path: root/dev-lang/logtalk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/logtalk')
9 files changed, 629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/Manifest b/dev-lang/logtalk/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..efd44e72ab8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+AUX logtalk-3.00.0-no-user-docs.patch 1608 BLAKE2B d9bba69d6e8b71cf8e0942d94b5499f111563a57673de876c0dcbdca4ffa4722d1a37fa6e796aba4abf28a8a8daad749a34e9915f88d10f3c19ff7b6257b611c SHA512 9fca7ee47d11cf90b88a62f244b67ffad6c9d43e08b41fef3731461a3519555ae0c76167e8b313d103e27bcc4a24fb86e496cf8a5ef075c10f21f4dc27812fa3
+AUX logtalk-3.03.0-no-user-docs.patch 1608 BLAKE2B f485845bdbffe2ae11cf7335e66ea0a3e66ae241bcb847bb8839421012d0d27c80a348f0fd2fe64529b0a62a26f9eead3602541a53d088f8b8f2be4de280155b SHA512 ad899d1b941e1f162420f74c58868c91480c243c5888a8afb910b5fa5f8bb77073da31bed334ed193d4cbb17ce1980e5d426d2d57f0b15fbf8fdeb545c369197
+AUX logtalk-3.11.2-portage.patch 920 BLAKE2B d20d393bc10809945d6100aef08610e9cffe5b40f91927448c5fa4ce3b1cd6120613f754438f15b4f008ff32deabf108e2c242d33ef1fe0d574705e93fb8505e SHA512 b1f6f6457e343db0674aad9633dc7d38f9714574372cb1bfb2e9dd72da52710df45b7488329d6e1448bd84aa10550598f73fc4aac182f60168220898423381dc
+DIST logtalk-3.00.0.tar.bz2 1886297 BLAKE2B 7018a39b841c2c7e86945282baf04f83ecbe0dccc5d3760af963bd6e623acf8d04b3e6ce3aa7a702c7f1eb3a8f70d8c6d00d394ec249d2cbfa021d815e4db398 SHA512 bb4ecc709e71eee9a9a532bfcef764095e581189f3e17c9c0f2d80ceeaa4dd993d7da087b07e27f4a377a40d7a798378591d89ab6c801c7a26c1b1d646c7b76c
+DIST logtalk-3.03.0.tar.bz2 1997131 BLAKE2B 98cbf7d0b9778b7379b7de1c22ff1772b9bab7475b377cda07c7ae48a60494dc7a39fd0b88ab808f2076d1359b209ca43b1e6565052f0e47d34cb7e9ca33d30b SHA512 8445b0dda78ce0a7a0fe380b03d061271eb924df34c8f035c96a949b177c99234e2998c65f18c55be04c7d661c94473448eb2dc79a586dbc346ab07887f0e98a
+DIST logtalk-3.07.0.tar.bz2 2114396 BLAKE2B 62b5960c31fee312ce842b450d49a066508569b636277306e60bbca51bb825c967b0fb53779181e31cf8c9e3345addf7e6d2f1aae98f153cc42cc75bab93f3f9 SHA512 1b26c4f49dee469d6f3a4ae15dd0c429b2b79a407aca9f518af6d1f19f682b6c72dd76c6ed3da38555353219f832efce6f0fb54a4a946cae2fccfa78c67c5757
+DIST logtalk-3.11.2.tar.bz2 3122034 BLAKE2B bb790f6c11f5812337777718f92585f459ba7acb4f66a246d575061bb269db85fc37dd73bd8e185de3fc4cdfe62dcdf1d26782ff1dfe26846d99b39c57e97dc5 SHA512 5c48a4c2165c8b4bfe3047d7dc42f3210a72488fbc2e7349a93ae17ed3590cdd4ff22417f153f163c76605ffc30a5bc8fad2bd91099edf68e675b1d94fb7662b
+EBUILD logtalk-3.00.0.ebuild 4014 BLAKE2B 8048fd0cc426d1d8db44edc7b5abfad50b50cccbb7c2369bfdb5b106f21662f94f91e3c07e1f8c7942f9f97fb663f86dd4c7cc34f8af4a27eb7ebf6169a032ab SHA512 2c38935ab304ed3de15635ce207e5ae3d8cb5a565c61b9257ff604fe40db262237198311423d93691ab73dd42aafc97eb06533c0781f1d018b6a3fa3b44e1d0e
+EBUILD logtalk-3.03.0.ebuild 4013 BLAKE2B 48e997cbd052b46bf2aaa5bb1b5e90f9b8e94baba7bce3e75168821b93c297c8dd7b3dac41f4fe94c16e4fd593fb5cb1fbe4e1654c26271fc86569497858338f SHA512 959f26b924c1082ed72fd1c84a6b26e56c40c3100118370f1cac5005b0df24f7cdff178031945cef27e3458c4c9ef90097abd995c060a6d14060e67d6464a3f4
+EBUILD logtalk-3.07.0.ebuild 3938 BLAKE2B b3627d4b97f1533e82382dab963ba2f537ec35c19a18e482046684c2194ae9524369a5e465b4e4065a5a0314cdb13a2817509ef00b83324fa0a8a3bbc4d064b1 SHA512 995fd87302c4866b048cc1f0089741380157b9a90b7c8565d7a1e9fa99aa0f604c91277a0bf33b019f0b3aa03aea490178fbce7614cf3468d8585bd8ce9f6eee
+EBUILD logtalk-3.11.2.ebuild 3868 BLAKE2B 6721c10a6c1e3d289222fc4ea2d8d84b27fee025de8b19cdf747f5c410183294581f0c9b7d603a191a808e1d71b7d61fc02dfb815a74fcfc4cc10ed61315ebab SHA512 6d8f9d1cf0764414ea4479a1975e79a76ff5b91365bfdf40f68d23e570f9028fd0ee218639ab278a413dc45da3f32b024d63fb9d4adfed80c868b25f8a0f083e
+MISC metadata.xml 404 BLAKE2B 8eee9851c967beb38e36f649b8eaefc8b8329f06adf298702a06b427edeb9a0e556a2f47e63c2b4cf4219027ed18502336b4a9e032d876bde18897985aea7dd8 SHA512 1faeefef2f7670809936eb73c4e9e4e18f44ee6e5851cc7386e996768ab88dbfa7c24801daa2cf4edca8646427eec1c871136540d71b7e0b0add3d00c78691ed
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.00.0-no-user-docs.patch b/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.00.0-no-user-docs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7c14f28413a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.00.0-no-user-docs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -114,14 +114,12 @@
