path: root/www-servers
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2018-10-27 12:48:57 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2018-10-27 12:48:57 +0100
commit70b82ae359a5538711e103b0e8dfb92654296644 (patch)
tree8412b84ff9ce02a22be5251052b00feefe1d5b70 /www-servers
parent64e107b9b6058580ff0432107eb37cefb0b2a7d8 (diff)
gentoo resync : 27.10.2018
Diffstat (limited to 'www-servers')
-rw-r--r--www-servers/Manifest.gzbin5702 -> 5704 bytes
3 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www-servers/Manifest.gz b/www-servers/Manifest.gz
index b81b8678720c..73d387b5e86f 100644
--- a/www-servers/Manifest.gz
+++ b/www-servers/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/Manifest b/www-servers/apache/Manifest
index 05a5de519bc6..4ea1bf9f2359 100644
--- a/www-servers/apache/Manifest
+++ b/www-servers/apache/Manifest
@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ DIST httpd-2.2.34.tar.bz2 5779739 BLAKE2B 8cdd41fb5d1880da4a1cfef252b4682f613b93
DIST httpd-2.4.27.tar.bz2 6527394 BLAKE2B 50a650eb2edd121dac860ff555273290010d7e85bf4d5fbe3683f82e1928dde99ebfabc42186436f5052a66555a73d8b797b114c76c123faa31b9f51575d0bbb SHA512 7e7e8070715b74cb6890096a74e194f4c6a49c14bda685b1ad832e84312f1ac4316ea03a430e679502bfd8e1853aefa544ee002a20d0f7e994b9a590c74bc42c
DIST httpd-2.4.34.tar.bz2 6942969 BLAKE2B 02ecb9980f48bef7ac915077598560353e0682001bdaa99410b7faad459c4581f8d0878b4840e38e570b1872d549d58743260cb3030c145ae93bef97fc692cc4 SHA512 2bc09213f08a4722e305929fbac5f5060c7a8444704494894bb9b61f17e4d20bb6e3d663bb93fc5b2030b04a43fb12373d260cc291422b210b299725aaf3b5c8
DIST httpd-2.4.35.tar.bz2 7044336 BLAKE2B b0ec5de56bfdaf7c6cf7f6cd2fedbd8748c16a76bddbde8e3442d2102aa33bc2642cf1dacce7b5e38023ddfceee393cd0059b881cd25dc57c029900385a41f59 SHA512 f5d6a849850ebdf4e38b586c84cc1063d68ac4c6737895c9ac1c8796c22655681c55b4de77ed9f1f807338fdb9f7824faf911361aa31cc46f3c3a2cbabe20543
+DIST httpd-2.4.37.tar.bz2 7031632 BLAKE2B 53eb04e91a909b65107c587348860fbe3aa48474fa8beae5bed875c62655704e3b63f77534b2961e24bf861c9502b7a52de71a1e6099f092476135b8a50cede8 SHA512 e802915801bbe885a65dada04b0116d145b293fabfff734dddb61a79ca1c6d65326f51155d1b864b093c3ec00d0bdfdf1401ab55677bae1ea3da1d199d7bcad4
EBUILD apache-2.2.34.ebuild 2976 BLAKE2B 8816d1f547ba7e8de670ef0f45cde40748fc5d611e1060f0c76a8b35ce9771a493f89f2277afcd90ac36fc6f4f684be1e19913d2d3a2ecd78e63e9f4f0d97470 SHA512 32b49f813a80f28b50a2170878d3b204c51db243bbd117b60b8aff63627b42d2cb76e87282ad9053ac1513f0faf8489a60edc7dec0c8087f12650a74d3a533b7
