path: root/net-libs/nodejs
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-01-20 02:08:45 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-01-20 02:08:45 +0000
commitaec90632962b8bc48f23a1b5505d8afa0dfb6943 (patch)
tree7f137c721802f50a96c865424e51d1fb73d1baf4 /net-libs/nodejs
parent2b2f431a0021b4787ca3c028cefb30ad81347778 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 20:01:2024 - 02:08:45
Diffstat (limited to 'net-libs/nodejs')
2 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-libs/nodejs/Manifest b/net-libs/nodejs/Manifest
index af4da4c26c2e..d2fe1fbf81d9 100644
--- a/net-libs/nodejs/Manifest
+++ b/net-libs/nodejs/Manifest
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ DIST node-v16.20.2.tar.xz 36834468 BLAKE2B 88bd0d91a6b69f7e5fba2b087684b07b8986f
DIST node-v18.17.1.tar.xz 40788836 BLAKE2B 50e0dc0eecd68620ffa7457319e71124bbba302f6acff79286a30cf97442fb09a96cf8781456bafd5c2e497ba88cf392c141f0e221683da421b87f653b1ad7ca SHA512 fd6f586447ecd44ac6738da1cf7d54e74bd33ffd1ee1acc2e0e1bdaf0031bcaef85751d3dd590bb278eb502daf9c77f0763b5a181a30ee4cf537aef254629622
DIST node-v18.18.0.tar.xz 40813264 BLAKE2B 6cea11a663e5df730faef9125a80e730da83fdccebf8c4f454435ee622207803d59132b5d8e112741702103a6814a491b29bb9f22ddec60fba204236a763b95e SHA512 c10fb40902fc290cc069e86659ff4c7768215f80a7016402915cae7731bfd69aa901b7dc813d480f86fc39a850960f600ddde342d67b9bb570a3d2424b04f733
DIST node-v18.18.2.tar.xz 40834428 BLAKE2B b2fcedd79fc8ca6a5b9236614874b9840d4df5f37f5ecfa5599a177b237543788eb985e8828f7a028f5fbca17aa0c4879393b956d08dce13bd04ec9e253aa48e SHA512 00af3c737d735a320481d764f1c23b1348c0454f2b9700cadb10e087feb47c75e7e9344277bb3149305c3e08ff69d9b17b0da81b1b9d9e978fd830c67858ce92
+DIST node-v18.19.0.tar.xz 41248748 BLAKE2B 24f9c99737a6d455ad83a7c55d0c668190570b5947bb3a6b2f321a25ff1e30b2913a4e144821ddf794a975cd9765582426252933235ce033623ccf3ecce816a4 SHA512 db2f1342f028e5cd2ab0a3719b4c822e22439aa097b59df768fb7f6aa581394f81af6f51f7764b99d119ea2c849b55c02897af8caafab7c0f9d0112608a8867f
DIST node-v20.6.1.tar.xz 41791920 BLAKE2B c131aa9dd2a155eb24dda80e4997895aab7d935e46d1f21e9e176aa15021aa68be41f49cc43557f0b2c962baf3b2da4ea0ba044efd5016ea58bf2dc0b76c4edd SHA512 8a6d998ae9b52872ff8cdcd44261f644161f31bcb565329ae05e68945c8da939eabcb76d2e0f628c8eb634de37d7b16334823f64122e4483c390117d8aa511bf
DIST node-v20.7.0.tar.xz 41824232 BLAKE2B ac13e5fea6af99309c5a5e77de79eebe42f894e6182daa13d0d287bed07eb0fbed1e6103c3600216da7bbcbc572900a2a44c622095ff37e0af40a49d0213a866 SHA512 5d95079d8ebe3992d5e34fac607ebb9601f33645874be0e81093a376a57ea23e3a1b74a06dfede1c9289258d40273fa23140bf1954e5d04eed4ec6beafcbc67c
DIST node-v20.8.1.tar.xz 41863408 BLAKE2B 84bd93d9d49f54e655a78194050e91a91ede2d6d415f929e2b942955a3b082d902601b40fdc9eb16a5e16fe46627110d1f43d94ab464d812f165915cf1aa598b SHA512 d76245a8ec35fdb481e898efc457d3804d425a0d8e2da9175cdcc41036c57b5a6c23a5c2e84b7b417d3f48be631bff86708b2cae9e65ca3a22908caa3190ed1b
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ EBUILD nodejs-16.20.2.ebuild 6501 BLAKE2B 683f850645bdaecb1ad2792f1d868fd5282b75
EBUILD nodejs-18.17.1.ebuild 7482 BLAKE2B 9ac4dc8d50e1f26df146f4159e34a1cc636eef2375daa10919e5ccb5b7c505f285872f8427c51c7640fd049b9f1a5ffe29c68b3bf7b07f6677f68565e7a61164 SHA512 6cef7adedd4a409c322abf44b0e1c0f53ea32ff9f3206b8d71e1626196860744c5fa7a4fca08815ec40af2de891027d7fad591bb2a725556c59c5152fe12313e
