path: root/dev-lang/ruby
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2025-02-23 19:24:10 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2025-02-23 19:24:10 +0000
commit575bcb9220287a6f0d2577db1fd9fe55d9d8b745 (patch)
tree52f12cfa140d4839d32305dd42eebe34e9686234 /dev-lang/ruby
parent4c5bd80830992553e02f099442277e10ee97372d (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 23:02:2025 - 19:24:09
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lang/ruby')
10 files changed, 3 insertions, 2068 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest b/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
index df2ff6a08586..948b42016b78 100644
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
+++ b/dev-lang/ruby/Manifest
@@ -22,28 +22,17 @@ AUX 3.3/902-hppa-pthread-stack-size.patch 1690 BLAKE2B 84c8478a69e108c68f96eeb0f
AUX 3.4/010-default-gem-location.patch 356 BLAKE2B f44459799fff80c7f14e5e7d674ee9ed22863cdb84838e0fad55a66f615fa91e3e4de30377c04a385927feea67c6046c837eb7a647fbe162685309ea3f9ea420 SHA512 894075663d409a117ad94abd63d6562c90b87a725ef56d02ad7c187532b99a56128be2f5f64d0e72763d1c14213707de84c920415107df875218489796bc4a5a
AUX 3.4/901-musl-stacksize.patch 749 BLAKE2B 422d53ef7fc1e76bd7466ff67da7cefd3665282ce0e29d16e2455e8f2bcbe081c0b9d31119eed6d6b53f6200fa72d623e9c04e0ebd6594397cf1dad344e8049a SHA512 f9ad0a50a0672a88b89cba9c452c090e0fe47fe41c640951b1b14970e1219a27c9ef3a1b53650b135d607830ae7a09b6a8916e45263415b58122c07262e90b1b
AUX 3.4/902-hppa-pthread-stack-size.patch 1690 BLAKE2B 84c8478a69e108c68f96eeb0f36b1f94e069193ce124c0ca5c6143c0c9a2f0c62c7927a1a61a85270f449d03b4c6f5bd735e02ce1da1df0749602e655f177778 SHA512 d871b1c0a5d58bb197def0e00310e38fc145520dbbd1245079b2ebab0f89878f21a22f27c388fe2a7557244db28f0acb97edddf9bdf4adbeb00327e01c5215a6
-DIST ruby-3.1.4.tar.xz 15316604 BLAKE2B 5d771c267451c05ae192991976957d43d1131e652ac5a90a8dfff9deba97cf6b139d0113f5d2ed44225a545aa79a1c732555de1efc83d1010d097ec35f7e92dd SHA512 a627bb629a10750b8b2081ad451a41faea0fc85d95aa1e267e3d2a0f56a35bb58195d4a8d13bbdbd82f4197a96dae22b1cee1dfc83861ec33a67ece07aef5633
-DIST ruby-3.1.5.tar.xz 15293020 BLAKE2B 5d886f45f2a27dbe7682f5afc234d4992ffc5006cfaa98f23c29e1fff0323c277ffec827c71ee75885b4f2cf0bf7baed4ea239ae32283578213821e597bf51da SHA512 a9883f4d074825bb1f54ef3429a9a71341274bd2de1aa8ea32bce19b6b9c1bac5e5dc4c34a92b8e7caa73ba71d7ed7c546a6fec6f1fd3d8986974dce214f6d49
DIST ruby-3.1.6.tar.xz 15273916 BLAKE2B feb697b8d01ebde0042e679b814c4c95481c6afa607db46ad1511fb0d1a555d7800725e847e90dd9944ef42575c5205cf711025a165a65b6070743701631929c SHA512 a3159648706d6d11ce9613201141e884b3accc69bf928c756de8a8f2b71d219886e91435d30cf2c30e85af31f87801138e10106344766100f1b80662c7244652
-DIST ruby-3.2.4.tar.xz 15175656 BLAKE2B 9c2300a958b03528d51f0d74a069c8c538ca4009835d55377509a000bcfb43893a8a80d8fda57011e77c72e6283cb259281d5ba7b37444546e49f2a9ad515cf3 SHA512 fb0af37be4b6ad7b98ab9f8a508952238ee68b5828e3926331e4db52e2ebc1e6046f31114069322db0cd3bea7c9b82ace91c8564573ddcfa1f960877b237dbff
-DIST ruby-3.2.5.tar.xz 15189072 BLAKE2B a37c92a0f751e81dcae328b8944c4ecf10f6aee4f4468d6d08bb924c9808c8556c5febb71a825dd62dbcccf56385138e6e306bf3efae3589bdf0512d16d99d1a SHA512 092348b84b513aec62e63ec10b326370d0e3d1fa3126c59c03c84f28e2d7741a4772c461b077ec6a7dac3964a20f434655729e1acd50a3438755d7ad64073305
DIST ruby-3.2.6.tar.xz 15126888 BLAKE2B d59352e5543b96abe3de5f10b578c2b910a0f18f848fb32a10b80f8e882e7c687a3149ce6ab6ba1271731b8668e1dd47754b778def13010a587aa8544e881943 SHA512 78f7fc76d47c772b9bc313cbcb57a2c0f1a975e09cfe46a3083f6f603d62b0031bd4c55896c8353c1c343974d45077e06e310111198d870883e06a0cf6fd03ce
