path: root/dev-tcltk/tcllib
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-09-07 22:36:52 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-09-07 22:36:52 +0100
commitd6afc0279cc61e309c2696d5bd758451f97b6a5b (patch)
tree866a5fcc6d730d20b6c74fd50e89033658b8bac2 /dev-tcltk/tcllib
parent4f49fc7caa0253a7ab164331f55bd4c70bba1bf7 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 07:09:2022 - 22:36:52
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-tcltk/tcllib')
3 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-tcltk/tcllib/Manifest b/dev-tcltk/tcllib/Manifest
index 49eb1f19f144..74f90ef78b8a 100644
--- a/dev-tcltk/tcllib/Manifest
+++ b/dev-tcltk/tcllib/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
AUX tcllib-1.20-test.patch 6599 BLAKE2B ebbbb624b0d214d6e0f9aa61b968f4133abbe8e108098bdf6d7bb726f5c8d12fe4a6a2976d4d9b0a7ef97f9787df52114f55a654b8d10aa6cd076307caa766d0 SHA512 574fead7b1b48e95c8524ea47df9e3087c0c9858cf22c1b2300d8b405a639f2b9c3ed763b8849e2bf805868138a0f044553eab48613d0df018f44d914eaf096d
+AUX tcllib-1.21-test.patch 5515 BLAKE2B 8048f7568d6651014c9153f4e5a26a1580f10ce510ce0eead2960bba732f9424faaeec4392af5b7647633d3946a8e290c5f33ea0b60f754358d7ef3eb07be1cc SHA512 494e60644baccb516c8b4847cf300b53630e222f34899d9d620e84d1573be0d0b3df69f9be5534416ae360460cd7ea3cd5e0f24d2124c00702449caa66752e69
DIST tcllib-1.20.tar.xz 6692664 BLAKE2B 3e70cf0d0f9e469a20e18f84238f56a53b5b8e36abcf418dc32f64c819728968d24e2999705d91d8341cb608a6bb674a063e86253cddfb51f2693a94d0e070e5 SHA512 d2c20642f91cdc7bf3b329025be80eb9288d0919fa439c2066349b52950cf3c343f39c7745b9b08ec28a884ff2f219fe0fb5f47023f1266b6a6de6ae54852412
+DIST tcllib-1.21.tar.xz 6467488 BLAKE2B 1faad78a263d9ef02d8d178bd329510a76db7b13d8ae636389877b25e1f1d125a6018ee9238cf3d8dbc04957d2e589669dc743c1f9e5823f28976ef73f8ce2e5 SHA512 0c8c333e1fd30237dbe40842082fd2da5141c50fc29c1a82960ce32b6780247b412ddfd1fe1e4414513dc77d6833611a46e07ca4137f13a51c7fea9fb81cef5b
EBUILD tcllib-1.20.ebuild 975 BLAKE2B 900ef394274a29c4258acef629cbf7844ff16c706935502821ea6ae417109aa3cd880e84dd8cb70daaa3fcd48c40a5e147d8b1512df6faaa2ae58b3db893ba3e SHA512 1a54bed746b9c3891470594d7244580b9d4963fd188c1b37e52582082100f1a05ae6b7b811939cd624fa9979e3086c2e2204891742e0c05e6e5e354a0f82a7df
+EBUILD tcllib-1.21.ebuild 980 BLAKE2B 8bedd2c8630892816a23d795b4a101790f30a13eec0e9826445d3ba20310e98d97bdcc07cb383637767dedca273bc1eb5aa04b639dfc74b68d950959536fb517 SHA512 fd87a09217b1f61d7e05954800e71d96c2d024ae70dff7ba0068ba49542cc9035d1b67d15cacd5d743151cc789452523bd48835ea4143358f6ad0e9de1d08e4c
MISC metadata.xml 330 BLAKE2B 804934011048a0886fde1667b6caceccf3c937ddfa56eaec506e3f1f0e6c275ffc2bc07c8ca4e3fec49acb39814d437bfa820bbd04b8e1111b4e1004a1678e40 SHA512 c662b10581abf645c410376a8618e19e7d7d3fe9fa54260b538105760832779bcb38c83518bedcd475d60c14c4a98c5e3e4a1bd00fc8497f5125056add78071c
diff --git a/dev-tcltk/tcllib/files/tcllib-1.21-test.patch b/dev-tcltk/tcllib/files/tcllib-1.21-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..80371c98115c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-tcltk/tcllib/files/tcllib-1.21-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+--- a/modules/devtools/testutilities.tcl 2020-04-16 21:57:11.915653960 +0200
++++ b/modules/devtools/testutilities.tcl 2020-04-16 22:11:05.621829465 +0200
+@@ -229,6 +229,10 @@
+ ::tcltest::testConstraint tcl8.6plus \
+ [expr {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6]}]
++ ::tcltest::testConstraint tcl8.6.8 \
++ [expr { [package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6.8] &&
++ ![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6.9]}]
+ ::tcltest::testConstraint tcl8.6not10 \
+ [expr { [package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6] &&
+ ![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6.10]}]
+--- a/modules/hook/hook.test 2020-04-16 21:59:22.708326030 +0200
++++ b/modules/hook/hook.test 2020-04-16 22:09:18.055740312 +0200
+@@ -436,6 +436,7 @@
+ } -cleanup {
+ cleanup
+ } -result [tcltest::byConstraint {
++ tcl8.6.8 {{{S1 <H1> {} O1} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {::hook::call S1 <H1>}} -errorcode NONE}}}
+ tcl8.6.10plus {{{S1 <H1> {} O1} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {::hook::call S1 <H1>}} -errorcode NONE}}}
+ tcl8.6not10 {{{S1 <H1> {} O1} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {call S1 <H1>}} -errorcode NONE}}}
+ tcl8.5minus {{{S1 <H1> {} O1} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE}}}
+@@ -452,6 +453,7 @@
+ } -cleanup {
