path: root/x11-apps/xdm
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2017-10-09 18:53:29 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2017-10-09 18:53:29 +0100
commit4f2d7949f03e1c198bc888f2d05f421d35c57e21 (patch)
treeba5f07bf3f9d22d82e54a462313f5d244036c768 /x11-apps/xdm
reinit the tree, so we can have metadata
Diffstat (limited to 'x11-apps/xdm')
8 files changed, 499 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/x11-apps/xdm/Manifest b/x11-apps/xdm/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07752820b529
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-apps/xdm/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+AUX Xsession 1521 SHA256 8a09cd1cef9ebce190e13009e8b21a8504eac1cec3fc31a10d3740b6c7aa49b6 SHA512 6cb72d93ab8004e42e9f5002f7f8bb6eb7d9833fd7d3fb0acf7b7b481ead5fb55cb1b836a1e6010fe859e9e04e14064c442e23fdde5991ffb8556ed5aa5af555 WHIRLPOOL 079887cd7f29fe11e3306da145d4279e99d93c131850a03d49c35befd6d001d8c69a53b9b528a7808ff5913f8787adc90d6fb0f041234462d8f6204a9be0d127
+AUX xdm-1.1.11-arc4random-include.patch 360 SHA256 01a1d04642b04e75ffc6d2433200a3dbe3970b853ab1fbea19add6fa59f3adae SHA512 2da1c4972c7edcd6c3fc42f29c15ce875888cc582a18e1932a60c3d0881a5a96991129bf5bb8c6649f0731e2102c0a163928c089d7ff9fe19ef82d470f86882f WHIRLPOOL d6b41c6f64ba1a7de3725c4737331d419a3eddeeb325c9e13f540443f5c178f08eed73f685b0714e64914ba416a3d3b44a864d207cf3d991500ee6e757b55980
+AUX xdm-1.1.11-cve-2013-2179.patch 1519 SHA256 92307af6fe30116f520798425a7356c8690e837430a5d1b4674243ac16cad6cd SHA512 5890051b134f1ed8f68846ee47d38375fbd0b4c639b9ae834b27d5b1749456aba4e1000a16a16d387072845887685375b1d87c4ce3870cc2acda58c4f17d45ae WHIRLPOOL fdc7a9e75afe5690f3b37e94385afe780185363e7923a5b5fba66a9f272146bc82a690a0b853d10ec614168791a69dded862518d879546ebc9582a7a14efd1be
+AUX xdm-1.1.11-setproctitle-include.patch 849 SHA256 d00a803b87bdc4e84a17d2f9a3e4f147355cc0eb9bc71a860f2396fd1c642b34 SHA512 496ad42ee35ce6d25f87b349330394f65cc8979b388759d7e03636f96bc2272068a999a9f7ac3b2e0486099b7678ef1c0e30505c3e0a08cc3041121936f1abb0 WHIRLPOOL d206fc35eb18458f17aaad9938994a157adfd92f5357ef74e00003bdef9edcd7aa135fa1bd5b7b36dfeb9d0b56ea4b169ec5280c37c180538a01568840f57835
+AUX xdm-consolekit.patch 5712 SHA256 902bf08f10244325897bc410e7fb81178e47dcae9d96c115992ece860c1b211d SHA512 d87ec56e4b7d067709679f222d3bd9009f1496d66c3c4335458b54e2a468200e3c7ac99843330c23bad7049995c93e8f3c74f3161529c6fb488e94e9fcd4752a WHIRLPOOL 89d80047bf95de606a0fd87cb6ce26b6aad755c8ea1e83db7adf0d3751e655be271ae4db5dd2097226e79359a3d85e7b485d4bedcf5bf800c2add4552429ec23