DIST ruby-3.2.7.tar.xz 15128228 BLAKE2B a75717dde36669c7b62e7175fb74f2a6f5c7590e7b56ced3d35f1c626d3b7f67eed8b32705187708828622478166d3b630215f828773fe677af67996f0da6d3c SHA512 c10b6fd27fad3bbd33d780c0a3eccb5df2a8465a89d2294ea6f14c7e5e8f7c8ea30b8a8b68bf8903c76f9133c5d984d5d66052ec4eb413153c739e6eea24beed
DIST ruby-3.3.6.tar.xz 16398228 BLAKE2B 7e2fb58ca1f5ee7ab9c2fd7b24fdbf9eef9805329cdf23c9926bac0268344f101475c2c7aacb26f73c4c5f73704727e19a9cc074c4587b9c53a115d6fb0a5e85 SHA512 c4b86188bf539fa737932e1ba5b746bc295e7c43b2f8cca2668eb7c88aa7228e2ce9032bbcd244a7d558a11bc842445b5fbeac3503ca7d223b63c53e08dba4ab
DIST ruby-3.3.7.tar.xz 16379504 BLAKE2B 33bd05d8462ec7e33872a31bcbfabcfc65a0245dc6519248e474085f3255dc3ad67210400ac314b291f16d3eb261459cadba180dfccc510a2b2c978035435347 SHA512 4082a7684c1b0d53a0ce493f79568e851d37a864f59c58b2e0c273b2659e0ca75318ddff939fdf5e9d0a3eeba1b6d8f03bf88afb49a5ffd77714f1c8a7dfdd55
DIST ruby-3.4.1.tar.xz 17222800 BLAKE2B 949cb57aeb6af4ca70d6638a2cd38ec9d067a3798ec27e02ee5934c902b74684b9f96d9fc00c1b22932de20b38b5bd3403a9a1a1bfe0c1caa380327d376d4c45 SHA512 8d2e34117696f9debf463ae1eed288fdbb5c1a12e32800e901b69218e3b7302a0066052077e2ebca851e3a635296199bd5a10437eea1d6f787f69a77bb865680
DIST ruby-3.4.2.tar.xz 17218200 BLAKE2B b0054a6f2db9cd6d5c92550b25ddaf131d0f83e33765bcf38e9ffbfcfac090828563f622e7e786467f55e2ac5a9d9779e07ad7942b0e33c9a394d67e4420f0ea SHA512 cb8b5023bce316393716548c5f0a44c7d0240724ff79b995517641266af30bedc6f402c1c8fa27368ea607e2aa6d36bbb201e00c6e9dd2a80d837431d32343b5
-EBUILD ruby-3.1.4-r3.ebuild 8517 BLAKE2B d5d65a391f344b5bafbab680e9104ed214249c9a1af59bf42f0cd7326b5ea3a88510be23c22befc945715ea45fe2cc9be8beeaab9c59cb1e344b1bd54681172e SHA512 47cf354f9621f9ba2c68f7fe36c04979591fcc80124cf89d3d48b96bf1cc1ec242417f098676971e1060d37f1a20d9f4ae08133f925d45c81d60124fd118635d
-EBUILD ruby-3.1.5.ebuild 8842 BLAKE2B 31e5da6ecdb45602037d5a1bce209844060271528b39139a3f8c9421c3ffea747fb6602702ee989a12ff08f999586841b24d6e7f05e0fdd2b6ecb5860c866b2b SHA512 3b5deeb36ea66a58907a89c637f8f3a0354ea861a4bab159f211cedef3a48cf3b6f5609d441c9516ea81ab4f032111370ff3da37395f30ca28428aeb0286fffc
EBUILD ruby-3.1.6-r1.ebuild 8908 BLAKE2B d1f784e2ed287491e3163fd02cc67e60041e0f4b88d0b090db33b47e0f240596739637dcaea2b1d2b1fa8e48696151a03995e851b8d8d13ba0a5669a0d833f05 SHA512 4ab34e37f0e70b48475ae4e865f01ec5b1db309dd634821d77bb765f0e26cd24e91d58532b0bc20fb2aa3e3589a29bcbbd736ca2f8acfe7dbb7d15b6d0eec831
-EBUILD ruby-3.1.6-r2.ebuild 9094 BLAKE2B 9546b202b1a0714b3f20c22736eb6fb9d39b298950a4e2121a6c2950508e01ddbbf5fd8198e5ae2d4bfbb77327bbc9c5e3a241eacc363f7e14d0874bc6c9b208 SHA512 cb315b25f3cbc1f322bd5bd0018466a05575aac7c097a0aff90d0cab14d0ad11e613436ecead1fd2d4379ee0ba10b0a0d1edf4be63debf4676574098e96ffb3b
EBUILD ruby-3.1.6-r3.ebuild 9210 BLAKE2B 1b25f201f7fa919a4794a6403ba10482db6ba99d35c68bab32a639608e38c4442dec7334775ea4fbd3fdb84fe41c4479fbedd15938e33ea1cc0a55d0a4fe01e9 SHA512 706be9348a076548cd216c6607c9896ef3ed916e32520bee467d52d3224fcf1b49351a9d88b084bda52227036b3b639990dd9b9ef61b8846f835d11bef872b1b
-EBUILD ruby-3.2.4-r2.ebuild 9816 BLAKE2B f1f765f121d22ffcabc2cd9151db03232dde8aaf06a5118edc91121317823a2722ee4a0b1d93190556729d672cdd05d07fff443b9c2a876c30c19bd11b55a39f SHA512 72d5f52f9d106f855b6092617e43652a1c924f59fe4799d028ef0c3f7eada5c56524b4b59b28d2c1ba52241bbf3bcbe35381126aafbe37145da304a11ed92679
-EBUILD ruby-3.2.4-r3.ebuild 9961 BLAKE2B 3aa1126a331f987ba0929151f323b746106849749ca0f1a4038e20bd9375ccc87686b63d30a4fb830cff3d259bacb025ff65983dde91d2d728eb82653d20b296 SHA512 6095b72e0bb944238e967e0866a1241c8914842b333742f78b382515ef1895bab5778a38b2463aac2182babce3ab7e4dc578c985f8ad305e51604e14d4c414b0
