconfig.patch 404 BLAKE2B 9a66c0b72b6d4a00c4af96f6cce1b645c1824ce2369ab528c3a3b1043b81d231a032988891f38092107c2b9a260ec2fa5003b50d281ab6ebd21ee924d074303a SHA512 8520c4bd9350ab0fe84b2828f253cebc3f53cd4af710ef4eb95acf1cf01c534df67ace340d3ea72a173cc5ec77880b66c833537732318d64fb9cadfbf46d695b
-DIST nasm-2.16.01.tar.xz 1017732 BLAKE2B 0f7e96648e3db6fa4a8e10a89885f61cab7d79af25adbcc9d4706b3af61206c3cae024b7f873d636f5c1b2cb34ce5e7fbecc16af9b59086e9a1f49fb37c59670 SHA512 51fccb5639ce019d9c423c0f279750ffbd74c64cd41dd3b185d1aa1a1aaed79c5d3cd8d4bebbc13ee249a375ed27457ea2abde1a4dbb24d354598fffd1254833
-DIST nasm-2.16.02.tar.xz 1044824 BLAKE2B daa3585e9aef3c388e3b577a52453b31aaa7f13942e621c21bbe6ec744ff30bf2692e853dda193b30006989cb10e40dcc1cf0107176e31fd5ee096baad28c7a1 SHA512 9ccafb4cd9064fb21f6551309d35ba7461de8da138b1239d76c2ea0c070a1a767f1019d5d705088375d625cfb73eebbfd9dfa3588107793b95354d89dcfd22c3
DIST nasm-2.16.03.tar.xz 1032388 BLAKE2B 742cbf330341fde9f778d8ca13e8c06199f48796d47028ac973d39e3d9e434450cdfebe89f6ab248d372bdaeb0c88a25eb7153a39b66fc05e770523d4c9e11e9 SHA512 0c706e41a9c33e1ac3bad5056e8bf8cbcd51785b551a6e34ce7d0d723df8eaab8603a033e89b3dcda1004b558f9e9ef3196691500f10d8201bf47a323a516f84
-EBUILD nasm-2.16.01-r1.ebuild 1575 BLAKE2B 6b490accd88b01ac59ad900dad52b539e401368c014ec2d6188db97950de11f4968ead24d324d5a06b5be69a2a0521fd2c071f2faeee285a0daae2c3e5e2c65b SHA512 cf24e675e731dc8b29ffc538b06bf03e0a8f4cf88751671614b3b83a0ed66ec9a0ace4d14f7371224bf65a4cbc289aed589a43d0f2e830ae293520f07006031d
-EBUILD nasm-2.16.02.ebuild 1945 BLAKE2B 74e85a9aacb38953b56c1c87867f65bd88458ee98f74500de638bdf727079229a708ca048cf6ad2af9c79e59477aa1fade6f1d6b6618c5fb2cc84dc0c1fd8e89 SHA512 52a592837fb2f07c5ba4a26c9efe9d2c107d39322d069545847fa54a3c3c29ddf88ea616548fa5a8c336fbb562c3132894f1de666445c4285e545285e853e4f3
EBUILD nasm-2.16.03.ebuild 2031 BLAKE2B b90313ff9f38135ff05d2d29db18374ebb1b0df6cc860ac2b38f7cf84302c8c91ce4b09a091d8c53890bacd04bac5a4d81ef497c81b91e65dfe96e389a588551 SHA512 f13b0b4f054625ee3048982f6b0344c7fc8a1a3f7fb8fed049c3ab468d7a64a1c9374cd83e79726b8a54e8791916325030f01ce85dd957ecb3ca0f63b98c268e
MISC metadata.xml 882 BLAKE2B be1a98bd73ea5160613c66b00d6da2925e20097f02e449dc2394ef13298a1f23321d83e178bf3592fdcb5d4c276617674fac5d323e057035c6c3df184d048efd SHA512 437cd65249042f3437b27d50bea9ebd9ac2360b0600365751f6ffddd3d31c7eaed371a0b364668812e79bb1cfb64917069b62cb6939699270f26bc0474c9c917
diff --git a/dev-lang/nasm/files/nasm-2.16-autoconf-macro-fixes.patch b/dev-lang/nasm/files/nasm-2.16-autoconf-macro-fixes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c2efc5b2e2f6..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/nasm/files/nasm-2.16-autoconf-macro-fixes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-From 5a2d629501d57301fe1d85fe6b2576e318f523d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: "H. Peter Anvin" <>
-Date: Sun, 19 Feb 2023 21:26:15 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH] autoconf: a much of macro fixes... not sure how this ever
- worked?