EBUILD apache-2.4.27-r1.ebuild 7737 BLAKE2B 6e459c6d091a5d91d1179cde68fa1b34bb4faf04d3c66b8b0a759311e6b03102485fc4758a65437c5c9bd12f63e3afdd50730c196f3e5785c3c6aa25fb2cf2c5 SHA512 bd2df8d64f22fd28af9e2225492de2d3dc2d8172220f14f495841fec587aeb39c02d4d7021d4f96430f9821922baa84a78a7b8470f56d5c5305bd124d763afd2
EBUILD apache-2.4.34-r2.ebuild 8245 BLAKE2B ea58474549b4c05319ae4d4eab60d0035415b6698c201aad0255c28cf0b0cd636f1666d4d90b8fc55a1fa53a9da2bd36c49afae7818715101c693cc8837c4abb SHA512 f3ed8140685860c7c8e44baa1198a38dd44de8015e7c994490c37bd9289386a446aed2dd448d75a9159124bf06eb2441dbab59e9c617d70d81f8d4b6c106eaf1
EBUILD apache-2.4.35.ebuild 8129 BLAKE2B eb9b06e7215fb91e532b38860d320a979edf317c9b7c323a3d6c877ccea85d71fcfbb256532adcf2bf86bb2380057654474e010fdbe3115fdaf6dcac7db5843b SHA512 e271262915260838e85dfeeffb18acac0249421db9d910a429539289e72915b66043128e50ab89b1228cc460010c7c49cb49fd41e1863f633094c4dea3287b1d
+EBUILD apache-2.4.37.ebuild 8129 BLAKE2B eb9b06e7215fb91e532b38860d320a979edf317c9b7c323a3d6c877ccea85d71fcfbb256532adcf2bf86bb2380057654474e010fdbe3115fdaf6dcac7db5843b SHA512 e271262915260838e85dfeeffb18acac0249421db9d910a429539289e72915b66043128e50ab89b1228cc460010c7c49cb49fd41e1863f633094c4dea3287b1d
MISC metadata.xml 3852 BLAKE2B 66dc78cb1191b40322dde247b302d5987c10348a0d3b639b3479563b7584df67806e3774d46bf967b5115209b05bdd6e29c1a199b5ff250fd3e140d299e36a8c SHA512 7c3f98caa25850b8321ce7809da866a712f0b7c787b5cfad29ed9a3129bf0c685e57f16b239566bd4c377fde724f20bf49d83881fa805168efde28484d1ddf7f
diff --git a/www-servers/apache/apache-2.4.37.ebuild b/www-servers/apache/apache-2.4.37.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f8f2bdda1f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www-servers/apache/apache-2.4.37.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# latest gentoo apache files
+IUSE_MPMS_THREAD="event worker"
+# << obsolete modules:
+# authn_default authz_default mem_cache
+# mem_cache is replaced by cache_disk
+# ?? buggy modules
+# proxy_scgi: startup error: undefined symbol "ap_proxy_release_connection", no fix found
+# >> added modules for reason:
+# compat: compatibility with 2.2 access control
+# authz_host: new module for access control
+# authn_core: functionality provided by authn_alias in previous versions
+# authz_core: new module, provides core authorization capabilities
+# cache_disk: replacement for mem_cache
+# lbmethod_byrequests: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3
+# lbmethod_bytraffic: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3
+# lbmethod_bybusyness: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3
+# lbmethod_heartbeat: Split off from mod_proxy_balancer in 2.3
+# slotmem_shm: Slot-based shared memory provider (for lbmethod_byrequests).
