path: root/dev-php/PEAR-PEAR
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2020-06-13 10:39:22 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2020-06-13 10:39:22 +0100
commit9452a6e87b6c2c70513bc47a2470bf9f1168920e (patch)
tree8ac67e26b45f34d71c5aab3621813b100a0d5f00 /dev-php/PEAR-PEAR
parentf516638b7fe9592837389826a6152a7e1b251c54 (diff)
gentoo resync : 13.06.2020
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-php/PEAR-PEAR')
2 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-php/PEAR-PEAR/Manifest b/dev-php/PEAR-PEAR/Manifest
index 648a41ca8f8e..6fb8ec38c961 100644
--- a/dev-php/PEAR-PEAR/Manifest
+++ b/dev-php/PEAR-PEAR/Manifest
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
AUX gentoo-libtool-mismatch-fix-v2.patch 510 BLAKE2B 59571998b848501efcdd4c304dc48e4950560f2f4d08add530d078787519b1c33dd511e92914208342011bd727e0fca12974b92a46b6a6bc9a66cbca061c9495 SHA512 03848aa6447c2969715e872481e17f7a6dbe7df9e42a13305fdbcfaf09505de40ed6d91c9c93f11a944adc94389472f04eac2b656f08dbdd9d1c3a1d07946ff4
AUX pear.conf-r2 379 BLAKE2B fe57574f4e4ce095f7ddd9bc26606181a86e67f6c8e6dad57a713e187175b711d50d90c346759d430c32da0a740e7f79cffc7ccedc3b719d04dcd1792a9309f6 SHA512 81e4c95ccfd1a50d30d6e9db90fa099f3dd098bf4fa2c023f5369d0e96a197da91d2572ff3785bcfc83dba82abeca3932431083b5aa2aed155336697764666be
+DIST PEAR-1.10.12.tgz 293220 BLAKE2B fb25123852a60e4bd2c041d1fb58174b3053b24ff8ec19b44efe02aee041bbed102b14b270dc1c9764150eea7c85862ad78adefdc1d789540da18ec0f3aeae68 SHA512 1ce478800a150d7906f8aa4fa4371d3d190fa2af44691c9aa193babfe76f1b031b493f48df15b93e93dd5518a6d62ba6a7d5b1799b62d5a968f7a84f3677b971
DIST PEAR-1.10.6.tgz 291529 BLAKE2B 7a75c89df2b34b368564e745a727292e5c5ee3a145995c15d338901b235664d0a783ca0efc9cd1d321cc2c496e88395db376ce7bbd6ccbf55d484d7f1021cd2b SHA512 ccd436a2cb9d30b434a78483432c51a8fa5b3e96e79ca3b28131b8dcd37bbae0b782efd762eb92dc40db24d3f61025c64ec5d29aed10fd80a6b28c224c4f1e2a
DIST PEAR-1.10.7.tgz 291786 BLAKE2B 7e760c2782832fab2a35f86e2f9072058d622918cdc2b61b7066d2f17787488d228186948e96e602bb412b76b806004642e7ba83db00950a822996869dae9cd4 SHA512 ebe93cff5546ad3a80d3d1c0284e34a46ec8dbdb7d015a11350231244baca75a57596e446c1386bc40650525f59c04617e73b1071a0fe77210dc5979edb5151f
DIST PEAR-1.10.9.tgz 291931 BLAKE2B b9120d9b643be926e80aac33aafd0f22cacca11c10b857d99b6d51a7315467ad18d79246ab2752b962de92957fe14fc65e1d01570eb73b562b0e6e030dfb7162 SHA512 072d2eda510c05649f8d1481665bdd42efa060e6098b4b0d0353c95cf79d342ec601dd36dab3e6583b612582d2f03672a7b5de1518e3a0e8fd190ea698a17e60
