path: root/games-rpg/lure
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2017-10-09 18:53:29 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2017-10-09 18:53:29 +0100
commit4f2d7949f03e1c198bc888f2d05f421d35c57e21 (patch)
treeba5f07bf3f9d22d82e54a462313f5d244036c768 /games-rpg/lure
reinit the tree, so we can have metadata
Diffstat (limited to 'games-rpg/lure')
4 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/games-rpg/lure/Manifest b/games-rpg/lure/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..57b8336f2d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-rpg/lure/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+DIST lure-0.13.1.dat 637824 SHA256 ea047bca769ca8515ec70727ba45a1c494ed0bea5943023d330ab55f592fcd10 SHA512 2e9c3f049a0d77d94ec1f6b231cf2ee04df148115dd2daa8bc8faf717d509843949964bbed990b804bde5788ab20460ce109f166a936ed176797a093b8973f73 WHIRLPOOL 1ff6e966a2f7ecf4f719de5df7a0122f2374de7ebd33fe16ecf4faa7304b0d35217f2b9d80ccbe4bda56c441e0e8fea48d306172580e02de0b07cbcce254b53d
+DIST 3717138 SHA256 5e83a6a8646629c55cfd84932b10231af2ff16d96e815ed0ce86564a0b3c186b SHA512 67a0bebe62d343492316351fcf51d928a2323038b915b228322882a98988bdd60dcbce3b39d50c75fb675acc16fd87efbfc4d2a747ba0c6a43b246a689383767 WHIRLPOOL b8eebda32c54c07dbe2e5b787b01e312c7ddeeca7a05d378c7ebd7c3e093c7d5cccc10a35877b15a440fa0a7ba790bd92c0f5cd06dfad57cde46ac285d7e3a2c
+DIST 5678861 SHA256 f3178245a1483da1168c3a11e70b65d33c389f1f5df63d4f3a356886c1890108 SHA512 9c178b0df178cf70c3d912300911972589e3ecd44ad478393d423f646da79a6084dc76496dfef740f961ff0d6991d7e5cfb6d9c39e2cf1920c9276386403e281 WHIRLPOOL 369317b34771049b0a913d98302bb047fdc44fee3bdba194250bada15c898b45367d4f5fa0b89cafcf9a9f806432bda262957ed0d204286528ac3f107b4e8ff8
+DIST 2176970 SHA256 9306b9faad8c0a8189d3cbbfead511fc4d993655cc845cb8e15369baed2f7bb7 SHA512 744a8d9443a8e4c41c0a07383c7143ff0423702b0893e9e3200b5c8a002d76231c48d9dd7d7076eabcf68c50b1755d2ba71f505122d1cf6a42aae8a825e2db29 WHIRLPOOL b6a90fbcca97941515bedad9fc91dc9d68f3d874f57297aa05e72eb1f2b1b39f554baabb58a9bf105f7f922646823b342518658dffbf1ace23c5fee85a69fcf0
+DIST 3583274 SHA256 2983149f9912a72761b1225e834a41d19aa565689b9027061a0220779694a1f8 SHA512 d2972d1c19da2ff74f72e54290f53e4af89a96b9e647ef6d50c686fd1ff8433020eac78ab24613551be8343b854c80c61a1140fc2ccda3e20dd05f22c6fc7f4a WHIRLPOOL 7d1e9b30dd60f1e7cd3ac7b0bddfaeecb4f61d3a1875ae2a39b61498fde8df6f5b664b3310ea22d45b91d62058aaefefc6896f0717ae75ede748d922c34593d7
+DIST 4718011 SHA256 524270b2fb3f1caef621acf4379e3dbb69aed3c8ec1a98b38e94b290d3b046cf SHA512 1af90c8867f6426983fd3eb22651f0f2ab425b1a74110bda0277339ad82c7cffcc9ba9d9790909f5120f8a4d5c2cd82ed1ef9555511fc4c4064dd1563ec75abf WHIRLPOOL 7939a1ced2e98afef93a2ae8ca6cdc02eb1ed56bc259e7b9f7d4b2a6f0338fb6cfba2be7c993de6a5fc552b7ae54df46516b8a1e24f4c4cc05062aea586858db
+EBUILD lure-1.1-r1.ebuild 2825 SHA256 bee152672ac946d246945e7f27bd9cb0ae2a56781390bd6de3ca19bb5c01d0d7 SHA512 a5fbc56953dbd81eab52ee85037b16050689f27a54ffbf177c49065af0049aeccad6bd16076d2b50e0b337012f2ab4a787b9f6f665b03f5b276156d70d0df2a8 WHIRLPOOL 30fad902cdb5dcef6d7f3374a684c10e9fb4919f88fe86ad4374d4ebd162303308293f697691939365368f49a6bf6de8f5b30ec830ec087f5467cec45e3b60b5
+EBUILD lure-1.1.ebuild 2857 SHA256 485645f6024b352a984e800fa59e3e12e9bae26588954a1ca00be825c6a3856b SHA512 aea5d9aa00a4c6082c782ced5917639c6eadb8fe2ff1068b7b20eaf4eb8818009ca8b94a8a11ccf8d4c031348ddbc4425ba0e866538c68aa4da3cdc4df8fda42 WHIRLPOOL ca8c1c61bbc18487d9004a78beb06a3533905025f04faffb2a7f7f1e5c5501b2ca300bf6b80177ea7797ffb6c5fdf4ff772e2d5678401f463a0cbe7f85faf533