EBUILD nodejs-18.18.0.ebuild 7487 BLAKE2B dbdecd3edc11f7910623c7eab586391d353ab2dc766ce676b0f5f334f1feea7161c2aca56835f446c118e401e65a739e126b451da9cdb4cf1115cb0226fc855d SHA512 b645b298659f381a2a1d9a72c340016a645f6bac5024e9433eef77471f1194cedcf33d2ce9ce15caa4eb2dcae852ec6f764dfcb5a9f08b4b9eef36d2e7cf2880
EBUILD nodejs-18.18.2.ebuild 7467 BLAKE2B 0b8161b3f648e319d60f498d48401ca92d3d6d31fbe2154e21bf01eb5b8cdd606df97fc8e57e5e9c3902c451522e9818f4b4f392b11b9590374c32eb607f23f2 SHA512 2cada98a3d3c507ed2a63f7d7d597e8a13c13c8767986c79472001179f2df149e3fccd25aa0e5f1104bc288c0bdb82366520ff42e0f6620d31c44b71d34cc207
+EBUILD nodejs-18.19.0.ebuild 7557 BLAKE2B 0b64631db15217f0085385db8f43fc1d7302235b391f65f371a78bad3023356e6c5651f726a95862a243af49162522a3cff582a055f2277e9ba6537feb14d59e SHA512 f28ca3e1f52cd0f34d8b03fbb57f0f592f3bc98cb6908d30028ce38455111fe86e3eba5fc4721f0dadaa7be23157b3fe86d8984037ca4ff373b164f341f3fec8
EBUILD nodejs-20.6.1.ebuild 7495 BLAKE2B 83f47c14b57b63d72cd940388adbda2c3c4e70e63b2123d2bc4651585cbe2ed8f07851805a78edaae0bb6959e2bf15eb378f9a95aecdbc4956a3377e07255130 SHA512 6d83a4e45aa952dcae536493fd7f13d4ea2c5f101355f574490a112663437bf6a95152dc6297b1359ba7f3a2a4583ccbcefe29d4abff41cccb9cb3069f07008b
EBUILD nodejs-20.7.0.ebuild 7500 BLAKE2B 28e8e849c4b42b850d49896ce0f08d2350bf03bb76ce184b7148c4f62b3055fd370ba052ea94eddbbc9ee1142b0887fa7a1be3be4e36a5a1d60278cf7e595647 SHA512 0b560ef73b84a35c90da24469a0a80b83a7a52cef5c86ecd806529094fafbfa186685c55aa499f73689c0281d568df1c5f43252c86e68824b7836edbc1a86e58
EBUILD nodejs-20.8.1-r1.ebuild 7522 BLAKE2B e17abf191f070bdbbeca6e71055b700808d7c3588af641c695a39d31fd352d029d1ebf28c3093364043f743a24b4bdaeb4cd01605d77ecd171e2230724fe7b37 SHA512 5a4092631bd64ed85b9bfce7e3f8180112d458771b41532e7e6f58df0b80677008a7acc2da1c22e92547b96dde740a56c54d617eae72fa23a3e46bf9882c4016
diff --git a/net-libs/nodejs/nodejs-18.19.0.ebuild b/net-libs/nodejs/nodejs-18.19.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..be605c7bba0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/nodejs/nodejs-18.19.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..11} )
+inherit bash-completion-r1 check-reqs flag-o-matic linux-info pax-utils python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs xdg-utils
+DESCRIPTION="A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine"
+LICENSE="Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 MIT"
+if [[ ${PV} == *9999 ]]; then
+ inherit git-r3
+ SLOT="0"
+ SRC_URI="${PV}/node-v${PV}.tar.xz"
+ SLOT="0/$(ver_cut 1)"
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~loong ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x64-macos"
+ S="${WORKDIR}/node-v${PV}"
+IUSE="corepack cpu_flags_x86_sse2 debug doc +icu inspector lto +npm pax-kernel +snapshot +ssl +system-icu +system-ssl systemtap test"
+REQUIRED_USE="inspector? ( icu ssl )
+ npm? ( ssl )
+ system-icu? ( icu )
+ system-ssl? ( ssl )"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ >=dev-libs/libuv-1.44.0:=
+ >=net-dns/c-ares-1.18.1:=
+ >=net-libs/nghttp2-1.41.0:=
+ sys-libs/zlib
+ corepack? ( !sys-apps/yarn )
+ system-icu? ( >=dev-libs/icu-67:= )
+ system-ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1:0= )
+ sys-devel/gcc:*"
+ sys-apps/coreutils
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ systemtap? ( dev-debug/systemtap )
+ test? ( net-misc/curl )
+ pax-kernel? ( sys-apps/elfix )"
+# These are measured on a loong machine with -ggdb on, and only checked
+# if debugging flags are present in CFLAGS.
