path: root/dev-python/cffi
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-10-28 22:35:05 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-10-28 22:35:05 +0100
commit5c0cc325922d72d6e614def2a9b36ee95a46d2c1 (patch)
tree2734b6847fc660dd18cfcf5f839e14aad0188ad0 /dev-python/cffi
parent35a2663a10c1124ae2951397ed2a4435dc5808e5 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 28:10:2023 - 22:35:05
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python/cffi')
7 files changed, 2 insertions, 562 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/cffi/Manifest b/dev-python/cffi/Manifest
index 774da2233df4..8d3ae8f1784d 100644
--- a/dev-python/cffi/Manifest
+++ b/dev-python/cffi/Manifest
@@ -1,12 +1,4 @@
AUX cffi-1.14.0-darwin-no-brew.patch 568 BLAKE2B 43afdb086a0385e913f287bc5c1534df1b881058cf7efdfdecd9df063c27ebd26683edad43e3010e1c01d9d93c5d98785ffbe65a5e3317d96ebb6a3132aecdab SHA512 75335871b8f98223e0247defc3d08f1c10ebed58c79790826c4e39057e6757b8bdc07e2773ad25482ed17c13480b3e72b3667e48697a456ed0cc4a39e7d91b79
-AUX cffi-1.15.1-hppa.patch 2097 BLAKE2B 2cd3a1b155b71bcb3d70e3659950c45c36959f0c2090fe560d47bf60e53aa8a2df50dc3b713602c589e6bccecdef27230ee6cb800259bf275dbd052beff03da3 SHA512 ba320e8cb56b58066a44162c8a176d167b4a05a760451a0e0821969cd2ad8fff50e54d54ec8f8c4f93ee1a2e3e71467c7c2d6d94c593ec21892e7d03fdf7c50d
-AUX cffi-1.15.1-py312.patch 9546 BLAKE2B 877a82b69ff99a523ff1b392b52d1d115643a320558233cb6cd95fefb3b3dfcd0ad4dfa593c4425ad35eeec4fdedc81f5fa2f125748542263ab7933a492fa2f0 SHA512 0f472dcb4c7d51edfa168546ed17b45c68eb113071f20e536afca66ed675df4d7e8558f5912663dfe3ad65d415a9f302576b52f0d19d9399223b58768fff37ae
-AUX cffi-1.15.1-python3.11-tests.patch 3023 BLAKE2B e25bd9d22b81187b0eab65073930980a2975eec3086462396cfc4796fd5273edab9af2324884c2e55880825ddd046b7ebc5054adfe57574ee691f0fa2145dcd2 SHA512 4d202f8c943bf33ea359f47aa3e53e007bc3dbeb3320a6efa302b1b1ec309b2dde72f6cfe1a591c594f3321ed5c65d61e9f79a03ba3107cd7008699686719497
-DIST cffi-1.15.1-drop-deprecated-py.patch.xz 31244 BLAKE2B 7c8a6ca1166335fbd385de35ebb636f21049a4dd9c52171ec58da08a61dc64c271b4afa2d69bf8b877a8c9747dfae6a8529615bbed69f5a8ab30ba5fc99c61f4 SHA512 9aba4b172b070a1a1719de2c35667abe4c7b27208b8ca3ecbf90bf168ed694f4524154e69fada5ff6f141a94b8a438db16239ba353fa9914b318b77e41dfd920
-DIST cffi-1.15.1.tar.gz 508501 BLAKE2B accc317385d9af7dbed3397afde63fbab63bfc935376d951802055c63796863ed102a940f192789924480b9b16751c8cf3d21caf9b262c479c61ffc977aac83c SHA512 e99cafcb029076abc29e435b490fa0573ee2856f4051b7ca8a5b38cd125d56dd9dae8b189f59ceb3d728a675da8ee83239e09e19f8b0feeddea4b186ab5173a5