-EBUILD ruby-3.2.5-r2.ebuild 9381 BLAKE2B 7a19d6da21e1ef364a8e7dbee4521fdaf878d160f3e6792b2612a24f059a39c9a7741296ee0637b8e0dd8f2a0c345874d1a14fe4b6e7f4f487c9ee16da28cfaf SHA512 9bd65d2a6cae0bb99065211fedebf602e04c37afcfbc54e1b5f356c63284354b94ca9a1dd49e1ca8de4dc4557d302808254039c78935116abc8535a701b01f5a
EBUILD ruby-3.2.6-r2.ebuild 9380 BLAKE2B 6aeffba44f299f96c4e40ef626ad764bbb53674065108ccd64c92083107d2bb2ff43dca95efbbe5507011263b7a0cbec15b51557c8af5ea762af1f27b7e21e0c SHA512 dd3ec646360dea6eec0db0171fac65e1c05aa56e557b424684daf2efe6c9376fe410a8f9e218a1452340fc668966cfddf33c0d9a65c4511ff3f35cf7a03413ef
-EBUILD ruby-3.2.6-r3.ebuild 9430 BLAKE2B 80d7979f5822065626219b7ea9b395667529d9f0c80b59273cacfc917db7138b510258441aaf9f53a9775719d1a9187cd14999d461e8267dd4f5ff67b169a469 SHA512 aa91fbcdf560a1e6e4116ffe5aabd94b7ee9effbf6000a244a92918045ef6d305c1423f98ad4361c360ea01b555e0402da1ec6cda666cf455a9c6b00f103aa93
-EBUILD ruby-3.2.6-r4.ebuild 9546 BLAKE2B 48ad0a2a67ffff9925e49244f0e54df3e6158935211c0f2185e5a9bf1d662c5ba33ef9b01e8389176f962b67f28ea379f76e82e98c1157c4ab646198b4eac282 SHA512 3ab8cd93b508b02105d71dbc1dea844e9be7add14832b819e191ad6a6d8ae6b59601a0fce47b306c76634455cdf5189e78768ee3f55f36e77ed32044ae5b7416
+EBUILD ruby-3.2.6-r4.ebuild 9545 BLAKE2B ee4e7605d4b8b7c63a19b22ae1e72877f53603f076f97855736b4610f5f5c806dae1d626441951a50a58c78b1879259e02812dc48c40590b3c587e97ee6a540b SHA512 02066759f8c6eccc414cde96fecb3d447882ef90b34bb82d20d143226a7c01902c3d7d2cb20b2a54d22bbcdef0cf185c146294029c2e15557e7090ca509bba70
EBUILD ruby-3.2.7.ebuild 9492 BLAKE2B a3c45e3b3be316426c707f60cbb312ede91ba673b77b2b1b291cb9b84480e85c34adb04cbccb41a17be9d507cb3d0de8ed9b9f835fd4928c52aff235ef85dc21 SHA512 c76402b0dd582c98af34771292fec925b4ebe4cf4d7899a1b1605bfa2856614e36172f9da2be31f1b8f93007324366ba3610bebf458c4869436f5b04c21ea30d
EBUILD ruby-3.3.6-r1.ebuild 9566 BLAKE2B afce954e3ebc1bc8d3f3890cb21ee92a6349d1b9752a54d55d0a5cef67d2ce47aa779d658fe5b7574eb82294490c120b9cabb511d72332d9c41f9207fa93dda1 SHA512 47583e13a082a7e9600558108b66f07f20905ee3ea8dddbe2f7008ebc2389d6b0946a5cf3423e9da7e1c91f161d424a003d6b6ed5d0720a2db525488f8b97825
EBUILD ruby-3.3.7-r1.ebuild 9661 BLAKE2B 2305b59565f7cd0d0e67e1a284c44eb23904f36de489e135651d9bc377ab6da60d2b3b00ba9d74fbdaf913fa19528cd12c4d78d673aad2fd9d3f1666053fb6e8 SHA512 1162ed37339f0ccb0883da63cc569a7754f5af801f9661ebe0f15f24541cbc0f904306380dc4f4d1c93b74989b16b94850d13f7277632e2a2c604c46f5aaa789
@@ -51,4 +40,4 @@ EBUILD ruby-3.3.7.ebuild 9545 BLAKE2B 5b39ee480f314d821f2de3af5992db6a9b313f3968
EBUILD ruby-3.4.1-r1.ebuild 10351 BLAKE2B 4210db7fecb64e268ca407b623e83260e280be15d1be7ac0c0bcb42e265fc9cb03c5971609ce74ab4f133bb4a8475fb4a65dd8ce56b699df9ebf02aea9614efb SHA512 98e763e3ad4c44e57764412015e0e97c02b9fb64ac4270985a29b1242e3d57f3e48dd15791b4ab1b38fadae07df6cbb0085b49c78a6d8d890de027e20cef58d2
EBUILD ruby-3.4.1.ebuild 10235 BLAKE2B 29946e6df5b2a6b7f981399d0c49e81fc212cd19a67c2ea59b355c4a52a016ab3e2a244592ad5766e8846407f925e62a23124aedef53e5c01ec66116a760736d SHA512 191b74008848bb2b46e008448d093b92ce1a0b98d2bab8b4eba7856b7f5f226806f2c20a022b6dea9b7bd76928fb1f39ff7171141605aa276e69b2bfc2d7bbde
EBUILD ruby-3.4.2.ebuild 10351 BLAKE2B 4210db7fecb64e268ca407b623e83260e280be15d1be7ac0c0bcb42e265fc9cb03c5971609ce74ab4f133bb4a8475fb4a65dd8ce56b699df9ebf02aea9614efb SHA512 98e763e3ad4c44e57764412015e0e97c02b9fb64ac4270985a29b1242e3d57f3e48dd15791b4ab1b38fadae07df6cbb0085b49c78a6d8d890de027e20cef58d2