+ echo "Copying Logtalk files and directories..."
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/contributions
+-mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/docs
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/examples
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/library
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/scratch
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/tests
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools
+ cp -RL "$LOGTALKHOME"/contributions "$LOGTALKUSER"/
+ cp -RL "$LOGTALKHOME"/examples "$LOGTALKUSER"/
+@@ -135,16 +133,7 @@
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/lgt2*
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/logtalk.dtd
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/logtalk.xsd
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/adapters "$LOGTALKUSER"/adapters
+-ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/manuals "$LOGTALKUSER"/manuals
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/paths "$LOGTALKUSER"/paths
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/coding "$LOGTALKUSER"/coding
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/lgt2html
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.03.0-no-user-docs.patch b/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.03.0-no-user-docs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d4e7ab9154b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.03.0-no-user-docs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -110,14 +110,12 @@
+ echo "Copying Logtalk files and directories..."
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/contributions
+-mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/docs
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/examples
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/library
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/scratch
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/tests
+ mkdir -p "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools
+ cp -RL "$LOGTALKHOME"/contributions "$LOGTALKUSER"/
+ cp -RL "$LOGTALKHOME"/examples "$LOGTALKUSER"/
+@@ -131,16 +129,7 @@
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/lgt2*
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/logtalk.dtd
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/logtalk.xsd
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/adapters "$LOGTALKUSER"/adapters
+-ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/manuals "$LOGTALKUSER"/manuals
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/paths "$LOGTALKUSER"/paths
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/coding "$LOGTALKUSER"/coding
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/lgt2html
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.11.2-portage.patch b/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.11.2-portage.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f416217399f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/files/logtalk-3.11.2-portage.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -130,14 +130,6 @@
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/lgt2*
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/logtalk.dtd
+ rm -f "$LOGTALKUSER"/tools/lgtdoc/xml/logtalk.xsd
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/adapters "$LOGTALKUSER"/adapters
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/manuals "$LOGTALKUSER"/manuals
+ ln -sf "$LOGTALKHOME"/paths "$LOGTALKUSER"/paths
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.00.0.ebuild b/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.00.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d21ce5022afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.00.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils xdg-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Open source object-oriented logic programming language"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="doc fop xslt"
+ xslt? ( dev-libs/libxslt )
+ fop? ( dev-java/fop )
+ ${DEPEND}"
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.00.0-no-user-docs.patch
+src_install() {
+ # Look at scripts/ for upstream installation process.
