path: root/dev-lisp/clisp
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2017-12-15 17:25:28 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <>2017-12-15 17:25:28 +0000
commit6b933047f46efec1aa747570f945344254227457 (patch)
treea12a4b87b38f954c4de435272cf4b90d721df5e8 /dev-lisp/clisp
parentf45955e60d4da9b7f4a1088c98042f9c06669039 (diff)
gentoo resync : 15.12.2017
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lisp/clisp')
3 files changed, 357 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lisp/clisp/Manifest b/dev-lisp/clisp/Manifest
index b3f5b244da76..afaf91a64b18 100644
--- a/dev-lisp/clisp/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lisp/clisp/Manifest
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ AUX clisp-2.49-bits_ipctypes_to_sys_ipc.patch 784 BLAKE2B 5d8934fa9d430b193321fb
AUX clisp-2.49-get_hostname.patch 2356 BLAKE2B fc1e5e8c2e3b9f1db8c144390564801af508845e0029f130bebb8f377c540f662fe046e92821c6bb3c77ccfd31c5ed73e4ed10386619f1a1ebe0a6a9d39a215f SHA512 5e9dfc70f017fef08c24ede15c2312a2a54a5c8433a5a952ad4e41113ee0ce01febc631818c4cb506883d9992ef4468c429752e4924b8d1ce00f21b33a209a9b
AUX clisp-2.49-readline-7.patch 690 BLAKE2B 7502d529c342228b722f568cc808099d9259f7cb59e28cff75a8f9c665f659bf75ea318afb7285a9ee3c1637219affaaffc3bb7001436a44d40605afe2a9432c SHA512 c5c1dd093d19d2d62db29808d418d8fce6233ad226a6b7414223e0cf8e9777231cdd69f4625ac1535a9bbc831b5a3e4fd4baad91a880f3992cd6d98220f887c4
AUX clisp-2.49-tinfo.patch 404 BLAKE2B 12d9c2a7b6f83b4c0de6f8ab4e57fc2db2f3bfffbb535c0d5793052268a6d12ca21126a8b71895353b37c0a05e268f3eee192d827e63eb71ceb01c3c03cfe176 SHA512 10f27e205557cb48fe0165bd5ee7e3a33b0dbe403fa2d10df62854c44eb762a44ef005c78e8c23a67f7ed6d3c6317c893c7760f9c2ca72b6b088adae5f03247c
+AUX clisp-2.49.60-after_glibc_cfree_bdb.patch 8937 BLAKE2B 93e6413fc788272a53e35835fb72e897303a59f3f6fcb5fecc0b4dc6b68b3941d8745f2df091bec59e988d449c6a4ffc60216f45edb067f505164b9f51779315 SHA512 447ece26b0af6ecadaf5d46930b5b3955bd764953a073d7bf732da313a7b6298ff10334ab1120200468ff806cb90520e3707062b0503f633016f17cc8ea53fc7
DIST clisp-2.48.tar.bz2 7885098 BLAKE2B 42ebfe4721015f522184bce710bf95d79aa7f2a239410af249a8e85d80f140344ec80daaa34f7cdbfd2ae86407984657163ce3f6e4201eb132f7c71e21523cba SHA512 3288b6a2973c924006b14bbed1e8e3e688276a187ac2a6c7851dc7ae699e7832d30e5e7eecdabc76c08c7e8e8ce1b562eb97a44570d3035e558ea2310de2b719
+DIST clisp-2.49.60.tar.bz2 8745713 BLAKE2B 5dffd594c6d00c2057a98e3f93c888cd5cdc60009cd8fc987e39ff5182e71e575e148839d9c973fbfd0842b82ddf1b5918e86d128d9c79f6d0d4b6afcdc5853f SHA512 656cd59a23ba9be5304a6e0d64d79ac518072c431820b8cf95759fa8f3a66e2efe4d07939315b93e5e06b6e5348d8b32739b129a9e8ac0dc362dd5d1f1eb8aa8
DIST clisp-2.49.tar.bz2 8091011 BLAKE2B e034c581b8100837b34d0adf1ef45bd667272d062945875175958178b4ef5b11e899dfb76505eb8cb51fca6101c11a9f21fb2cc9a78a3c0f82b06166211434f7 SHA512 eef66fc85199a2c283b616db61bf67ff103eeb0f19fa907da48994dc790b6f5f8d0c74fb3bd723c6b827c0ff3cfd89fa6ba67934fc669ed5d5249044b5140d81
EBUILD clisp-2.48-r1.ebuild 4797 BLAKE2B 51c1550e35af93c381ce01eeaf51d6a2027b0b39fa4c880616db4a88d78f06acb8018850d583f13ec705e4a304f48ba09801a736f16a8625275734ab1d0f82d4 SHA512 130ffc47b63c934aa8556ea3e5d5eb8a81300d98bbbff503bdb84a1c7ad1dcbf97b092124bd841bd9b2009df5588aa78c2bda7cea34a461526199957cf44862d
