path: root/dev-qt/qtwayland
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-10-09 04:26:33 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-10-09 04:26:33 +0100
commit6ee17dd82a3bcd0e90af4ebfbb3e411d342761be (patch)
tree5ade54018efa76614b79d832bbe15a22021b6d8c /dev-qt/qtwayland
parent325837835fc86686829aaa6acace3d3c06c74cea (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 09:10:2024 - 04:26:32
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-qt/qtwayland')
-rw-r--r--dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.3-r1.ebuild (renamed from dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.3.ebuild)4
-rw-r--r--dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.0-r1.ebuild (renamed from dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.0_rc.ebuild)4
7 files changed, 547 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwayland/Manifest b/dev-qt/qtwayland/Manifest
index fb37399ddb37..da3f22d6f6b5 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtwayland/Manifest
+++ b/dev-qt/qtwayland/Manifest
@@ -2,16 +2,18 @@ AUX qtwayland-6.7.2-drag-drop.patch 2349 BLAKE2B e22347050b017831c8039700dc3658c
AUX qtwayland-6.7.2-null-screen.patch 1208 BLAKE2B 7ccc921245d3dccb1c3ea440becc85959bf94fa0b7836097c862f966396d68850af660531edcdd4637ac2a752a8bf50bdca6260ceb753b921eee85783d4ab714 SHA512 b3336eb707abafc8928893ac3e61c708a7cb43873b2fdb1576ac6dc6c74b52d9ca45d80c30f3d5fb8d374fb72fbb19cb7b0b799528f820bcda87704375841516
AUX qtwayland-6.7.2-plasma-popup.patch 1032 BLAKE2B 81a0c2dceac3bde808f463d0d2ad6159fd362528b2b37ed018283a05e4d317f6d31fcf87815e2b041aece5f49ae60bd4dfd7a2861aa2ea71f914343e6ff422ad SHA512 c5a63dfd9ff7a3a36bc7fce76b7c6b7ceb12b03dd9f758690cbfca715afc8989c747b4a535749ee44f6827e3af576d614050e0672263a32b420dd37aee008fb0
AUX qtwayland-6.7.2-thread-safety.patch 2420 BLAKE2B 4e5d871bd93a24cc2bb5c879a9eb336aacbfe20c3a6df15777ccdfb41a4d2b84484097a7d0680a5c02631cb84864259cdc9e68d04b0ab654275bd73ec92700b8 SHA512 18978aac57472575ee2dbcd44d1dbb7d21e6a116589cd78d9530272e0c67c8e730d2bf8272cc92cbd78d460ba710cb408595e11c59dca2649d8565cf4e7b135f
+AUX qtwayland-6.7.3-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch 13015 BLAKE2B 17a370bfd4960316b65180e68d23feb8c4f5a5d79db923f26f04e9bc21825a2b563bdec359bde04b99df8af76e4661362bf34704095c46d6528d52a68b1aba12 SHA512 044d1798dea7181304704d55129265619d0a03e69170835e03d7cc9bcb0a71edd25aa17c251c98730ba4108c9d75f6831fafd20dd385ed1d20078b3f0cc5c9c6
+AUX qtwayland-6.8.0-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch 13031 BLAKE2B 4cdee104ec7ba05ddff6cc8f1afda24276eb9fbb0f3b2f0abacb3da57fe3e210dfa6f3d836ff45535d5ff53473fdc55876ef27138d80d8978cc39e8e85d32347 SHA512 621dc44b1577abbece55242f872edb8c6f7e29da8bebd3a9f7f62c2877cca558a35d68738bc6662ff5303e5773cec7dc3a9a073530c0bfebc7799febd338a70f
DIST qtwayland-5.15.14-gentoo-kde-1.tar.xz 47472 BLAKE2B 3812e5f18bcb857cf3c76cf8a53525a84b14bc4cf8430f4339c1ef9a5d6208dcdfba3f052bcc80c6ad8815db2415207e2eb5ed07bbf9e7076be675f2a4cee3c0 SHA512 912bc902e4f9d945dac396c75a2af9896e3002535a51e6b5b07166c38b9d6ea073da3d93db07742a0db295dd5f8167fdef351230adcb2145704c36b576c0f5e3