DIST cffi-1.16.0.tar.gz 512873 BLAKE2B 9e8d107b3124a072e559c4a536b54a172e90f9fe51d8184dacc2914a8ffa84f2682eee9c90401325dfb0f36f3f8ea0456afc93e2b85a4fef5f07ae4475e0a76b SHA512 fd2588115092202aa9289c9d4e0a0b3e264b5e9ec1dc192950f31aeb412fd9f9d4e5c96a3f9c6762987b58ccc1e229f2012ddda89211797104df672d8ed51152
-DIST cffi-1.16.0rc2.tar.gz 512927 BLAKE2B 5bb3f9728971a113d0c939bf4127bf541eaed3730486e9b4ba57432fa8c626d7688166f431db090a1248c2d3ddeaeee18fdf940dc08d7a4d3b7fda18d2d99861 SHA512 39d0a13a1f05b8f7f2d697e2324396f34588eabf226f6de5bf50a4931671827148ed25cb2f8003d0d3f4882580d71e6e1f485a63b964dd85e17c9e8b268213e6
-EBUILD cffi-1.15.1-r3.ebuild 2132 BLAKE2B 702a49e286d5d7ff6f2dc8a7791482ec3adad7b28018c33b4194521ee9f755dff5a152c9d8b8d03dc7bc6e7df86a9146af21c13cb01efeb101bb6239ab61ba79 SHA512 591922229d5babcd4710cd7f7a97d6788e6000a6b7be51a347dec4ea807f58b70f5c4ae5a934e41b7d35684e63d21853c0663195ce85dc6104f8ea7f647c4b56
-EBUILD cffi-1.16.0.ebuild 1739 BLAKE2B 8c3c08cf4fb2df7de7007ba3d7f43110ab4075bdda015fb354c0ea89698f413f4d1d393a362863d5deafebe387461367e601dcf10cb49a3a0ed61047e19429f6 SHA512 1b8db258cc48752cec074de34dc6a33160b1e271f9c38cef4733f161ddc3cc3ccee3257d1de3da413920216ba0eae320969ba5f24686d87634487ac08f18d0fa
-EBUILD cffi-1.16.0_rc2.ebuild 1746 BLAKE2B 2bbca063c022adcddd61da7ed5f654c15092a2d0b28c84711d2fa93a08ebb127911dc8701ba8766eed189b59341881525640e03d81ba8c00aee327ae4f82f8a6 SHA512 84773c8764bec9b3fef2a6ac0f41576e00f07e2491be762904d16219a20c92ab09121682c2d1a97fcb650abf9b18d5e95cdccc98e9858ccc4d388fa0883ee356
+EBUILD cffi-1.16.0.ebuild 1738 BLAKE2B 403b4dc5bb47dec2abbc30c21a894685c329214fa943bc7fab68260d2ab921cf5bd1a16832bae8e244124ad8d8af34d0f94fdadde981a514a862905c1fccb1c3 SHA512 3bb914dae82263f729baa2e0bb50ebd14697c6efe52404328c969301be9a83ab659df460aac5764ad9035fcb24bfc10d5bf4fde714597ee57d359c246d63cda1
MISC metadata.xml 376 BLAKE2B 869698c9756447929b5607d37c334442d76fef960c109ebe3b807de5019339de4ce19009d70b2eba506ee2608db9454c277cfb07ea025a39be6ea65b2ed93f74 SHA512 84c109a295e6f272c03107b69431f213dff9042a7e5c784dc725728aeb3a60dbf9c860551aae6260e5fc2dadeaa6eb27488186abe1d108bb21145d736de7e5b6
diff --git a/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.15.1-r3.ebuild b/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.15.1-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 84db58f7f227..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.15.1-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# please keep this ebuild at EAPI 8 -- sys-apps/portage dep
-# py3.12 support is experimental, expect problems in revdeps
-# pypy bundles a modified version of cffi. Use python_gen_cond_dep instead.
