path: root/sys-apps/file
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-01-11 23:45:17 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-01-11 23:45:17 +0000
commit7051f2e58b6bbc371b2c94cead2715bf06310adb (patch)
treed8eb7cbcdfa3883fcdb1cb004774e17be52600b0 /sys-apps/file
parent3b4acc0bc0b77136b371d8a3119066f80f221efe (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 11:01:2023 - 23:45:17
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps/file')
3 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/file/Manifest b/sys-apps/file/Manifest
index 69cfe8840bec..7ee583333470 100644
--- a/sys-apps/file/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/file/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
AUX file-5.43-configure-clang16.patch 473 BLAKE2B 4f98016638a5afb5e7dd8c1085077d562a65811585971f5c5dd3c36b1848754900e2c41779c55b69b65c8ca07533f379623e230f7cd9cecd00318619572f1e24 SHA512 96627055e6a970fbad2f8a3c8d6ad5b326e89fceab081187e012c3a363975bb3d2368320653093121ef132fa80e4c9576278e3d58aee4b5a4afc26aa88ecd5c7
AUX file-5.43-portage-sandbox.patch 640 BLAKE2B d0442694866d6d0dfa203f686309de3f79a9f3047cbb20b8ea2d9042293c437cbd6b04f02a6c779df9b6331a7c9cee4fc460b2e4ed0c29563fce981f33d69ec3 SHA512 10a8d059a62d3d4f58a255c8204f9f72660babb16e76d9de9946cb1c91130e56c9733f1fcf30396c40bc9906055a123b47ea55d38a54f3473e8b2c69a2f91ef3
AUX file-5.43-seccomp-fstatat64-musl.patch 565 BLAKE2B 31c42ae9857958e70dc459afc6c2cf1a297c0d29048908e54bd9ea5e15b85608a6fa76795d89716d3c5293a131e986fb83398f4a6eb560a72d794a448387fe2c SHA512 d53ed79b84a7b499c92b5d57ef4b482750a96dbeca904d480b44017e757fee8f404703485513d9da823c7aace7c1b51c64be4402afd6aca0ff9e4ece6ccfcb53
+AUX file-5.44-decompress-empty.patch 4065 BLAKE2B 4eea6b2cee04861a595d543e01940bd0fbfabf91a33d30ad40de1e84a3d49b456587839ebebde5aaea1a45e0ce9d7ef4aed4462062476e9bb9ebd536f84afe91 SHA512 852da270c653a2663fa7baa1a805dbd272190364d9fbe2c4ac599ee659b7f1ebbcfa27cbec46476b9055f95ff2decd67caaa4fcac3a19c24c385519ef95429eb
AUX file-5.44-limits-solaris.patch 443 BLAKE2B d7481f0669b48d6c1a94e50706b6523636adba4e789d8f5a43fe231d26cbe89b8faded72470059cce7064d011eb5587ae4d5ef34c83c0463f04dd322d09aa5a4 SHA512 d96e84db2e87ca616d2d0eea58e188847f5bd98fcb843d1b875786e3f23faf515d199b2ccf5d4cc22834153a889439b7754091f80d5588f7cbd343d218a442c4
AUX file-5.44-seccomp-utimes.patch 587 BLAKE2B c1d2a8861034e9de0d4b1d0440935bd1ce25b789de0ac7f573378a1ef5d409f4c879deb0fd8dc89c48674d5af795cf8b99f7da870c9e5d54cec7a2d400b803f5 SHA512 e41b80f2e858ecc3e100b128d41c2d2e948a334f87523ae5d0c3b50916c678f37d6f26948d0b51a1bbdea9b0ab2683a3955004df2736d1240dcf80ee14390d9f
DIST file-5.43.tar.gz 1162786 BLAKE2B aaaf32c5054fb83e912af6656e5e67947f45576ec3711c7cba5531ed780e142a448580e0db41a828c8a3c5d2f1bf0c8ed49bc9688499caaae4a08baa16b3610c SHA512 9d02f4e7a69d90468d6bd35df5ec240ddee8c2408b7df3e73427d7f18736baf77db0638a1fe8283f4e6abd1d5ad653890ed3a5a0d48bb52d4023ca4070ecdf06
@@ -9,5 +10,6 @@ DIST file-5.44.tar.gz 1186437 BLAKE2B a90ccae738a95315d75a0aaee7bbff3624425cc926
