path: root/gnome-base/gnome-control-center
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-12-04 09:02:03 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-12-04 09:02:03 +0000
commitacf34cb86be38d3601273c231058d3fda627e618 (patch)
tree73d77f0d1f7bec82f0b43678f9aa87f0b359cd91 /gnome-base/gnome-control-center
parent0b0f15411ade2ffeba5d057f14bd8bc7dfdcf440 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 04:12:2022 - 09:02:03
Diffstat (limited to 'gnome-base/gnome-control-center')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 383 deletions
diff --git a/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/Manifest b/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/Manifest
index 6096e9c9950a..0cabed26c513 100644
--- a/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/Manifest
+++ b/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/Manifest
@@ -1,11 +1,6 @@
-DIST gnome-control-center-42.0-patchset.tar.xz 5932 BLAKE2B 1c9311481be6a07dc2ff61fc9e65f190bc1668026fba2a1e4a8edf9a033e6b2b9019542d89aac4480323ee4802e00b765654008f5252e87040f013a990cb8048 SHA512 b76c1facd3566edcadfe33f81027966da35bb03909bfbae6faad72005b92447e291fa424611196bfae6e1dc5bf5982917f3ae14c36d87206f6bfb4af502bf1a4
-DIST gnome-control-center-42.3.tar.xz 6242028 BLAKE2B 8b757e3286acb2b40732ce601d63be4de0fe0f16fec652e3be83b6c7ed6718d89b6e15608d29ce3f295453510b8986ea410c0de96bb0d9dabb4f3b9c77c2fae5 SHA512 eb82f65b580637fa057196daed836b3ea24a223b9932a2063b2879357f8a62626a6939835dc165a6d3c5706d16b99192301d4de021e68faaabb8d2ecc2a317a3
DIST gnome-control-center-43.0-patchset.tar.xz 5940 BLAKE2B 91f47272518175286943a160ef77338b0153aa700a75315708ec478627dda8353b21d257b2baed9961ba77700e43c5655be06591b447c442881f828dd7002622 SHA512 e4683e99f43d9c395238df02228a87df4798df53c936bc8d188e366653d9e75b5219b0b0d8eb66ad21141fc2f1a882b994b96cf523c26b8dc21edb854aa1f384
-DIST gnome-control-center-43.0.tar.xz 5693880 BLAKE2B 290e0fbdd9557954ac2fbd79fe1872653c44ddaef540dd220b049c08958e688ac42de056a659ddcd0a7c47af2fbbabc078e658640ca9771e863eec5c174b3f9e SHA512 3fbb9252fedf44ceed6b7d6f1fed5263a110adce432effe4966f793a1f1443e92e39ff11595a6a2b3179297cc17979c310a33e3e2ac9d23dae0087ee227375a7
DIST gnome-control-center-43.1.tar.xz 5702380 BLAKE2B 646342ff6d2384fd5324a01284d4db9459db1982a127ff7c6b107cc6cc8e92cab97dd93adaafacde1e3159f9874a5a652a44da4729e5a2afc18a7fbead624d5e SHA512 aea5d137dbe25b8da13521ebfdff8858aebb210e849e2d93105df5a1d80b41f7221de493c7c343bb4bdcec29a48b9c6ddfbafc24f3ca90a44c6c63e80e5b25e5
DIST gnome-control-center-gentoo-logo-dark.svg 14293 BLAKE2B 570e9326b8abe45849c31fd5cdb3fcfb1b2f18eac522f958928df5c3b747b0699f50a882f31cf7c0ae1f2138194f18596f738f42c942b57d340c53d46d82c551 SHA512 91227dafcf2091bb1568b0f9eec68b5e371ec64c9a6bc3605821f60d6bf2bd94dec0564f6a16a4a70d1db4d4df49fc25b6c910367bae3b85205cc609a9f2701b
DIST gnome-control-center-gentoo-logo.svg 14288 BLAKE2B 371fc68b1015c8672db3e3858ae9077b1e3a9937e6add8690c39db36302ec031391c4d35e0c0b87094ca474a00c4187849e2d7111df34f43bc5bd7be52678527 SHA512 cf88933546de54ca15e2e830ac1086a78c4150f0ff59b8091e7e1cade5961c4e4cb83120a818a960b77841353ce3584ddc8f36b6edbde05543600283a143ad7b
