path: root/dev-scheme/scm
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2018-06-30 08:49:38 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2018-06-30 08:49:38 +0100
commitb2be182d49eea46686b5cf2680d457df61e89dc4 (patch)
treec66442ced2011c5ca81c3114cc51041e314c6d33 /dev-scheme/scm
parente23cdda4dbb0c83b9e682ab5e916085a35203da5 (diff)
gentoo resync : 30.06.2018
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-scheme/scm')
3 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-scheme/scm/Manifest b/dev-scheme/scm/Manifest
index d66b67174b65..2c44df92cae7 100644
--- a/dev-scheme/scm/Manifest
+++ b/dev-scheme/scm/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
AUX scm-5.5.6-multiplefixes.patch 3014 BLAKE2B 08891323ec487c703a04f72043b73edb0d8e697366f71910a4a728a8ad937c75db310cefdb96144a1af9334edd2da9fc5c720530c6cb0f741e310ee06277e6c1 SHA512 e746ebca91e26569354f09403cf1610c745281af3477d92587a8b52de704998a61d1aeac75bfadfed8aead84243aa01f626438399cfffe92c73bba9fa9564f22
+AUX scm-5.5.6-respect-ldflags.patch 395 BLAKE2B 1fec97642ad348678070df454bbc2c7e64e17907f986a95cf96a3ead621ebe6f22a2f5dbcccc4fe9f7a8b8b951d935bafc5a64ce5cc0b48a514d2cda6ecebfb3 SHA512 03f740acdde590dbdc67046795aa1bed609721cbf83e7c153f5d1d5524c4761e3025c808855bf5b56d44d917c4aefa7198b96d66729e565b277c1acac7c53356
DIST 912968 BLAKE2B c059b49364abd25bb2335ad11f82791b96ac95aa9529b914396d08592e46e5aa5cba178b791fc96e3ea3066670c48bdd728609463bea398300b81d979fb304cb SHA512 897370f043401a7961eb1c2e22c951e2144505a1670e328e2c3eab33d52da83f195b873fb7cf8486f412ae52316cfc437c9f2da1432ade70f82eb0da12c2f852
EBUILD scm-5.5.6-r3.ebuild 3762 BLAKE2B 72bf6fea02e74443e8f449c193168c1db95db448f7702ff06b708c58fc0a3573afa47d29b1e46b6358d0ceb3a0879da0c181adf3a71b56442bd26ee40eaa46c8 SHA512 cc7b0a0e2e185a967bc0fb5a771f7344345f0b24fb6bc9df51971e043f0f717b49a93697ab0ab1018da341a42b2e44647b513b6aad91aaa6c77c310b8c6b159d
+EBUILD scm-5.5.6-r4.ebuild 3730 BLAKE2B 14768043556305926bdc25a5c446f8879e7ff51a9c9b2be5c6a1c9e8fadaa5de9c94daedfaa2810b8b1494f2bb771de5746b314f55c72bacc2a7e9544624eaf5 SHA512 d08819bf9939023757edd314dd486ed40c287cb5cceb3a38c8f994a0b97f2ae7373b56e77b6a742230652f768cd85a652147f9983ec9eb61fe424c49f764a7fe
MISC metadata.xml 1636 BLAKE2B ad72069e26e5a229c33efa845450fe5991d4c6bb14c39ccf22ba1a2d7903b969354a244a09e6684af4f588b2196e12aa60d658a5f842b5b127396a250377b2b0 SHA512 f0936782a77db52a61d47c86f9d638c66ac9848e8b62fcef182b5346abd55e83a5f275b6a60c865551dd134dcb85a77906d4662f91ed505d167608f8901dc0d0
diff --git a/dev-scheme/scm/files/scm-5.5.6-respect-ldflags.patch b/dev-scheme/scm/files/scm-5.5.6-respect-ldflags.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a78e7ddb5d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-scheme/scm/files/scm-5.5.6-respect-ldflags.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -ur b/Makefile a/Makefile
+--- b/Makefile 2018-06-21 14:02:53.439716620 -0500
++++ a/Makefile 2018-06-21 14:03:33.900568504 -0500
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
+ # SCMLIT -- try making this first!
