path: root/sys-power/iasl
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2020-08-25 10:45:55 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2020-08-25 10:45:55 +0100
commit3cf7c3ef441822c889356fd1812ebf2944a59851 (patch)
treec513fe68548b40365c1c2ebfe35c58ad431cdd77 /sys-power/iasl
parent05b8b0e0af1d72e51a3ee61522941bf7605cd01c (diff)
gentoo resync : 25.08.2020
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-power/iasl')
2 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-power/iasl/Manifest b/sys-power/iasl/Manifest
index f10ce60ec44a..b7935ba6e28e 100644
--- a/sys-power/iasl/Manifest
+++ b/sys-power/iasl/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
AUX iasl-20200326-Makefile.patch 2227 BLAKE2B eaf6d7cb51f65f430d207cea7c54c2f5489dd3dc3fd2930035af37576cf2c22b237c229a6bfe2f5ffa5c76c3bd8c4b138d360c4c0beba7f2558f1efabf577afa SHA512 07be0ba4034d3b3c19b7e29e66ec41b433c32bc077622db89520b89f52f44ad8069a4c50a9da6579eec130672b5187e0217e6dacc3b0c638b1d9ba54d83f91b3
DIST acpica-unix-20200326.tar.gz 1850373 BLAKE2B 4b0c8548ff4b99fb774eb4301687368da2149bfaf68e02c638eecf890fc89974dadd75acc844233ecde8cfac2b98d75df79df2bb1bd6993dc8d502b3156c1012 SHA512 253ea7fc2bb540dd0cfa55552648c33562f39efb9a9b8cbab751ad7f4fea9bd3800eb241afb30313140e2008889b62b82b4427624e087a275353d81555403e76
+DIST acpica-unix-20200717.tar.gz 1847795 BLAKE2B 84af34884bbea39aed9ea7ec86f20a27f3dd10fa68456b5f12de2bdecf9f205c43b4b4e5dcfb55325571a5682794cdc2e0c5a83c646036a15cc90f81223aefff SHA512 16de55b97a3b478dd2dd44fcbe51b871c7cc6174d337939b873bcbc871bee10487a796aa86abaa7b54ff6b75279cdbf9ec48e19f6baaea4290daf1ad56bdbc46
DIST acpitests-unix-20200326.tar.gz 2212897 BLAKE2B d88d3d900ac06d165c4a50cddd65495b75db345009b10e76d9f38197ba42efe3ea396ec9828bef62da1fd96ac331d95623c03194e08b00037ff1234321fcf0d3 SHA512 332b4ed016cee48662a5f4572e6d170461f02ee1386109a3970fbe8d104f2a2b14c19235ea43ae9b26e8faf9ef9597cb3d2148e498741361aca62978d0b62189
+DIST acpitests-unix-20200717.tar.gz 2212717 BLAKE2B 939e8022c5ecb7c5e862767f89c0b0de6146e23014dc0100d7dee0f3502e7adcbba72a468c828f804317e75d3a80ba5864c5497a7695f70be0bc1e3dcc69b4e6 SHA512 02c6674cbb2d98f783f25c71b1f391713de6fb3b56e5b57de9a7ccba0927453be4db8aea513e6e7ad491fcf3a0b2c14fefe8a2b82877a2ae01ea1d7832d36844
EBUILD iasl-20200326.ebuild 3392 BLAKE2B 0ff5e3a105785bb0379404b85bcf8a3d49dcd17db6b77e6dbc8536572cdadfc497da5f533e039270b7ebfd0d59ca6e36382f7f8df07b6f2ed146d993e45926b6 SHA512 ecf72d6339edc6093720a0d8598f66ef321b5cb411b8168512efe5909a10abdfd11b1413a86d31bac123f8d14573706b52cbc78adea10a279e1ad54de7e0db13
+EBUILD iasl-20200717.ebuild 3395 BLAKE2B b3b725cc68057472b7d7c39014ec1ea4cbc1870d5a3c85eb2fec38464818e9b4bba32c12bc098c350e91527e8f21b068ec8bcec11d7df561ec761464bcf095a7 SHA512 2af8ca2a3eb2987056ca0b2cb531f93e64ac4bf4c98ba3b1c924a58358bd3254fec234569362aa6b57d67900cfb3f3f1730ee76151864e95d36a2aa188002477
MISC metadata.xml 330 BLAKE2B 4c0218788685cc36fddf5d759c091898a71c01bf22e9e7995d1f5da37cd0508c961895b4265bda462062676f3e722205f0a6b10f64db718110f7afe8f088d136 SHA512 4d7760ec82f64ce49478c359b32aa100ca9778471033741b7fd89905d075b3a067fda413c6dcc5115d7755d0ab6cd9d30a848ff674f1c83ef6205c51ec501a65
diff --git a/sys-power/iasl/iasl-20200717.ebuild b/sys-power/iasl/iasl-20200717.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ef5112d8e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-power/iasl/iasl-20200717.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="Intel ACPI Source Language (ASL) compiler"
+ test? (${MY_TESTS_P}.tar.gz )"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ sys-devel/bison
+ sys-devel/flex"
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-20200326-Makefile.patch )
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use test && has test ${FEATURES}; then
+ ewarn 'You have selected USE="test". This will install the test results'
+ ewarn "into /usr/share/${PF}/, compressed as a tarball."