-EBUILD gnome-control-center-42.3-r1.ebuild 6082 BLAKE2B 9de3d305ca558bf3f0ae09c50b7197f34e6f2e3892b7716f3297f86499ec255c42db92186283be1320fa31600495d2f9daa9926b543bc2d5125906d4387dd1b8 SHA512 d0c535ed709fdb12729ce419ae14f9e51a21078c9d346075cabcf703373c365deef75f4bc80f5d211e3a3ced90e5d97d6ac1dc7932f4987c7231c276a49680f1
-EBUILD gnome-control-center-43.0.ebuild 6665 BLAKE2B 7dc2eeba75343a7d97204a182405e2398eaa7c0f1a3d43768febee04b322de992f60e8ddf80ee343fb6c09733de32d33f94b2a71d065018ccea28dba80bdd846 SHA512 30e9840f86bf09a25b50e32246975f8dfaf1e46fab459f72a6b70c7539507a8d2688ae0ae25fdb974a28bc4f601e318b16d806a655895f8eed91e2ff0d38e720
EBUILD gnome-control-center-43.1.ebuild 6826 BLAKE2B 93b3236a04b5f0cafde74e7e306b67ff2df49646bea6da0a52815ce00f33cf6fa5ee19e3f2a689bbcffe04b31d29ed45ceb063132250f97553c491d7b64b2f39 SHA512 d61212ef66e11c82dc72860d8631e610f69f42aec2030766cd878cfb27662ce41e10e252378809b0a761c478b42d19021e45fe0de5bd0399031850bebfc57e66
MISC metadata.xml 610 BLAKE2B 33cb646209b89a151b412f3a5be10b29cf85cde070e8a55b50f18417b02806763f940a1f56684ec8f494f9bd07258e9219b4dc2dc01ef6710aedc03bb609d42e SHA512 1d1fd521a3901c3601d3bd4ab78ac95c44d058fc0de2506df38c5ad8ba5156ff04c4b112b7a801a13f5ed9c37243c64629cf7038ca156196fa5f3229606a1f9c
diff --git a/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/gnome-control-center-42.3-r1.ebuild b/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/gnome-control-center-42.3-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 53efc778c9d6..000000000000
--- a/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/gnome-control-center-42.3-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..11} )
-inherit gnome2-utils meson python-any-r1 xdg
-DESCRIPTION="GNOME's main interface to configure various aspects of the desktop"
-IUSE="+bluetooth +cups debug elogind +gnome-online-accounts +ibus input_devices_wacom kerberos networkmanager systemd test wayland"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- ^^ ( elogind systemd )
-" # Theoretically "?? ( elogind systemd )" is fine too, lacking some functionality at runtime, but needs testing if handled gracefully enough
-KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv x86"
-# depends on python unconditionally
-# kerberos unfortunately means mit-krb5; build fails with heimdal
-# display panel requires colord and gnome-settings-daemon[colord]
-# wacom panel requires gsd-enums.h from gsd at build time, probably also runtime support
-# printer panel requires cups and smbclient (the latter is not patched yet to be separately optional)
-# First block is toplevel deps in order of occurrence (plus deeper deps if in same conditional). Second block is dependency() from subdir meson.builds, sorted by directory name occurrence order
- gnome-online-accounts? (
- x11-libs/gtk+:3
- >=net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.25.3:=
- )
- >=media-libs/libpulse-2.0[glib]
- >=gui-libs/libadwaita-1.1:1=
- >=sys-apps/accountsservice-0.6.39
- >=x11-misc/colord-0.1.34:0=
- >=x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.23.0:2
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.56.0:2
- gnome-base/gnome-desktop:4=
- >=gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-41.0[colord,input_devices_wacom?]