+DIST xdm-1.1.11.tar.bz2 446612 SHA256 d4da426ddea0124279a3f2e00a26db61944690628ee818a64df9d27352081c47 SHA512 fe6f2b7817c0f7f07a1f5f497edcdfa15b93986fd87f314daa472dac8625327ef46ebbf40d27fe8d4a8a2f8d5af8a01c4438a29356740e0eb350f2bd0c7ec0d5 WHIRLPOOL e505cfc5615d93ce8911f30b10b99698b38fa71dd468770616b95d34a0da2212f080f12a1457c715fc58beea56f4d9adc2f41dd63e3bf431b8d85182f0c250d8
+EBUILD xdm-1.1.11-r3.ebuild 1829 SHA256 39e7b8a0ad8ed0c9ef5ca5996028277ff4187f98a298338d5e159c54815d7557 SHA512 c8b901047ff6c1c999281ea565790ea81086b6681c46fbfdf1e4dc2e1f84faf3b4649f4e6054e31b6fb644eb0ac746914103868085ad15c587b3fdc0c4b44f09 WHIRLPOOL cf4532fe5d1c211775fdf55e5da3e49a9d68b4615bc40debb1c1f77d823a28c5978d23bfd0a37dcab3879cb268b1ee46de8e76effdceb36a41b63c5d36572bc7
+MISC ChangeLog 3248 SHA256 0c495c0c049d86198b8923be7f18f6089d4dd7ba7c758767ed0380779fdfc779 SHA512 de707cde9aeb847b4e819cf95bef188ce9eae74c5999044f9a518913f4533017cfa912115568e851624df6f915f72c8418523bd40b33dd0b5ea7d097b15666ce WHIRLPOOL 2903430140282f3d47becbf465900bfc0217696327ebfc2443e123dd83a80db768435ac08bb8ea53eaed286573014e7af7be93e4601d1c928fa1f68d9dd7329c
+MISC ChangeLog-2015 22628 SHA256 1b8c497a067c8a7e4b04a43de9bf72dceac11c9762401357ab98b2bda82c10ce SHA512 7eccd0322620b071d28e2c8d40fc69f4ceebeaf2e4f9d20243dcd8174e73ab1351e9866de08c8c5d7ed94ced40d4fd730a37e2bb84cb1f446946af51557c2f6f WHIRLPOOL 5a93e11de5afdb594e2bf88c9a20de5fe6673e7bc285edbf621bfa93442471673c89f73a4a9a61f7e00d75ae8dfcbac1cb0d09041e9fbf391f307c2381c49a61
+MISC metadata.xml 414 SHA256 9a7f96b96e6c7e681b90986933fbe2de6ca02d20ab701d72aa6b779b57d78389 SHA512 f3acd7a9e8f8e1d93ca5c657409efbaeb5695dc81528926d9ecdc517cff8a7c2f597b9ac8b856cb81246ff39c2ceaac5bd72587db68a5d260c3117599e24c38c WHIRLPOOL ac17b35b0fe3b09840c934ddbe69945ab953ca648d89978c3811f0ceb599c007bd46644538801c44ad7c04cae67dbd3b43b2735938f5d69933e9fca5fd521caf
diff --git a/x11-apps/xdm/files/Xsession b/x11-apps/xdm/files/Xsession
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ffeef4c87420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-apps/xdm/files/Xsession
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#!/bin/bash --login
+# $Xorg: Xsession,v 1.4 2000/08/17 19:54:17 cpqbld Exp $
+# $XFree86: xc/programs/xdm/config/Xsession,v 1.3 2001/01/17 23:45:24 dawes Exp $
+# redirect errors to a file in user's home directory if we can
+for errfile in "$HOME/.xsession-errors" "${TMPDIR-/tmp}/xses-$USER" "/tmp/xses-$USER"
+ if ( cp /dev/null "$errfile" 2> /dev/null )
+ then
+ chmod 600 "$errfile"
+ exec > "$errfile" 2>&1
+ break
+ fi
+# handle KDM
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ export XSESSION="$1"
+# First run the system default. Because KDE uses this
+# to switch sessions, we MUST first check the system
+# default, and then ~/.xsession. If the user Do not
+# want this, he should override XSESSION, or at least
+# clear it.