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
-inherit distutils-r1 toolchain-funcs pypi
-DESCRIPTION="Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-# Needs recent libffi for HPPA fixes
- >=dev-libs/libffi-3.4.4-r1:=
-# setuptools as a modern distutils provider
- dev-python/pycparser[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- virtual/pkgconfig
- test? (
- dev-python/py[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- )
-distutils_enable_sphinx doc/source
-distutils_enable_tests pytest
- "${FILESDIR}"/cffi-1.14.0-darwin-no-brew.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-hppa.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-python3.11-tests.patch
- "${WORKDIR}"/${P}-drop-deprecated-py.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-py312.patch
-src_prepare() {
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- # Don't obsessively try to find libffi
- sed -i -e "s/.*\-iwithsysroot\/usr\/include\/ffi.*/\tpass/" || die
- fi
- distutils-r1_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
- tc-export PKG_CONFIG
-python_test() {
- # these tests call pip
- testing/cffi0/
- )
- if [[ ${EPYTHON} == python3.12 ]]; then
- # TODO: these tests hang
- testing/embedding
- )
- fi
- "${EPYTHON}" -c "import _cffi_backend as backend" || die
- epytest c testing
diff --git a/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.16.0.ebuild b/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.16.0.ebuild
index b830f7bb63a1..a44630dcd7d5 100644
--- a/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.16.0.ebuild
+++ b/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.16.0.ebuild
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ HOMEPAGE="
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
# Needs recent libffi for HPPA fixes
diff --git a/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.16.0_rc2.ebuild b/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.16.0_rc2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8269ab390919..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/cffi/cffi-1.16.0_rc2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# please keep this ebuild at EAPI 8 -- sys-apps/portage dep
-# py3.12 support is experimental, expect problems in revdeps
-# pypy bundles a modified version of cffi. Use python_gen_cond_dep instead.
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
-inherit distutils-r1 toolchain-funcs pypi
-DESCRIPTION="Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-# Needs recent libffi for HPPA fixes
- >=dev-libs/libffi-3.4.4-r1:=
-# setuptools as a modern distutils provider
- dev-python/pycparser[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- dev-python/setuptools[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- virtual/pkgconfig
- test? (
- dev-python/py[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- )
-distutils_enable_sphinx doc/source
-distutils_enable_tests pytest
- "${FILESDIR}"/cffi-1.14.0-darwin-no-brew.patch
-src_prepare() {
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- # Don't obsessively try to find libffi
- sed -i -e "s/.*\-iwithsysroot\/usr\/include\/ffi.*/\tpass/" || die
- fi
- distutils-r1_src_prepare
-src_configure() {
- tc-export PKG_CONFIG
-python_test() {
- # these tests call pip
- testing/cffi0/
- )
- "${EPYTHON}" -c "import _cffi_backend as backend" || die
- epytest src/c testing
diff --git a/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-hppa.patch b/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-hppa.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e185e7b93929..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-hppa.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-From ab11bfa551697cd2b61fdaa571c7975c06e6912c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: John David Anglin <>
-Date: Sun, 18 Dec 2022 14:52:04 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix the test failures on hppa
-A couple of years ago the libffi port for hppa-linux was changed from using a
-trampoline executed on the stack to the function descriptor technique used by
-ia64. This doesn't require an executable stack and is simpler. However,
-function pointers need to have the PLABEL bit set in the pointer. As a result,
-a simple cast can't be used to convert closure pointers to function pointers.
-python-cffi uses its own closure allocation so the problem can't be fixed in
-I added a macro CFFI_FN to do the conversion. It shouldn't affect other
-architectures. There is a similar define in libffi.
-branch : hppa
---- a/c/_cffi_backend.c
-+++ b/c/_cffi_backend.c
-@@ -60,6 +60,13 @@
- # endif
- #endif
-+/* Convert from closure pointer to function pointer. */
-+#if defined(__hppa__) && !defined(__LP64__)
-+#define CFFI_FN(f) ((void (*)(void))((unsigned int)(f) | 2))
-+#define CFFI_FN(f) ((void (*)(void))f)
- /* Define the following macro ONLY if you trust libffi's version of
- * ffi_closure_alloc() more than the code in malloc_closure.h.