DIST qtwayland-everywhere-opensource-src-5.15.14.tar.xz 560916 BLAKE2B a5edb21446348f20e6f65736b402c3075a4bde0d7fa02c24cbfc5de65739ca8d7ac2186bd17a995bfb3de23106e696e2b1321dc3ae401984bdafaa3479c9aa1e SHA512 9e8add52353f7a146759511c49c001cd76a56790a81af5222f6f2d3d1a2f1ee9cc62048c72efe69708eb3444c6115272d4af8d738df7b1e1da959359d7420dbb
DIST qtwayland-everywhere-src-6.7.2.tar.xz 1123220 BLAKE2B 70c2d8942afc4e1629d2ef34b6c062ecb5800185bb37e150c1d66a5216606028d2f59668991bddb5036572c962e92c3658d336167a7f9ffbf3d2f4d609a771f9 SHA512 2cd4f45f05ae60bc7f82b94f2e9c217ee4b8322f60381e1b079b90e0687e51cfbeb10b5dd724e1cca7e422b1b101d2b91c0ee47b1a732411cef330fb052c97c2
DIST qtwayland-everywhere-src-6.7.3.tar.xz 1123508 BLAKE2B 39cd8c7d2486318d3eb4351dc0e4e6a2c37e0aeb9727e2715accfec7ba2710288c251fdd5d6a71ba11c065509f7312c194a8e2b757d484ec1734270044e0d7aa SHA512 9e15f3798ae7738b69e367343ffd7992fcdaebeffbcb10414fe2f24be553ca63e5504ef0a8405348702d0581dabebd1c2360728f63757c7445900b04df5e9ad7
-DIST qtwayland-everywhere-src-6.8.0-rc.tar.xz 1133748 BLAKE2B 0d5b468f303be8fe892695adf77b6c015429bbea6051f8a834a003495e9be3b2a0d2d2b06ab9ddee2817e616715426d47c5f11b46ef2bb70d4b436cea2353666 SHA512 3c1b4a4ee85e5ad9f1528311ca3a63be85abbccf2c6dd59f089e7834f31a6a6734e997ab78ce2e161053edc3899054e5d752ae187d1f805e3be83d72244af084
+DIST qtwayland-everywhere-src-6.8.0.tar.xz 1133584 BLAKE2B 2889e651544846e4f854fb34c4ec7a984ab2e88037a6eca0ff5b51ca04051d4ba0176b34afd3a224199e456fa3375e1df3bebd594fd95f8f98a811b47e1183e3 SHA512 6b2258928481813db7037bdbc817f57e14fc7ae66d2a791e03a4f1ebc1eea6ed36782206b3edcbf17e8fa0eb9f45f4d2583865b2b764e8ac303abac40764070c
EBUILD qtwayland-5.15.14.ebuild 1214 BLAKE2B 4d974a96e807dfbad6bf480bb6faf022828c9cab0fd5bc82b6c6455344fafd7a349f1f232fa62a00e32cc073cda39aead004657e7b4072f49890442baeda3252 SHA512 75966f4a890e77a29937d63ed50a8095d579fab4871f2d091bb410443a0101fabc592a6cfbe033b12d6f0663c196930a32c85a062a10de4f8dc13eee4103b86b
EBUILD qtwayland-6.7.2-r3.ebuild 1641 BLAKE2B d709c378c8eea57e1533b4451676016b0945369150953e3c5610e767826d843ae845c1ecdd87be052d216def7b28150615df50dee45364e4c10e0a866fcd6b7f SHA512 d774570816601f3e81e9c535d2916ef60f6de61ec6bdd4cb18c6da93bb871e4b98e6217aa41504cb51e8c939775005aed25c612e96ac3a99fc59a7ea348184fd
-EBUILD qtwayland-6.7.3.ebuild 1481 BLAKE2B d0762b5c9c61dbe06bcef6410d60ea27fc33b9debb8d8d80e8fa3b03de7cf8f60b5c240094d8b21518da97167ddb5acde78e11f21b2589d10a3bd8dd70044abc SHA512 e8eccc7fb2b9d6c67bdc717428b8579c8d92c1ee239de07d6bff6715aea430fbfc756fa286640b6f8d35b0a774bd4e15b404d017e1f6043e9e8d79385fea4eba
-EBUILD qtwayland-6.7.9999.ebuild 1481 BLAKE2B d0762b5c9c61dbe06bcef6410d60ea27fc33b9debb8d8d80e8fa3b03de7cf8f60b5c240094d8b21518da97167ddb5acde78e11f21b2589d10a3bd8dd70044abc SHA512 e8eccc7fb2b9d6c67bdc717428b8579c8d92c1ee239de07d6bff6715aea430fbfc756fa286640b6f8d35b0a774bd4e15b404d017e1f6043e9e8d79385fea4eba
-EBUILD qtwayland-6.8.0_rc.ebuild 1604 BLAKE2B 955233e9dce7287eab5e8ccb13b548e44bc31dc71a195f665c1422a33045a309a131cf4443714a31799a2c1a387fc0ffc1d4f653c6b7bd25de77cae8f92c2e68 SHA512 374607e7b5f0e65e89ce1dc9e2cb714212a876c556826ca92cfb347a6a7bea8dd2f94e3455dd3e2fd66cf16a5e23350e2ca4fb316139626eb0c7bc46f66fb800
-EBUILD qtwayland-6.8.9999.ebuild 1604 BLAKE2B 955233e9dce7287eab5e8ccb13b548e44bc31dc71a195f665c1422a33045a309a131cf4443714a31799a2c1a387fc0ffc1d4f653c6b7bd25de77cae8f92c2e68 SHA512 374607e7b5f0e65e89ce1dc9e2cb714212a876c556826ca92cfb347a6a7bea8dd2f94e3455dd3e2fd66cf16a5e23350e2ca4fb316139626eb0c7bc46f66fb800