-MISC metadata.xml 504 BLAKE2B 49be2bb1dba034b23a8294cca0e5419099b487973a43db31c0edc4b9a2a08eb1b54437b0c7e6a9e6d8a5c0145cd73464f830ec04ca62540416c32b2d094cdd63 SHA512 e9991c588874e36f6a0abb12125bcd3f2b1e787df62d9f7089053959286b56676a9f35c7e82116274f169bfa22359be8df59fca6454be559e7669d2e78dc4c22
+MISC metadata.xml 419 BLAKE2B 44eb344b51656aab76dd41ba649b241d985a83733b02d8ec147b8ff041cb492ec2704fe1d53d2a8e2c23f8e0c9351b6fcf0d63215d59703c034680605fc923b3 SHA512 eb72cd0c7ac5134a61a96ab8cf77d01911b7505a4932d322fe0583d72605ac3b1b2380a45e8f3316233401e676e818d734c6a45c44b7fbdf2720b16577326883
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/metadata.xml b/dev-lang/ruby/metadata.xml
index 628c6c4c66b0..26b6eb68d5bd 100644
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/metadata.xml
+++ b/dev-lang/ruby/metadata.xml
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
<name>Gentoo Ruby Project</name>
- <flag name="rdoc">Install <pkg>dev-ruby/rdoc</pkg> after installing Ruby.</flag>
<flag name="systemtap">Enable SystemTap/DTrace tracing</flag>
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.4-r3.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.4-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 461dacd11510..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.4-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic multiprocessing
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
-SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
-MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${SLOT})
-DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
-LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm ipv6 jemalloc jit +rdoc socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
- jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:= )
- jit? ( || ( sys-devel/gcc:* llvm-core/clang:* ) )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
- systemtap? ( dev-debug/systemtap )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
- dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
- )
- dev-libs/libyaml
- dev-libs/libffi:=
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/libcrypt:=
- >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20201225
- valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )
- >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.15.0[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/power_assert-2.0.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rbs-2.1.0[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rexml-3.2.5[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rss-0.2.9[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.5.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.12.2[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/bundler-2.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/json-2.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- rdoc? ( >=dev-ruby/rdoc-6.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)] )
- xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )
-src_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/011*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/902*.patch
- if use elibc_musl ; then
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/3.1/901-musl-*.patch
- fi
- einfo "Unbundling gems..."
- cd "$S"
- # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
- # 539700.
- rm -fr gems/* || die
- touch gems/bundled_gems || die
- # Don't install CLI tools since they will clash with the gem
- rm -f bin/{racc,racc2y,y2racc} || die
- sed -i -e '/executables/ s:^:#:' lib/racc/racc.gemspec || die
- einfo "Removing bundled libraries..."