+ cleanup
+ } -result [tcltest::byConstraint {
++ tcl8.6.8 {{{S1 <H1> O1 {}} {S1 <H1> O3 {}}} {{{S1 <H1> {} O2} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {::hook::call S1 <H1>}} -errorcode NONE}}}}
+ tcl8.6.10plus {{{S1 <H1> O1 {}} {S1 <H1> O3 {}}} {{{S1 <H1> {} O2} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {::hook::call S1 <H1>}} -errorcode NONE}}}}
+ tcl8.6not10 {{{S1 <H1> O1 {}} {S1 <H1> O3 {}}} {{{S1 <H1> {} O2} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorstack {INNER {error {simulated error}} UP 1 CALL {call S1 <H1>}} -errorcode NONE}}}}
+ tcl8.5minus {{{S1 <H1> O1 {}} {S1 <H1> O3 {}}} {{{S1 <H1> {} O2} {simulated error} {-code 1 -level 0 -errorcode NONE}}}}
+--- a/modules/http/autoproxy.test 2020-04-16 22:48:04.645153193 +0200
++++ b/modules/http/autoproxy.test 2020-04-16 22:48:30.710701582 +0200
+@@ -179,20 +179,6 @@
+ autoproxy::configure -tls_package dummy
+ } -result "Invalid TLS package option 'dummy'. Must be 'tls' or 'twapi'" -returnCodes error
+-test autoproxy-2.0.0 "autoproxy::tls_socket (tls) with proxy" -constraints {
+- have_tls
+-} -setup {
+- packageReset
+- package require http
+- autoproxy::configure -proxy_host $proxy_host -proxy_port $proxy_port
+-} -body {
+- http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket
+- set tok [http::geturl]
+- http::status $tok
+-} -cleanup {
+- http::cleanup $tok
+-} -result ok
+ test autoproxy-2.0.1 "autoproxy::tls_socket (twapi) with proxy" -constraints {
+ have_twapi
+ } -setup {
+@@ -202,20 +188,6 @@
+ } -body {
+ http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket
+ set tok [http::geturl]
+- http::status $tok
+-} -cleanup {
+- http::cleanup $tok
+-} -result ok
+-test autoproxy-2.1.0 "autoproxy::tls_socket (tls) without proxy" -constraints {
+- have_tls
+-} -setup {
+- packageReset
+- package require http
+- autoproxy::configure -proxy_host "" -proxy_port $proxy_port
+-} -body {
+- http::register https 443 autoproxy::tls_socket
+- set tok [http::geturl]
+ http::status $tok
+ } -cleanup {
+ http::cleanup $tok
+--- a/modules/string/token_shell.test 2020-04-17 08:40:44.813030086 +0200
++++ b/modules/string/token_shell.test 2020-04-17 08:44:03.066752545 +0200
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ test string-token-shell-1.0 "string token shell, wrong#args, not enough" -body {
+ string token shell
+ } -returnCodes error -result [tcltest::byConstraint {
++ tcl8.6.8 {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.6.10plus {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.6not10 {wrong # args: should be "shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.5minus {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
+ test string-token-shell-1.1 "string token shell, wrong#args, too many" -body {
+ string token shell T X
+ } -returnCodes error -result [tcltest::byConstraint {
++ tcl8.6.8 {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.6.10plus {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.6not10 {wrong # args: should be "shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.5minus {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
+ test string-token-shell-1.3 "string token shell, wrong#args, too many" -body {
+ string token shell -- T X
+ } -returnCodes error -result [tcltest::byConstraint {
++ tcl8.6.8 {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.6.10plus {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.6not10 {wrong # args: should be "shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
+ tcl8.5minus {wrong # args: should be "::string::token::shell ?-indices? ?-partial? ?--? text"}
diff --git a/dev-tcltk/tcllib/tcllib-1.21.ebuild b/dev-tcltk/tcllib/tcllib-1.21.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1e975342d4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-tcltk/tcllib/tcllib-1.21.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit virtualx
+DESCRIPTION="Tcl Standard Library"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ dev-lang/tcl:0=
+ dev-tcltk/tdom
+ "
+ ChangeLog DESCRIPTION.txt devdoc/README.developer
+ devdoc/critcl-tcllib.txt devdoc/dirlayout_install.txt
+ devdoc/indexing.txt
+HTML_DOCS=( idoc/www )
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-test.patch )
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ rm modules/httpd/httpd.test || die
+src_test() {
+ USER= virtx emake test_batch
+src_install() {
+ default
+ if use examples ; then
+ for f in $(find examples -type f); do
+ docinto $(dirname $f)
+ dodoc $f
+ done
+ fi