+EBUILD qtwayland-6.7.3-r1.ebuild 1546 BLAKE2B ec95d0495292addfd14a1ee68f4f2192c16555de06d3296230f5ba2ca4f52358b6d239202a1e7f8b081cdd8f60e592db6e4bfe8ef722371e9f378f053c7eab63 SHA512 ef6e9ab9bc4d6b7eb2d543b030a8a991d599ad6a6efc328c95647be6d84b2e3faae407e3d375ce41b6320d49c334215834b69c4f3d00a4ef9517b21c22fb75cf
+EBUILD qtwayland-6.7.9999.ebuild 1546 BLAKE2B ec95d0495292addfd14a1ee68f4f2192c16555de06d3296230f5ba2ca4f52358b6d239202a1e7f8b081cdd8f60e592db6e4bfe8ef722371e9f378f053c7eab63 SHA512 ef6e9ab9bc4d6b7eb2d543b030a8a991d599ad6a6efc328c95647be6d84b2e3faae407e3d375ce41b6320d49c334215834b69c4f3d00a4ef9517b21c22fb75cf
+EBUILD qtwayland-6.8.0-r1.ebuild 1669 BLAKE2B 669f28bc549085675d1b846af2f3665d35e84dfa3cfae4098efc6b912f51f80151c53a1024907d1f844708f2d55b4b48adf7cabc7294402000f2a8cdb84d8a32 SHA512 90146a5961292eb49722978d52d8b0d8458a2c15576b052b52d181f1209509c75b2a88034db82b52749e15352e1f7f009a941ff1d19c6874b0c732c71308467c
+EBUILD qtwayland-6.8.9999.ebuild 1669 BLAKE2B 669f28bc549085675d1b846af2f3665d35e84dfa3cfae4098efc6b912f51f80151c53a1024907d1f844708f2d55b4b48adf7cabc7294402000f2a8cdb84d8a32 SHA512 90146a5961292eb49722978d52d8b0d8458a2c15576b052b52d181f1209509c75b2a88034db82b52749e15352e1f7f009a941ff1d19c6874b0c732c71308467c
EBUILD qtwayland-6.9999.ebuild 1604 BLAKE2B 955233e9dce7287eab5e8ccb13b548e44bc31dc71a195f665c1422a33045a309a131cf4443714a31799a2c1a387fc0ffc1d4f653c6b7bd25de77cae8f92c2e68 SHA512 374607e7b5f0e65e89ce1dc9e2cb714212a876c556826ca92cfb347a6a7bea8dd2f94e3455dd3e2fd66cf16a5e23350e2ca4fb316139626eb0c7bc46f66fb800
MISC metadata.xml 888 BLAKE2B b893520d74518b0ea0d104d72545925ac37c818ef52d29a5551a2e3406ded90bc4f6c3d53b64868f2b39919cab783ed124af13f63704e7ee66c534c21dfdfb23 SHA512 9861bb9cf35100d7464d88f86614511522fc4cf7e2ef5d09b9ea95cdb168d61f645614104aacad24fcebc8ecfc2c98601b26f434059bffe169513fd097b12aec
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwayland/files/qtwayland-6.7.3-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch b/dev-qt/qtwayland/files/qtwayland-6.7.3-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a93132ec0936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtwayland/files/qtwayland-6.7.3-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+Not essential to backport the update, but KDE upstream recommends
+it to avoid warnings.
+--- a/src/3rdparty/protocol/wayland.xml
++++ b/src/3rdparty/protocol/wayland.xml
+@@ -49 +49 @@
+- The callback_data passed in the callback is the event serial.
++ The callback_data passed in the callback is undefined and should be ignored.
+@@ -215 +215 @@
+- <interface name="wl_shm_pool" version="1">
++ <interface name="wl_shm_pool" version="2">
+@@ -265,5 +265,5 @@
+- This request only changes the amount of bytes that are mmapped
+- by the server and does not touch the file corresponding to the
+- file descriptor passed at creation time. It is the client's
+- responsibility to ensure that the file is at least as big as
+- the new pool size.
++ This request only changes the amount of bytes that are mmapped
++ by the server and does not touch the file corresponding to the
++ file descriptor passed at creation time. It is the client's
++ responsibility to ensure that the file is at least as big as
++ the new pool size.