- rm -fr ext/fiddle/libffi-3.2.1 || die
- # Remove tests that are known to fail or require a network connection
- rm -f test/ruby/test_process.rb test/rubygems/test_gem{,_path_support}.rb || die
- rm -f test/rinda/test_rinda.rb test/socket/test_tcp.rb test/fiber/test_address_resolve.rb test/resolv/test_addr.rb \
- spec/ruby/library/socket/tcpsocket/{initialize,open}_spec.rb|| die
- sed -i -e '/def test_test/askip "Depends on system setup"' test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb || die
- if use prefix ; then
- # Fix hardcoded SHELL var in mkmf library
- sed -i -e "s#\(SHELL = \).*#\1${EPREFIX}/bin/sh#" lib/mkmf.rb || die
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- # avoid symlink loop on Darwin (?!)
- sed -i \
- || die
- # make ar/libtool hack for Darwin work
- sed -i \
- -e "s/ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR='libtool/ac_cv_prog_AR='${CHOST}-libtool/" \
- || die
- # disable using security framework (GCC barfs on those headers)
- sed -i \
- random.c || die
- fi
- fi
- eapply_user
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local modules="win32,win32ole" myconf=
- # Ruby's build system does interesting things with MAKEOPTS and doesn't
- # handle MAKEOPTS="-Oline" or similar well. Just filter it all out
- # and use -j/-l parsed out from the original MAKEOPTS, then use that.
- # Newer Portage sets this option by default in GNUMAKEFLAGS if nothing
- # is set by the user in MAKEOPTS. See bug #900929 and bug #728424.
- local makeopts_tmp="-j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg)"
- export MAKEOPTS="${makeopts_tmp}"
- # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
- filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
- # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
- # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
- append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
- # Workaround for bug #938302
- if use systemtap && has_version "dev-debug/systemtap[-dtrace-symlink(+)]" ; then
- export DTRACE="${BROOT}"/usr/bin/stap-dtrace
- fi
- # Socks support via dante
- if use socks5 ; then
- # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
- # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
- # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
- fi
- # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
- if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
- fi
- # ipv6 hack, bug 168939. Needs --enable-ipv6.
- use ipv6 || myconf="${myconf} --with-lookup-order-hack=INET"
- # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
- if ! use berkdb ; then
- modules="${modules},dbm"
- fi
- if ! use gdbm ; then
- modules="${modules},gdbm"
- fi
- if ! use ssl ; then
- modules="${modules},openssl"
- fi
- if ! use tk ; then
- modules="${modules},tk"
- fi
- # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
- # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
- # #564272
- INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" LIBPATHENV="" econf \
- --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-readline-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
- --enable-shared \
- --enable-pthread \
- --disable-rpath \
- --without-baseruby \
- --with-compress-debug-sections=no \
- --enable-mkmf-verbose \
- --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
- $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
- $(use_enable jit jit-support ) \
- $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
- $(use_enable systemtap dtrace) \
- $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
- --enable-ipv6 \
- $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
- $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_with valgrind) \
- ${myconf} \
- --enable-option-checking=no
- # Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
- rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
-src_compile() {
-src_test() {
- emake V=1 check
-src_install() {
- # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
- # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
- # documentation.
- einfo "Removing default gems before installation"
- rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
- # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
- unset RUBYOPT
- local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
- local -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- local -x DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- fi
- local -x RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
- for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
- done
- # Create directory for the default gems
- local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
- mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
- emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install
- # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- if use doc; then
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc
- fi
- if use examples; then
- dodoc -r sample
- fi
- dodoc ChangeLog doc/NEWS* README*
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
- eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
- fi
- elog
- elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
- elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(30|31|...)"
- elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect ruby cleanup
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.5.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.5.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ca55490a087..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.5.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic multiprocessing
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
-SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
-MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${SLOT})
-DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
-LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm ipv6 jemalloc jit socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
- jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:= )
- jit? ( || ( sys-devel/gcc:* llvm-core/clang:* ) )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
- systemtap? ( dev-debug/systemtap )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
- dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
- )
- dev-libs/libyaml
- dev-libs/libffi:=
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/libcrypt:=
- >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20231008
- valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )
- >=dev-ruby/irb-1.4.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.15.0[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/power_assert-2.0.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rbs-2.1.0[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rexml-3.2.5[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rss-0.2.9[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.5.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.12.2[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/bundler-2.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/json-2.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rdoc-6.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )
-src_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/011*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/012*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/020*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/902*.patch
- if use elibc_musl ; then
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/3.1/901-musl-*.patch
- fi
- einfo "Unbundling gems..."
- cd "$S"
- # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
- # 539700.
- rm -fr gems/* || die
- touch gems/bundled_gems || die
- # Don't install CLI tools since they will clash with the gem
- rm -f bin/{racc,racc2y,y2racc} || die
- sed -i -e '/executables/ s:^:#:' lib/racc/racc.gemspec || die
- einfo "Removing bundled libraries..."
- rm -fr ext/fiddle/libffi-3.2.1 || die
- # Remove webrick tests because setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not work for them.
- rm -rf tool/test/webrick || die
- # Remove tests that are known to fail or require a network connection
- rm -f test/ruby/test_process.rb test/rubygems/test_gem{,_path_support}.rb || die
- rm -f test/rinda/test_rinda.rb test/socket/test_tcp.rb test/fiber/test_address_resolve.rb test/resolv/test_addr.rb \
- spec/ruby/library/socket/tcpsocket/{initialize,open}_spec.rb|| die
- sed -i -e '/def test_test/askip "Depends on system setup"' test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb || die
- # MJIT is broken and removed in later ruby versions.
