path: root/net-firewall/ipset
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-08-07 12:37:21 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-08-07 12:37:21 +0100
commitb8c7370a682e4e29cda623222d17a790c01c3642 (patch)
treef6caa14689bd00a5760eadaa381ff41e50ef3c1b /net-firewall/ipset
parent8a4997a7e2d1e36c089d4d76935b5a902d98d3d0 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 07:08:2024 - 12:37:20
Diffstat (limited to 'net-firewall/ipset')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/net-firewall/ipset/Manifest b/net-firewall/ipset/Manifest
index 74379b665b6a..2c1aaaaa4106 100644
--- a/net-firewall/ipset/Manifest
+++ b/net-firewall/ipset/Manifest
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ AUX ipset-7.22-argv-bounds.patch 1132 BLAKE2B 44edaaf8858c386eaa8d98a67ab41a8bc2
AUX ipset-7.22-asan-buffer-overflow.patch 2589 BLAKE2B 09714f315561ae0cb11a268364254b334e6f776dd66ca2cdffac1335e70c9839c765e85f1947f6d58156179f033e3e2e3421f62ffea65fc0816f13bd3db377c3 SHA512 05f99044eb6285683945e2ba4b0fa973c01239bb97e63f0c492ca8f36927054e21040e42192188391fcb9342ee615ab28f4346b894afa2e7958e0bcd74143288
AUX ipset-bash-completion.patch 502 BLAKE2B 31d3ebfe59506f24e74c45912aabd87d853643d0eebf7e88a260964cbed5ff44cae870d9ba47879f81bd9f4bc784e7f28fb80e144f72acfcf2caff02abcea83f SHA512 682d2dfcc7e115824a9883ba58118a27c0075bea08444f74c9a12678ac3dc10592f9f7cafa55dfa96969f89b64300d58507630210050fb2f8237b917118f2418
AUX ipset.confd-r1 666 BLAKE2B 852963fd27d11f58305f33cc9be84d5eabde73f5af4924d97ad188505fa64b2c75f31ece180e2992d275738305b7a731afc8b911314a9f202320c0c61053fc9b SHA512 6020665ba30fc9efa7c16714c1ff7a0961153175b70ca5817f72c4123537e0ff9a977b8ca71914ef8b49d431601b73275b2ab6f848d521b53680b0cd7bcaca82
-AUX ipset.initd-r6 3386 BLAKE2B 1b3c0de0cc45fe80d3e0ba8a90fb2433ec3a6c2df38d50030cafea0b67562644918186e82e1c92a314f8e75939a0302a1574ae78fedbc9da9016ac3d0fd82e20 SHA512 ca821d2d22826d10f87e0c318b52faf10a339174f2ab27fb427b87f41b824ea8b74523b776465dd43edd1fa3cb311b11a6c9972f1d24f007ad60b87895860d2d
AUX ipset.initd-r7 4175 BLAKE2B 8a9936ffc57ffcf25ed45769d6cb76cecc0de66919597a90e440156d7cf938ed5ffc6b71aed634cbc473c866ad542d9eb388e3d91ebd697949ceaa763ce24e80 SHA512 d208ee673119182ee515c25263704e0e5bbae1aefbf5ec469ca71f3e70e14900c5a2d8f0171b3a5754afbcc464d30a760d0e413b1b66ccb0d3805327fdd66b65
AUX ipset.systemd-r1 492 BLAKE2B 78fd7b122e0fe08b36d36e736d18b7a5f0bf1aa78802f1bdc7abf69ad2ef9c0bcfb22ae84f8f6489aee6c147ee3c0be7ebfa600712bf6169940802466daf68ba SHA512 6574e48ce6b3c4f45122a8b387746793ceda62f68ec8b0f3f6f949f5650ab557f3f7eb75699e36d5bf04efbf39dc17e030cc44ea9d97891578d4c909669e6eb7
DIST ipset-7.22.tar.bz2 694069 BLAKE2B 9daaff54adb6f9daf69cd7dabbd9134d8fcf8cd7f8ef0c52296961579ad3c8202087158a01664228eff70356ba97f77ec61abbab7c7ce323112fbdc32abd661b SHA512 e375a9110eb7974480147c57eb2cff4bdd03c7704cdae006a3d254cc80fada587aa8aee25a86f7cab29db83f5e283c5f9a47a314297317660ebba5097f623d79
diff --git a/net-firewall/ipset/files/ipset.initd-r6 b/net-firewall/ipset/files/ipset.initd-r6
deleted file mode 100644
index 949bdad76044..000000000000
--- a/net-firewall/ipset/files/ipset.initd-r6
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-depend() {
- before iptables ip6tables
-checkconfig() {
- if [ ! -f "${IPSET_SAVE}" ] ; then
- eerror "Not starting ${SVCNAME}. First create some rules then run:"
- eerror "/etc/init.d/${SVCNAME} save"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Loading ipset session"
- ipset restore < "${IPSET_SAVE}"
- eend $?