+@@ -275 +275 @@
+- <interface name="wl_shm" version="1">
++ <interface name="wl_shm" version="2">
+@@ -421,0 +422,15 @@
++ <entry name="c1" value="0x20203143" summary="[7:0] C0:C1:C2:C3:C4:C5:C6:C7 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 eight pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="c2" value="0x20203243" summary="[7:0] C0:C1:C2:C3 2:2:2:2 four pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="c4" value="0x20203443" summary="[7:0] C0:C1 4:4 two pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="d1" value="0x20203144" summary="[7:0] D0:D1:D2:D3:D4:D5:D6:D7 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 eight pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="d2" value="0x20203244" summary="[7:0] D0:D1:D2:D3 2:2:2:2 four pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="d4" value="0x20203444" summary="[7:0] D0:D1 4:4 two pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="d8" value="0x20203844" summary="[7:0] D"/>
++ <entry name="r1" value="0x20203152" summary="[7:0] R0:R1:R2:R3:R4:R5:R6:R7 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 eight pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="r2" value="0x20203252" summary="[7:0] R0:R1:R2:R3 2:2:2:2 four pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="r4" value="0x20203452" summary="[7:0] R0:R1 4:4 two pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="r10" value="0x20303152" summary="[15:0] x:R 6:10 little endian"/>
++ <entry name="r12" value="0x20323152" summary="[15:0] x:R 4:12 little endian"/>
++ <entry name="avuy8888" value="0x59555641" summary="[31:0] A:Cr:Cb:Y 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
++ <entry name="xvuy8888" value="0x59555658" summary="[31:0] X:Cr:Cb:Y 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
++ <entry name="p030" value="0x30333050" summary="2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane 10 bits per channel packed"/>
+@@ -444,0 +460,11 @@
++ <!-- Version 2 additions -->
++ <request name="release" type="destructor" since="2">
++ <description summary="release the shm object">
++ Using this request a client can tell the server that it is not going to
++ use the shm object anymore.
++ Objects created via this interface remain unaffected.
++ </description>
++ </request>
+@@ -456,3 +482,5 @@
+- If the buffer uses a format that has an alpha channel, the alpha channel
+- is assumed to be premultiplied in the color channels unless otherwise
+- specified.
++ Color channels are assumed to be electrical rather than optical (in other
++ words, encoded with a transfer function) unless otherwise specified. If
++ the buffer uses a format that has an alpha channel, the alpha channel is
++ assumed to be premultiplied into the electrical color channel values
++ (after transfer function encoding) unless otherwise specified.
+@@ -849,0 +878 @@
++ <entry name="used_source" value="1" summary="source has already been used"/>
+@@ -871 +900 @@
+- hotspot, but subsequent wl_surface.attach request can move the
++ hotspot, but subsequent wl_surface.offset requests can move the
+@@ -878,0 +908,4 @@
++ The given source may not be used in any further set_selection or
++ start_drag requests. Attempting to reuse a previously-used source
++ may send a used_source error.
+@@ -891,0 +925,4 @@
++ The given source may not be used in any further set_selection or
++ start_drag requests. Attempting to reuse a previously-used source
++ may send a used_source error.
+@@ -1414 +1451 @@
+- summary="surface was destroyed before its role object"/>
++ summary="surface was destroyed before its role object"/>
+@@ -1443,3 +1480,3 @@
+- 'invalid_offset' error being raised. The x and y arguments are ignored
+- and do not change the pending state. To achieve equivalent semantics,
+- use wl_surface.offset.
++ 'invalid_offset' error being raised. The x and y arguments are ignored
++ and do not change the pending state. To achieve equivalent semantics,
++ use wl_surface.offset.
+@@ -1481,0 +1519,7 @@
++ If a pending wl_buffer has been destroyed, the result is not specified.
++ Many compositors are known to remove the surface content on the following
++ wl_surface.commit, but this behaviour is not universal. Clients seeking to
++ maximise compatibility should not destroy pending buffers and should
++ ensure that they explicitly remove content from surfaces, even after
++ destroying buffers.
+@@ -1621,10 +1665,12 @@
+- as opposed to the current state in use by the compositor. A commit
+- request atomically applies all pending state, replacing the current
+- state. After commit, the new pending state is as documented for each
+- related request.
+- On commit, a pending wl_buffer is applied first, and all other state
+- second. This means that all coordinates in double-buffered state are
+- relative to the new wl_buffer coming into use, except for
+- wl_surface.attach itself. If there is no pending wl_buffer, the
+- coordinates are relative to the current surface contents.
++ as opposed to the active state in use by the compositor.
++ A commit request atomically creates a content update from the pending
++ state, even if the pending state has not been touched. The content
++ update is placed in a queue until it becomes active. After commit, the
++ new pending state is as documented for each related request.
++ When the content update is applied, the wl_buffer is applied before all
++ other state. This means that all coordinates in double-buffered state
++ are relative to the newly attached wl_buffers, except for
++ wl_surface.attach itself. If there is no newly attached wl_buffer, the
++ coordinates are relative to the previous content update.
+@@ -1669,4 +1715,6 @@
+- This request sets an optional transformation on how the compositor
+- interprets the contents of the buffer attached to the surface. The
+- accepted values for the transform parameter are the values for
+- wl_output.transform.
++ This request sets the transformation that the client has already applied
++ to the content of the buffer. The accepted values for the transform
++ parameter are the values for wl_output.transform.