- >=gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas-42_alpha
- dev-libs/libxml2:2
- >=sys-power/upower-0.99.8:=
- >=dev-libs/libgudev-232
- x11-libs/libX11
- >=x11-libs/libXi-1.2
- media-libs/libepoxy
- app-crypt/gcr:0=
- >=dev-libs/libpwquality-1.2.2
- >=gui-libs/gtk-4.4:4[X,wayland=]
- >=sys-auth/polkit-0.114
- cups? (
- >=net-print/cups-1.7[dbus]
- >=net-fs/samba-4.0.0[client]
- )
- ibus? ( >=app-i18n/ibus-1.5.2 )
- networkmanager? (
- >=net-libs/libnma-1.8.36
- >=net-misc/networkmanager-1.24.0[modemmanager]
- >=net-misc/modemmanager-0.7.990:=
- )
- bluetooth? ( net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth:3= )
- input_devices_wacom? ( >=dev-libs/libwacom-0.27:= )
- kerberos? ( app-crypt/mit-krb5 )
- x11-libs/cairo[glib]
- >=x11-libs/colord-gtk-0.3.0:=
- media-libs/fontconfig
- gnome-base/libgtop:2=
- >=sys-fs/udisks-2.1.8:2
- app-crypt/libsecret
- net-libs/gnutls:=
- media-libs/gsound
- x11-libs/pango
-# systemd/elogind USE flagged because package manager will potentially try to satisfy a
-# "|| ( systemd ( elogind openrc-settingsd)" via systemd if openrc-settingsd isn't already installed.
-# libgnomekbd needed only for gkbd-keyboard-display tool
-# gnome-color-manager needed for gcm-calibrate and gcm-viewer calls from color panel
-# <gnome-color-manager-3.1.2 has file collisions with g-c-c-3.1.x
-# mouse panel needs a concrete set of X11 drivers at runtime, bug #580474
-# Also we need newer driver versions to allow wacom and libinput drivers to
-# not collide
-# system-config-printer provides org.fedoraproject.Config.Printing service and interface
-# cups-pk-helper provides org.opensuse.cupspkhelper.mechanism.all-edit policykit helper policy
- systemd? ( >=sys-apps/systemd-31 )
- elogind? ( app-admin/openrc-settingsd
- sys-auth/elogind )
- x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme
- >=gnome-extra/gnome-color-manager-3.1.2
- cups? (
- app-admin/system-config-printer
- net-print/cups-pk-helper )
- >=gnome-base/libgnomekbd-3
- wayland? ( dev-libs/libinput )
- !wayland? (
- >=x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-0.19.0
- input_devices_wacom? ( >=x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom-0.33.0 ) )
-# PDEPEND to avoid circular dependency; gnome-session-check-accelerated called by info panel
-# gnome-session-2.91.6-r1 also needed so that 10-user-dirs-update is run at login
- networkmanager? ( gnome-extra/nm-applet )" # networking panel can call into nm-connection-editor
- dev-libs/libxslt
- app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
- app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.2
- x11-base/xorg-proto
- dev-libs/libxml2:2
- dev-util/gdbus-codegen
- dev-util/glib-utils
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.8
- virtual/pkgconfig
- test? ( $(python_gen_any_dep '
- dev-python/python-dbusmock[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- ') )
- # Patches from gnome-42 branch
- # Makes some panels and dependencies optional
- #, 697478, 700145
- # Fix some absolute paths to be appropriate for Gentoo
- "${WORKDIR}"/patches/
-python_check_deps() {
- use test || return 0
- python_has_version "dev-python/python-dbusmock[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
-pkg_setup() {
- python-any-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- default
- xdg_environment_reset
- # Mark python tests with shebang executable, so that meson will launch them directly, instead
- # of via its own python-single-r1 version, which might not match what we get from python_check_deps
- chmod a+x tests/network/ tests/datetime/ || die
-src_configure() {
- local emesonargs=(
- $(meson_use bluetooth)
- -Dcups=$(usex cups enabled disabled)
- -Ddocumentation=true # manpage
- -Dgoa=$(usex gnome-online-accounts enabled disabled)
