path: root/mail-mta
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-04-20 18:00:30 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-04-20 18:00:30 +0100
commit1e2d947ea35b8fd5d14d55f60265f9763fa70a72 (patch)
tree8ad6bc146973ea889b9e1add3cda534c60bd0ed1 /mail-mta
parentb92d3efc1e8f2a9c4b5a674b333eea5e6ad2c181 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 20:04:2023 - 18:00:30
Diffstat (limited to 'mail-mta')
-rw-r--r--mail-mta/Manifest.gzbin2385 -> 2382 bytes
3 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mail-mta/Manifest.gz b/mail-mta/Manifest.gz
index 2092a14100b4..256dbb3b52f2 100644
--- a/mail-mta/Manifest.gz
+++ b/mail-mta/Manifest.gz
Binary files differ
diff --git a/mail-mta/postfix/Manifest b/mail-mta/postfix/Manifest
index 7e0b18b1c3fd..fb2570125191 100644
--- a/mail-mta/postfix/Manifest
+++ b/mail-mta/postfix/Manifest
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ AUX postfix.service 662 BLAKE2B dcf9ceb71ad483b580d126fcb5ac68889cdeb898df3333d3
AUX smtp.pass 29 BLAKE2B 589915bd2856fa64e22caa12fca54ef342eb07606de38d3879c13ac395413c84de6c3b733c83cc0625a4433167efcc7d504b2f87fa26c05b2facde9c3d103021 SHA512 a8a940099a77ea0547004daf5392a6efc0cd643f10072803d65e37763012464ad25b1b925ae9e32bffb3c3e8a5d4b2d3bb5619a174d58fdc4ea5d4090db0d365
AUX smtp.sasl 42 BLAKE2B 67e9108101779b6027fa1e5cc7c9256a606d440e15bb037a0da186e6b4983ab26e88ede2f0604737c78144c03e182f66005062f1d49e10443d1ddb9757461d1f SHA512 a48e2bd173c4443dd2c389f6973a541dbcba4223b52b42b409a68d934a7fc82a98d4027267befcd5db6ec628cce6a9dffdf044e6fbd774b6e748f07f4106db47
DIST postfix-3.7.4.tar.gz 4833834 BLAKE2B edb716ef4576d339189f11b535a62f3c6f8f28613723d916f13cdd2d37228aa8768dacdb9d8616c83f0ded3a3c801c45747375ea6cfa505b668a7163c4637128 SHA512 972738291b960c90fe83861d55b1288900416167adb353418956e69bcc709a6daf84fbfde11d573eebba030654d27abc8d55f90661a2b880ccfb3a334064c236
+DIST postfix-3.7.5.tar.gz 4834332 BLAKE2B 60be442c165e722dca3f1b5ece30adb85493560c583f6bb485e548f35bffe9e5ec27193eb68222f95a3076007af046622c98ee954167b53d2e306969ccf07647 SHA512 097c8f74386d746e849176c1344fe51c957b972cc1b15ebbb27cee4c825deae7201081cb1212e3fb12f16a6795c86381492d71123a8bf287fc8b58c6979fbf8f
DIST postfix-3.8.0.tar.gz 4851893 BLAKE2B 3ef0c0c83eed3263c890143ae962674dfbfa01f589f1b503a01d57497e4732171aa58468357276f29a9454c577573e8442095c2db25005324754dbd305875297 SHA512 a66956b0cc5eb6ad5ee926348b584ba5640586784aec794a84c40472faecb6313d46537c9f5696edfd8fda070591925a0cfaedc014e15bb3496195e5fb9ee4bd
DIST postfix-3.9-20230416.tar.gz 4823390 BLAKE2B 5289aacfee4c7b4db34e520b2831ee7b700767eacc28396d14c17e6c7a1b213b51cb2731aa853f2a3a521f654d5a38f83c70cd21221ea71be484fa205b644e57 SHA512 40f3811cb59b843e767dcac163df0c1a6162e826deb162bf5ac35344ab5f40cd6333ec0d96e0f472ceed3800d5cd5f3429ea61749f4a66bd7e3091d9564ba9a3
EBUILD postfix-3.7.4.ebuild 8023 BLAKE2B f1ed37c430536e96591beceb346144d28bf5eee3a1f93d7d41d4db3f3ed36b9fea7847cbf0c3b278a8ee99ec93ad91797a8fccfad5104717deec5bf4ef18396e SHA512 0676646a5d0bc5187779b707593b8c6ac438c2f13524c4105bc4955feb57ed40aa86df78b740bec4cfa651ce22e44075d8fe6bbecbe44ad591842634856403cf