++ The compositor applies the inverse of this transformation whenever it
++ uses the buffer contents.
+@@ -1728 +1776 @@
+- If scale is not positive the invalid_scale protocol error is
++ If scale is not greater than 0 the invalid_scale protocol error is
+@@ -1732 +1780 @@
+- summary="positive scale for interpreting buffer contents"/>
++ summary="scale for interpreting buffer contents"/>
+@@ -1804,0 +1853,3 @@
++ Before receiving this event the preferred buffer scale for this surface
++ is 1.
+@@ -1808,0 +1860,2 @@
++ The compositor shall emit a scale value greater than 0.
+@@ -1818,3 +1871,6 @@
+- It is intended that transform aware clients use this event to apply the
+- transform to their content and use wl_surface.set_buffer_transform to
+- indicate the transform they have rendered with.
++ Before receiving this event the preferred buffer transform for this
++ surface is normal.
++ Applying this transformation to the surface buffer contents and using
++ wl_surface.set_buffer_transform might allow the compositor to use the
++ surface buffer more efficiently.
+@@ -1995 +2051 @@
+- On surface.attach requests to the pointer surface, hotspot_x
++ On wl_surface.offset requests to the pointer surface, hotspot_x
+@@ -1997 +2053 @@
+- passed to the request. Attach must be confirmed by
++ passed to the request. The offset must be applied by
+@@ -2251 +2307 @@
+- <event name="axis_discrete" since="5">
++ <event name="axis_discrete" since="5" deprecated-since="8">
+@@ -2376,0 +2433,10 @@
++ Each wl_keyboard has the following logical state:
++ - an active surface (possibly null),
++ - the keys currently logically down,
++ - the active modifiers,
++ - the active group.
++ By default, the active surface is null, the keys currently logically down
++ are empty, the active modifiers and the active group are 0.
+@@ -2410,0 +2477,5 @@
++ In the wl_keyboard logical state, this event sets the active surface to
++ the surface argument and the keys currently logically down to the keys
++ in the keys argument. The compositor must not send this event if the
++ wl_keyboard already had an active surface immediately before this event.
+@@ -2414 +2485 @@
+- <arg name="keys" type="array" summary="the currently pressed keys"/>
++ <arg name="keys" type="array" summary="the keys currently logically down"/>
+@@ -2425,2 +2496,4 @@
+- After this event client must assume that all keys, including modifiers,
+- are lifted and also it must stop key repeating if there's some going on.
++ In the wl_keyboard logical state, this event resets all values to their
++ defaults. The compositor must not send this event if the active surface
++ of the wl_keyboard was not equal to the surface argument immediately
++ before this event.
+@@ -2450,0 +2524,9 @@
++ In the wl_keyboard logical state, this event adds the key to the keys
++ currently logically down (if the state argument is pressed) or removes
++ the key from the keys currently logically down (if the state argument is
++ released). The compositor must not send this event if the wl_keyboard
++ did not have an active surface immediately before this event. The
++ compositor must not send this event if state is pressed (resp. released)
++ and the key was already logically down (resp. was not logically down)
++ immediately before this event.
+@@ -2461,0 +2544,11 @@
++ The compositor may send this event without a surface of the client
++ having keyboard focus, for example to tie modifier information to
++ pointer focus instead. If a modifier event with pressed modifiers is sent
++ without a prior enter event, the client can assume the modifier state is
++ valid until it receives the next wl_keyboard.modifiers event. In order to
++ reset the modifier state again, the compositor can send a
++ wl_keyboard.modifiers event with no pressed modifiers.
++ In the wl_keyboard logical state, this event updates the modifiers and
++ group.
+@@ -2568,0 +2662,2 @@
++ No frame event is required after the cancel event.
+@@ -2668,4 +2763,3 @@
+- <description summary="transform from framebuffer to output">
+- This describes the transform that a compositor will apply to a
+- surface to compensate for the rotation or mirroring of an
+- output device.
++ <description summary="transformation applied to buffer contents">
++ This describes transformations that clients and compositors apply to
++ buffer contents.
+@@ -2702,0 +2797,4 @@
++ Clients should use wl_surface.preferred_buffer_transform instead of the
++ transform advertised by this event to find the preferred buffer
++ transform to use for a surface.
+@@ -2725 +2823 @@
+- summary="transform that maps framebuffer to output"/>
++ summary="additional transformation applied to buffer contents during presentation"/>
+@@ -2798,2 +2896,3 @@
+- later. If it is not sent, the client should assume a
+- scale of 1.
++ later. The compositor will emit a non-zero, positive
++ value for scale. If it is not sent, the client should
++ assume a scale of 1.
+@@ -2807,6 +2906,3 @@
+- It is intended that scaling aware clients track the
+- current output of a surface, and if it is on a scaled
+- output it should use wl_surface.set_buffer_scale with
+- the scale of the output. That way the compositor can
+- avoid scaling the surface, and the client can supply
+- a higher detail image.