+MISC ChangeLog 2415 SHA256 4d48bc8d0eac2baf1d6a45f4e81d9cadd9f13fcb7817b73315f7c411f6587926 SHA512 0004a3441132491e5d07f37c1e3dd3816b0e98391d3910d6251d30ce692ca96ff7fa9185594ce799e3f6d7434b3ffdb8270f2d89da8b15b943aad3cd8bad4a54 WHIRLPOOL 23d59a603ccca9136ad5984e07ed9d3eb344ef98c94d504065b96d0c78d4dd1e71bc3d4e3ad04711516915eec5463209aa69c197fc151d478cfa4544544676a2
+MISC ChangeLog-2015 975 SHA256 5863e4d814a568f50ea461eec86daabd04b2bfc95fe4bc09a82967e5e646425e SHA512 e9a62d3b888b8dd0ce4259c3898c7e82c3144e9a9ec023edc42c14749eade4c2cc5c41d536007bdc9fff6c55623a6e9a991001634b89997389acdfa52c9fbd54 WHIRLPOOL 9556ff2a8ba6ec513069f8482e01f3f84efcea9b49c052c2a0f14ba9462442182652d48093d7e551191ec866029857f5f40cea964a202164d550f0507152201b
+MISC metadata.xml 330 SHA256 0d5c67cb9a53d3220c7278b788f0cb6098e2e2da9fbe32dab98b52bf2e7d3bd6 SHA512 4541c93daab84bd6d0764adccf44bb4986ba02303e731b5b9a7a8060bb88a32c1cef91e2b2910e15915b67cf3ea2b5f31b4e637909d1d0b7c3b627f1134206dc WHIRLPOOL 9f36f51c4682de84bedf3b7757f32ca434702738412ae588f0232a505740d5110d72c13442e4753fbb8f804563c47be02e2f61247c0933895f76e468b3abe0db
diff --git a/games-rpg/lure/lure-1.1-r1.ebuild b/games-rpg/lure/lure-1.1-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7aeff31daca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-rpg/lure/lure-1.1-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils
+DESCRIPTION="Lure of the Temptress"
+ -> lure-${DAT_PV}.dat
+ !linguas_en? ( !linguas_es? ( !linguas_fr? ( !linguas_de? ( !linguas_it?
+ ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${P}.zip -> ${PN}-en-${PV}.zip ) ) ) ) )
+ linguas_en? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${P}.zip -> ${PN}-en-${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_es? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${PN}-es-${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_fr? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${PN}-fr-${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_de? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${PN}-de-${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_it? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${PN}-it-${PV}.zip )"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+LANGS_IUSE="linguas_en linguas_es linguas_de linguas_fr linguas_it"
+ app-arch/unzip"
+any_linguas() {
+ use linguas_en || use linguas_es || use linguas_de || use linguas_fr || use linguas_it
+src_unpack() {
+ local lang
+ if any_linguas ; then
+ for lang in ${LANGS_IUSE}
+ do
+ use ${lang} && unpack ${PN}-${lang/linguas_}-${PV}.zip
+ done
+ mv lure lure-en 2> /dev/null
+ else
+ unpack ${PN}-en-${PV}.zip
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ local lang f
+ default
+ find . \
+ \( -iname "*exe" \
+ -o -iname "*ega" \
+ -o -iname LICENSE.txt \) \
+ -exec rm -f '{}' +
+ mkdir docs
+ if any_linguas ; then
+ for lang in ${LANGS_IUSE}
+ do
+ mkdir docs/${lang}
+ find lure-${lang/linguas_} \
+ \( -iname "*pdf" \
+ -o -iname README \
+ -o -iname "*txt" \) \
+ -exec mv '{}' docs/${lang} \; 2> /dev/null
+ done
+ else
+ find lure \
+ \( -iname "*pdf" \
+ -o -iname README \
+ -o -iname "*txt" \) \
+ -exec mv '{}' docs \; 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ for f in $(find docs -type f)
+ do
+ mv ${f} ${f%.*}.$(echo ${f#*.} | tr '[[:upper:]]' '[[:lower:]]') 2> /dev/null
+ done
+src_install() {
+ local lang
+ if any_linguas ; then
+ for lang in ${LANGS_IUSE}
+ do
+ if use ${lang} ; then
+ lang=${lang/linguas_}
+ insinto "/usr/share/${PN}-${lang}"
+ newins "${DISTDIR}"/lure-${DAT_PV}.dat lure.dat
+ doins -r ${PN}-${lang}/*
+ make_wrapper ${PN}-${lang} "scummvm -q ${lang} -f -p \"/usr/share/${PN}-${lang}\" lure" .
