path: root/sci-mathematics/gap
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-10-10 04:03:58 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-10-10 04:03:58 +0100
commit3aae425b3c39d02e2dc917db0fae8c225c158ca1 (patch)
tree89f296451fba2217a7c18592ecb1762a920dead7 /sci-mathematics/gap
parent6ee17dd82a3bcd0e90af4ebfbb3e411d342761be (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 10:10:2024 - 04:03:57
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-mathematics/gap')
3 files changed, 320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/gap/Manifest b/sci-mathematics/gap/Manifest
index ddb4d6eae153..fc8ecc7e0985 100644
--- a/sci-mathematics/gap/Manifest
+++ b/sci-mathematics/gap/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+AUX gap-4.13.1-hash-fixes.patch 8703 BLAKE2B 84ef5cce4ef7d71229972f60886472591a3fb1c8afb132e803e82bdcbc2a8e46a10910d99d43a3b04c7120a7c44b7b8ab04ecae4bab62035ccc1327e76c0d46e SHA512 5921dbb29361aafc7aa6a14b752d7c1736a7a4b0db01c56a4a4aa8719277d8a6a6e14116f3edd9e6764fbb449e9579f334311837d0c726e97a00bbca97f2117a
DIST gap-4.13.1-core.tar.gz 38673913 BLAKE2B a63cbd2211430bfbf1bc9bb489a68a2ee7182858ccb326dfe5e6d3a7b8fb6a8c34b56a539c8b9cf3a22a1cc3a4ffe22d365b0e5229ba2c2b6d0ce6bacf0e645b SHA512 e3b74558c05e5963ea87aa77baba0edc068634072ff97b8ea0880289e53213eed82b01784db2675263d6f47547bfef259b80353ed2843ce90a77a0252c551919
+EBUILD gap-4.13.1-r1.ebuild 4008 BLAKE2B a56bc5655cf450ab304fc653354c9914861269f9bec8acb933f9cb392bba5c626156745658a89e19329e2485df2bac7cffbfd03f8bbbbb4b563186dfc34c1251 SHA512 f1dcc671f350e4962ac7869650d01c037d5dc530731f84289dd323ce31068f16edc450d4375f413f83c668403c4b4ddb3d7d753ed8f983db44425195888ad24a
EBUILD gap-4.13.1.ebuild 3952 BLAKE2B 7799ab87b5facb7cbe4934c53108a85b96725add2e61dbe0cea6fa4f5d4ef013f3d2d496da86e0d2fda2b13f1e6601fd2755d5a0671306b7d80fe14c6d599389 SHA512 53a7f462e3f7c4601a96a95a199cddc0800b187100ada6a3046aa3f502bb65f881dfc524b07676817e83ab51923c90c16ae6b7fc74f6d06a57e18cdbb5d4b0b6
MISC metadata.xml 1582 BLAKE2B 9151244f139b0d675e327731c336c41d5d69c25856286c182944d57255fbb6d7b1f023195b3a01c829ff6f3ea1d5e6eb6edbcc796a30120deacde82b90b5f39c SHA512 f4490e9b13cee6604f14df39ea048d7578e080a8faa97b0bb22191a7dce56904416870ed64c289f91526087009f7488e8baed4e531c78f50a5b917e9e1684ce2
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/gap/files/gap-4.13.1-hash-fixes.patch b/sci-mathematics/gap/files/gap-4.13.1-hash-fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c99b39ab91c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/gap/files/gap-4.13.1-hash-fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
+index 5ee7341..e4349ac 100644
+--- a/lib/
++++ b/lib/
+@@ -152,16 +152,37 @@ end);
+ ##
+ InstallMethod(SparseIntKey,"for bounded tuples",true,
+ [ IsList,IsList and IsCyclotomicCollection ], 0,
+-local c;
+- if Length(m)<>3 or m[1]<>"BoundedTuples" then
++function(m, v)
++ if Length(m)<> 3 or m[1]<>"BoundedTuples" then
+ TryNextMethod();
+ fi;
+- c:=[1,Maximum(m[2])+1];
+- return function(a)
+- return a*c;
++ # Due to the way BoundedTuples are presently implemented we expect the input
++ # to the hash function to always be a list of positive immediate integers. This means
++ # that using HashKeyWholeBag should be safe.