+# socache_shmcb: shared object cache provider. Default config with ssl needs it
+# unixd: fixes startup error: Invalid command 'User'
+IUSE_MODULES="access_compat actions alias asis auth_basic auth_digest
+authn_alias authn_anon authn_core authn_dbd authn_dbm authn_file authz_core
+authz_dbd authz_dbm authz_groupfile authz_host authz_owner authz_user autoindex
+brotli cache cache_disk cache_socache cern_meta charset_lite cgi cgid dav dav_fs dav_lock
+dbd deflate dir dumpio env expires ext_filter file_cache filter headers http2
+ident imagemap include info lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness
+lbmethod_heartbeat log_config log_forensic logio macro md mime mime_magic negotiation
+proxy proxy_ajp proxy_balancer proxy_connect proxy_ftp proxy_html proxy_http proxy_scgi
+proxy_fcgi proxy_wstunnel rewrite ratelimit remoteip reqtimeout setenvif
+slotmem_shm speling socache_shmcb status substitute unique_id userdir usertrack
+unixd version vhost_alias watchdog xml2enc"
+# The following are also in the source as of this version, but are not available
+# for user selection:
+# bucketeer case_filter case_filter_in echo http isapi optional_fn_export
+# optional_fn_import optional_hook_export optional_hook_import
+# inter-module dependencies
+# TODO: this may still be incomplete
+ brotli:filter
+ dav_fs:dav
+ dav_lock:dav
+ deflate:filter
+ cache_disk:cache
+ ext_filter:filter
+ file_cache:cache
+ lbmethod_byrequests:proxy_balancer
+ lbmethod_byrequests:slotmem_shm
+ lbmethod_bytraffic:proxy_balancer
+ lbmethod_bybusyness:proxy_balancer
+ lbmethod_heartbeat:proxy_balancer
+ log_forensic:log_config
+ logio:log_config
+ cache_disk:cache
+ cache_socache:cache
+ md:watchdog
+ mime_magic:mime
+ proxy_ajp:proxy
+ proxy_balancer:proxy
+ proxy_balancer:slotmem_shm
+ proxy_connect:proxy
+ proxy_ftp:proxy
+ proxy_html:proxy
+ proxy_html:xml2enc
+ proxy_http:proxy
+ proxy_scgi:proxy
+ proxy_fcgi:proxy
+ proxy_wstunnel:proxy
+ substitute:filter
+# module<->define mappings
+ auth_digest:AUTH_DIGEST
+ authnz_ldap:AUTHNZ_LDAP
+ cache:CACHE
+ cache_disk:CACHE
+ cache_socache:CACHE
+ dav:DAV
+ dav_fs:DAV
+ dav_lock:DAV
+ file_cache:CACHE
+ http2:HTTP2
+ info:INFO
+ ldap:LDAP
+ md:SSL
+ proxy:PROXY
+ proxy_ajp:PROXY
+ proxy_balancer:PROXY
+ proxy_connect:PROXY
+ proxy_ftp:PROXY
+ proxy_html:PROXY
+ proxy_http:PROXY
+ proxy_fcgi:PROXY
+ proxy_scgi:PROXY
+ proxy_wstunnel:PROXY
+ socache_shmcb:SSL
+ ssl:SSL
+ status:STATUS
+ suexec:SUEXEC
+ userdir:USERDIR
+# critical modules for the default config
+ authn_core
+ authz_core
+ authz_host
+ dir
+ mime
+ unixd
+inherit apache-2 systemd tmpfiles toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="The Apache Web Server"
+# some helper scripts are Apache-1.1, thus both are here
+LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Apache-1.1"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~m68k-mint ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris"
+# Enable http2 by default (bug #563452)
+# FIXME: Move to apache-2.eclass once this has reached stable.
+# New suexec options (since 2.4.34)
+IUSE="${IUSE} +suexec-caps suexec-syslog"
+CDEPEND="apache2_modules_brotli? ( >=app-arch/brotli-0.6.0:= )
+ apache2_modules_http2? ( >=net-libs/nghttp2-1.2.1 )
+ apache2_modules_md? ( >=dev-libs/jansson-2.10 )"
+ suexec? ( suexec-caps? ( sys-libs/libcap ) )"
+REQUIRED_USE="apache2_modules_http2? ( ssl )
+ apache2_modules_md? ( ssl )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ # dependend critical modules which are not allowed in global scope due
+ # to USE flag conditionals (bug #499260)
+ use ssl && MODULE_CRITICAL+=" socache_shmcb"
+ use doc && MODULE_CRITICAL+=" alias negotiation setenvif"
+ apache-2_pkg_setup
+src_configure() {
+ # Brain dead check.