++ Clients should use wl_surface.preferred_buffer_scale
++ instead of this event to find the preferred buffer
++ scale to use for a surface.
+@@ -3037,0 +3134,5 @@
++ A sub-surface never has the keyboard focus of any seat.
++ The wl_surface.offset request is ignored: clients must use set_position
++ instead to move the sub-surface.
+@@ -3063,3 +3164 @@
+- parent surface is applied. When this happens depends on whether the
+- parent surface is in synchronized mode or not. See
+- wl_subsurface.set_sync and wl_subsurface.set_desync for details.
++ parent surface is applied.
+@@ -3088,3 +3187 @@
+- surface is applied. When this happens depends on whether the parent
+- surface is in synchronized mode or not. See wl_subsurface.set_sync and
+- wl_subsurface.set_desync for details.
++ surface is applied.
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwayland/files/qtwayland-6.8.0-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch b/dev-qt/qtwayland/files/qtwayland-6.8.0-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f259824ad3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-qt/qtwayland/files/qtwayland-6.8.0-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+Not essential to backport the update, but KDE upstream recommends
+it to avoid warnings.
+--- a/src/3rdparty/protocol/wayland/wayland.xml
++++ b/src/3rdparty/protocol/wayland/wayland.xml
+@@ -49 +49 @@
+- The callback_data passed in the callback is the event serial.
++ The callback_data passed in the callback is undefined and should be ignored.
+@@ -215 +215 @@
+- <interface name="wl_shm_pool" version="1">
++ <interface name="wl_shm_pool" version="2">
+@@ -265,5 +265,5 @@
+- This request only changes the amount of bytes that are mmapped
+- by the server and does not touch the file corresponding to the
+- file descriptor passed at creation time. It is the client's
+- responsibility to ensure that the file is at least as big as
+- the new pool size.
++ This request only changes the amount of bytes that are mmapped
++ by the server and does not touch the file corresponding to the
++ file descriptor passed at creation time. It is the client's
++ responsibility to ensure that the file is at least as big as
++ the new pool size.
+@@ -275 +275 @@
+- <interface name="wl_shm" version="1">
++ <interface name="wl_shm" version="2">
+@@ -421,0 +422,15 @@
++ <entry name="c1" value="0x20203143" summary="[7:0] C0:C1:C2:C3:C4:C5:C6:C7 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 eight pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="c2" value="0x20203243" summary="[7:0] C0:C1:C2:C3 2:2:2:2 four pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="c4" value="0x20203443" summary="[7:0] C0:C1 4:4 two pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="d1" value="0x20203144" summary="[7:0] D0:D1:D2:D3:D4:D5:D6:D7 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 eight pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="d2" value="0x20203244" summary="[7:0] D0:D1:D2:D3 2:2:2:2 four pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="d4" value="0x20203444" summary="[7:0] D0:D1 4:4 two pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="d8" value="0x20203844" summary="[7:0] D"/>
++ <entry name="r1" value="0x20203152" summary="[7:0] R0:R1:R2:R3:R4:R5:R6:R7 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 eight pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="r2" value="0x20203252" summary="[7:0] R0:R1:R2:R3 2:2:2:2 four pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="r4" value="0x20203452" summary="[7:0] R0:R1 4:4 two pixels/byte"/>
++ <entry name="r10" value="0x20303152" summary="[15:0] x:R 6:10 little endian"/>
++ <entry name="r12" value="0x20323152" summary="[15:0] x:R 4:12 little endian"/>
++ <entry name="avuy8888" value="0x59555641" summary="[31:0] A:Cr:Cb:Y 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
++ <entry name="xvuy8888" value="0x59555658" summary="[31:0] X:Cr:Cb:Y 8:8:8:8 little endian"/>
++ <entry name="p030" value="0x30333050" summary="2x2 subsampled Cr:Cb plane 10 bits per channel packed"/>
+@@ -444,0 +460,11 @@
++ <!-- Version 2 additions -->
++ <request name="release" type="destructor" since="2">
++ <description summary="release the shm object">
++ Using this request a client can tell the server that it is not going to
++ use the shm object anymore.
++ Objects created via this interface remain unaffected.
++ </description>
++ </request>
+@@ -456,3 +482,5 @@
+- If the buffer uses a format that has an alpha channel, the alpha channel
+- is assumed to be premultiplied in the color channels unless otherwise
+- specified.
++ Color channels are assumed to be electrical rather than optical (in other
++ words, encoded with a transfer function) unless otherwise specified. If
++ the buffer uses a format that has an alpha channel, the alpha channel is
++ assumed to be premultiplied into the electrical color channel values
++ (after transfer function encoding) unless otherwise specified.
+@@ -849,0 +878 @@
++ <entry name="used_source" value="1" summary="source has already been used"/>
+@@ -871 +900 @@
+- hotspot, but subsequent wl_surface.attach request can move the
++ hotspot, but subsequent wl_surface.offset requests can move the
+@@ -878,0 +908,4 @@
++ The given source may not be used in any further set_selection or
++ start_drag requests. Attempting to reuse a previously-used source
++ may send a used_source error.