DIST file-5.44.tar.gz.asc 195 BLAKE2B a0905d42fec0fa052d75fb5b267c6ae223176451c0f1d3346006d4b760c3d858f2dcda5f0a30c6aa4b09b5afee427b75bc4debd5033d978f39dc1da01d3e1bd1 SHA512 1a4dc39283f4859581441aa35b3ed72b323c4e05ca0960d17126d1b9ec18465c695c0545e24f09f8437a60ab52e582be67b6cbbc656bbb676de00148c3644d23
EBUILD file-5.43-r2.ebuild 3748 BLAKE2B 8a3bf79b24f0e7adb88254c67efffd6c4d811b2dbbe95067861ca0c750ce3f4eaf48d996cf9d903196da0889796051c55d79443132b0ff4ef3337342f730b5e1 SHA512 e3cad781107a0db9d3125584c48ffb70aa22ca211691aba621d342f61878bb6b1460aede609e51d2f80bfd866dac5d9f1e57fca1c5bfd03c83e7063307ffb519
EBUILD file-5.44-r1.ebuild 3977 BLAKE2B 3f59ebb6fe4aa4d30c634ed3605df50e9353a764314a3199a402637ef05f726799da80e51dae5743d7aae04aaf7b41218edbd172216166ce58340bc7081ea97e SHA512 f73860f67289d5193d08874d4c6552e4f4a56145bab1cbb78224c81a4cfed4ed7a2a517e334673e54b07674b77b9abce977b60d54e2582f291266c984c55a6ad
+EBUILD file-5.44-r2.ebuild 4036 BLAKE2B a6be85526dec13066b4da445da1c088a500d7882ae05879e091ebe6c32262800443654792f9ba001880c53e47ca381b5a894b61f608475c7b0e95cb0a80ec48f SHA512 77da1f7eda9cf69b7b637fec1db361fc4b81c137f883a38e22a0bae2091303da793955c567a242d156533f998b666099985ffa774589fc72abf367d544be6eaf
EBUILD file-9999.ebuild 3855 BLAKE2B 29dc182f37fe2d0195eee8df904472447b97f97db750a46d686badb2795736035661ec2a398e36b416c27880df4caadddd283fddf2762a17ce1e94faca4faf49 SHA512 a271f686925d2b3be69e08f58a84be9ab742a19c0dc5f8d86413aae646aedbcc27fe51c0e8451ca92633d268bed1e529e52aa227e1c77b520f60048cc7dcd60c
MISC metadata.xml 565 BLAKE2B 737512e354fedb4483608b04c594a486c0d8a0f70d23d306c59c78dedb0c8116f80ff558926444b9d9b9ef15805b3826163523b5644c88f01a330be1b8c9a76f SHA512 f240bf9e064c6e6f5b63e3265dfe3adf5b1d2c2b5b2456b79ea7451580150271ccb4097d33967de57ba767fecbdbea51fb62ccb683fcc5e1cca101be660ffd19
diff --git a/sys-apps/file/file-5.44-r2.ebuild b/sys-apps/file/file-5.44-r2.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fd89f18309c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/file/file-5.44-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..11} )
+inherit distutils-r1 libtool toolchain-funcs multilib-minimal
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ inherit autotools git-r3
+ VERIFY_SIG_OPENPGP_KEY_PATH="${BROOT}"/usr/share/openpgp-keys/file.asc
+ inherit verify-sig
+ SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? (${P}.tar.gz.asc )"
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~x86 ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+ BDEPEND="verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-file )"
+DESCRIPTION="Identify a file's format by scanning binary data for patterns"
+IUSE="bzip2 lzip lzma python seccomp static-libs zlib zstd"
+ bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ lzip? ( app-arch/lzlib )
+ lzma? ( app-arch/xz-utils[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ python? (
+ dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ )
+ zlib? ( >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.8-r1[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ zstd? ( app-arch/zstd:=[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )
+ python? ( !dev-python/python-magic )
+ seccomp? ( sys-libs/libseccomp[${MULTILIB_USEDEP}] )"