++ return function(x)
++ Assert(1, IsPositionsList(x));
++ if not IsPlistRep(x) then
++ x := AsPlist(x);
++ fi;
++ return HashKeyWholeBag(x, 1);
+ end;
++ # alternative code w/o HashKeyBag
++ ## build a weight vector to distinguish lists. Make entries large while staying clearly within
++ ## immediate int (2^55 replacing 2^60, since we take subsequent primes).
++ #step:=NextPrimeInt(QuoInt(2^55,Maximum(m[2])*m[3]));
++ #weights:=[1];
++ #len:=Length(v);
++ ## up to 56 full, then increasingly reduce
++ #len:=Minimum(len,8*RootInt(len));
++ #while Length(weights)<len do
++ # Add(weights,weights[Length(weights)]+step);
++ # step:=NextPrimeInt(step);
++ #od;
++ #return function(a)
++ # return a*weights;
++ #end;
+ end);
+ BindGlobal( "SparseIntKeyVecListAndMatrix", function(d,m)
+diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
+index c1def0b..00e2953 100644
+--- a/lib/
++++ b/lib/
+@@ -3565,6 +3565,7 @@ InstallMethod(DomainForAction,"permutations on lists of integers",true,
+ function(pnt,acts,act)
+ local m;
+ if not (Length(pnt)>0 and ForAll(pnt,IsPosInt) and
++ ForAll(acts,IsPerm) and
+ (act=OnSets or act=OnPoints or act=OnRight or act=\^)) then
+ TryNextMethod();
+ fi;
+diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
+index 017c3c6..93ba828 100644
+--- a/lib/
++++ b/lib/
+@@ -2142,7 +2142,8 @@ InstallMethod(DomainForAction,"matrix/matrix",IsElmsCollsX,
+ function(pnt,acts,act)
+ local l,f;
+ if (not ForAll(acts,IsMatrix)) or
+- (act<>OnPoints and act<>OnSubspacesByCanonicalBasis and act<>OnRight) then
++ (act<>OnPoints and act<>OnSubspacesByCanonicalBasis and act<>OnRight and act<>OnSets and
++ act<>OnTuples) then
+ TryNextMethod(); # strange operation, might extend the domain
+ fi;
+ l:=NaturalActedSpace(acts,pnt);
+diff --git a/tst/testbugfix/2024-09-14-actdomain.tst b/tst/testbugfix/2024-09-14-actdomain.tst
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..84f8b50
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/tst/testbugfix/2024-09-14-actdomain.tst
+@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
++# Fix #5786 and error reported by Len Soicher in support list
++gap> gg:=SpecialUnitaryGroup(4,2);;
++gap> hl:=Z(2)*[
++> [0,0,1,0],
++> [1,1,0,0],
++> [0,1,0,1],
++> [0,1,1,0],
++> [1,1,0,1]];;
++gap> o:=Orbit(gg,Set(hl),OnSets);;
++gap> Length(o);
++gap> set:=[ 1,10,15,24,29,33,38,40,44,59, 60, 63, 69, 74, 77,79,85, 86, 90,
++> 95, 99, 103, 105, 110, 122, 125, 143, 148, 149, 153, 162, 165, 174, 182,
++> 185, 191, 197, 198, 202, 218, 223, 227, 228, 235, 236, 240, 243, 248,
++> 254,
++> 256, 259, 270, 275, 288, 291, 295, 298, 302, 305, 310, 312, 315, 325,
++> 329,
++> 333, 340, 341, 350, 356, 366, 369, 381, 385, 390, 397, 402, 412, 414,
++> 419,
++> 421, 425, 428, 433, 436, 445, 447, 451, 452, 453, 454, 461, 466, 474,