+@@ -891,0 +925,4 @@
++ The given source may not be used in any further set_selection or
++ start_drag requests. Attempting to reuse a previously-used source
++ may send a used_source error.
+@@ -1414 +1451 @@
+- summary="surface was destroyed before its role object"/>
++ summary="surface was destroyed before its role object"/>
+@@ -1443,3 +1480,3 @@
+- 'invalid_offset' error being raised. The x and y arguments are ignored
+- and do not change the pending state. To achieve equivalent semantics,
+- use wl_surface.offset.
++ 'invalid_offset' error being raised. The x and y arguments are ignored
++ and do not change the pending state. To achieve equivalent semantics,
++ use wl_surface.offset.
+@@ -1481,0 +1519,7 @@
++ If a pending wl_buffer has been destroyed, the result is not specified.
++ Many compositors are known to remove the surface content on the following
++ wl_surface.commit, but this behaviour is not universal. Clients seeking to
++ maximise compatibility should not destroy pending buffers and should
++ ensure that they explicitly remove content from surfaces, even after
++ destroying buffers.
+@@ -1621,10 +1665,12 @@
+- as opposed to the current state in use by the compositor. A commit
+- request atomically applies all pending state, replacing the current
+- state. After commit, the new pending state is as documented for each
+- related request.
+- On commit, a pending wl_buffer is applied first, and all other state
+- second. This means that all coordinates in double-buffered state are
+- relative to the new wl_buffer coming into use, except for
+- wl_surface.attach itself. If there is no pending wl_buffer, the
+- coordinates are relative to the current surface contents.
++ as opposed to the active state in use by the compositor.
++ A commit request atomically creates a content update from the pending
++ state, even if the pending state has not been touched. The content
++ update is placed in a queue until it becomes active. After commit, the
++ new pending state is as documented for each related request.
++ When the content update is applied, the wl_buffer is applied before all
++ other state. This means that all coordinates in double-buffered state
++ are relative to the newly attached wl_buffers, except for
++ wl_surface.attach itself. If there is no newly attached wl_buffer, the
++ coordinates are relative to the previous content update.
+@@ -1669,4 +1715,6 @@
+- This request sets an optional transformation on how the compositor
+- interprets the contents of the buffer attached to the surface. The
+- accepted values for the transform parameter are the values for
+- wl_output.transform.
++ This request sets the transformation that the client has already applied
++ to the content of the buffer. The accepted values for the transform
++ parameter are the values for wl_output.transform.
++ The compositor applies the inverse of this transformation whenever it
++ uses the buffer contents.
+@@ -1728 +1776 @@
+- If scale is not positive the invalid_scale protocol error is
++ If scale is not greater than 0 the invalid_scale protocol error is
+@@ -1732 +1780 @@
+- summary="positive scale for interpreting buffer contents"/>
++ summary="scale for interpreting buffer contents"/>
+@@ -1804,0 +1853,3 @@
++ Before receiving this event the preferred buffer scale for this surface
++ is 1.
+@@ -1808,0 +1860,2 @@
++ The compositor shall emit a scale value greater than 0.
+@@ -1818,3 +1871,6 @@
+- It is intended that transform aware clients use this event to apply the
+- transform to their content and use wl_surface.set_buffer_transform to
+- indicate the transform they have rendered with.
++ Before receiving this event the preferred buffer transform for this
++ surface is normal.
++ Applying this transformation to the surface buffer contents and using
++ wl_surface.set_buffer_transform might allow the compositor to use the
++ surface buffer more efficiently.
+@@ -1995 +2051 @@
+- On surface.attach requests to the pointer surface, hotspot_x
++ On wl_surface.offset requests to the pointer surface, hotspot_x
+@@ -1997 +2053 @@
+- passed to the request. Attach must be confirmed by
++ passed to the request. The offset must be applied by
+@@ -2251 +2307 @@
+- <event name="axis_discrete" since="5">
++ <event name="axis_discrete" since="5" deprecated-since="8">
+@@ -2376,0 +2433,10 @@
++ Each wl_keyboard has the following logical state:
++ - an active surface (possibly null),
++ - the keys currently logically down,
++ - the active modifiers,
++ - the active group.
++ By default, the active surface is null, the keys currently logically down
++ are empty, the active modifiers and the active group are 0.
+@@ -2410,0 +2477,5 @@
++ In the wl_keyboard logical state, this event sets the active surface to
++ the surface argument and the keys currently logically down to the keys
++ in the keys argument. The compositor must not send this event if the
++ wl_keyboard already had an active surface immediately before this event.