+ # Install logtalk base
+ mv scripts/ integration/
+ mkdir -p "${D}/usr/share/${P}"
+ cp -r adapters coding contributions core examples integration \
+ library paths scratch tests tools VERSION.txt \
+ loader-sample.lgt settings-sample.lgt tester-sample.lgt \
+ "${D}/usr/share/${P}" \
+ || die "Failed to install files"
+ # Install mime file, the database will be updated later
+ insinto /usr/share/mime/packages
+ doins scripts/freedesktop/logtalk.xml
+ # Install documentation
+ dodoc BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib \
+ LICENSE.txt \
+ if use doc ; then
+ dohtml -r docs/* \
+ || die "Failed to install html core documentation"
+ dohtml -r manuals/* \
+ || die "Failed to install html manual"
+ fi
+ rm -f man/man1/logtalk_backend_select.1
+ rm -f man/man1/logtalk_version_select.1
+ doman man/man1/*.1 || die "Failed to install man pages"
+ # Integration symlinks
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/logtalk_user_setup
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/bplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/cxlgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/eclipselgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/gplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/lplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/qplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/quintuslgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/sicstuslgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/swilgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/xsblgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/xsbmtlgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/yaplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2xml
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2html
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2txt
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2md
+ use fop && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2pdf
+ # Install environment files
+ echo "LOGTALKHOME=/usr/share/${P}" > 99logtalk
+ doenvd 99logtalk
+pkg_postinst() {
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
+ ewarn "Before running logtalk, users should execute"
+ ewarn "logtalk_user_setup *once*."
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "The following integration scripts are installed"
+ ewarn "for running logtalk with selected Prolog compilers:"
+ ewarn "B-Prolog: /usr/bin/bplgt"
+ ewarn "CxProlog: /usr/bin/cxlgt"
+ ewarn "ECLiPSe: /usr/bin/eclipselgt"
+ ewarn "GNU Prolog: /usr/bin/gplgt"
+ ewarn "Lean Prolog: /usr/bin/lplgt"
+ ewarn "Qu-Prolog: /usr/bin/qplgt"
+ ewarn "Quintus Prolog: /usr/bin/quintuslgt"
+ ewarn "SICStus Prolog: /usr/bin/sicstuslgt"
+ ewarn "SWI Prolog: /usr/bin/swilgt"
+ ewarn "XSB: /usr/bin/xsblgt"
+ ewarn "XSB MT: /usr/bin/xsbmtlgt"
+ ewarn "YAP: /usr/bin/yaplgt"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "The environment has been set up to make the above"
+ ewarn "integration scripts find files automatically for logtalk."
+ ewarn "Please run 'etc-update && source /etc/profile' to update"
+ ewarn "the environment now, otherwise it will be updated at next"
+ ewarn "login."
+pkg_postrm() {
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.03.0.ebuild b/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.03.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..018dbd5eff83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.03.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils xdg-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Open source object-oriented logic programming language"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="doc fop xslt"
+ xslt? ( dev-libs/libxslt )
+ fop? ( dev-java/fop )
+ ${DEPEND}"
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.03.0-no-user-docs.patch
+src_install() {
+ # Look at scripts/ for upstream installation process.