- rm -f test/ruby/test_jit.rb || die
- if use prefix ; then
- # Fix hardcoded SHELL var in mkmf library
- sed -i -e "s#\(SHELL = \).*#\1${EPREFIX}/bin/sh#" lib/mkmf.rb || die
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- # avoid symlink loop on Darwin (?!)
- sed -i \
- || die
- # make ar/libtool hack for Darwin work
- sed -i \
- -e "s/ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR='libtool/ac_cv_prog_AR='${CHOST}-libtool/" \
- || die
- # disable using security framework (GCC barfs on those headers)
- sed -i \
- random.c || die
- fi
- fi
- eapply_user
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local modules="win32,win32ole" myconf=
- # Ruby's build system does interesting things with MAKEOPTS and doesn't
- # handle MAKEOPTS="-Oline" or similar well. Just filter it all out
- # and use -j/-l parsed out from the original MAKEOPTS, then use that.
- # Newer Portage sets this option by default in GNUMAKEFLAGS if nothing
- # is set by the user in MAKEOPTS. See bug #900929 and bug #728424.
- local makeopts_tmp="-j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg)"
- export MAKEOPTS="${makeopts_tmp}"
- # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
- filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
- # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
- # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
- append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
- # Workaround for bug #938302
- if use systemtap && has_version "dev-debug/systemtap[-dtrace-symlink(+)]" ; then
- export DTRACE="${BROOT}"/usr/bin/stap-dtrace
- fi
- # Socks support via dante
- if use socks5 ; then
- # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
- # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
- # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
- fi
- # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
- if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
- fi
- # ipv6 hack, bug 168939. Needs --enable-ipv6.
- use ipv6 || myconf="${myconf} --with-lookup-order-hack=INET"
- # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
- if ! use berkdb ; then
- modules="${modules},dbm"
- fi
- if ! use gdbm ; then
- modules="${modules},gdbm"
- fi
- if ! use ssl ; then
- modules="${modules},openssl"
- fi
- if ! use tk ; then
- modules="${modules},tk"
- fi
- # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
- # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
- # #564272
- INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" LIBPATHENV="" econf \
- --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-readline-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
- --enable-shared \
- --enable-pthread \
- --disable-rpath \
- --without-baseruby \
- --with-compress-debug-sections=no \
- --enable-mkmf-verbose \
- --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
- $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
- $(use_enable jit jit-support ) \
- $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
- $(use_enable systemtap dtrace) \
- $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
- --enable-ipv6 \
- $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
- $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_with valgrind) \
- ${myconf} \
- --enable-option-checking=no
- # Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
- rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
-src_compile() {
-src_test() {
- emake V=1 check
-src_install() {
- # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
- # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
- # documentation.
- einfo "Removing default gems before installation"
- rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
- # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
- unset RUBYOPT
- local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
- local -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- local -x DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- fi
- local -x RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
- for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
- done
- # Create directory for the default gems
- local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
- mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
- emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install
- # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- if use doc; then
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc
- fi
- if use examples; then
- dodoc -r sample
- fi
- dodoc ChangeLog doc/NEWS* README*
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
- eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
- fi
- elog
- elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
- elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(30|31|...)"
- elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect ruby cleanup
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.6-r2.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.6-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f6241b9409e8..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.1.6-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic multiprocessing
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
-SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
-MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${SLOT})
-DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
-LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm ipv6 jemalloc jit socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
- jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:= )
- jit? ( || ( sys-devel/gcc:* llvm-core/clang:* ) )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
- systemtap? ( dev-debug/systemtap )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
- dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
- )
- dev-libs/libyaml
- dev-libs/libffi:=
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/libcrypt:=
- >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20231008
- valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )
- >=dev-ruby/irb-1.4.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.15.0[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/power_assert-2.0.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rbs-2.1.0[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rexml-3.2.5[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rss-0.2.9[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.5.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.12.2[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/bundler-2.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/json-2.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rdoc-6.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby31(-)]
- xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )
-src_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/011*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/012*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/013*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/020*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/902*.patch
- if use elibc_musl ; then
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/3.1/901-musl-*.patch
- fi
- einfo "Unbundling gems..."
- cd "$S"
- # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
- # 539700.
- rm -fr gems/* || die
- touch gems/bundled_gems || die
- # Don't install CLI tools since they will clash with the gem
- rm -f bin/{racc,racc2y,y2racc} || die
- sed -i -e '/executables/ s:^:#:' lib/racc/racc.gemspec || die
- einfo "Removing bundled libraries..."
- rm -fr ext/fiddle/libffi-3.2.1 || die
- # Remove webrick tests because setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not work for them.
- rm -rf tool/test/webrick || die
- # Remove tests that are known to fail or require a network connection
- rm -f test/ruby/test_process.rb test/rubygems/test_gem{,_path_support}.rb || die
- rm -f test/rinda/test_rinda.rb test/socket/test_tcp.rb test/fiber/test_address_resolve.rb test/resolv/test_addr.rb \
- spec/ruby/library/socket/tcpsocket/{initialize,open}_spec.rb|| die
- sed -i -e '/def test_test/askip "Depends on system setup"' test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb || die
- # MJIT is broken and removed in later ruby versions.