EBUILD clisp-2.48-r2.ebuild 4726 BLAKE2B f1110afde6cf8d5c5a2509f24705d9ddb5fc4b7c2e151ec52c002986a0b60673ea11e3643db8a383483c45eaa6c7655b07a03743712329b00201503069c57167 SHA512 afce7666a82e947f48e2eeed5ceba5f4cbe981e8f37d6e35beab4dc973a6077b8eecfebb2d1336f2476b6cfc252f5aaef552354d8dfc153920ac2d3291f76de3
@@ -11,4 +13,5 @@ EBUILD clisp-2.49-r100.ebuild 4495 BLAKE2B 6317db64ecc5ac8bb1700d40a7c0394dcbc21
EBUILD clisp-2.49-r101.ebuild 4565 BLAKE2B ec0ba0122c1638fce794a2579528534743a70468cbee9d39db8b9500f4d9ad68fc5df3c43086083a2b66c58f8adec51afd03ae5df782b9e19bf4a0f684455bc9 SHA512 3d8ee8697b8faed8df82f151cc947bc0e3b689e4710f418b9ee31b1803d59928d0ca4a087f48f77240b06c24527a003a9d9141489ff37fcb778f3c024343e480
EBUILD clisp-2.49-r8.ebuild 4394 BLAKE2B e49e12b943c60d9b5c3f1272829430ecaed2ed1ce23ae87883ab5056a210fcaa73f6e1adbf8b5a7159261d1fbe9908166f2e9d08fbc6074782cd09a8220e348f SHA512 7548cca817b47bfb9b09812c9564e86f2b5092d1263919d563172555d1371c86bdd0aa7f2f4b3315237a154b911f8c025f62917f434973a608f86728873e97f5
EBUILD clisp-2.49-r9.ebuild 4464 BLAKE2B d9e5644fdcdcf0c12fc0702f2c1bcd458b8781b8e1885cd0a6b28447ca7f77e9346bfc696d06dfaa5be73a2f6b4db1a4511457f5d2a780dae1976e0290fcf34f SHA512 ba4afa4101c4581ae1a866f70d8f3ed903e81f95c03c26b492296dd4cd6b997d04d8f7235c1272dece85f52e2fdda427f2df65eae67cf2c65f9171b1476af0a5
+EBUILD clisp-2.49.60.ebuild 4360 BLAKE2B e26404fbf0cc0f6c3200e8c73c8ea880b8abf7e301a151453d3abb96f54a786858042213d51fea0c7de9dbf3081233cef40b8f51bc2cb5bfa386f541e9e0ec05 SHA512 2d5f81a1a3d6b7b2b23ca01648e50d3dd661cc02105b959d31c484eca26e2a5b6814fa038d2db43a234687856a7630f674401f21716ae180d95a6d8c6b217ba6
MISC metadata.xml 1450 BLAKE2B a2d3c5142143c8ab054826effb6a0ccfce158bf636406703b1c45c5e63ae70ea0151b1982d376fc03131d8e821a85f499f98f7643b3bfc3884916c38da58227f SHA512 08cd4868b9d6f2600b13add32c2fffda8d59be7190779ef4d3bfc64ab10f13c2644b925cef0ca8f3aa06cd5c8473ef399dfaa3c3ac2cae88d627a6ad83e54128
diff --git a/dev-lisp/clisp/clisp-2.49.60.ebuild b/dev-lisp/clisp/clisp-2.49.60.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84dc47a3bc6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lisp/clisp/clisp-2.49.60.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit eutils flag-o-matic multilib toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="A portable, bytecode-compiled implementation of Common Lisp"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86"
+IUSE="hyperspec X berkdb dbus fastcgi gdbm gtk pari +pcre postgres +readline svm -threads +unicode +zlib"
+# "jit" disabled ATM
+ virtual/libiconv
+ >=dev-libs/libsigsegv-2.10
+ >=dev-libs/ffcall-1.10
+ dbus? ( sys-apps/dbus )
+ fastcgi? ( dev-libs/fcgi )
+ gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm )
+ gtk? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.10:2 >=gnome-base/libglade-2.6 )
+ pari? ( <sci-mathematics/pari-2.5.0 )
+ postgres? ( >=dev-db/postgresql-8.0:* )
+ readline? ( >=sys-libs/readline-7.0:0= )
+ pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre:3 )