++> 479,
++> 481, 489, 490, 493, 497, 507, 509, 512, 513, 519, 521 ];;
++gap> gp:=Group(
++> ( 1,340,124,306,216,492,100, 25,108,270,220,332)( 2,138, 54,161,132,159,198,
++> 336,439,269, 89,419)( 3,467,177,404,505,437,379,312,481,271,223,135)
++> ( 4,510, 79,504,259,234,378,251,272,268,360,303)( 5,278,176,191,231,275,263,
++> 190,230,146,265,192)( 6,486,126,523,490,448,375,237,288,400,243,329)
++> ( 7,131,123,516, 48,392,350,333,418, 16,139,175)( 8,289,125,386,241, 29,376,
++> 334,242,417,442,331)( 9,430, 32, 59,446,367,377,335,411,416,515,330)
++> ( 10,391, 56,407,475,414,200,328,165,473, 86,119)( 11,368, 35,390,522,408,199,
++> 415,440,326, 87,503)( 12,412, 55,457,399,245,201, 33,438,431, 88,317)
++> ( 13,471, 40,348,452,292, 43,346,373, 77, 41,347)( 14,137,174,162, 60, 69,321,
++> 487, 61,158,322,370)( 15,101,114,109,130,160,488,489,352,351,420, 17)
++> ( 18,339,167,290,202,385, 99, 22, 90,323,217,129)( 19, 26, 93,304, 96,342)
++> ( 20,338,166,305,215,141, 97, 24, 51,150,219,507)( 21,337, 63,186,214,424, 98,
++> 23,107,382,218,349)( 27, 91,445,451,525, 67,519,239,144,203,155,353)
++> ( 28,324,444,128, 70,428,496,238,286,300,283, 64)( 30,236,287,441,387,354)
++> ( 31,345,366,517, 45,344,413,521, 46,248,244,121)( 34,314,394,402,222,447, 81,
++> 282,262,173,246,435)( 36,482,178,364,148,495,179,363,140,102,113,111)
++> ( 37,253,273,168,294,302,226,183, 72,480,154,233)( 38,483,520,393,403,465,362,
++> 298,143,356,153,369)( 39,157,320,472)( 42,228,277,264)( 44,343,147,501)
++> ( 47, 73,308,380,184,389,310,327,163,295,151,425)( 49,221,456, 80,474,260,405,
++> 325,164,524,152,449)( 50,479,365,477,461,459,497,169,296,247,134,117)
++> ( 52,361,299,285,355,188,423,464,434,453,133,118)( 53,257,509, 68,511,458,293,
++> 204,384,374, 75, 82)( 57,116,112,149,514,396,470,485,493,249,421,120)
++> ( 58,500,266,250,429,122)( 62,156,319,311)( 65,187,225,357,127, 71,388,235,
++> 460,252,274,371)( 66,106,462,291,205,383,372, 76, 92,410,280,498)
++> ( 74,401,381,476,409,281,171,104,297,307,426,182)( 78, 84,261,256,180,436,512,
++> 313,181,491,224,499)( 83,466,255,508,506,395,469,422,142,103,115,110)
++> ( 85,468,258,502,267,136)( 94,341)( 95,211)(105,478,195,432,518,316,197,484,
++> 494,455,196,170)(145,513,359,232,227,254)(172,209,398,207,279,206)
++> (185,194,309,443)(189,406,463,318,450,427,433,454,315,301,284,358)
++> (193,229,276,240)(208,397)(210,213,212)
++> ,( 1,379,148, 48,128,430,416)( 2, 34,338, 35,235,131,521)( 3,512,352, 47,
++> 318,289,237)( 4,272,506, 49,434,486,282)( 5,524,485, 10,483,340, 55)
++> ( 6,458, 36,487, 60,121, 16)( 7,313,140,336,127,435,270)( 8, 85,147,489,
++> 98,201,417)( 9,469, 94,488,129,329,400)( 11,291, 26, 54,234,473,169)
++> ( 12,207,339, 56,233,503,515)( 13,426,337, 40,232,295,500)( 14, 32,414, 27,