+ tc-is-cross-compiler && export ap_cv_void_ptr_lt_long="no"
+ apache-2_src_configure
+src_compile() {
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler; then
+ # This header is the same across targets, so use the build compiler.
+ pushd server >/dev/null
+ emake gen_test_char
+ tc-export_build_env BUILD_CC
+ gen_test_char.c -o gen_test_char $(apr-1-config --includes) || die
+ popd >/dev/null
+ fi
+ default
+src_install() {
+ apache-2_src_install
+ local i
+ local apache_tools_prune_list=(
+ /usr/bin/{htdigest,logresolve,htpasswd,htdbm,ab,httxt2dbm}
+ /usr/sbin/{checkgid,fcgistarter,htcacheclean,rotatelogs}
+ /usr/share/man/man1/{logresolve.1,htdbm.1,htdigest.1,htpasswd.1,dbmmanage.1,ab.1}
+ /usr/share/man/man8/{rotatelogs.8,htcacheclean.8}
+ )
+ for i in ${apache_tools_prune_list[@]} ; do
+ rm "${ED%/}"/$i || die "Failed to prune apache-tools bits"
+ done
+ # install apxs in /usr/bin (bug #502384) and put a symlink into the
+ # old location until all ebuilds and eclasses have been modified to
+ # use the new location.
+ dobin support/apxs
+ dosym ../bin/apxs /usr/sbin/apxs
+ # Note: wait for mod_systemd to be included in some forthcoming release,
+ # Then apache2.4.service can be used and systemd support controlled
+ # through --enable-systemd
+ systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/apache2.2-hardened.service" "apache2.service"
+ systemd_dotmpfilesd "${FILESDIR}/apache.conf"
+ #insinto /etc/apache2/modules.d
+ #doins "${FILESDIR}/00_systemd.conf"
+ # Install http2 module config
+ insinto /etc/apache2/modules.d
+ doins "${FILESDIR}"/41_mod_http2.conf
+ # Fix path to apache libdir
+ sed "s|@LIBDIR@|$(get_libdir)|" -i "${ED%/}"/usr/sbin/apache2ctl || die
+pkg_postinst() {
+ apache-2_pkg_postinst || die "apache-2_pkg_postinst failed"
+ tmpfiles_process apache.conf #662544
+ # warnings that default config might not work out of the box
+ local mod cmod
+ for mod in ${MODULE_CRITICAL} ; do
+ if ! use "apache2_modules_${mod}"; then
+ echo
+ ewarn "Warning: Critical module not installed!"
+ ewarn "Modules 'authn_core', 'authz_core' and 'unixd'"
+ ewarn "are highly recomended but might not be in the base profile yet."
+ ewarn "Default config for ssl needs module 'socache_shmcb'."
+ ewarn "Enabling the following flags is highly recommended:"
+ for cmod in ${MODULE_CRITICAL} ; do
+ use "apache2_modules_${cmod}" || \
+ ewarn "+ apache2_modules_${cmod}"
+ done
+ echo
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ # warning for proxy_balancer and missing load balancing scheduler
+ if use apache2_modules_proxy_balancer; then
+ local lbset=
+ for mod in lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness lbmethod_heartbeat; do
+ if use "apache2_modules_${mod}"; then
+ lbset=1 && break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ ! ${lbset} ] ; then
+ echo
+ ewarn "Info: Missing load balancing scheduler algorithm module"
+ ewarn "(They were split off from proxy_balancer in 2.3)"
+ ewarn "In order to get the ability of load balancing, at least"
+ ewarn "one of these modules has to be present:"
+ ewarn "lbmethod_byrequests lbmethod_bytraffic lbmethod_bybusyness lbmethod_heartbeat"
+ echo
+ fi
+ fi