-stop() {
- # check if there are any references to current sets
- if ! ipset list | gawk '
- ($1 == "References:") { refcnt += $2 }
- ($1 == "Type:" && $2 == "list:set") { set = 1 }
- (scan) { if ($0 != "") setcnt++; else { scan = 0; set = 0 } }
- (set && $1 == "Members:") {scan = 1}
- END { if ((refcnt - setcnt) > 0) exit 1 }
- '; then
- eerror "ipset is in use, can't stop"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ "${SAVE_ON_STOP}" = "yes" ] ; then
- save || return 1
- fi
- ebegin "Removing kernel IP sets"
- ipset flush
- ipset destroy
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Reloading ipsets"
- # Loading sets from a save file is only additive (there is no
- # automatic flushing or replacing). And, we can not remove sets
- # that are currently used in existing iptables rules.
- #
- # Instead, we create new temp sets for any set that is already
- # in use, and then atomically swap them into place.
- #
- # XXX: This does not clean out previously used ipsets that are
- # not in the new saved policy--it can't, because they may still
- # be referenced in the current iptables rules.
- # Build a list of all currently used sets (if any).
- running_ipset_list=$(ipset save | gawk '/^create/{printf "%s ",$2}')
- running_ipset_list="${running_ipset_list% }"
- # Check the configured suffix, and make sure there are no collisions
- if test -z "${TEMP_SUFFIX}" ; then
- eend 1 "TEMP_SUFFIX cannot be empty"
- return 1
- elif echo "$running_ipset_list" | grep -q -E "${TEMP_SUFFIX}( |$)" ; then
- eend 1 "Existing set(s) match TEMP_SUFFIX pattern ('${TEMP_SUFFIX}'), cannot continue"
- return 1
- fi
- # Build a regular expression that matches those set names.
- running_ipset_list_regex="$(echo "$running_ipset_list" | tr -s ' ' '|' )"
- # Load up sets from the save file, but rename any set that already
- # exists to a temporary name that we will swap later.
- if ! cat ${IPSET_SAVE} | sed -r "s/^(create|add) (${running_ipset_list_regex}) /\1 \2${TEMP_SUFFIX} /" | ipset restore ; then
- eend $? "Failed to load new ipsets"
- fi
- # Now for every set name that currently exists, atomically swap it
- # with the temporary new one we created, and then destroy the old set.
- for ipset_name in ${running_ipset_list} ; do
- ipset swap ${ipset_name} ${ipset_name}${TEMP_SUFFIX} || eend $? "Failed to swap in new ipset $ipset_name"
- ipset destroy ${ipset_name}${TEMP_SUFFIX} || eend $? "Failed to delete obsolete ipset ${ipset_name}${TEMP_SUFFIX}"
- done
- eend 0
-save() {
- ebegin "Saving ipset session"
- checkpath --file --mode 0600 "${IPSET_SAVE}"
- ipset -output save list > "${IPSET_SAVE}"
- eend $?