-@@ -3191,7 +3198,7 @@ cdata_call(CDataObject *cd, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- restore_errno();
-- ffi_call(&cif_descr->cif, (void (*)(void))(cd->c_data),
-+ ffi_call(&cif_descr->cif, (void (*)(void)) CFFI_FN(cd->c_data),
- resultdata, buffer_array);
- save_errno();
-@@ -6394,7 +6401,7 @@ static PyObject *b_callback(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
- goto error;
- Py_INCREF(ct);
- cd->head.c_type = ct;
-- cd->head.c_data = (char *)closure_exec;
-+ cd->head.c_data = (char *)CFFI_FN(closure_exec);
- cd->head.c_weakreflist = NULL;
- closure->user_data = NULL;
- cd->closure = closure;
diff --git a/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-py312.patch b/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-py312.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a5477d686dd7..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-py312.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-diff -r 79b97f01064f cffi/
---- a/cffi/ Thu Feb 23 05:42:01 2023 +0100
-+++ b/cffi/ Sat May 27 11:03:01 2023 +0200
-@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
- #
- # DEPRECATED: implementation for ffi.verify()
- #
--import sys, imp
-+import sys
- from . import model
- from .error import VerificationError
-+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
-+ import importlib.machinery
-+ import importlib.util
-+ import imp
- class VCPythonEngine(object):
- _class_key = 'x'
-@@ -20,16 +26,22 @@
- pass
- def find_module(self, module_name, path, so_suffixes):
-- try:
-- f, filename, descr = imp.find_module(module_name, path)
-- except ImportError:
-- return None
-- if f is not None:
-- f.close()
-+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
-+ spec = importlib.machinery.PathFinder.find_spec(module_name, path)
-+ if spec is None:
-+ return None
-+ filename = spec.origin
-+ else:
-+ try:
-+ f, filename, descr = imp.find_module(module_name, path)
-+ except ImportError:
-+ return None
-+ if f is not None:
-+ f.close()
- # Note that after a setuptools installation, there are both .py
- # and .so files with the same basename. The code here relies on
- # imp.find_module() locating the .so in priority.
-- if descr[0] not in so_suffixes:
-+ if not filename.endswith(tuple(so_suffixes)):
- return None
- return filename
-@@ -145,15 +157,23 @@
- def load_library(self, flags=None):
- # XXX review all usages of 'self' here!
- # import it as a new extension module
-- imp.acquire_lock()
-+ if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
-+ imp.acquire_lock()
- try:
- if hasattr(sys, "getdlopenflags"):
- previous_flags = sys.getdlopenflags()
- try:
- if hasattr(sys, "setdlopenflags") and flags is not None:
- sys.setdlopenflags(flags)
-- module = imp.load_dynamic(self.verifier.get_module_name(),
-- self.verifier.modulefilename)
-+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
-+ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
-+ self.verifier.get_module_name(),
-+ self.verifier.modulefilename)
-+ module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
-+ spec.loader.exec_module(module)
-+ else:
-+ module = imp.load_dynamic(self.verifier.get_module_name(),
-+ self.verifier.modulefilename)
- except ImportError as e:
- error = "importing %r: %s" % (self.verifier.modulefilename, e)
- raise VerificationError(error)
-@@ -161,7 +181,8 @@
- if hasattr(sys, "setdlopenflags"):
- sys.setdlopenflags(previous_flags)
- finally:
-- imp.release_lock()
-+ if sys.version_info < (3, 12):
-+ imp.release_lock()
- #
- # call loading_cpy_struct() to get the struct layout inferred by
- # the C compiler
-diff -r 79b97f01064f testing/cffi0/
---- a/testing/cffi0/ Thu Feb 23 05:42:01 2023 +0100
-+++ b/testing/cffi0/ Sat May 27 11:03:01 2023 +0200
-@@ -1575,10 +1575,16 @@
- def test_callback_in_thread():
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- pytest.skip("pthread only")
-- import os, subprocess, imp
-+ import os, subprocess
- arg = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
-- g = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arg,