-Exposed a bunch of problems with the autoconf m4 macro
-library. Hopefulyy fix it, and tidy it up in the process.
-Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <>
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/autoconf/m4/pa_add_cppflags.m4
-@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+dnl PA_ADD_CPPFLAGS(variable, flag [,actual_flag [,success [,failure]]]])
-+dnl Attempt to add the given option to xFLAGS, if it doesn't break
-+dnl compilation. If the option to be tested is different than the
-+dnl option that should actually be added, add the option to be
-+dnl actually added as a second argument.
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+AC_DEFUN([PA_ADD_CPPFLAGS], [PA_ADD_FLAGS(CPPFLAGS, [$1], [$2], [$3], [$4])])
---- a/autoconf/m4/pa_add_flags.m4
-+++ b/autoconf/m4/pa_add_flags.m4
-@@ -1,23 +1,39 @@
- dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--dnl PA_ADD_FLAGS(variable, flag [,actual_flag [,success [,failure]]])
-+dnl PA_ADD_FLAGS(flagvar, flags)
- dnl
--dnl Attempt to add the given option to CPPFLAGS, if it doesn't break
--dnl compilation. If the option to be tested is different than the
--dnl option that should actually be added, add the option to be
--dnl actually added as a second argument.
-+dnl Add [flags] to the variable [flagvar] if and only if it is accepted
-+dnl by all languages affected by [flagvar], if those languages have
-+dnl been previously seen in the script.
- dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
--[AC_MSG_CHECKING([if $CC accepts $2])
-- pa_add_flags__old_flags="$$1"
-- $1="$$1 $2"
-- [printf("Hello, World!\n");])],
-- [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
-- $1="$pa_add_flags__old_flags ifelse([$3],[],[$2],[$3])"
-- AC_DEFINE(PA_SYM([$1_],[$2]), 1,
-- [Define to 1 if compiled with the `$2' compiler flag])
-+ AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([old], [_$0_$1_orig])
-+ AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([ok], [_$0_$1_ok])
-+ AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([flags], [$1])
-+ AS_VAR_COPY([old], [flags])
-+ AS_VAR_SET([flags], ["$flags $2"])
-+ AS_VAR_SET([ok], [yes])
-+ [AS_VAR_IF([ok], [yes],
-+ [AC_MSG_CHECKING([if $]_AC_CC[ accepts $2])
-+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])],
-+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-+ AS_VAR_SET([ok], [no])])])
-+ ])
-+ AS_VAR_IF([ok], [yes],
-+ [m4_ifnblank([$3],[AS_VAR_SET([flags], ["$old $3"])])
-+ m4_foreach_w([_pa_add_flags_flag], [m4_ifblank([$3],[$2],[$3])],
-+ [AC_DEFINE(PA_SYM([$1_]_pa_add_flags_flag), 1,
-+ [Define to 1 if compiled with the ]_pa_add_flags_flag[ compiler flag])])
- $4],
-- [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
-- $1="$pa_add_flags__old_flags"
-- $5])])
-+ [AS_VAR_SET([flags], ["$old"])
-+ $5])
-+ AS_VAR_POPDEF([flags])
-+ AS_VAR_POPDEF([ok])
-+ AS_VAR_POPDEF([old])
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/autoconf/m4/pa_build_ifelse.m4
-@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+dnl PA_BUILD_IFELSE(input [,success [,failure]])
-+dnl Same as AC_LINK_IFELSE for languages where linking is applicable,
-+dnl otherwise AC_COMPILE_IFELSE.
-+dnl If the first argument is empty, use _AC_LANG_IO_PROGRAM.
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ [Erlang], [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE($@)],
-+ [AC_LINK_IFELSE($@)])])
-+ [$1])],[$2],[$3])])
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/autoconf/m4/pa_flags_langlist.m4
-@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+dnl PA_FLAGS_LANGLIST(flagvar)
-+dnl Return a list of languages affected by the variable flagvar.