+if [ -n "`/etc/X11/`" ]; then
+ exec "`/etc/X11/`"
+# If not defined, try the user's ~/.xsession
+elif [ -s "$startup" ]; then
+ # merge in defaults and keymaps
+ if [ -f $sysresources ]; then
+ xrdb -merge $sysresources
+ fi
+ if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
+ xmodmap $sysmodmap
+ fi
+ if [ -f $userresources ]; then
+ xrdb -merge $userresources
+ fi
+ if [ -f $usermodmap ]; then
+ xmodmap $usermodmap
+ fi
+ if [ -x "$startup" ]; then
+ exec "$startup"
+ else
+ exec /bin/sh "$startup"
+ fi
+# Lastly, xsm as failsafe
+ if [ -r "$userresources" ]; then
+ xrdb -load "$userresources"
+ fi
+ exec xsm
diff --git a/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-arc4random-include.patch b/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-arc4random-include.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..db948094b755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-arc4random-include.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+diff -ur a/xdm/genauth.c b/xdm/genauth.c
+--- a/xdm/genauth.c 2011-09-25 09:35:47.000000000 +0200
++++ b/xdm/genauth.c 2014-01-06 16:28:09.664060603 +0100
+@@ -40,6 +40,14 @@
+ #include <errno.h>
++# ifdef __linux__
++# include <bsd/stdlib.h>
++# else
++# include <stdlib.h>
++# endif
+ #include <time.h>
+ #define Time_t time_t
diff --git a/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-cve-2013-2179.patch b/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-cve-2013-2179.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34ae7ceb3cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-cve-2013-2179.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+From 8d1eb5c74413e4c9a21f689fc106949b121c0117 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: mancha <>
+Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 14:20:26 +0000
+Subject: Handle NULL returns from glibc 2.17+ crypt().
+Starting with glibc 2.17 (eglibc 2.17), crypt() fails with EINVAL
+(w/ NULL return) if the salt violates specifications. Additionally,
+on FIPS-140 enabled Linux systems, DES/MD5-encrypted passwords
+passed to crypt() fail with EPERM (w/ NULL return).
+If using glibc's crypt(), check return value to avoid a possible
+NULL pointer dereference.
+Reviewed-by: Matthieu Herrb <>
+Signed-off-by: Alan Coopersmith <>
+diff --git a/greeter/verify.c b/greeter/verify.c
+index db3cb7d..b009e2b 100644
+--- a/greeter/verify.c
++++ b/greeter/verify.c
+@@ -329,6 +329,7 @@ Verify (struct display *d, struct greet_info *greet, struct verify_info *verify)
+ struct spwd *sp;
+ # endif
+ char *user_pass = NULL;
++ char *crypted_pass = NULL;
+ # endif
+ # ifdef __OpenBSD__
+ char *s;
+@@ -464,7 +465,9 @@ Verify (struct display *d, struct greet_info *greet, struct verify_info *verify)
+ # if defined(ultrix) || defined(__ultrix__)
+ if (authenticate_user(p, greet->password, NULL) < 0)
+ # else
+- if (strcmp (crypt (greet->password, user_pass), user_pass))
++ crypted_pass = crypt (greet->password, user_pass);
++ if ((crypted_pass == NULL)
++ || (strcmp (crypted_pass, user_pass)))
+ # endif
+ {
+ if(!greet->allow_null_passwd || strlen(p->pw_passwd) > 0) {
+cgit v0.9.0.2-2-gbebe
diff --git a/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-setproctitle-include.patch b/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-setproctitle-include.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a3f32bbea02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-1.1.11-setproctitle-include.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+diff -ur a/xdm/choose.c b/xdm/choose.c
+--- a/xdm/choose.c 2011-09-25 09:35:47.000000000 +0200
++++ b/xdm/choose.c 2014-01-06 16:33:09.628065364 +0100
+@@ -54,6 +54,14 @@
+ # include <tiuser.h>
+ # endif
++# ifdef __linux__
++# include <bsd/unistd.h>
++# else
++# include <unistd.h>
++# endif
++# endif
+ # include <time.h>
+ # define Time_t time_t
+diff -ur a/xdm/session.c b/xdm/session.c
+--- a/xdm/session.c 2011-09-25 09:35:47.000000000 +0200
++++ b/xdm/session.c 2014-01-06 16:40:57.508072789 +0100
+@@ -54,6 +54,15 @@
+ # include <usersec.h>