+# The final link consumed a little more than 7GiB alone, so 8GiB is the lower
+# limit for memory usage. Disk usage was 19.1GiB for the build directory and
+# 1.2GiB for the installed image, so we leave some room for architectures with
+# fatter binaries and set the disk requirement to 22GiB.
+pkg_pretend() {
+ (use x86 && ! use cpu_flags_x86_sse2) && \
+ die "Your CPU doesn't support the required SSE2 instruction."
+ if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != "binary" ]]; then
+ if is-flagq "-g*" && ! is-flagq "-g*0" ; then
+ einfo "Checking for sufficient disk space and memory to build ${PN} with debugging CFLAGS"
+ check-reqs_pkg_pretend
+ fi
+ fi
+pkg_setup() {
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ linux-info_pkg_setup
+src_prepare() {
+ tc-export AR CC CXX PKG_CONFIG
+ export V=1
+ export BUILDTYPE=Release
+ # fix compilation on Darwin
+ #
+ sed -i -e "/append('-arch/d" tools/gyp/pylib/gyp/ || die
+ # less verbose install output (stating the same as portage, basically)
+ sed -i -e "/print/d" tools/ || die
+ # proper libdir, hat tip @ryanpcmcquen
+ local LIBDIR=$(get_libdir)
+ sed -i -e "s|lib/|${LIBDIR}/|g" tools/ || die
+ sed -i -e "s/'lib'/'${LIBDIR}'/" deps/npm/lib/npm.js || die
+ # Avoid writing a depfile, not useful
+ sed -i -e "/DEPFLAGS =/d" tools/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/ || die
+ sed -i -e "/'-O3'/d" common.gypi node.gypi || die
+ # debug builds. change install path, remove optimisations and override buildtype
+ if use debug; then
+ sed -i -e "s|out/Release/|out/Debug/|g" tools/ || die
+ fi
+ # We need to disable mprotect on two files when it builds Bug 694100.