+ svm? ( sci-libs/libsvm )
+ zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib )
+ X? ( x11-libs/libXpm )
+ hyperspec? ( dev-lisp/hyperspec )
+ berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:4.8 )"
+ X? ( x11-misc/imake x11-proto/xextproto )"
+enable_modules() {
+ [[ $# = 0 ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]} must receive at least one argument"
+ for m in "$@" ; do
+ einfo "enabling module $m"
+ myconf+=" --with-module=${m}"
+ done
+# modules not enabled:
+# * berkdb: must figure out a way to make the configure script pick up the
+# currect version of the library and headers
+# * dirkey: fails to compile, requiring windows.h, possibly wrong #ifdefs
+# * matlab, netica: not in portage
+# * oracle: can't install oracle-instantclient
+src_prepare() {
+ # More than -O1 breaks alpha/ia64
+ if use alpha || use ia64; then
+ sed -i -e 's/-O2//g' src/ || die
+ fi
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${P}"-after_glibc_cfree_bdb.patch
+ eapply_user
+src_configure() {
+ # We need this to build on alpha/ia64
+ if use alpha || use ia64; then
+ replace-flags -O? -O1
+ fi
+ if use x86; then
+ append-flags -falign-functions=4
+ fi
+ # QA issue with
+ append-flags -Wa,--noexecstack
+ # built-in features
+ local myconf="--with-ffcall --without-dynamic-modules"
+# There's a problem with jit_allocai function
+# if use jit; then
+# myconf+=" --with-jitc=lightning"
+# fi
+ if use threads; then
+ myconf+=" --with-threads=POSIX_THREADS"
+ fi
+ # default modules
+ enable_modules rawsock
+ # optional modules
+ use elibc_glibc && enable_modules bindings/glibc
+ use X && enable_modules clx/new-clx
+ if use postgres; then
+ enable_modules postgresql
+ append-cppflags -I$(pg_config --includedir)
+ fi
+ if use berkdb; then
+ enable_modules berkeley-db
+ append-cppflags -I/usr/include/db4.8
+ fi
+ use dbus && enable_modules dbus
+ use fastcgi && enable_modules fastcgi
+ use gdbm && enable_modules gdbm
+ use gtk && enable_modules gtk2
+ use pari && enable_modules pari
+ use pcre && enable_modules pcre
+ use svm && enable_modules libsvm
+ use zlib && enable_modules zlib
+ if use hyperspec; then
+ CLHSROOT="file:///usr/share/doc/hyperspec/HyperSpec/"
+ else
+ fi
+ # configure chokes on --sysconfdir option
+ local configure="./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-portability \
+ --libdir=/usr/$(get_libdir) $(use_with readline) $(use_with unicode) \
+ ${myconf} --hyperspec=${CLHSROOT} ${BUILDDIR}"
+ einfo "${configure}"
+ ${configure} || die "./configure failed"
+ IMPNOTES="file://${ROOT%/}/usr/share/doc/${PN}-${PVR}/html/impnotes.html"
+ sed -i "s,,${IMPNOTES},g" \
+ "${BUILDDIR}"/config.lisp || die "Cannot fix link to implementation notes"
+src_compile() {
+ export VARTEXFONTS="${T}"/fonts
+ cd "${BUILDDIR}" || die
+ # parallel build fails
+ emake -j1
+src_install() {
+ pushd "${BUILDDIR}"
+ make DESTDIR="${D}" prefix=/usr install-bin || die "Installation failed"
+ doman clisp.1
+ dodoc ../SUMMARY README* ../src/NEWS ../unix/MAGIC.add ../ANNOUNCE
+ # stripping them removes common symbols (defined but uninitialised variables)
+ # which are then needed to build modules...