-- os.path.dirname(imp.find_module('cffi')[1])])
-+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
-+ import importlib.util
-+ spec = importlib.util.find_spec('cffi')
-+ cffi_path = os.path.dirname(spec.origin)
-+ else:
-+ import imp
-+ cffi_path = imp.find_module('cffi')[1]
-+ g = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arg, os.path.dirname(cffi_path)])
- result = g.wait()
- assert result == 0
-diff -r 79b97f01064f testing/cffi0/
---- a/testing/cffi0/ Thu Feb 23 05:42:01 2023 +0100
-+++ b/testing/cffi0/ Sat May 27 11:03:01 2023 +0200
-@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
--import sys, os, imp, math, shutil
-+import sys, os, math, shutil
- import pytest
- from cffi import FFI, FFIError
- from cffi.verifier import Verifier, _locate_engine_class, _get_so_suffixes
- from cffi.ffiplatform import maybe_relative_path
-+from import load_dynamic
- from testing.udir import udir
-@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@
- v.compile_module()
- assert v.get_module_name().startswith('_cffi_')
- if v.generates_python_module():
-- mod = imp.load_dynamic(v.get_module_name(), v.modulefilename)
-+ mod = load_dynamic(v.get_module_name(), v.modulefilename)
- assert hasattr(mod, '_cffi_setup')
- def test_compile_module_explicit_filename(self):
-@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@
- assert filename == v.modulefilename
- assert v.get_module_name() == basename
- if v.generates_python_module():
-- mod = imp.load_dynamic(v.get_module_name(), v.modulefilename)
-+ mod = load_dynamic(v.get_module_name(), v.modulefilename)
- assert hasattr(mod, '_cffi_setup')
- def test_name_from_checksum_of_cdef(self):
-diff -r 79b97f01064f testing/cffi1/
---- a/testing/cffi1/ Thu Feb 23 05:42:01 2023 +0100
-+++ b/testing/cffi1/ Sat May 27 11:03:01 2023 +0200
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- import pytest
--import platform, imp
-+import platform
- import sys, os, ctypes
- import cffi
- from testing.udir import udir
-@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
- outputfilename = recompile(ffi1, "test_new_ffi_1", CCODE,
- tmpdir=str(udir))
-- module = imp.load_dynamic("test_new_ffi_1", outputfilename)
-+ module = load_dynamic("test_new_ffi_1", outputfilename)
- ffi = module.ffi
- construction_params = (ffi1, CCODE)
-@@ -1619,8 +1619,8 @@
- ffi2 = cffi.FFI(); ffi2.cdef(CDEF2)
- outputfilename = recompile(ffi2, "test_multiple_independent_structs",
- CDEF2, tmpdir=str(udir))
-- module = imp.load_dynamic("test_multiple_independent_structs",
-- outputfilename)
-+ module = load_dynamic("test_multiple_independent_structs",
-+ outputfilename)
- ffi1 = module.ffi
- foo1 ="struct ab *", [10])
- foo2 = ffi .new("struct ab *", [20, 30])
-@@ -1635,8 +1635,8 @@
- outputfilename = recompile(ffi2,
- "test_include_struct_union_enum_typedef",
- CCODE, tmpdir=str(udir))
-- module = imp.load_dynamic("test_include_struct_union_enum_typedef",
-- outputfilename)
-+ module = load_dynamic("test_include_struct_union_enum_typedef",
-+ outputfilename)
- ffi2 = module.ffi
- #
- p ="struct nonpacked *", [b'A', -43141])
-@@ -1783,7 +1783,7 @@
- "int myfunc(int x) { return x + 1; }\n"
- "int myvar = -5;\n"
- "#define MYFOO 42", tmpdir=str(udir))
-- imp.load_dynamic("_test_import_from_lib", outputfilename)
-+ load_dynamic("_test_import_from_lib", outputfilename)
- from _test_import_from_lib.lib import myfunc, myvar, MYFOO
- assert MYFOO == 42
- assert myfunc(43) == 44
-diff -r 79b97f01064f testing/
---- a/testing/ Thu Feb 23 05:42:01 2023 +0100
-+++ b/testing/ Sat May 27 11:03:01 2023 +0200
-@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
- import sys, os
-+if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
-+ import importlib.util
-+ import imp
- if sys.version_info < (3,):
- __all__ = ['u', 'arraytostring']
-@@ -16,7 +22,7 @@
- return a.tostring()
- else:
-- __all__ = ['u', 'unicode', 'long', 'arraytostring']
-+ __all__ = ['u', 'unicode', 'long', 'arraytostring', 'load_dynamic']
- u = ""
- unicode = str
- long = int
-@@ -71,15 +77,27 @@
- def getvalue(self):
- return self._value