+ scmlit: $(ofiles) scmmain.o require.scm Makefile
+- $(LD) -o scmlit $(ofiles) scmmain.o $(LIBS)
++ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o scmlit $(ofiles) scmmain.o $(LIBS)
+ $(MAKE) checklit
+ scmflags.h: scmflags
+ scmflags: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dev-scheme/scm/scm-5.5.6-r4.ebuild b/dev-scheme/scm/scm-5.5.6-r4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6496a36b4f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-scheme/scm/scm-5.5.6-r4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+#version magic thanks to masterdriverz and UberLord using bash array instead of tr
+MY_PV="$(ver_cut 1)${trarr:$(ver_cut 2):1}$(ver_cut 3)"
+DESCRIPTION="SCM is a Scheme implementation from the author of slib"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-macos"
+IUSE="arrays bignums cautious dynamic-linking engineering-notation gsubr inexact ioext libscm macro ncurses posix readline regex sockets unix"
+ dev-util/cproto
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
+ readline? ( sys-libs/libtermcap-compat )"
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-multiplefixes.patch"
+ "${FILESDIR}/${P}-respect-ldflags.patch" )
+src_compile() {
+ # SLIB is required to build SCM.
+ local slibpath="${EPREFIX}/usr/share/slib/"
+ if [ -n "$SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH" ]; then
+ elif [ -d ${slibpath} ]; then
+ export SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH=${slibpath}
+ fi
+ einfo "Making scmlit"
+ emake -j1 scmlit clean
+ einfo "Building scm"
+ local features=""
+ use arrays && features+="arrays"
+ use bignums && features+=" bignums"
+ use cautious && features+=" cautious"
+ use engineering-notation && features+=" engineering-notation"
+ use inexact && features+=" inexact"
+ use macro && features+=" macro"
+ ( use readline ||
+ use ncurses ||
+ use regex ||
+ use posix ||
+ use ioext ||
+ use gsubr ||
+ use sockets ||
+ use unix ||
+ use dynamic-linking ) && features+=" dynamic-linking"
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS} -L${EPREFIX}/$(get_libdir)" \
+ -s "${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/scm \
+ -F ${features:="none"} \
+ -h system \
+ -o scm || die
+ einfo "Building DLLs"
+ if use readline; then
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS}" \
+ -h system \
+ -F edit-line \
+ -t dll || die
+ fi
+ if use ncurses ; then
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS}" \
+ -F curses \
+ -h system \
+ -t dll || die
+ fi
+ if use regex ; then
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS}" \
+ -c rgx.c \
+ -h system \
+ -t dll || die
+ fi
+ if use gsubr ; then
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS}" \
+ -c gsubr.c \
+ -h system \
+ -t dll || die
+ fi
+ if use ioext ; then
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS}" \
+ -c ioext.c \
+ -h system \
+ -t dll || die
+ fi
+ if use posix; then
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS}" \
+ -c posix.c \
+ -h system \
+ -t dll || die
+ fi
+ if use sockets ; then
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS}" \
+ -c socket.c \
+ -h system \
+ -t dll || die
+ fi
+ if use unix ; then
+ ./build \
+ --compiler-options="${CFLAGS}" \
+ --linker-options="${LDFLAGS}" \
+ -c unix.c \
+ -h system \
+ -t dll || die
+ fi
+ if use libscm ; then
+ emake libscm.a
+ fi
+src_test() {
+ emake check
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" man1dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/man/man1/ \
+ install
+ if use libscm; then
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/ \
+ installlib
+ fi
+ doinfo
+ doinfo
+regen_catalog() {
+ einfo "Regenerating catalog..."
+ scm -e "(require 'new-catalog)"
+pkg_postinst() {
+ [[ -z ${ROOT%/} ]] && regen_catalog
+pkg_config() {
+ regen_catalog