++> 167,130,472)( 15, 33,188, 38,382,109,501)( 17, 31,459, 37,496,132,517)
++> ( 18,263,294,446,451,134,497)( 19,198,525,241,441,244,470)( 20,100,199,490,
++> 242,429,413)( 21,378,403,216,523,421, 58)( 22,124,159, 77, 63,123,292)
++> ( 23,176,275,431,168, 86,293)( 24,177,492,326,104,151,290)( 25, 79,437,269,
++> 163,152,144)( 28,462,150,162, 62,120,415)( 29,239, 83,311, 61,117,260)
++> ( 30,452,149,370, 39,122,389)( 41,468, 73,254,277,432,371)( 42,210,319,502,
++> 373,205,283)( 43,387,194,212,320,508, 99)( 44,396,349,331,399,250,420)
++> ( 45,411,461,375,475,377,418)( 46,344,409,519,522,477,419)( 50,253,278,433,
++> 231, 88,422)( 51,482,138,358,229,463,381)( 52, 91,467,221,230,518,484)
++> ( 53,390,510,494,228,454, 92)( 57,310,460,118,259,367,363)( 59,281,227,274,
++> 505,402,215)( 64,125,245, 76, 93,160,471)( 65,126,408, 75,166, 69,264)
++> ( 66,302,186,116,257,424,327)( 67,187,297,479,217,425,171)( 68,303,296,345,
++> 280,226,273)( 70,240,359,366,364, 97,200)( 71,265,360,394,393,133,423)
++> ( 72,251,146,164,268, 87,312)( 74,252,276,406,513, 89,181)( 78,395,158,185,
++> 315,287,333)( 80,136,351,156,316,286,334)( 81,511,350,184,317,288,335)
++> ( 82,261,392,183,105,309,238)( 84,224,439,182,284,193,236)( 90,466,391,357,
++> 443,170,465)( 95,321,509,353,203,243,197)( 96,516,498,354,300,246,401)
++> (101,405,453,464,154,112,341)(102,139,450,208,388,365,111)(103,440,520,285,
++> 192,266,343)(106,308,218,119,262,448,298)(107,219,368,356,442,301,209)
++> (108,514,412,355,376,474,222)(110,495,137,478,361,444,380)(113,255,342,175,
++> 173,247,305)(114,256,141,328,153,307,304)(115,258,385,325,172,214,306)
++> (135,493,157,455,362,445,407)(142,346,189,398,323,161,499)(143,190,145,436,
++> 271,165,314)(155,195,211,174,404,374,204)(178,507,332,330,248,249,179)
++> (180,372,202,386,196,213,322)(191,267,491,384,438,279,225)(206,428,299,369,
++> 480,220,449)(223,481,383,427,397,324,504)(347,457,447,410,348,456,476));;
++gap> Length(Orbit(gp,set,OnSets));
+diff --git a/tst/teststandard/hash2.tst b/tst/teststandard/hash2.tst
+index 6bfa4d3..d47452e 100644
+--- a/tst/teststandard/hash2.tst
++++ b/tst/teststandard/hash2.tst
+@@ -32,4 +32,8 @@ gap> Length(Orbit(h,h.1[1],OnRight));
+ 2079
+ gap> Length(Orbit(h,h.2^5,OnPoints));
+ 693
++gap> Length(Orbit(SymmetricGroup(14), [1 .. 7], OnSets));
++gap> Length(Orbit(SymmetricGroup(16), [1 .. 8], OnSets));
+ gap> STOP_TEST( "hash2.tst", 1);
diff --git a/sci-mathematics/gap/gap-4.13.1-r1.ebuild b/sci-mathematics/gap/gap-4.13.1-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..45cb0c98749e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-mathematics/gap/gap-4.13.1-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit estack
+DESCRIPTION="System for computational discrete algebra. Core functionality."