+ python? (
+ )"
+ "${FILESDIR}/file-5.43-seccomp-fstatat64-musl.patch" #789336, not upstream yet
+ "${FILESDIR}/file-5.43-portage-sandbox.patch" #889046
+ "${FILESDIR}/file-5.44-limits-solaris.patch" # applied upstream
+ "${FILESDIR}/file-5.44-seccomp-utimes.patch" # upstream
+ "${FILESDIR}/file-5.44-decompress-empty.patch" # upstream
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ eautoreconf
+ else
+ elibtoolize
+ fi
+ # Don't let python README kill main README, bug ##60043
+ mv python/ python/ || die
+ # bug #662090
+ sed '' -i python/ || die
+multilib_src_configure() {
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ --enable-fsect-man5
+ $(use_enable bzip2 bzlib)
+ $(multilib_native_use_enable lzip lzlib)
+ $(use_enable lzma xzlib)
+ $(use_enable seccomp libseccomp)
+ $(use_enable static-libs static)
+ $(use_enable zlib)
+ $(use_enable zstd zstdlib)
+ )
+ econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+build_src_configure() {
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ --disable-shared
+ --disable-libseccomp
+ --disable-bzlib
+ --disable-xzlib
+ --disable-zlib
+ )
+ econf_build "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+need_build_file() {
+ # When cross-compiling, we need to build up our own file
+ # because people often don't keep matching host/target
+ # file versions, bug #362941
+ tc-is-cross-compiler && ! has_version -b "~${CATEGORY}/${P}"
+src_configure() {
+ local ECONF_SOURCE="${S}"
+ if need_build_file ; then
+ mkdir -p "${WORKDIR}"/build || die
+ cd "${WORKDIR}"/build || die
+ build_src_configure
+ fi
+ multilib-minimal_src_configure
+multilib_src_compile() {
+ if multilib_is_native_abi ; then
+ emake
+ else
+ # bug #586444
+ emake -C src magic.h
+ emake -C src
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ if need_build_file ; then
+ # bug #586444
+ emake -C "${WORKDIR}"/build/src magic.h
+ emake -C "${WORKDIR}"/build/src file
+ local -x PATH="${WORKDIR}/build/src:${PATH}"
+ fi
+ multilib-minimal_src_compile
+ if use python ; then
+ cd python || die
+ distutils-r1_src_compile
+ fi
+multilib_src_install() {
+ if multilib_is_native_abi ; then
+ default
+ else
+ emake -C src install-{nodist_includeHEADERS,libLTLIBRARIES} DESTDIR="${D}"
+ fi
+multilib_src_install_all() {
+ dodoc ChangeLog MAINT # README
+ # Required for `file -C`
+ insinto /usr/share/misc/magic
+ doins -r magic/Magdir/*
+ if use python ; then
+ cd python || die
+ distutils-r1_src_install
+ fi
+ find "${ED}" -type f -name "*.la" -delete || die
diff --git a/sys-apps/file/files/file-5.44-decompress-empty.patch b/sys-apps/file/files/file-5.44-decompress-empty.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..21dcfa4c94c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/file/files/file-5.44-decompress-empty.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+From 1dd21dd360472d7b830825df8e40a06cdc1cbbcf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Christos Zoulas <>
+Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2023 18:09:16 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] fix decompression always returning empty.