+ ewarn 'The tests themselves will only rarely die, but the test results'
+ ewarn 'are interesting for arch testing. The tests may take quite some'
+ ewarn 'time to complete.'
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ find "${S}" -type f -name 'Makefile*' -print0 | \
+ xargs -0 -I '{}' \
+ sed -r -e 's:-\<Werror\>::g' -e "s:/usr:${EPREFIX}/usr:g" \
+ -i '{}' \
+ || die
+src_configure() {
+ tc-export CC
+ # BITS is tied to ARCH - please set appropriately if you add new keywords
+ if [[ $ARCH == @(amd64|amd64-fbsd) ]] ; then
+ export BITS=64
+ else
+ export BITS=32
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ emake -C generate/unix BITS="${BITS}"
+src_test() {
+ aslts_test
+ #The aapits test currently fails, missing include probably.
+ #aapits_test
+src_install() {
+ cd generate/unix || die
+ emake install DESTDIR="${D}" BITS=${BITS}
+ default
+ #local bin
+ #for bin in $(<"${T}"/binlist) ; do
+ # dobin "${T}"/${bin}
+ #done
+ dodoc "${S}"/changes.txt
+ newdoc "${S}"/source/compiler/readme.txt compiler-readme.txt
+ newdoc "${S}"/generate/unix/readme.txt unix-readme.txt
+ newdoc "${S}"/generate/lint/readme.txt lint-readme.txt
+ newdoc "${S}"/source/compiler/new_table.txt compiler-new_table.txt
+ if use test && has test ${FEATURES}; then
+ tb="${T}"/testresults.tar.bz2
+ export ASLTSDIR="$(<"${T}"/asltdir)"
+ ebegin "Creating Test Tarball"
+ tar -cjf "${tb}" -C "${ASLTSDIR}"/tmp/RESULTS . || die "tar failed"
+ eend $?
+ insinto /usr/share/${PF}
+ doins ${tb}
+ fi
+aslts_test() {
+ export ASL="${S}"/generate/unix/bin/iasl \
+ acpibin="${S}"/generate/unix/bin/acpibin \
+ acpiexec="${S}"/generate/unix/bin/acpiexec \
+ ASLTSDIR="${WORKDIR}/${MY_TESTS_P}"/tests/aslts
+ export PATH="${PATH}:${ASLTSDIR}/bin"
+ echo "$ASLTSDIR" >"${T}"/asltdir
+ cd "${ASLTSDIR}" || die
+ edos2unix $(find . -type 'f')
+ make install || die "make install aslts test failed"
+ chmod +x $(find bin/ ! -regex 'ERROR_OPCODES|HOW_TO_USE|README' ) || die "chmod bin +x failed"
+ #The below Do commands runs the tests twice and then dies if the results aren't
+ #Identical.
+ Do 1 || die "failed Do 1"
+ Do 2 || die "failed Do 2"
+aapits_test() {
+ mv "${WORKDIR}/${MY_TESTS_P}/tests/aapits" "${S}/tools/" || die "mv failed"
+ cd "${S}/tools/aapits" || die "cannot find ${S}/tools/aapits"
+ edos2unix $(find . -type 'f')
+ chmod +x $(find bin/ | sed -r -e '/\/[A-Z_]+$/d') || die "chmod bin +x failed"
+ make || die "make in aapits failed"
+ cd asl || die "cd asl failed"
+ make || die "make in asl failed"
+ cd ../bin || die
+ ./aapitsrun || die "aapitsrun failed"