path: root/sys-process/runit
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-06-22 00:11:38 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-06-22 00:11:38 +0100
commit491d0101c89d81dec507f28215b3cb094800d600 (patch)
treea47cf0d9ff4a5f16976435358f5b956ac25f522c /sys-process/runit
parentbed3b604e16fc6075e29f1af8d47507a07035bd3 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 22:06:2024 - 00:11:37
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-process/runit')
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/sys-process/runit/Manifest b/sys-process/runit/Manifest
index 7c7a875fb36e..5b44d3813766 100644
--- a/sys-process/runit/Manifest
+++ b/sys-process/runit/Manifest
@@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ AUX finish.getty 30 BLAKE2B 97dec53a513713c68febd68177227e165ed3bdee28d3db4f57b6
AUX run.getty-2.1.2 44 BLAKE2B 38b80fc06bb53a06a6dd2ebeb6f5c320c73c9d3e928c5dbfeaad2fa0a19e1bdeaa28cf6fe61fcdd46406c0f1f4a05113b8b2cdb652bcac3d6560e0af0f5d521c SHA512 c23aa0ba79043a5717e5567f39bb714154f68c1e417538013943a65de5584b775c265423dd5d47c52027a1be1621f8fb017b115d75d127a31b2ef7cae3ed9eea
DIST runit-2.1.2.tar.gz 110916 BLAKE2B 101e514aeed282685ebe636f401ca6f94d157281d08a3ac487340aebe945b82d2ee01d41e9917446f4ebd7b27fe9fd18ba4ad55739ab1b62a0e59e1c438b55e9 SHA512 a18773ebf1aa22305dd89ed67363165b9fcf86c192b2be4e268d08005dd82d51265160c637abe072f2f2e378c4b315a75bd3d3e602c3e75bdd451a3b0190f8cf
DIST runit_2.1.2-59ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz 66756 BLAKE2B d071dae4a92f292837f55210cda62d8d0471efa623aeb43b56fb6381050b64fa5d3def7d0738756621e1c4d05b36d0cdaedb7d056d24d796f834ace932bd55b9 SHA512 de6289d9909a8df5c5657762f8214858f9301ac0d55cac9c605f70f92e663ed8067fe018a8585616099ac369b7078a95415040c27e82626261f2adf925d0bad2
-EBUILD runit-2.1.2-r1.ebuild 3535 BLAKE2B 82105cb3ebdb2897e293c0c36450f31b804b980a2801ac22eeb97ae8ff902ecaf53e6804a3214bb754d41098407be07257f322d272380dbf9129d88c27386bbc SHA512 2d9808af0300e6bfe62cf47f19d5aaafb771054ce373948bcef9a7bbf7c114219ef7927e628148e847ccfde5671dad047a502632053ac1aafa1f74dfb33d07f8
-EBUILD runit-2.1.2-r2.ebuild 3888 BLAKE2B 6d7b01fb497be6b3cb325ce0e4c265fcc9f5d1dcf24a0dff2a6487a269424aaa62df60bb95eeeeb069ff99b02175812dc6fb8d7c8943f51b1b60702cbf03dd10 SHA512 68a419d370ed3573c1101a243f0280b737f0832013d358e8653cb9452f93e87ddd9b30e84c5730303eb75b69c39c8034591887d93f72a82bdca7f647689aa5ad
+EBUILD runit-2.1.2-r2.ebuild 3881 BLAKE2B a9b06f6f41235f137817a3c4951eeb6575b0f9fd26109eabae879c7790d6e20a74a4e772e47a912caca1fc8ad77206ecbe25c2c3d1ee9cb5a08503e5518faed8 SHA512 c360647c8c6f06f27fb8f14ab53e8c2d22210f2db3088d1549130a90d121df808a2f15869f53090a0a0b1b8b58024c3bc320c6b16970523b369f4c478f8ea95f
MISC metadata.xml 331 BLAKE2B bdd00a86fff3c8a1d5d1bbe0c02c3b8ff3744cbaa2418005f2874a8996993a9adb114827bbd2f508f7df43ce8746c4528366d12e02c429cd5515c3b27de07972 SHA512 31b1e624cd18692713a25780237cb492a9541b61f18fae9522c39c5e0e6f292acf4534ce63135c20ea4f8bf9f29e15533ff5692e012732c1ab9d839277677b94
diff --git a/sys-process/runit/runit-2.1.2-r1.ebuild b/sys-process/runit/runit-2.1.2-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2250a85f21de..000000000000
--- a/sys-process/runit/runit-2.1.2-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit toolchain-funcs flag-o-matic
-DESCRIPTION="A UNIX init scheme with service supervision"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 sparc x86"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # we either build everything or nothing static