+ make_desktop_entry ${PN}-${lang} "Lure of the Temptress (${lang})" ${PN}
+ docinto linguas_${lang}
+ dodoc docs/linguas_${lang}/*
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ insinto "/usr/share/${PN}"
+ newins "${DISTDIR}"/lure-${DAT_PV}.dat lure.dat
+ doins -r ${PN}/*
+ make_wrapper ${PN} "scummvm -f -p \"/usr/share/${PN}\" lure" .
+ make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Lure of the Temptress"
+ fi
diff --git a/games-rpg/lure/lure-1.1.ebuild b/games-rpg/lure/lure-1.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d44387746e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-rpg/lure/lure-1.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils games
+DESCRIPTION="Lure of the Temptress"
+ -> lure-${DAT_PV}.dat
+ !linguas_en? ( !linguas_es? ( !linguas_fr? ( !linguas_de? ( !linguas_it?
+ ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${P}.zip -> ${PN}-en-${PV}.zip ) ) ) ) )
+ linguas_en? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${P}.zip -> ${PN}-en-${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_es? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${PN}-es-${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_fr? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${PN}-fr-${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_de? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${PN}-de-${PV}.zip )
+ linguas_it? ( mirror://sourceforge/scummvm/${PN}-it-${PV}.zip )"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
+LANGS_IUSE="linguas_en linguas_es linguas_de linguas_fr linguas_it"
+ app-arch/unzip"
+any_linguas() {
+ use linguas_en || use linguas_es || use linguas_de || use linguas_fr || use linguas_it
+src_unpack() {
+ local lang
+ if any_linguas ; then
+ for lang in ${LANGS_IUSE}
+ do
+ use ${lang} && unpack ${PN}-${lang/linguas_}-${PV}.zip
+ done
+ mv lure lure-en 2> /dev/null
+ else
+ unpack ${PN}-en-${PV}.zip
+ fi
+src_prepare() {
+ local lang f
+ find . \
+ \( -iname "*exe" \
+ -o -iname "*ega" \
+ -o -iname LICENSE.txt \) \
+ -exec rm -f '{}' +
+ mkdir docs
+ if any_linguas ; then
+ for lang in ${LANGS_IUSE}
+ do
+ mkdir docs/${lang}
+ find lure-${lang/linguas_} \
+ \( -iname "*pdf" \
+ -o -iname README \
+ -o -iname "*txt" \) \
+ -exec mv '{}' docs/${lang} \; 2> /dev/null
+ done
+ else
+ find lure \
+ \( -iname "*pdf" \
+ -o -iname README \
+ -o -iname "*txt" \) \
+ -exec mv '{}' docs \; 2> /dev/null
+ fi
+ for f in $(find docs -type f)
+ do
+ mv ${f} ${f%.*}.$(echo ${f#*.} | tr '[[:upper:]]' '[[:lower:]]') 2> /dev/null
+ done
+src_install() {
+ local lang
+ if any_linguas ; then
+ for lang in ${LANGS_IUSE}
+ do
+ if use ${lang} ; then
+ lang=${lang/linguas_}
+ insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/${PN}-${lang}
+ newins "${DISTDIR}"/lure-${DAT_PV}.dat lure.dat
+ doins -r ${PN}-${lang}/*
+ games_make_wrapper ${PN}-${lang} "scummvm -q ${lang} -f -p \"${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}-${lang}\" lure" .
+ make_desktop_entry ${PN}-${lang} "Lure of the Temptress (${lang})" ${PN}
+ docinto linguas_${lang}
+ dodoc docs/linguas_${lang}/*
+ fi
+ done
+ else
+ insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/${PN}
+ newins "${DISTDIR}"/lure-${DAT_PV}.dat lure.dat
+ doins -r ${PN}/*
+ games_make_wrapper ${PN} "scummvm -f -p \"${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}\" lure" .
+ make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Lure of the Temptress"
+ fi
+ prepgamesdirs
diff --git a/games-rpg/lure/metadata.xml b/games-rpg/lure/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..801e2cc48963
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-rpg/lure/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <maintainer type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gentoo Games Project</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <upstream>
+ <remote-id type="sourceforge">scummvm</remote-id>
+ </upstream>