+ export STRIP_MASK="*/usr/$(get_libdir)/clisp-${PV}/*/*"
+ popd
+ dohtml doc/impnotes.{css,html} doc/regexp.html doc/clisp.png
+ dodoc doc/{CLOS-guide,LISP-tutorial}.txt
diff --git a/dev-lisp/clisp/files/clisp-2.49.60-after_glibc_cfree_bdb.patch b/dev-lisp/clisp/files/clisp-2.49.60-after_glibc_cfree_bdb.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ab075badf4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-lisp/clisp/files/clisp-2.49.60-after_glibc_cfree_bdb.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+diff --git a/modules/berkeley-db/bdb.c b/modules/berkeley-db/bdb.c
+index a266d41..942652a 100644
+--- a/modules/berkeley-db/bdb.c
++++ b/modules/berkeley-db/bdb.c
+ c_data.compact_timeout = timeout;
+ c_data.compact_pages = pages;
+ SYSCALL(db->compact,(db,txn,pstart,pstop,&c_data,flags,&end));
+- pushSTACK(uint32_to_I(c_data.compact_empty_buckets));
++ /* ====
++ * compact_empty_buckets is in bdb-5.3 as part of output stats
++ * however this version use bdb-4.8 which does not have it
++ * ====
++ *
++ * pushSTACK(uint32_to_I(c_data.compact_empty_buckets));
++ * */
+ pushSTACK(uint32_to_I(c_data.compact_pages_free));
+ pushSTACK(uint32_to_I(c_data.compact_pages_examine));
+ pushSTACK(uint32_to_I(c_data.compact_levels));
+diff --git a/modules/bindings/glibc/linux.lisp b/modules/bindings/glibc/linux.lisp
+index c960753..2993990 100644
+--- a/modules/bindings/glibc/linux.lisp
++++ b/modules/bindings/glibc/linux.lisp
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ ;; Foreign functions provided by the Linux C library version 6,
+ ;; i.e. the GNU C library version 2.0.7.
+ ;; Bruno Haible 10.4.1998, 19.4.1998
+-;; Sam Steingold 2002-2008, 2011
++;; Sam Steingold 2002-2008, 2011, 2013, 2016-2017
+ ;; NB: quite a few functions here have more portable counterparts in POSIX
+@@ -649,7 +649,6 @@
+ (def-call-out calloc (:arguments (nmemb size_t) (size size_t))
+ (:return-type c-pointer))
+ (def-call-out free (:arguments (ptr c-pointer)) (:return-type nil))
+-(def-call-out cfree (:arguments (ptr c-pointer)) (:return-type nil))
+ (def-call-out valloc (:arguments (size size_t)) (:return-type c-pointer))
+ (def-call-out abort (:arguments) (:return-type nil))
+@@ -687,9 +686,8 @@
+ (def-call-out system? (:arguments (null c-string))
+ (:return-type boolean) (:name "system"))
+-; You can uncomment this if your compiler sets __USE_GNU
+-; (def-call-out canonicalize_file_name (:arguments (name c-string))
+-; (:return-type c-string :malloc-free))
++(def-call-out canonicalize_file_name (:arguments (name c-string))
++ (:return-type c-string :malloc-free) (:guard "defined(__USE_GNU)"))
+ (def-call-out realpath
+ (:arguments (name c-string)
+@@ -1041,9 +1039,8 @@
+ (def-call-out access (:arguments (name c-string) (type int))
+ (:return-type int))
+-; You can uncomment this if your compiler sets __USE_GNU
+-; (def-call-out euidaccess (:arguments (name c-string) (type int))
+-; (:return-type int))
++(def-call-out euidaccess (:arguments (name c-string) (type int))
++ (:return-type int) (:guard "defined(__USE_GNU)"))
+ (defconstant SEEK_SET 0)
+ (defconstant SEEK_CUR 1)
+@@ -1094,9 +1091,8 @@
+ ;(def-call-out getcwd (:arguments (buf c-string :out) (size size_t)) ; ??