+ use pax-kernel && PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-18.16.0-paxmarking.patch )
+ default
+src_configure() {
+ xdg_environment_reset
+ # LTO compiler flags are handled by itself
+ filter-lto
+ # nodejs unconditionally links to libatomic #869992
+ # specifically it requires __atomic_is_lock_free which
+ # is not yet implemented by sys-libs/compiler-rt (see
+ #, therefore
+ # we depend on gcc and force using libgcc as the support lib
+ tc-is-clang && append-ldflags "--rtlib=libgcc --unwindlib=libgcc"
+ local myconf=(
+ --shared-brotli
+ --shared-cares
+ --shared-libuv
+ --shared-nghttp2
+ --shared-zlib
+ )
+ use debug && myconf+=( --debug )
+ use lto && myconf+=( --enable-lto )
+ if use system-icu; then
+ myconf+=( --with-intl=system-icu )
+ elif use icu; then
+ myconf+=( --with-intl=full-icu )
+ else
+ myconf+=( --with-intl=none )
+ fi
+ use corepack || myconf+=( --without-corepack )
+ use inspector || myconf+=( --without-inspector )
+ use npm || myconf+=( --without-npm )
+ use snapshot || myconf+=( --without-node-snapshot )
+ if use ssl; then
+ use system-ssl && myconf+=( --shared-openssl --openssl-use-def-ca-store )
+ else
+ myconf+=( --without-ssl )
+ fi
+ local myarch=""
+ case "${ARCH}:${ABI}" in
+ *:amd64) myarch="x64";;
+ *:arm) myarch="arm";;
+ *:arm64) myarch="arm64";;
+ loong:lp64*) myarch="loong64";;
+ riscv:lp64*) myarch="riscv64";;
+ *:ppc64) myarch="ppc64";;
+ *:x32) myarch="x32";;
+ *:x86) myarch="ia32";;
+ *) myarch="${ABI}";;
+ esac
+ GYP_DEFINES="linux_use_gold_flags=0
+ linux_use_bundled_binutils=0
+ linux_use_bundled_gold=0" \
+ "${EPYTHON}" \
+ --prefix="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
+ --dest-cpu=${myarch} \
+ $(use_with systemtap dtrace) \
+ "${myconf[@]}" || die
+src_compile() {
+ emake -C out -Onone
+src_install() {
+ local LIBDIR="${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ default
+ pax-mark -m "${ED}"/usr/bin/node
+ # set up a symlink structure that node-gyp expects..
+ dodir /usr/include/node/deps/{v8,uv}
+ dosym . /usr/include/node/src
+ for var in deps/{uv,v8}/include; do
+ dosym ../.. /usr/include/node/${var}
+ done
+ if use doc; then
+ docinto html
+ dodoc -r "${S}"/doc/*
+ fi
+ if use npm; then
+ keepdir /etc/npm
+ echo "NPM_CONFIG_GLOBALCONFIG=${EPREFIX}/etc/npm/npmrc" > "${T}"/50npm
+ doenvd "${T}"/50npm
+ # Install bash completion for `npm`
+ local tmp_npm_completion_file="$(TMPDIR="${T}" mktemp -t npm.XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ "${ED}/usr/bin/npm" completion > "${tmp_npm_completion_file}"
+ newbashcomp "${tmp_npm_completion_file}" npm
+ # Move man pages
+ doman "${LIBDIR}"/node_modules/npm/man/man{1,5,7}/*
+ # Clean up
+ rm -f "${LIBDIR}"/node_modules/npm/{.mailmap,.npmignore,Makefile}
+ rm -rf "${LIBDIR}"/node_modules/npm/{doc,html,man}
+ local find_exp="-or -name"
+ local find_name=()
+ for match in "AUTHORS*" "CHANGELOG*" "CONTRIBUT*" "README*" \
+ ".travis.yml" ".eslint*" ".wercker.yml" ".npmignore" \
+ "*.md" "*.markdown" "*.bat" "*.cmd"; do
+ find_name+=( ${find_exp} "${match}" )
+ done
+ # Remove various development and/or inappropriate files and
+ # useless docs of dependend packages.
+ find "${LIBDIR}"/node_modules \
+ \( -type d -name examples \) -or \( -type f \( \
+ -iname "LICEN?E*" \
+ "${find_name[@]}" \
+ \) \) -exec rm -rf "{}" \;
+ fi
+ use corepack &&
+ "${D}"/usr/bin/corepack enable --install-directory "${D}"/usr/bin
+ mv "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/node "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} || die
+src_test() {
+ local drop_tests=(
+ test/parallel/test-dns-resolveany.js
+ test/parallel/test-dns-resolveany-bad-ancount.js
+ test/parallel/test-dns-setserver-when-querying.js
+ test/parallel/test-fs-mkdir.js
+ test/parallel/test-fs-utimes-y2K38.js
+ test/parallel/test-release-npm.js
+ test/parallel/test-socket-write-after-fin-error.js
+ test/parallel/test-strace-openat-openssl.js
+ test/sequential/test-util-debug.js
+ )
+ rm -f "${drop_tests[@]}" || die "disabling tests failed"
+ out/${BUILDTYPE}/cctest || die
+ "${EPYTHON}" tools/ --mode=${BUILDTYPE,,} --flaky-tests=dontcare -J message parallel sequential || die
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if use npm; then
+ ewarn "remember to run: source /etc/profile if you plan to use nodejs"
+ ewarn " in your current shell"
+ fi