+ #endif
++# include <sys/types.h>
++# ifdef __linux__
++# include <bsd/unistd.h>
++# else
++# include <unistd.h>
++# endif
++# endif
+ #ifndef USE_PAM /* PAM modules should handle these */
+ # ifdef SECURE_RPC
+ # include <rpc/rpc.h>
diff --git a/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-consolekit.patch b/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-consolekit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbacd36fc073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-apps/xdm/files/xdm-consolekit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -362,6 +362,20 @@
++# ConsoleKit support
++AC_ARG_WITH(consolekit, AC_HELP_STRING([--with-consolekit], [Use ConsoleKit]),
++if test x"$USE_CONSOLEKIT" != xno; then
++ if test x"$USE_CONSOLEKIT" = xyes; then
++ AC_DEFINE([USE_CONSOLEKIT], 1, [Define to 1 to use ConsoleKit])
++ fi
+ #
+ # XDM
+ #
+--- a/xdm/session.c
++++ b/xdm/session.c
+@@ -66,6 +66,11 @@
+ #endif
+ #endif /* USE_PAM */
++#include <ck-connector.h>
++#include <dbus/dbus.h>
+ #ifdef __SCO__
+ #include <prot.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -472,6 +477,97 @@
+ }
+ }
++static CkConnector *connector;
++static int openCKSession(struct verify_info *verify, struct display *d)
++ int ret;
++ DBusError error;
++ char *remote_host_name = "";
++ dbus_bool_t is_local;
++ char *display_name = "";
++ char *display_device = "";
++ char devtmp[16];
++ if (!use_consolekit)
++ return 1;
++ is_local = d->displayType.location == Local;
++ if (d->peerlen > 0 && d->peer)
++ remote_host_name = d->peer;
++ if (d->name)
++ display_name = d->name;
++ /* how can we get the corresponding tty at best...? */
++ if (d->windowPath) {
++ display_device = strchr(d->windowPath, ':');
++ if (display_device && display_device[1])
++ display_device++;
++ else
++ display_device = d->windowPath;
++ snprintf(devtmp, sizeof(devtmp), "/dev/tty%s", display_device);
++ display_device = devtmp;
++ }
++ connector = ck_connector_new();
++ if (!connector) {
++ LogOutOfMem("ck_connector");
++ return 0;
++ }
++ dbus_error_init(&error);
++ ret = ck_connector_open_session_with_parameters(
++ connector, &error,
++ "unix-user", &verify->uid,
++ "x11-display", &display_name,
++ "x11-display-device", &display_device,
++ "remote-host-name", &remote_host_name,
++ "is-local", &is_local,
++ NULL);
++ if (!ret) {
++ if (dbus_error_is_set(&error)) {
++ LogError("Dbus error: %s\n", error.message);
++ dbus_error_free(&error);
++ } else {
++ LogError("ConsoleKit error\n");
++ }
++ LogError("console-kit-daemon not running?\n");
++ ck_connector_unref(connector);
++ connector = NULL;
++ return 0;
++ }
++ verify->userEnviron = setEnv(verify->userEnviron,
++ "XDG_SESSION_COOKIE", ck_connector_get_cookie(connector));
++ return 1;
++static void closeCKSession(void)
++ DBusError error;
++ if (!connector)
++ return;
++ dbus_error_init(&error);
++ if (!ck_connector_close_session(connector, &error)) {
++ if (dbus_error_is_set(&error)) {
++ LogError("Dbus error: %s\n", error.message);
++ dbus_error_free(&error);
++ } else {
++ LogError("ConsoleKit close error\n");
++ }
++ LogError("console-kit-daemon not running?\n");
++ }
++ ck_connector_unref(connector);
++ connector = NULL;
++#define openCKSession(v,d) 1
++#define closeCKSession()
+ void
+ SessionExit (struct display *d, int status, int removeAuth)
+ {
+@@ -486,6 +580,8 @@
+ }
+ #endif
++ closeCKSession();
+ /* make sure the server gets reset after the session is over */
+ if (d->serverPid >= 2 && d->resetSignal)
+ kill (d->serverPid, d->resetSignal);
+@@ -568,6 +664,10 @@
+ #ifdef USE_PAM
+ if (pamh) pam_open_session(pamh, 0);
+ #endif
++ if (!openCKSession(verify, d))
++ return 0;
+ switch (pid = fork ()) {
+ case 0:
+ CleanUpChild ();
+--- a/include/dm.h
++++ b/include/dm.h
+@@ -325,6 +325,9 @@
+ extern char *prngdSocket;
+ extern int prngdPort;
+ # endif
++extern int use_consolekit;
+ extern char *greeterLib;
+ extern char *willing;
+--- a/xdm/resource.c
++++ b/xdm/resource.c
+@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@
+ char *prngdSocket;
+ int prngdPort;
+ #endif