- $(meson_use ibus)
- -Dkerberos=$(usex kerberos enabled disabled)
- $(meson_use networkmanager network_manager)
- -Dprivileged_group=wheel
- -Dsnap=false
- $(meson_use test tests)
- $(meson_use debug tracing)
- $(meson_use input_devices_wacom wacom)
- #$(meson_use wayland) # doesn't do anything in 3.34 and 3.36 due to unified gudev handling code
- # bashcompletions installed to $datadir/bash-completion/completions by v3.28.2, which is the same as $(get_bashcompdir)
- -Dmalcontent=false # unpackaged
- )
- meson_src_configure
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- gnome2_schemas_update
-pkg_postrm() {
- xdg_pkg_postrm
- gnome2_schemas_update
diff --git a/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/gnome-control-center-43.0.ebuild b/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/gnome-control-center-43.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 672ed703a617..000000000000
--- a/gnome-base/gnome-control-center/gnome-control-center-43.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..11} )
-inherit gnome2-utils meson python-any-r1 xdg
-DESCRIPTION="GNOME's main interface to configure various aspects of the desktop"
-# Logo is CC-BY-SA-2.5
-IUSE="+bluetooth +cups debug elogind +gnome-online-accounts +ibus input_devices_wacom kerberos networkmanager systemd test wayland"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- ^^ ( elogind systemd )
-" # Theoretically "?? ( elogind systemd )" is fine too, lacking some functionality at runtime, but needs testing if handled gracefully enough
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~x86"
-# depends on python unconditionally
-# kerberos unfortunately means mit-krb5; build fails with heimdal
-# display panel requires colord and gnome-settings-daemon[colord]
-# wacom panel requires gsd-enums.h from gsd at build time, probably also runtime support
-# printer panel requires cups and smbclient (the latter is not patched yet to be separately optional)
-# First block is toplevel deps in order of occurrence (plus deeper deps if in same conditional). Second block is dependency() from subdir meson.builds, sorted by directory name occurrence order
- gnome-online-accounts? (
- x11-libs/gtk+:3
- >=net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.25.3:=
- )
- >=media-libs/libpulse-2.0[glib]
- >=gui-libs/libadwaita-1.2.0:1
- >=sys-apps/accountsservice-0.6.39
- >=x11-misc/colord-0.1.34:0=
- >=x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.23.0:2
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.70.0:2
- gnome-base/gnome-desktop:4=
- >=gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-41.0[colord,input_devices_wacom?]
- >=gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas-42_alpha
- dev-libs/libxml2:2
- >=sys-power/upower-0.99.8:=
- >=dev-libs/libgudev-232
- x11-libs/libX11
- >=x11-libs/libXi-1.2
- media-libs/libepoxy
- app-crypt/gcr:0=
- >=dev-libs/libpwquality-1.2.2
- >=gui-libs/gtk-4.4:4[X,wayland=]
- >=sys-auth/polkit-0.114
- cups? (
- >=net-print/cups-1.7[dbus]
- >=net-fs/samba-4.0.0[client]
- )
- ibus? ( >=app-i18n/ibus-1.5.2 )
- networkmanager? (
- >=net-libs/libnma-1.8.36
- >=net-misc/networkmanager-1.24.0[modemmanager]
- >=net-misc/modemmanager-0.7.990:=
- )
- bluetooth? ( net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth:3= )
- input_devices_wacom? ( >=dev-libs/libwacom-0.27:= )
- kerberos? ( app-crypt/mit-krb5 )
- x11-libs/cairo[glib]
- >=x11-libs/colord-gtk-0.3.0:=
- media-libs/fontconfig
- gnome-base/libgtop:2=
- >=sys-fs/udisks-2.1.8:2
- app-crypt/libsecret
- net-libs/gnutls:=
- media-libs/gsound
- x11-libs/pango
-# systemd/elogind USE flagged because package manager will potentially try to satisfy a
-# "|| ( systemd ( elogind openrc-settingsd)" via systemd if openrc-settingsd isn't already installed.