+ ; (:return-type c-string))
+-; You can uncomment this if your compiler sets __USE_GNU
+-; (def-call-out get_current_dir_name (:arguments)
+-; (:return-type c-string :malloc-free))
++(def-call-out get_current_dir_name (:arguments)
++ (:return-type c-string :malloc-free) (:guard "defined(__USE_GNU)"))
+ ;(def-call-out getwd (:arguments (buf c-string :out)) ; ??
+ ; (:return-type c-string))
+@@ -1324,8 +1320,8 @@
+ ; (:arguments (size int) (list (c-ptr (c-array gid_t ??)) :out)) ; ??
+ ; (:return-type int))
+-; You can uncomment this if your compiler sets __USE_GNU
+-; (def-call-out group_member (:arguments (gid gid_t)) (:return-type boolean))
++(def-call-out group_member (:arguments (gid gid_t)) (:return-type boolean)
++ (:guard "defined(__USE_GNU)"))
+ (def-call-out setuid (:arguments (uid uid_t)) (:return-type int))
+ (def-call-out setreuid (:arguments (ruid uid_t) (euid uid_t))
+ (:return-type int))
+@@ -1822,8 +1818,8 @@
+ (:return-type c-string :malloc-free))
+ (def-call-out ungetc (:arguments (c int) (fp FILE))
+ (:return-type int))
+-; You can uncomment this if your compiler sets __USE_GNU
+-; (def-call-out fcloseall (:arguments) (:return-type int))
++(def-call-out fcloseall (:arguments) (:return-type int)
++ (:guard "defined(__USE_GNU)"))
+ (def-call-out fdopen (:arguments (fildes int) (mode c-string))
+ (:return-type c-pointer))
+ (def-call-out fileno (:arguments (fp FILE)) (:return-type int))
+@@ -1901,11 +1897,11 @@ typedef __off64_t clisp_dirent_off_t;
+ (:return-type (c-ptr-null dirent)))
+ (def-call-out readdir64 (:arguments (dirp c-pointer))
+ (:return-type (c-ptr-null dirent64)))
+-(def-call-out readdir_r
++(def-call-out readdir_r ; deprecated
+ (:arguments (dirp c-pointer) (entry (c-ptr dirent) :out :alloca)
+ (result (c-ptr (c-ptr dirent)) :out :alloca)) ; ??
+ (:return-type int))
+-(def-call-out readdir64_r
++(def-call-out readdir64_r ; deprecated
+ (:arguments (dirp c-pointer) (entry (c-ptr dirent64) :out :alloca)
+ (result (c-ptr (c-ptr dirent64)) :out :alloca)) ; ??
+ (:return-type int))
+diff --git a/modules/bindings/glibc/test.tst b/modules/bindings/glibc/test.tst
+index f807389..b2c1222 100644
+--- a/modules/bindings/glibc/test.tst
++++ b/modules/bindings/glibc/test.tst
+@@ -5,6 +5,16 @@
+ (progn (require "linux") T) T
+ (listp (show (multiple-value-list (ext:module-info "linux" t)) :pretty t)) T
++(stringp (show (linux:get-domain-name))) T
++(stringp (show (linux:get-host-name))) T
++;; usually __USE_GNU is defined, so this should work:
++(let* ((d (linux:get_current_dir_name))
++ (c (linux:canonicalize_file_name (concatenate 'string d "/."))))