++int use_consolekit;
+ char *greeterLib;
+ char *willing;
+@@ -258,6 +261,10 @@
+ "false"} ,
+ { "willing", "Willing", DM_STRING, &willing,
+ ""} ,
++{ "consoleKit", "ConsoleKit", DM_BOOL, (char **) &use_consolekit,
++ "true"} ,
+ };
+ # define NUM_DM_RESOURCES (sizeof DmResources / sizeof DmResources[0])
+@@ -440,7 +447,11 @@
+ {"-debug", "*debugLevel", XrmoptionSepArg, (caddr_t) NULL },
+ {"-xrm", NULL, XrmoptionResArg, (caddr_t) NULL },
+ {"-daemon", ".daemonMode", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
+-{"-nodaemon", ".daemonMode", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" }
++{"-nodaemon", ".daemonMode", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" },
++{"-consolekit", ".consoleKit", XrmoptionNoArg, "true" },
++{"-noconsolekit", ".consoleKit", XrmoptionNoArg, "false" }
+ };
+ static int originalArgc;
+--- a/man/
++++ b/man/
+@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
+ ] [
+ .B \-session
+ .I session_program
++] [
++.B \-noconsolekit
+ ]
+ .I Xdm
+@@ -218,6 +220,10 @@
+ .IP "\fB\-xrm\fP \fIresource_specification\fP"
+ Allows an arbitrary resource to be specified, as in most
+ X Toolkit applications.
++.IP "\fB\-noconsolekit\fP"
++Specifies ``false'' as the value for the \fBDisplayManager.consoleKit\fP
++This suppresses the session management using ConsoleKit.
+ At many stages the actions of
+ .I xdm
diff --git a/x11-apps/xdm/metadata.xml b/x11-apps/xdm/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27b78ed8a148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-apps/xdm/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <maintainer type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>X11</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <use>
+ <flag name="consolekit">Enable native <pkg>sys-auth/consolekit</pkg> support</flag>
+ <flag name="xdm-auth">Enable XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 support</flag>
+ </use>
diff --git a/x11-apps/xdm/xdm-1.1.11-r3.ebuild b/x11-apps/xdm/xdm-1.1.11-r3.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4233aea63111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x11-apps/xdm/xdm-1.1.11-r3.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit multilib xorg-2 pam systemd
+DESCRIPTION="X.Org xdm application"
+KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm ~arm64 hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 ~sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="consolekit ipv6 pam xdm-auth"
+ x11-libs/libXdmcp
+ x11-libs/libXaw
+ >=x11-apps/xinit-1.0.2-r3
+ x11-libs/libXinerama
+ x11-libs/libXmu
+ x11-libs/libX11
+ x11-libs/libXt
+ x11-apps/sessreg
+ x11-apps/xconsole
+ consolekit? ( sys-auth/consolekit )
+ pam? ( virtual/pam )
+ !<sys-apps/systemd-187"
+ consolekit? ( !=sys-auth/pambase-20101024-r1 )
+ x11-proto/xineramaproto
+ x11-proto/xproto"
+pkg_setup() {
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-consolekit.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-cve-2013-2179.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.1.11-arc4random-include.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.1.11-setproctitle-include.patch
+ )
+ $(use_enable ipv6)
+ $(use_with pam)
+ "$(systemd_with_unitdir)"
+ --with-default-vt=${DEFAULTVT}
+ --with-xdmconfigdir=/etc/X11/xdm
+ $(use_with consolekit)
+ )
+src_prepare() {
+ # fedora invented that in -187...
+ sed -i -e 's:^Alias=.*$:Alias=display-manager.service:' \
+ || die
+ # disable XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1 wrt bug #445662.
+ # it causes issue with libreoffice and SDL games (bug #306223).
+ if use !xdm-auth; then
+ sed -i -e '/authorize/a\
+DisplayManager*authName: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1' \
+ config/xdm-config.cpp || die
+ fi
+ xorg-2_src_prepare
+src_install() {
+ xorg-2_src_install
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/X11/xdm
+ doexe "${FILESDIR}"/Xsession
+ use pam && pamd_mimic system-local-login xdm auth account session
+ # Keep /var/lib/xdm. This is where authfiles are stored. See #286350.
+ keepdir /var/lib/xdm