-# libgnomekbd needed only for gkbd-keyboard-display tool
-# gnome-color-manager needed for gcm-calibrate and gcm-viewer calls from color panel
-# <gnome-color-manager-3.1.2 has file collisions with g-c-c-3.1.x
-# mouse panel needs a concrete set of X11 drivers at runtime, bug #580474
-# Also we need newer driver versions to allow wacom and libinput drivers to
-# not collide
-# system-config-printer provides org.fedoraproject.Config.Printing service and interface
-# cups-pk-helper provides org.opensuse.cupspkhelper.mechanism.all-edit policykit helper policy
- systemd? ( >=sys-apps/systemd-31 )
- elogind? (
- app-admin/openrc-settingsd
- sys-auth/elogind
- )
- x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme
- >=gnome-extra/gnome-color-manager-3.1.2
- cups? (
- app-admin/system-config-printer
- net-print/cups-pk-helper
- )
- >=gnome-base/libgnomekbd-3
- wayland? ( dev-libs/libinput )
- !wayland? (
- >=x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput-0.19.0
- input_devices_wacom? ( >=x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom-0.33.0 )
- )
-# PDEPEND to avoid circular dependency; gnome-session-check-accelerated called by info panel
-# gnome-session-2.91.6-r1 also needed so that 10-user-dirs-update is run at login
- networkmanager? ( gnome-extra/nm-applet )" # networking panel can call into nm-connection-editor
- dev-libs/libxslt
- app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets
- app-text/docbook-xml-dtd:4.2
- x11-base/xorg-proto
- dev-libs/libxml2:2
- dev-util/gdbus-codegen
- dev-util/glib-utils
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.8
- virtual/pkgconfig
- test? (
- $(python_gen_any_dep '
- dev-python/python-dbusmock[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- ')
- x11-apps/setxkbmap
- )
- # Patches from gnome-43 branch
- # Makes some panels and dependencies optional
- #, 697478, 700145
- # Fix some absolute paths to be appropriate for Gentoo
- "${WORKDIR}"/patches/
-python_check_deps() {
- use test || return 0
- python_has_version "dev-python/python-dbusmock[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]"
-pkg_setup() {
- python-any-r1_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- default
- xdg_environment_reset
- # Mark python tests with shebang executable, so that meson will launch them directly, instead
- # of via its own python-single-r1 version, which might not match what we get from python_check_deps
- chmod a+x tests/network/ tests/datetime/ || die
-src_configure() {
- local emesonargs=(
- $(meson_use bluetooth)
- -Dcups=$(usex cups enabled disabled)
- -Ddocumentation=true # manpage
- -Dgoa=$(usex gnome-online-accounts enabled disabled)
- $(meson_use ibus)
- -Dkerberos=$(usex kerberos enabled disabled)
- $(meson_use networkmanager network_manager)
- -Dprivileged_group=wheel
- -Dsnap=false
- $(meson_use test tests)
- $(meson_use debug tracing)
- $(meson_use input_devices_wacom wacom)
- #$(meson_use wayland) # doesn't do anything in 3.34 and 3.36 due to unified gudev handling code
- # bashcompletions installed to $datadir/bash-completion/completions by v3.28.2, which is the same as $(get_bashcompdir)
- -Dmalcontent=false # unpackaged
- -Ddistributor_logo=/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-control-center-gentoo-logo.svg
- -Ddark_mode_distributor_logo=/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-control-center-gentoo-logo-dark.svg
- )
- meson_src_configure
-src_install() {
- meson_src_install
- insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
- doins "${DISTDIR}"/gnome-control-center-gentoo-logo.svg
- doins "${DISTDIR}"/gnome-control-center-gentoo-logo-dark.svg
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- gnome2_schemas_update
-pkg_postrm() {
- xdg_pkg_postrm
- gnome2_schemas_update