-+dnl If flagvar is unknown, assume it affects the current language.
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ [CPPFLAGS], [[C],[C++],[Objective C],[Objective C++]],
-+ [CFLAGS], [[C]],
-+ [CXXFLAGS], [[C++]],
-+ [FFLAGS], [[Fortran 77]],
-+ [FCFLAGS], [[Fortran]],
-+ [ERLCFLAGS], [[Erlang]],
-+ [OBJCFLAGS], [[Objective C]],
-+ [OBJCXXFLAGS], [[Objective C++]],
-+ [GOFLAGS], [[Go]],
-+ [LDFLAGS], [[C],[C++],[Fortran 77],[Fortran],[Objective C],[Objective C++],[Go]],
-+ m4_dquote(_AC_LANG)))])
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/autoconf/m4/pa_lang_foreach.m4
-@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+dnl PA_LANG_FOREACH(subset, body)
-+dnl Expand [body] for each language encountered in the configure script also
-+dnl present in [subset], or all if [subset] is empty
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/autoconf/m4/pa_lang_seen_list.m4
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+dnl PA_LANG_SEEN_LIST(subset)
-+dnl List of the language lang has been used in the configuration
-+dnl script so far, possibly subset by [subset].
-+dnl This relies on overriding _AC_LANG_SET(from, to),
-+dnl the internal implementation of _AC_LANG.
-+dnl --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+[m4_rename([_AC_LANG_SET], [_PA_LANG_SET])dnl
-+m4_defun([_AC_LANG_SET], [m4_set_add([_PA_LANG_SEEN_SET],[$2])dnl
---- a/
-+++ b/
-@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@ dnl start; this is used to generate config/unconfig.h.
- /* Begin unconfig.h */])
--dnl Save initial CFLAGS, to see if -g -O2 came from configure or not
- dnl This prevents us from running Wine and thinking we are not
- dnl cross-compiling when in fact we are; running Wine here is at
- dnl the best very slow and doesn't buy us a single thing at all.
-@@ -27,35 +24,29 @@ AC_CANONICAL_HOST
- dnl Enable any available C extensions
--PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-std=c17], [], [],
--[PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-std=c11], [], [],
-- [PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-std=c99])])])
--dnl If the user did not specify a CFLAGS default, change default
--dnl to -O0 for debugging
-- [compile without optimization (-O0) to help debugging],
-- [pa_no_optimize=true])
-+PA_ADD_CPPFLAGS([-std=c17], [], [],
-+[PA_ADD_CPPFLAGS([-std=c11], [], [],
-+ [PA_ADD_CPPFLAGS([-std=c99])])])
--dnl Other programs
--dnl Compile and link with dwarf debug
-+dnl Compile and link with gdb debug extensions
-- [disable optimization and compile with extra debug information for GDB debugger],
-- [PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-ggdb3])
-- pa_no_optimize=true])
-+ [compile with extra debug information for GDB debugger],
-+ [PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-ggdb3])])
-- [PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-O0])
-- PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-fno-omit-frame-pointer])])
-+dnl Disable optimization
-+ [compile without optimization (-O0) to help debugging],
-+ [PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-O0])
-+ PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-fno-omit-frame-pointer])])
- dnl Profiling
- PA_ARG_ENABLED([profiling],
- [compile with profiling (-pg option)],
- [PA_ADD_CFLAGS([-pg])])
-+dnl Large files
- dnl Abort on panic
- PA_ARG_ENABLED([panic-abort],
- [call abort() on panic to trap in the debugger],
-@@ -104,10 +95,10 @@ AC_PROG_MAKE_SET
--AC_CHECK_PROGS(NROFF, nroff, false)
--AC_CHECK_PROGS(ASCIIDOC, asciidoc, false)
--AC_CHECK_PROGS(XMLTO, xmlto, false)
--AC_CHECK_PROGS(XZ, xz, false)
-+AC_CHECK_PROGS([NROFF], nroff, false)
-+AC_CHECK_PROGS([ASCIIDOC], asciidoc, false)
-+AC_CHECK_PROGS([XMLTO], xmlto, false)
-+AC_CHECK_PROGS([XZ], xz, false)
- dnl Check for progs needed for manpage generation
- MANPAGES=manpages
diff --git a/dev-lang/nasm/files/nasm-2.16.02-unconfig.patch b/dev-lang/nasm/files/nasm-2.16.02-unconfig.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 77478b7e68cc..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/nasm/files/nasm-2.16.02-unconfig.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/ 2024-04-05 07:51:48.394437050 -0000