- sed -i -e 's:-static: :' Makefile
- # see
- [[ ${COMPILER} == "diet" ]] &&
- use ppc &&
- filter-flags "-mpowerpc-gpopt"
-src_configure() {
- use static && append-ldflags -static
- echo "$(tc-getCC) ${CFLAGS}" > conf-cc
- echo "$(tc-getCC) ${LDFLAGS}" > conf-ld
-src_install() {
- into /
- dobin $(<../package/commands)
- dodir /sbin
- mv "${ED}"/bin/{runit-init,runit,utmpset} "${ED}"/sbin/ || die "dosbin"
- dosym ../etc/runit/2 /sbin/runsvdir-start
- HTML_DOCS=( ../doc/*.html )
- einstalldocs
- doman ../man/*.[18]
- dodir /etc/runit
- exeinto /etc/runit
- doexe "${FILESDIR}"/ctrlaltdel
- newexe "${FILESDIR}"/1-${PV} 1
- newexe "${FILESDIR}"/2-${PV} 2
- newexe "${FILESDIR}"/3-${PV} 3
- dodir /etc/sv
- for tty in tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty6; do
- exeinto /etc/sv/getty-$tty/
- newexe "${FILESDIR}"/finish.getty finish
- newexe "${FILESDIR}"/run.getty-${PV} run
- for script in finish run; do
- sed -i -e "s:TTY:${tty}:g" "${ED}"/etc/sv/getty-$tty/$script
- done
- done
- # make sv command work
- newenvd - 20runit <<- EOF
- #/etc/env.d/20runit
- SVDIR="/etc/service/"
-default_config() {
- local sv="${EROOT}"etc/sv
- local service="${EROOT}"etc/service
- mkdir -p "${service}" || die
- for x in tty1 tty2 tty3 tty4 tty5 tty6; do
- ln -sf "${sv}"/getty-$x "${service}"/getty-$x || die
- done
- einfo "The links to services runit will supervise are installed"
- einfo "in $service."
- einfo "If you need multiple runlevels, please see the documentation"
- einfo "for how to set them up."
- einfo
-migrate_from_211() {
- # Create /etc/service and /var/service if requested
- if [ -e "${T}"/make_var_service ]; then
- ln -sf "${EROOT}"etc/runit/runsvdir/current "${EROOT}"etc/service || die
- ln -sf "${EROOT}"etc/runit/runsvdir/current "${EROOT}"var/service || die
- fi
- if [ -d "${T}"/runsvdir ]; then
- cp -a "${T}"/runsvdir "${EROOT}"etc/runit || die
- fi
- return 0
-pkg_preinst() {
- if has_version '<sys-process/runit-2.1.2'; then
- pre_212=yes
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ -z $REPLACING_VERSIONS ]]; then
- default_config
- elif [[ -n $pre_212 ]]; then
- migrate_from_211
- fi
- ewarn "To make sure sv works correctly in your currently open"
- ewarn "shells, please run the following command:"
- ewarn
- ewarn "source /etc/profile"
- ewarn
- if [ -L "${EROOT}"var/service ]; then
- ewarn "Once this version of runit is active, please remove the"
- ewarn "compatibility symbolic link at ${EROOT}var/service"
- ewarn "The correct path now is ${EROOT}etc/service"
- ewarn
- fi
- if [ -L "${EROOT}"etc/runit/runsvdir/all ]; then
- ewarn "${EROOT}etc/runit/runsvdir/all has moved to"
- iewarn "${EROOT}etc/sv."
- ewarn "Any symbolic links under ${EROOT}etc/runit/runsvdir"
- ewarn "which point to services through ../all should be updated to"
- ewarn "point to them through ${EROOT}etc/sv."
- ewarn "Once that is done, ${EROOT}etc/runit/runsvdir/all should be"
- ewarn "removed."
- ewarn
- fi
diff --git a/sys-process/runit/runit-2.1.2-r2.ebuild b/sys-process/runit/runit-2.1.2-r2.ebuild
index 0d475b7e66d4..5f135925f8bc 100644
--- a/sys-process/runit/runit-2.1.2-r2.ebuild
+++ b/sys-process/runit/runit-2.1.2-r2.ebuild
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ S=${WORKDIR}/admin/${P}/src
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 sparc x86"
src_prepare() {