+EBUILD postfix-3.7.5.ebuild 8029 BLAKE2B acc668752b4e0f4df4cb5fc03a2fb1ed723018a2a6ebd016d7f3172203151f83d9abc23f9c50924788cfc57ccce9ef39b7968d6b7c4ee888f2120afa25182779 SHA512 0cefa25cffd806d11983d9324b10668ca53ff18a5a9192bcefb4b92ae00fc9acb8cbabd75b6fb38089b62399d50d2076dd1f2b2c53ce5577ad04e9054d97219e
EBUILD postfix-3.8.0.ebuild 8196 BLAKE2B cd5dd1fead1f37a73ca3b2ffd232db629b617470d6543cd3d6b0fd34ce6b82a2bcfd7cac91a81719fcbb5097cd478548227cc01aa16aa71249ea7c923ee61c64 SHA512 38285f7690cc46d9adb91dfa0d49e58987b45f673b85d09e5acc65658c5cb865129e8c279a95d5eeb4276bcea7ea72e6c293c071cc05639710686681591a2b15
EBUILD postfix-3.9_pre20230416.ebuild 8199 BLAKE2B 4415e28f87a7a5a1df454e45f4d296845f7cc1947a7df900cf25d4fa1c4c73158e831d78e5d0d427ab5d09f96536803a56d2dcb2a71f142d288a631a4219e5ed SHA512 50a2464559afd3582603876caeb44db9a733344d7ff9524b8b68015b0ee5412526703db6b4b62a955f60e4e7bd4545a811ce0552d69e9346c0196e05fc1be86a
MISC metadata.xml 853 BLAKE2B 96b2b5c531692f1eba1bc4c543ba4df77754d11802e9754ac102907d00dc1284fe449384d3c8c4e53c343e3424f79cf654b7a0c6a112d0ec973f8da585045ff7 SHA512 15c4521a70f25d8d5261c1c981d7ab41cdf542a1630c6857037e0b3e3ab0a51f6dbb4edee9ee9857d0b7a130c5da6f475e1be6a02728edecb23defa004be48eb
diff --git a/mail-mta/postfix/postfix-3.7.5.ebuild b/mail-mta/postfix/postfix-3.7.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cbb495784e56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mail-mta/postfix/postfix-3.7.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit pam systemd toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="A fast and secure drop-in replacement for sendmail"
+LICENSE="|| ( IBM EPL-2.0 )"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="+berkdb cdb dovecot-sasl +eai ldap ldap-bind lmdb mbox memcached mysql nis pam postgres sasl selinux sqlite ssl"
+ acct-group/postfix
+ acct-group/postdrop
+ acct-user/postfix
+ dev-libs/libpcre2:0
+ dev-lang/perl
+ berkdb? ( >=sys-libs/db-3.2:* )
+ cdb? ( || ( >=dev-db/tinycdb-0.76 >=dev-db/cdb-0.75-r4 ) )
+ eai? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
+ ldap? ( net-nds/openldap:= )
+ ldap-bind? ( net-nds/openldap:=[sasl] )
+ lmdb? ( >=dev-db/lmdb-0.9.11:= )
+ mysql? ( dev-db/mysql-connector-c:0= )
+ nis? ( net-libs/libnsl:= )
+ pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
+ postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql:* )
+ sasl? ( >=dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2 )
+ sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
+ ssl? ( >=dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1:0= )
+ "
+ memcached? ( net-misc/memcached )
+ net-mail/mailbase
+ !mail-mta/courier
+ !mail-mta/esmtp
+ !mail-mta/exim
+ !mail-mta/msmtp[mta]
+ !mail-mta/netqmail
+ !mail-mta/nullmailer
+ !mail-mta/sendmail
+ !mail-mta/opensmtpd
+ !mail-mta/ssmtp[mta]
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-postfix )"
+REQUIRED_USE="ldap-bind? ( ldap sasl )"
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ sed -i -e "/^#define ALIAS_DB_MAP/s|:/etc/aliases|:/etc/mail/aliases|" \
+ src/util/sys_defs.h || die "sed failed"
+ # change default paths to better comply with portage standard paths
+ sed -i -e "s:/usr/local/:/usr/:g" conf/ || die "sed failed"
+src_configure() {
+ do
+ local AUXLIBS_${name}=""
+ done
+ # Make sure LDFLAGS get passed down to the executables.