+ # Install logtalk base
+ mv scripts/ integration/
+ mkdir -p "${D}/usr/share/${P}"
+ cp -r adapters coding contributions core examples integration \
+ library paths scratch tests tools VERSION.txt \
+ loader-sample.lgt settings-sample.lgt tester-sample.lgt \
+ "${D}/usr/share/${P}" \
+ || die "Failed to install files"
+ # Install mime file, the database will be updated later
+ insinto /usr/share/mime/packages
+ doins scripts/freedesktop/logtalk.xml
+ # Install documentation
+ dodoc BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib \
+ LICENSE.txt \
+ if use doc ; then
+ dohtml -r docs/* \
+ || die "Failed to install html core documentation"
+ dohtml -r manuals/* \
+ || die "Failed to install html manual"
+ fi
+ rm -f man/man1/logtalk_backend_select.1
+ rm -f man/man1/logtalk_version_select.1
+ doman man/man1/*.1 || die "Failed to install man pages"
+ # Integration symlinks
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/logtalk_user_setup
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/bplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/cxlgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/eclipselgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/gplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/lplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/qplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/quintuslgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/sicstuslgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/swilgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/xsblgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/xsbmtlgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/yaplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2xml
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2html
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2txt
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2md
+ use fop && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2pdf
+ # Install environment files
+ echo "LOGTALKHOME=/usr/share/${P}" > 99logtalk
+ doenvd 99logtalk
+pkg_postinst() {
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
+ ewarn "Before running logtalk, users should execute"
+ ewarn "logtalk_user_setup *once*"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "The following integration scripts are installed"
+ ewarn "for running logtalk with selected Prolog compilers:"
+ ewarn "B-Prolog: /usr/bin/bplgt"
+ ewarn "CxProlog: /usr/bin/cxlgt"
+ ewarn "ECLiPSe: /usr/bin/eclipselgt"
+ ewarn "GNU Prolog: /usr/bin/gplgt"
+ ewarn "Lean Prolog: /usr/bin/lplgt"
+ ewarn "Qu-Prolog: /usr/bin/qplgt"
+ ewarn "Quintus Prolog: /usr/bin/quintuslgt"
+ ewarn "SICStus Prolog: /usr/bin/sicstuslgt"
+ ewarn "SWI Prolog: /usr/bin/swilgt"
+ ewarn "XSB: /usr/bin/xsblgt"
+ ewarn "XSB MT: /usr/bin/xsbmtlgt"
+ ewarn "YAP: /usr/bin/yaplgt"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "The environment has been set up to make the above"
+ ewarn "integration scripts find files automatically for logtalk."
+ ewarn "Please run 'etc-update && source /etc/profile' to update"
+ ewarn "the environment now, otherwise it will be updated at next"
+ ewarn "login."
+pkg_postrm() {
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.07.0.ebuild b/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.07.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b5e3854b4f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.07.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils xdg-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Open source object-oriented logic programming language"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="doc fop xslt"
+ xslt? ( dev-libs/libxslt )
+ fop? ( dev-java/fop )
+ ${DEPEND}"
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.03.0-no-user-docs.patch
+src_install() {
+ # Look at scripts/ for upstream installation process.
+ # Install logtalk base
+ mv scripts/ integration/
+ mkdir -p "${D}/usr/share/${P}"
+ cp -r adapters coding contributions core examples integration \
+ library paths scratch tests tools VERSION.txt \
+ loader-sample.lgt settings-sample.lgt tester-sample.lgt \
+ tests-sample.lgt \
+ "${D}/usr/share/${P}" \
+ || die "Failed to install files"
+ # Install mime file, the database will be updated later
+ insinto /usr/share/mime/packages
+ doins scripts/freedesktop/logtalk.xml
+ # Install documentation
+ dodoc BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib \
+ LICENSE.txt \
+ if use doc ; then
+ dohtml -r docs/* \
+ || die "Failed to install html core documentation"
+ dohtml -r manuals/* \
+ || die "Failed to install html manual"
+ fi
+ rm -f man/man1/logtalk_backend_select.1
+ rm -f man/man1/logtalk_version_select.1
+ doman man/man1/*.1 || die "Failed to install man pages"
+ # Integration symlinks
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/logtalk_user_setup
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/bplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/cxlgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/eclipselgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/gplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/lplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/qplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/quintuslgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/sicstuslgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/swilgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/xsblgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/xsbmtlgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/yaplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2xml
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2html
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2txt
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2md
+ use fop && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2pdf
+ # Install environment files
+ echo "LOGTALKHOME=/usr/share/${P}" > 99logtalk
+ doenvd 99logtalk
+pkg_postinst() {
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
+ ewarn "The following integration scripts are installed"
+ ewarn "for running logtalk with selected Prolog compilers:"
+ ewarn "B-Prolog: /usr/bin/bplgt"
+ ewarn "CxProlog: /usr/bin/cxlgt"
+ ewarn "ECLiPSe: /usr/bin/eclipselgt"
+ ewarn "GNU Prolog: /usr/bin/gplgt"
+ ewarn "Lean Prolog: /usr/bin/lplgt"
+ ewarn "Qu-Prolog: /usr/bin/qplgt"
+ ewarn "Quintus Prolog: /usr/bin/quintuslgt"
+ ewarn "SICStus Prolog: /usr/bin/sicstuslgt"
+ ewarn "SWI Prolog: /usr/bin/swilgt"
+ ewarn "XSB: /usr/bin/xsblgt"
+ ewarn "XSB MT: /usr/bin/xsbmtlgt"
+ ewarn "YAP: /usr/bin/yaplgt"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "The environment has been set up to make the above"
+ ewarn "integration scripts find files automatically for logtalk."