+SLOT="0/9" # soname
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~riscv"
+IUSE="cpu_flags_x86_popcnt debug memcheck minimal readline test valgrind"
+REQUIRED_USE="?? ( memcheck valgrind )"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+# The minimum set of packages needed for basic GAP operation. You can
+# actually start gap without these by passing "--bare" to it on the CLI,
+# but don't expect anything to work.
+ dev-gap/gapdoc
+ dev-gap/primgrp
+ dev-gap/smallgrp
+ dev-gap/transgrp"
+# The packages aren't really required, but GAP tries to load them
+# automatically, and will complain to the user if they fail to load.
+# The list of automatically-loaded packages is a user preference, called
+# AutoloadPackages, and the upstream default can be found in
+# lib/ within the GAP source tree. Passing "-A" to GAP on the
+# CLI (or setting that user preference) will suppress the autoload
+# behavior and allow GAP to start without these, which is why we allow
+# the user to skip them with USE=minimal if he knows what he is doing.
+ dev-gap/autpgrp
+ dev-gap/alnuth
+ dev-gap/crisp
+ dev-gap/ctbllib
+ dev-gap/factint
+ dev-gap/fga
+ dev-gap/irredsol
+ dev-gap/laguna
+ dev-gap/polenta
+ dev-gap/polycyclic
+ dev-gap/resclasses
+ dev-gap/sophus
+ dev-gap/tomlib"
+# The test suite will fail without the "required" subset.
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )
+ readline? ( sys-libs/readline:= )"
+# If you _really_ want to install GAP without the set of required
+# packages, use package.provided.
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/gap-4.13.1-hash-fixes.patch" )
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use valgrind; then
+ elog "If you enable the use of valgrind during building"
+ elog "be sure that you have enabled the proper flags"
+ elog "in gcc to support it:"
+ elog ""
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ # Remove these to be extra sure we don't use bundled libraries.
+ rm -r extern || die
+ rm -r hpcgap/extern || die
+ # The Makefile just tells you to run ./configure, which then
+ # produces a GNUmakefile.
+ rm Makefile || die
+ default
+src_configure() {
+ # We unset $ABI because GAP uses it internally for something else.
+ # --without-gmp and --without-zlib both trigger an AC_MSG_ERROR
+ local myeconfargs=(
+ ABI=""
+ --with-gmp
+ --with-zlib
+ $(use_enable cpu_flags_x86_popcnt popcnt)
+ $(use_enable memcheck memory-checking)
+ $(use_enable valgrind)
+ $(use_with readline)
+ $(use_enable debug)
+ )
+ econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
+src_compile() {
+ # Without this, the default is a quiet build.
+ emake V=1
+src_test() {
+ # We need to specify additional root paths because otherwise the
+ # recently-built GAP doesn't know where to look for the "required"
+ # packages (which must already be installed). The two paths we
+ # append to $S are where those packages wind up.
+ local gaproots="${S}/;"
+ gaproots+="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/gap/;"
+ gaproots+="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/gap/"
+ # GAPARGS is a Makefile variable that exists for this purpose. We
+ # use "-A" to hide the warnings about missing autoloaded-but-not-
+ # required packages. The tee/pipefail works around a glitch in
+ # dev-gap/browse that can clobber your terminal.
+ eshopts_push -o pipefail
+ emake GAPARGS="-A -l '${gaproots}'" check | tee test-suite.log \
+ || die "test suite failed, see test-suite.log"
+ eshopts_pop
+src_install() {
+ default
+ # Manually install Makefile.gappkg
+ insinto usr/share/gap/etc
+ doins etc/Makefile.gappkg
+ # la files removal
+ find "${ED}" -type f -name '*.la' -delete || die