+ local mycc="" mylibs="${LDFLAGS} -ldl"
+ # libpcre is EOL. prefer libpcre2
+ mycc=" -DHAS_PCRE=2"
+ AUXLIBS_PCRE="$(pcre2-config --libs8)"
+ use pam && mylibs="${mylibs} -lpam"
+ if use ldap; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_LDAP"
+ AUXLIBS_LDAP="-lldap -llber"
+ fi
+ if use mysql; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_MYSQL $(mysql_config --include)"
+ AUXLIBS_MYSQL="$(mysql_config --libs)"
+ fi
+ if use postgres; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_PGSQL -I$(pg_config --includedir)"
+ AUXLIBS_PGSQL="-L$(pg_config --libdir) -lpq"
+ fi
+ if use sqlite; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_SQLITE"
+ AUXLIBS_SQLITE="-lsqlite3 -lpthread"
+ fi
+ if use ssl; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DUSE_TLS"
+ mylibs="${mylibs} -lssl -lcrypto"
+ fi
+ if use lmdb; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_LMDB"
+ AUXLIBS_LMDB="-llmdb -lpthread"
+ fi
+ if ! use eai; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DNO_EAI"
+ fi
+ # broken. and "in other words, not supported" by upstream.
+ # Use inet_protocols setting in
+ #if ! use ipv6; then
+ # mycc="${mycc} -DNO_IPV6"
+ #fi
+ if use sasl; then
+ if use dovecot-sasl; then
+ # Set dovecot as default.
+ mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_SASL_SERVER=\\\"dovecot\\\""
+ fi
+ if use ldap-bind; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DUSE_LDAP_SASL"
+ fi
+ mycc="${mycc} -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DUSE_CYRUS_SASL -I/usr/include/sasl"
+ mylibs="${mylibs} -lsasl2"
+ elif use dovecot-sasl; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DUSE_SASL_AUTH -DDEF_SERVER_SASL_TYPE=\\\"dovecot\\\""
+ fi
+ if ! use nis; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DNO_NIS"
+ fi
+ if ! use berkdb; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DNO_DB"
+ # change default database type
+ if use cdb; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_DB_TYPE=\\\"cdb\\\""
+ elif use lmdb; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DDEF_DB_TYPE=\\\"lmdb\\\""
+ fi
+ fi
+ if use cdb; then
+ mycc="${mycc} -DHAS_CDB -I/usr/include/cdb"
+ # Tinycdb is preferred.