+EBUILD PEAR-PEAR-1.10.12.ebuild 5903 BLAKE2B 24f94b9ff80e5abf6b8a05c026acf0ddf03398bc0666dd55d869c719f596622197f802d7acbc9e452b6132e2580ad781e97033bf406716f797148501784a8c72 SHA512 cc01f6a19308f3b956a8fade169aad5e5f9c688648aa361521ee6781da0385680dfa9dd1d33e0579720022eea0ef54211e74af3809bec9827c7e965e3c382840
EBUILD PEAR-PEAR-1.10.6.ebuild 5883 BLAKE2B 782f4f038a12b19a056f1a7343103c1f497fef413fb007bbf8a2f41b67d2c7abd8dc92019759874f5e2715b00139a6212cee2f3e135be3cd7e1532f521e09118 SHA512 edbe76956baca5f011e9b5fe47ef9b4138252bf59912ffc742c45abe9196b9c1cad0a83fdfce899e855f25e5102cc8cb1ad3a1504f8f26220de56bf3ec0f1b19
EBUILD PEAR-PEAR-1.10.7.ebuild 5894 BLAKE2B 4da9142dd31318085b21a46fc4df5d44c63a7abbbf2383b4cbf886bcf5395c0c00d81d1f432597106a3411b972d38dfae70be16046aa09a9c3b2528500b4b87e SHA512 8cf842e92854497a1f565813d713cc03e0a62a3a8f01fb41ccf140e82736cd8d2ab8ed50c915095b4dedb13c88c2bb4c1bcbb22366cd37828c0923ed8dc85998
EBUILD PEAR-PEAR-1.10.9.ebuild 5894 BLAKE2B 4da9142dd31318085b21a46fc4df5d44c63a7abbbf2383b4cbf886bcf5395c0c00d81d1f432597106a3411b972d38dfae70be16046aa09a9c3b2528500b4b87e SHA512 8cf842e92854497a1f565813d713cc03e0a62a3a8f01fb41ccf140e82736cd8d2ab8ed50c915095b4dedb13c88c2bb4c1bcbb22366cd37828c0923ed8dc85998
diff --git a/dev-php/PEAR-PEAR/PEAR-PEAR-1.10.12.ebuild b/dev-php/PEAR-PEAR/PEAR-PEAR-1.10.12.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eda65ff33c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-php/PEAR-PEAR/PEAR-PEAR-1.10.12.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
+ >=dev-php/PEAR-Archive_Tar-1.4.9
+ >=dev-php/PEAR-Console_Getopt-1.4.1
+ dev-php/PEAR-Exception
+ >=dev-php/PEAR-Structures_Graph-1.1.0
+ >=dev-php/PEAR-XML_Util-1.4.0"
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/gentoo-libtool-mismatch-fix-v2.patch" )
+pkg_setup() {
+ [[ -z "${PEAR_CACHEDIR}" ]] && PEAR_CACHEDIR="${EPREFIX}/var/cache/pear"
+ [[ -z "${PEAR_DOWNLOADDIR}" ]] && PEAR_DOWNLOADDIR="${EPREFIX}/var/tmp/pear"
+ [[ -z "${PEAR_TEMPDIR}" ]] && PEAR_TEMPDIR="${EPREFIX}/tmp"
+ elog
+ elog "cache_dir is set to: ${PEAR_CACHEDIR}"
+ elog "download_dir is set to: ${PEAR_DOWNLOADDIR}"
+ elog "temp_dir is set to: ${PEAR_TEMPDIR}"
+ elog
+ elog "If you want to change the above values, you need to set"
+ elog "accordingly in /etc/portage/make.conf and re-emerge ${PN}."
+ elog
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ # Exception.php is part of dev-php/PEAR-Exception.