+ ewarn "Please run 'etc-update && source /etc/profile' to update"
+ ewarn "the environment now, otherwise it will be updated at next"
+ ewarn "login."
+pkg_postrm() {
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.11.2.ebuild b/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.11.2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..682b01ea55f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/logtalk-3.11.2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils xdg-utils
+DESCRIPTION="Open source object-oriented logic programming language"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
+IUSE="fop xslt"
+ xslt? ( dev-libs/libxslt )
+ fop? ( dev-java/fop )"
+src_prepare() {
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-portage.patch
+src_install() {
+ # Look at scripts/ for upstream installation process.
+ # Install logtalk base
+ mv scripts/ integration/
+ mkdir -p "${D}/usr/share/${P}"
+ cp -r adapters coding contributions core docs examples integration \
+ library manuals paths scratch tests tools VERSION.txt \
+ loader-sample.lgt settings-sample.lgt tester-sample.lgt \
+ tests-sample.lgt \
+ "${D}/usr/share/${P}" \
+ || die "Failed to install files"
+ # Install mime file, the database will be updated later
+ insinto /usr/share/mime/packages
+ doins scripts/freedesktop/logtalk.xml
+ # Install documentation
+ dodoc BIBLIOGRAPHY.bib \
+ LICENSE.txt \
+ rm -f man/man1/logtalk_backend_select.1
+ rm -f man/man1/logtalk_version_select.1
+ doman man/man1/*.1 || die "Failed to install man pages"
+ # Integration symlinks
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/logtalk_user_setup
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/bplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/cxlgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/eclipselgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/gplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/jiplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/lplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/qplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/quintuslgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/sicstuslgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/swilgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/xsblgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/xsbmtlgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/integration/ \
+ /usr/bin/yaplgt
+ dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2xml
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2html
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2txt
+ use xslt && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2md
+ use fop && dosym /usr/share/${P}/tools/lgtdoc/xml/ \
+ /usr/bin/lgt2pdf
+ # Install environment files
+ echo "LOGTALKHOME=/usr/share/${P}" > 99logtalk
+ doenvd 99logtalk
+pkg_postinst() {
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
+ ewarn "The following integration scripts are installed"
+ ewarn "for running logtalk with selected Prolog compilers:"
+ ewarn "B-Prolog: /usr/bin/bplgt"
+ ewarn "CxProlog: /usr/bin/cxlgt"
+ ewarn "ECLiPSe: /usr/bin/eclipselgt"
+ ewarn "GNU Prolog: /usr/bin/gplgt"
+ ewarn "JIProlog: /usr/bin/jiplgt"
+ ewarn "Lean Prolog: /usr/bin/lplgt"
+ ewarn "Qu-Prolog: /usr/bin/qplgt"
+ ewarn "Quintus Prolog: /usr/bin/quintuslgt"
+ ewarn "SICStus Prolog: /usr/bin/sicstuslgt"
+ ewarn "SWI Prolog: /usr/bin/swilgt"
+ ewarn "XSB: /usr/bin/xsblgt"
+ ewarn "XSB MT: /usr/bin/xsbmtlgt"
+ ewarn "YAP: /usr/bin/yaplgt"
+ ewarn ""
+ ewarn "The environment has been set up to make the above"
+ ewarn "integration scripts find files automatically for logtalk."
+ ewarn "Please run 'etc-update && source /etc/profile' to update"
+ ewarn "the environment now, otherwise it will be updated at next"
+ ewarn "login."
+pkg_postrm() {
+ xdg_desktop_database_update
diff --git a/dev-lang/logtalk/metadata.xml b/dev-lang/logtalk/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7adf5e18089a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lang/logtalk/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+<maintainer type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Prolog</name>
+ <flag name="xslt">Support for generating html documentation using xslt</flag>
+ <flag name="fop">Support for generating pdf documentation using fop</flag>