+ if has_version dev-db/tinycdb ; then
+ AUXLIBS_CDB="-lcdb"
+ else
+ CDB_PATH="/usr/$(get_libdir)"
+ for i in cdb.a alloc.a buffer.a unix.a byte.a ; do
+ done
+ fi
+ fi
+ sed -i -e "/^RANLIB/s/ranlib/$(tc-getRANLIB)/g" "${S}"/makedefs
+ sed -i -e "/^AR/s/ar/$(tc-getAR)/g" "${S}"/makedefs
+ emake makefiles shared=yes dynamicmaps=no pie=yes \
+ shlib_directory="/usr/$(get_libdir)/postfix/MAIL_VERSION" \
+ DEBUG="" CC="$(tc-getCC)" OPT="${CFLAGS}" CCARGS="${mycc}" AUXLIBS="${mylibs}" \
+src_install() {
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/lib" \
+ /bin/sh postfix-install \
+ -non-interactive \
+ install_root="${D}" \
+ config_directory="/etc/postfix" \
+ manpage_directory="/usr/share/man" \
+ command_directory="/usr/sbin" \
+ mailq_path="/usr/bin/mailq" \
+ newaliases_path="/usr/bin/newaliases" \
+ sendmail_path="/usr/sbin/sendmail" \
+ || die "postfix-install failed"
+ # Fix spool removal on upgrade
+ rm -Rf "${D}"/var
+ keepdir /var/spool/postfix
+ # Install rmail for UUCP, closes bug #19127
+ dobin auxiliary/rmail/rmail
+ # Provide another link for legacy FSH
+ dosym ../sbin/sendmail /usr/$(get_libdir)/sendmail
+ # Install qshape, posttls-finger, collate and tlstype
+ dobin auxiliary/qshape/
+ doman man/man1/qshape.1
+ dobin bin/posttls-finger
+ doman man/man1/posttls-finger.1
+ dobin auxiliary/collate/
+ newdoc auxiliary/collate/README README.collate
+ dobin auxiliary/collate/
+ dodoc auxiliary/collate/README.tlstype
+ # Performance tuning tools and their manuals
+ dosbin bin/smtp-{source,sink} bin/qmqp-{source,sink}
+ doman man/man1/smtp-{source,sink}.1 man/man1/qmqp-{source,sink}.1
+ # Set proper permissions on required files/directories
+ keepdir /var/lib/postfix
+ fowners -R postfix:postfix /var/lib/postfix
+ fperms 0750 /var/lib/postfix
+ fowners root:postdrop /usr/sbin/post{drop,queue,log}
+ fperms 02755 /usr/sbin/post{drop,queue,log}
+ keepdir /etc/postfix
+ keepdir /etc/postfix/postfix-files.d
+ if use mbox; then
+ mypostconf="mail_spool_directory=/var/mail"
+ else
+ mypostconf="home_mailbox=.maildir/"
+ fi
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}/lib" \
+ "${D}"/usr/sbin/postconf -c "${D}"/etc/postfix \
+ -e ${mypostconf} || die "postconf failed"
+ insinto /etc/postfix
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/smtp.pass saslpass
+ fperms 600 /etc/postfix/saslpass
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/postfix.rc6.${RC_VER} postfix
+ # do not start mysql/postgres unnecessarily - bug #359913
+ use mysql || sed -i -e "s/mysql //" "${D}/etc/init.d/postfix"
+ use postgres || sed -i -e "s/postgresql //" "${D}/etc/init.d/postfix"
+ dodoc -r README_FILES/ examples/
+ # postfix set-permissions expects uncompressed man files
+ docompress -x /usr/share/man
+ if use pam; then
+ pamd_mimic_system smtp auth account
+ fi
+ if use sasl; then
+ insinto /etc/sasl2
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/smtp.sasl smtpd.conf
+ fi
+ # header files
+ insinto /usr/include/postfix
+ doins include/*.h
+ if has_version mail-mta/postfix; then
+ # let the sysadmin decide when to change the compatibility_level
+ sed -i -e /^compatibility_level/"s/^/#/" "${D}"/etc/postfix/ || die
+ fi
+ systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ # do not assume berkdb
+ if [[ ! -e /etc/mail/aliases.db \
+ && ! -e /etc/mail/aliases.cdb \
+ && ! -e /etc/mail/aliases.lmdb ]] ; then
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "You must edit /etc/mail/aliases to suit your needs"
+ ewarn "and then run /usr/bin/newaliases. Postfix will not"
+ ewarn "work correctly without it."
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ # check and fix file permissions
+ "${EROOT}"/usr/sbin/postfix set-permissions
+ # configure tls
+ if use ssl ; then
+ if "${EROOT}"/usr/sbin/postfix tls all-default-client; then
+ elog "To configure client side TLS settings:"
+ elog "${EROOT}"/usr/sbin/postfix tls enable-client
+ fi
+ if "${EROOT}"/usr/sbin/postfix tls all-default-server; then
+ elog "To configure server side TLS settings:"
+ elog "${EROOT}"/usr/sbin/postfix tls enable-server
+ fi
+ fi