+@@ -2414 +2485 @@
+- <arg name="keys" type="array" summary="the currently pressed keys"/>
++ <arg name="keys" type="array" summary="the keys currently logically down"/>
+@@ -2425,2 +2496,4 @@
+- After this event client must assume that all keys, including modifiers,
+- are lifted and also it must stop key repeating if there's some going on.
++ In the wl_keyboard logical state, this event resets all values to their
++ defaults. The compositor must not send this event if the active surface
++ of the wl_keyboard was not equal to the surface argument immediately
++ before this event.
+@@ -2450,0 +2524,9 @@
++ In the wl_keyboard logical state, this event adds the key to the keys
++ currently logically down (if the state argument is pressed) or removes
++ the key from the keys currently logically down (if the state argument is
++ released). The compositor must not send this event if the wl_keyboard
++ did not have an active surface immediately before this event. The
++ compositor must not send this event if state is pressed (resp. released)
++ and the key was already logically down (resp. was not logically down)
++ immediately before this event.
+@@ -2461,0 +2544,11 @@
++ The compositor may send this event without a surface of the client
++ having keyboard focus, for example to tie modifier information to
++ pointer focus instead. If a modifier event with pressed modifiers is sent
++ without a prior enter event, the client can assume the modifier state is
++ valid until it receives the next wl_keyboard.modifiers event. In order to
++ reset the modifier state again, the compositor can send a
++ wl_keyboard.modifiers event with no pressed modifiers.
++ In the wl_keyboard logical state, this event updates the modifiers and
++ group.
+@@ -2568,0 +2662,2 @@
++ No frame event is required after the cancel event.
+@@ -2668,4 +2763,3 @@
+- <description summary="transform from framebuffer to output">
+- This describes the transform that a compositor will apply to a
+- surface to compensate for the rotation or mirroring of an
+- output device.
++ <description summary="transformation applied to buffer contents">
++ This describes transformations that clients and compositors apply to
++ buffer contents.
+@@ -2702,0 +2797,4 @@
++ Clients should use wl_surface.preferred_buffer_transform instead of the
++ transform advertised by this event to find the preferred buffer
++ transform to use for a surface.
+@@ -2725 +2823 @@
+- summary="transform that maps framebuffer to output"/>
++ summary="additional transformation applied to buffer contents during presentation"/>
+@@ -2798,2 +2896,3 @@
+- later. If it is not sent, the client should assume a
+- scale of 1.
++ later. The compositor will emit a non-zero, positive
++ value for scale. If it is not sent, the client should
++ assume a scale of 1.
+@@ -2807,6 +2906,3 @@
+- It is intended that scaling aware clients track the
+- current output of a surface, and if it is on a scaled
+- output it should use wl_surface.set_buffer_scale with
+- the scale of the output. That way the compositor can
+- avoid scaling the surface, and the client can supply
+- a higher detail image.
++ Clients should use wl_surface.preferred_buffer_scale
++ instead of this event to find the preferred buffer
++ scale to use for a surface.
+@@ -3037,0 +3134,5 @@
++ A sub-surface never has the keyboard focus of any seat.
++ The wl_surface.offset request is ignored: clients must use set_position
++ instead to move the sub-surface.
+@@ -3063,3 +3164 @@
+- parent surface is applied. When this happens depends on whether the
+- parent surface is in synchronized mode or not. See
+- wl_subsurface.set_sync and wl_subsurface.set_desync for details.
++ parent surface is applied.
+@@ -3088,3 +3187 @@
+- surface is applied. When this happens depends on whether the parent
+- surface is in synchronized mode or not. See wl_subsurface.set_sync and
+- wl_subsurface.set_desync for details.
++ surface is applied.
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.3.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.3-r1.ebuild
index 11f94d7bd709..635ccf3a4a9c 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.3.ebuild
+++ b/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.3-r1.ebuild
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ CMAKE_SKIP_TESTS=(
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.7.3-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch
src_configure() {
local mycmakeargs=(
$(cmake_use_find_package qml Qt6Quick)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.9999.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.9999.ebuild
index 11f94d7bd709..635ccf3a4a9c 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.7.9999.ebuild
@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ CMAKE_SKIP_TESTS=(
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.7.3-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch
src_configure() {
local mycmakeargs=(
$(cmake_use_find_package qml Qt6Quick)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.0_rc.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.0-r1.ebuild
index cb3c8f5542c4..bbe6f62bd9f9 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.0_rc.ebuild
+++ b/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ CMAKE_SKIP_TESTS=(
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.8.0-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch
src_configure() {
local mycmakeargs=(
$(cmake_use_find_package qml Qt6Quick)
diff --git a/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.9999.ebuild b/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.9999.ebuild
index cb3c8f5542c4..bbe6f62bd9f9 100644
--- a/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.9999.ebuild
+++ b/dev-qt/qtwayland/qtwayland-6.8.9999.ebuild
@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ CMAKE_SKIP_TESTS=(
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-6.8.0-wayland.xml-1.23.0.patch
src_configure() {
local mycmakeargs=(
$(cmake_use_find_package qml Qt6Quick)