+--- a/src/compress.c
++++ b/src/compress.c
+@@ -609,6 +609,7 @@ uncompresszlib(const unsigned char *old, unsigned char **newch,
+ int rc;
+ z_stream z;
++ DPRINTF("builtin zlib decompression\n");
+ z.next_in = CCAST(Bytef *, old);
+ z.avail_in = CAST(uint32_t, *n);
+ z.next_out = *newch;
+@@ -650,6 +651,7 @@ uncompressbzlib(const unsigned char *old, unsigned char **newch,
+ int rc;
+ bz_stream bz;
++ DPRINTF("builtin bzlib decompression\n");
+ memset(&bz, 0, sizeof(bz));
+ rc = BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&bz, 0, 0);
+ if (rc != BZ_OK)
+@@ -690,6 +692,7 @@ uncompressxzlib(const unsigned char *old, unsigned char **newch,
+ int rc;
+ lzma_stream xz;
++ DPRINTF("builtin xzlib decompression\n");
+ memset(&xz, 0, sizeof(xz));
+ rc = lzma_auto_decoder(&xz, UINT64_MAX, 0);
+ if (rc != LZMA_OK)
+@@ -729,6 +732,7 @@ uncompresszstd(const unsigned char *old, unsigned char **newch,
+ ZSTD_inBuffer in;
+ ZSTD_outBuffer out;
++ DPRINTF("builtin zstd decompression\n");
+ if ((zstd = ZSTD_createDStream()) == NULL) {
+ return makeerror(newch, n, "No ZSTD decompression stream, %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+@@ -777,6 +781,7 @@ uncompresslzlib(const unsigned char *old, unsigned char **newch,
+ bufp = *newch;
++ DPRINTF("builtin lzlib decompression\n");
+ dec = LZ_decompress_open();
+ if (!dec) {
+ return makeerror(newch, n, "unable to allocate LZ_Decoder");
+@@ -833,11 +838,13 @@ makeerror(unsigned char **buf, size_t *len, const char *fmt, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ int rv;
++ DPRINTF("Makeerror %s\n", fmt);
+ free(*buf);
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ rv = vasprintf(&msg, fmt, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ if (rv < 0) {
++ DPRINTF("Makeerror failed");
+ *buf = NULL;
+ *len = 0;
+ return NODATA;
+@@ -1048,7 +1055,7 @@ uncompressbuf(int fd, size_t bytes_max, size_t method, int nofork,
+ pid_t pid;
+ pid_t writepid = -1;
+ size_t i;
+- ssize_t r;
++ ssize_t r, re;
+ char *const *args;
+ posix_spawn_file_actions_t fa;
+@@ -1103,6 +1110,7 @@ uncompressbuf(int fd, size_t bytes_max, size_t method, int nofork,
+ handledesc(&fa, fd, fdp);
++ DPRINTF("Executing %s\n", compr[method].argv[0]);
+ status = posix_spawnp(&pid, compr[method].argv[0], &fa, NULL,
+ args, NULL);
+@@ -1128,6 +1136,7 @@ uncompressbuf(int fd, size_t bytes_max, size_t method, int nofork,
+ * do not modify fdp[i][j].
+ */
+ handledesc(NULL, fd, fdp);
++ DPRINTF("Executing %s\n", compr[method].argv[0]);
+ (void)execvp(compr[method].argv[0], args);
+ dprintf(STDERR_FILENO, "exec `%s' failed, %s",
+@@ -1146,6 +1155,7 @@ uncompressbuf(int fd, size_t bytes_max, size_t method, int nofork,
+ if (writepid == (pid_t)-1) {
+ rv = makeerror(newch, n, "Write to child failed, %s",
+ strerror(errno));
++ DPRINTF("Write to child failed\n");
+ goto err;
+ }
+ closefd(fdp[STDIN_FILENO], 1);
+@@ -1153,6 +1163,7 @@ uncompressbuf(int fd, size_t bytes_max, size_t method, int nofork,
+ rv = OKDATA;
+ r = sread(fdp[STDOUT_FILENO][0], *newch, bytes_max, 0);
++ DPRINTF("read got %zd\n", r);
+ if (r < 0) {
+ rv = ERRDATA;
+ DPRINTF("Read stdout failed %d (%s)\n", fdp[STDOUT_FILENO][0],
+@@ -1165,15 +1176,17 @@ uncompressbuf(int fd, size_t bytes_max, size_t method, int nofork,
+ * errors, otherwise we risk the child blocking and never
+ * exiting.
+ */
++ DPRINTF("Closing stdout for bytes_max\n");
+ closefd(fdp[STDOUT_FILENO], 0);
+ goto ok;
+ }
+- if ((r = sread(fdp[STDERR_FILENO][0], *newch, bytes_max, 0)) > 0) {
++ if ((re = sread(fdp[STDERR_FILENO][0], *newch, bytes_max, 0)) > 0) {
++ DPRINTF("Got stuff from stderr %s\n", *newch);
+ rv = ERRDATA;
+ r = filter_error(*newch, r);
+ goto ok;
+ }
+- if (r == 0)
++ if (re == 0)
+ goto ok;
+ rv = makeerror(newch, n, "Read stderr failed, %s",
+ strerror(errno));