-+++ b/ 2024-04-05 07:52:38.731388961 -0000
-@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
- INSDEP = x86/insns.dat x86/ x86/ x86/
- config/unconfig.h: config/
-- $(RUNPERL) $(tools)/ \
-+ $(RUNPERL) $(top_srcdir)/autoconf/ \
- '$(srcdir)' config/ config/unconfig.h
- x86/iflag.c: $(INSDEP)
diff --git a/dev-lang/nasm/nasm-2.16.01-r1.ebuild b/dev-lang/nasm/nasm-2.16.01-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index aaa1921d750a..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/nasm/nasm-2.16.01-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools
-DESCRIPTION="groovy little assembler"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 arm64 ~loong ppc64 ~riscv x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
- _BitScanReverse
- _BitScanReverse64
- __cpu_to_le16
- __cpu_to_le32
- __cpu_to_le64
- _byteswap_uint64
- _byteswap_ulong
- _byteswap_ushort
- cpu_to_le16
- cpu_to_le32
- cpu_to_le64
-# [fonts note] doc/ defines ordered list of font preference.
-# Currently 'media-fonts/source-pro' is most preferred and is able to
-# satisfy all 6 font flavours: tilt, chapter, head, etc.
- dev-lang/perl
- doc? (
- app-text/ghostscript-gpl
- dev-perl/Font-TTF
- dev-perl/Sort-Versions
- media-fonts/source-code-pro
- media-fonts/source-sans:3
- virtual/perl-File-Spec
- )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.15-bsd-cp-doc.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.16-autoconf-macro-fixes.patch
-src_prepare() {
- default
- #
- # During the split of media-fonts/source-pro, the source-sans files
- # were renamed. Currently depend on media-fonts/source-sans:3 which works
- # with this sed.
- sed -i 's/SourceSansPro/SourceSans3/g' doc/ || die
- AT_M4DIR="${S}/autoconf/m4" eautoreconf
-src_compile() {
- default
- use doc && emake doc
-src_install() {
- default
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install $(usex doc install_doc '')
diff --git a/dev-lang/nasm/nasm-2.16.02.ebuild b/dev-lang/nasm/nasm-2.16.02.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 784a7a38383f..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/nasm/nasm-2.16.02.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools
-DESCRIPTION="groovy little assembler"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~loong ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
- # Windows.
- _BitScanReverse
- _BitScanReverse64
- # Linux headers that are not included.
- __cpu_to_le16
- __cpu_to_le32
- __cpu_to_le64
- _byteswap_uint64
- _byteswap_ulong
- _byteswap_ushort
- cpu_to_le16
- cpu_to_le32
- cpu_to_le64
- # __typeof as gnu extensions are not enabled
- typeof
- # musl doesn't define __bswap_N in endian.h (it's named _bswapN
- # instead). could be fixed to call this instead, or to include
- # musl's byteswap.h instead, but it is much easier to fall back on
- # __builtin_bswapN. Bug #928848
- __bswap_16
- __bswap_32
- __bswap_64
-# [fonts note] doc/ defines ordered list of font preference.
-# Currently 'media-fonts/source-pro' is most preferred and is able to
-# satisfy all 6 font flavours: tilt, chapter, head, etc.
- dev-lang/perl
- doc? (
- app-text/ghostscript-gpl
- dev-perl/Font-TTF
- dev-perl/Sort-Versions
- media-fonts/source-code-pro
- media-fonts/source-sans:3
- virtual/perl-File-Spec
- )
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.15-bsd-cp-doc.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.16.02-unconfig.patch
-src_prepare() {
- default
- #
- # During the split of media-fonts/source-pro, the source-sans files
- # were renamed. Currently depend on media-fonts/source-sans:3 which works
- # with this sed.
- sed -i 's/SourceSansPro/SourceSans3/g' doc/ || die
- AT_M4DIR="${S}/autoconf/m4" eautoreconf
-src_compile() {
- default
- use doc && emake doc
-src_install() {
- default
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install $(usex doc install_doc '')