+ rm PEAR/Exception.php || die "failed to remove PEAR/Exception.php"
+src_install() {
+ insinto /usr/share/php
+ doins -r PEAR/
+ doins -r OS/
+ doins PEAR.php System.php
+ doins scripts/pearcmd.php
+ doins scripts/peclcmd.php
+ newbin scripts/ pear
+ newbin scripts/ peardev
+ newbin scripts/ pecl
+ # adjust some scripts for current version
+ [[ -z "${PEAR}" ]] && PEAR="${PV}"
+ for i in pearcmd.php peclcmd.php ; do
+ sed "s:@pear_version@:${PEAR}:g" -i "${D}/usr/share/php/${i}" \
+ || die "failed to sed pear_version"
+ done
+ for i in pear peardev pecl ; do
+ sed "s:@bin_dir@:${EPREFIX}/usr/bin:g" -i "${D}/usr/bin/${i}" \
+ || die "failed to sed @bin_dir@ in ${i}"
+ sed "s:@php_dir@:${EPREFIX}/usr/share/php:g" -i "${D}/usr/bin/${i}" \
+ || die "failed to sed @php_dir@ in ${i}"
+ done
+ sed "s:-d output_buffering=1:-d output_buffering=1 -d memory_limit=32M:g" \
+ -i "${D}/usr/bin/pear" \
+ || die "failed to set PHP ini values in pear executable"
+ sed "s:@package_version@:${PEAR}:g" \
+ -i "${D}/usr/share/php/PEAR/Command/Package.php" \
+ || die "failed to sed @package_version@"
+ sed "s:@PEAR-VER@:${PEAR}:g" \
+ -i "${D}/usr/share/php/PEAR/Dependency2.php" \
+ || die "failed to sed @PEAR-VER@ in Dependency2.php"
+ sed "s:@PEAR-VER@:${PEAR}:g" \
+ -i "${D}/usr/share/php/PEAR/PackageFile/Parser/v1.php" \
+ || die "failed to sed @PEAR-VER@ in v1.php"
+ sed "s:@PEAR-VER@:${PEAR}:g" \
+ -i "${D}/usr/share/php/PEAR/PackageFile/Parser/v2.php" \
+ || die "failed to sed @PEAR-VER@ in v2.php"
+ # finalize install
+ insinto /etc
+ newins "${FILESDIR}"/pear.conf-r2 pear.conf
+ sed "s|s:PHPCLILEN:\"PHPCLI\"|s:${#PHPCLI}:\"${PHPCLI}\"|g" \
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed PHPCLILEN in pear.conf"
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed CACHEDIRLEN in pear.conf"
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed DOWNLOADDIRLEN in pear.conf"
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed TEMPDIRLEN in pear.conf"
+ # Change the paths for eprefix!
+ sed "s|s:19:\"/usr/share/php/docs\"|s:$(( ${#EPREFIX}+19 )):\"${EPREFIX}/usr/share/php/docs\"|g" \
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed the docs path (prefix) in pear.conf"
+ sed "s|s:19:\"/usr/share/php/data\"|s:$(( ${#EPREFIX}+19 )):\"${EPREFIX}/usr/share/php/data\"|g" \
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed the data path (prefix) in pear.conf"
+ sed "s|s:20:\"/usr/share/php/tests\"|s:$(( ${#EPREFIX}+20 )):\"${EPREFIX}/usr/share/php/tests\"|g" \
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed the tests path (prefix) in pear.conf"
+ sed "s|s:14:\"/usr/share/php\"|s:$(( ${#EPREFIX}+14 )):\"${EPREFIX}/usr/share/php\"|g" \
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed the PHP include path (prefix) in pear.conf"
+ sed "s|s:8:\"/usr/bin\"|s:$(( ${#EPREFIX}+8 )):\"${EPREFIX}/usr/bin\"|g" \
+ -i "${D}/etc/pear.conf" \
+ || die "failed to sed the bin path (prefix) in pear.conf"
+ [[ "${PEAR_TEMPDIR}" != "/tmp" ]] && keepdir "${PEAR_TEMPDIR#${EPREFIX}}"
+ keepdir "${PEAR_CACHEDIR#${EPREFIX}}"
+ diropts -m1777
+ insinto /usr/share/php/.packagexml
+ newins "${WORKDIR}/package.xml" "${MY_P}.xml"
+pkg_config() {
+ # Update PEAR/PECL channels as needed, add new ones to the list if needed
+ elog "Updating PEAR/PECL channels"
+ local pearchans=""
+ for chan in ${pearchans} ; do
+ # The first command may fail if, for example, the channels have
+ # already been initialized.
+ pear channel-discover ${chan}
+ pear channel-update ${chan} || die "failed to update channels: ${chan}"
+ done
+pkg_postinst() {
+ pear clear-cache || die "failed to clear PEAR cache"
+ elog "Run 'emerge --config =${PF}' to automatically update the PEAR/PECL channels while online."
+ # Register the package from the package.xml file
+ # It is not critical to complete so only warn on failure
+ if [[ -f "${EROOT}/usr/share/php/.packagexml/${MY_P}.xml" ]] ; then
+ "${EROOT}/usr/bin/peardev" install -nrO --force \
+ "${EROOT}/usr/share/php/.packagexml/${MY_P}.xml" 2> /dev/null \
+ || ewarn "Failed to insert package into local PEAR database"
+ fi
+pkg_prerm() {
+ # Uninstall known dependency
+ "${EROOT}/usr/bin/peardev" uninstall -nrO ""