++ (or (string= d c)
++ (list :cur-dir d :canonical c)))
+ (defparameter *d* (show (linux:opendir "."))) *D*
+ (linux:dirent64-d_name (show (linux:readdir64 *d*))) "."
+ (linux:dirent64-d_name (show (linux:readdir64 *d*))) ".."
+diff --git a/src/foreign1.lisp b/src/foreign1.lisp
+index 26a3ba5..0e43de7 100644
+--- a/src/foreign1.lisp
++++ b/src/foreign1.lisp
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ ;;; Foreign function interface for CLISP
+ ;;; Bruno Haible 19.2.1995
+-;;; Sam Steingold 1998-2010
++;;; Sam Steingold 1998-2010, 2017
+ (progn
+@@ -805,14 +805,17 @@
+ c-name (to-c-string c-name) (third variable) (first variable))
+ (when *foreign-guard* (format *coutput-stream* "# endif~%"))))
+ (dolist (function *function-list*)
+- (let ((c-name (first function)))
+- (when *foreign-guard*
+- (format *coutput-stream* "# if defined(HAVE_~A)~%"
+- (string-upcase c-name)))
++ (let ((c-name (first function))
++ (guard (fourth function)))
++ (when guard
++ (format *coutput-stream* "# if ~A~%"
++ (if (eq guard t)
++ (format nil "defined(HAVE_~A)" (string-upcase c-name))
++ guard)))
+ (format *coutput-stream*
+ " register_foreign_function((void*)&~A,~A,~D);~%"
+ c-name (to-c-string c-name) (svref (second function) 3))
+- (when *foreign-guard* (format *coutput-stream* "# endif~%"))))
++ (when guard (format *coutput-stream* "# endif~%"))))
+ (maphash (lambda (type fun-vec)
+ (declare (ignore type))
+ (let ((c-name (to-c-name (car fun-vec))))
+@@ -1083,7 +1086,7 @@
+ (defmacro DEF-CALL-OUT (&whole whole-form name &rest options)
+ (setq name (check-symbol name (first whole-form)))
+ (let* ((alist
+- (parse-options options '(:name :arguments :return-type :language
++ (parse-options options '(:name :arguments :return-type :language :guard
+ :built-in :library :version :documentation)
+ whole-form))
+ (def (gensym "DEF-CALL-OUT-"))
+@@ -1095,6 +1098,7 @@
+ (version (second (assoc :version alist)))
+ (c-name (foreign-name name (assoc :name alist)))
+ (built-in (second (assoc :built-in alist)))
++ (guard (get-assoc :guard alist '*foreign-guard*))
+ ;; Maximize sharing in .fas file, reuse options
+ ;; parse-c-function ignores unknown options, e.g. :name
+ (ctype `(PARSE-C-FUNCTION ',options ',whole-form)))
+@@ -1102,7 +1106,7 @@
+ ',c-name ,ctype ',properties ,library ,version NIL)))
+ (EXT:COMPILER-LET ((,def ,ctype))
+- (UNLESS ,LIBRARY (NOTE-C-FUN ',c-name ,def ',built-in)))
++ (UNLESS ,LIBRARY (NOTE-C-FUN ',c-name ,def ',built-in ,guard)))
+ (SYSTEM::C-DEFUN ',name (C-TYPE-TO-SIGNATURE ,ctype))))
+ (WHEN ,def ; found library function
+@@ -1110,10 +1114,10 @@
+ (SYSTEM::%PUTD ',name ,def))
+ ',name)))
+-(defun note-c-fun (c-name ctype built-in) ; not ABI, compile-time only
++(defun note-c-fun (c-name ctype built-in guard) ; not ABI, compile-time only
+ (when (system::prepare-coutput-file)
+ (prepare-module)
+- (push (list c-name ctype built-in)
++ (push (list c-name ctype built-in guard)
+ *function-list*)))
+ (defun count-inarguments (arg-vector)