- rm -f test/ruby/test_jit.rb || die
- # This test calls out to the system ruby which is not being tested
- # and may not be the same version.
- sed -e '/test_without_tty/aomit "Calls system ruby"' \
- -i test/readline/test_readline.rb || die
- if use prefix ; then
- # Fix hardcoded SHELL var in mkmf library
- sed -i -e "s#\(SHELL = \).*#\1${EPREFIX}/bin/sh#" lib/mkmf.rb || die
- fi
- eapply_user
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local modules="win32,win32ole" myconf=
- # Ruby's build system does interesting things with MAKEOPTS and doesn't
- # handle MAKEOPTS="-Oline" or similar well. Just filter it all out
- # and use -j/-l parsed out from the original MAKEOPTS, then use that.
- # Newer Portage sets this option by default in GNUMAKEFLAGS if nothing
- # is set by the user in MAKEOPTS. See bug #900929 and bug #728424.
- local makeopts_tmp="-j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg)"
- export MAKEOPTS="${makeopts_tmp}"
- # Avoid a hardcoded path to mkdir to avoid issues with mixed
- # usr-merge and normal binary packages, bug #932386.
- export ac_cv_path_mkdir=mkdir
- # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
- filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
- # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
- # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
- append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
- # Ruby 3.1 does not compile against the gnu23 standard, bug
- # #943767. Given that Ruby 3.1 is EOL in March 2025 just opt to use
- # the older standard.
- append-flags -std=gnu17
- # Workaround for bug #938302
- if use systemtap && has_version "dev-debug/systemtap[-dtrace-symlink(+)]" ; then
- export DTRACE="${BROOT}"/usr/bin/stap-dtrace
- fi
- # Socks support via dante
- if use socks5 ; then
- # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
- # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
- # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
- fi
- # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
- if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
- fi
- # ipv6 hack, bug 168939. Needs --enable-ipv6.
- use ipv6 || myconf="${myconf} --with-lookup-order-hack=INET"
- # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
- if ! use berkdb ; then
- modules="${modules},dbm"
- fi
- if ! use gdbm ; then
- modules="${modules},gdbm"
- fi
- if ! use ssl ; then
- modules="${modules},openssl"
- fi
- if ! use tk ; then
- modules="${modules},tk"
- fi
- # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
- # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
- # #564272
- # except on Darwin, where we really need LIBPATHENV to set the right
- # DYLD_ stuff during the invocation of miniruby for it to work
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] || export LIBPATHENV=""
- INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" econf \
- --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-readline-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
- --enable-shared \
- --enable-pthread \
- --disable-rpath \
- --without-baseruby \
- --with-compress-debug-sections=no \
- --enable-mkmf-verbose \
- --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
- $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
- $(use_enable jit jit-support ) \
- $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
- $(use_enable systemtap dtrace) \
- $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
- --enable-ipv6 \
- $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
- $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_with valgrind) \
- ${myconf} \
- --enable-option-checking=no
- # Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
- rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
-src_compile() {
-src_test() {
- emake V=1 check
-src_install() {
- # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
- # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
- # documentation.
- einfo "Removing default gems before installation"
- rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
- # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
- unset RUBYOPT
- local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
- local -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- local -x RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
- for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
- done
- # Create directory for the default gems
- local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
- mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
- emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install
- # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- if use doc; then
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc
- fi
- if use examples; then
- dodoc -r sample
- fi
- dodoc ChangeLog doc/NEWS* README*
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
- eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
- fi
- elog
- elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
- elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(30|31|...)"
- elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect ruby cleanup
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.4-r2.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.4-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 11bb88262f7d..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.4-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic multiprocessing rust
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
-MY_SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
-MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${MY_SLOT})
-DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
-LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm jemalloc jit socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
- jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:= )
- jit? ( ${RUST_DEPEND} )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
- systemtap? ( dev-debug/systemtap )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
- dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
- )
- dev-libs/libyaml
- dev-libs/libffi:=
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/libcrypt:=
- >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20231008
- valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )
- >=dev-ruby/debug-1.7.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/irb-1.6.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/matrix-0.4.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.16.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-ftp-0.2.0[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-imap-0.3.4[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-pop-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-smtp-0.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/power_assert-2.0.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/prime-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rbs-2.8.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rexml-3.2.5[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rss-0.2.9[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.5.7[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.21.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/bundler-2.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/json-2.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rdoc-6.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )
-pkg_setup() {
- use jit && rust_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/010*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/011*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/020*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/902*.patch
- if use elibc_musl ; then
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${SLOT}/901-musl-*.patch
- fi
- einfo "Unbundling gems..."
- cd "$S"
- # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
- # 539700.