-+def load_dynamic(module_name, outputfilename):
-+ if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
-+ import importlib.util
-+ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name,
-+ outputfilename)
-+ module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
-+ spec.loader.exec_module(module)
-+ return module
-+ else:
-+ return imp.load_dynamic(module_name, outputfilename)
- def _verify(ffi, module_name, preamble, *args, **kwds):
-- import imp
- from cffi.recompiler import recompile
- from .udir import udir
- assert module_name not in sys.modules, "module name conflict: %r" % (
- module_name,)
- kwds.setdefault('tmpdir', str(udir))
- outputfilename = recompile(ffi, module_name, preamble, *args, **kwds)
-- module = imp.load_dynamic(module_name, outputfilename)
-+ module = load_dynamic(module_name, outputfilename)
- #
- # hack hack hack: copy all *bound methods* from module.ffi back to the
- # ffi instance. Then calls like will invoke
diff --git a/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-python3.11-tests.patch b/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-python3.11-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e3be1c247877..000000000000
--- a/dev-python/cffi/files/cffi-1.15.1-python3.11-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-From 8a3c2c816d789639b49d3ae867213393ed7abdff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Miro=20Hron=C4=8Dok?= <>
-Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:11:37 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Adjust tests for a last minute Python 3.11 change in the
- traceback format
-branch : python3.11.0b4
---- a/c/
-+++ b/c/
-@@ -1342,11 +1342,11 @@ def test_callback_exception():
- except ImportError:
- import io as cStringIO # Python 3
- import linecache
-- def matches(istr, ipattern, ipattern38, ipattern311):
-+ def matches(istr, ipattern, ipattern38, ipattern311=None):
- if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
- ipattern = ipattern38
- if sys.version_info >= (3, 11):
-- ipattern = ipattern311
-+ ipattern = ipattern311 or ipattern38
- str, pattern = istr, ipattern
- while '$' in pattern:
- i = pattern.index('$')
-@@ -1400,16 +1400,6 @@ Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "$", line $, in check_value
- $
- ValueError: 42
--""", """\
--Exception ignored from cffi callback <function$Zcb1 at 0x$>:
--Traceback (most recent call last):
-- File "$", line $, in Zcb1
-- $
-- $
-- File "$", line $, in check_value
-- $
-- $
--ValueError: 42
- """)
- sys.stderr = cStringIO.StringIO()
- bigvalue = 20000
-@@ -1424,13 +1414,6 @@ Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "$", line $, in test_callback_exception
- $
- OverflowError: integer 60000 does not fit 'short'
--""", """\
--Exception ignored from cffi callback <function$Zcb1 at 0x$>, trying to convert the result back to C:
--Traceback (most recent call last):
-- File "$", line $, in test_callback_exception
-- $
-- $
--OverflowError: integer 60000 does not fit 'short'
- """)
- sys.stderr = cStringIO.StringIO()
- bigvalue = 20000
-@@ -1479,19 +1462,6 @@ Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "$", line $, in test_callback_exception
- $
- TypeError: $integer$
--""", """\
--Exception ignored from cffi callback <function$Zcb1 at 0x$>, trying to convert the result back to C:
--Traceback (most recent call last):
-- File "$", line $, in test_callback_exception
-- $
-- $
--OverflowError: integer 60000 does not fit 'short'
--Exception ignored during handling of the above exception by 'onerror':
--Traceback (most recent call last):
-- File "$", line $, in test_callback_exception
-- $
-- $
--TypeError: $integer$
- """)
- #
- sys.stderr = cStringIO.StringIO()
-@@ -1526,7 +1496,6 @@ Exception ignored from cffi callback <function$Zcb1 at 0x$>, trying to convert t
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- File "$", line $, in test_callback_exception
- $
-- $
- OverflowError: integer 60000 does not fit 'short'
- Exception ignored during handling of the above exception by 'onerror':
- Traceback (most recent call last):