- rm -fr gems/* || die
- touch gems/bundled_gems || die
- # Don't install CLI tools since they will clash with the gem
- rm -f bin/{racc,racc2y,y2racc} || die
- sed -i -e '/executables/ s:^:#:' lib/racc/racc.gemspec || die
- # Remove tests that are known to fail or require a network connection
- rm -f test/ruby/test_process.rb test/rubygems/test_gem{,_path_support}.rb || die
- rm -f test/rinda/test_rinda.rb test/socket/test_tcp.rb test/fiber/test_address_resolve.rb spec/ruby/library/socket/tcpsocket/{initialize,open}_spec.rb|| die
- # Remove webrick tests because setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not work for them.
- rm -rf tool/test/webrick || die
- # Avoid test using the system ruby
- sed -i -e '/test_dumb_terminal/aomit "Uses system ruby"' test/reline/test_reline.rb || die
- # Avoid testing against hard-coded blockdev devices that most likely are not available
- sed -i -e '/def blockdev/a@blockdev = nil' test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb || die
- # Avoid tests that require gem downloads
- sed -i -e '/^test-syntax-suggest/ s/\$(TEST_RUNNABLE)/no/' || die
- sed -i -e '/^check:/ s/\$(TEST_RUNNABLE)-\$(PREPARE_SYNTAX_SUGGEST) test-syntax-suggest//' || die
- # Avoid test that fails intermittently
- sed -i -e '/test_gem_exec_gem_uninstall/aomit "Fails intermittently"' test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_exec_command.rb || die
- if use prefix ; then
- # Fix hardcoded SHELL var in mkmf library
- sed -i -e "s#\(SHELL = \).*#\1${EPREFIX}/bin/sh#" lib/mkmf.rb || die
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- # avoid symlink loop on Darwin (?!)
- sed -i \
- || die
- # make ar/libtool hack for Darwin work
- sed -i \
- -e "s/ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR='libtool/ac_cv_prog_AR='${CHOST}-libtool/" \
- || die
- # disable using security framework (GCC barfs on those headers)
- sed -i \
- random.c || die
- fi
- fi
- eapply_user
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local modules="win32,win32ole" myconf=
- # Ruby's build system does interesting things with MAKEOPTS and doesn't
- # handle MAKEOPTS="-Oline" or similar well. Just filter it all out
- # and use -j/-l parsed out from the original MAKEOPTS, then use that.
- # Newer Portage sets this option by default in GNUMAKEFLAGS if nothing
- # is set by the user in MAKEOPTS. See bug #900929 and bug #728424.
- local makeopts_tmp="-j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg)"
- export MAKEOPTS="${makeopts_tmp}"
- # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
- filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
- # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
- # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
- append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
- # Workaround for bug #938302
- if use systemtap && has_version "dev-debug/systemtap[-dtrace-symlink(+)]" ; then
- export DTRACE="${BROOT}"/usr/bin/stap-dtrace
- fi
- # Socks support via dante
- if use socks5 ; then
- # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
- # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
- # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
- fi
- # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
- if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
- fi
- # ipv6 hack, bug 168939. Needs --enable-ipv6.
- myconf="${myconf} --with-lookup-order-hack=INET"
- # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
- if ! use berkdb ; then
- modules="${modules},dbm"
- fi
- if ! use gdbm ; then
- modules="${modules},gdbm"
- fi
- if ! use ssl ; then
- modules="${modules},openssl"
- fi
- if ! use tk ; then
- modules="${modules},tk"
- fi
- # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
- # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
- # #564272
- INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" LIBPATHENV="" econf \
- --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-readline-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
- --enable-shared \
- --enable-pthread \
- --disable-rpath \
- --without-baseruby \
- --with-compress-debug-sections=no \
- --enable-mkmf-verbose \
- --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
- $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
- $(use_enable jit jit-support) \
- $(use_enable jit yjit) \
- $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
- $(use_enable systemtap dtrace) \
- $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
- --enable-ipv6 \
- $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
- $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- ${myconf} \
- $(use_with valgrind) \
- --enable-option-checking=no
- # Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
- rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
-src_compile() {
-src_test() {
- emake V=1 check
-src_install() {
- # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
- # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
- # documentation.
- einfo "Removing default gems before installation"
- rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
- # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
- unset RUBYOPT
- local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
- local -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- local -x DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- fi
- local -x RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
- for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
- done
- # Create directory for the default gems
- local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
- mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
- emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install
- # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- if use doc; then
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc
- fi
- if use examples; then
- dodoc -r sample
- fi
- dodoc ChangeLog README*
- dodoc -r doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
- eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
- fi
- elog
- elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
- elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(30|31|...)"
- elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect ruby cleanup
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.4-r3.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.4-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 3350c3c8f7ba..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.4-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic multiprocessing rust
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
-MY_SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
-MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${MY_SLOT})
-DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
-LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm jemalloc jit socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
- jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:= )
- jit? ( ${RUST_DEPEND} )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
- systemtap? ( dev-debug/systemtap )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
- dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
- )
- dev-libs/libyaml
- dev-libs/libffi:=
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/libcrypt:=
- >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20231008
- valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )
- >=dev-ruby/debug-1.7.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/irb-1.6.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/matrix-0.4.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.16.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-ftp-0.2.0[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-imap-0.3.4[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-pop-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-smtp-0.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/power_assert-2.0.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/prime-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rbs-2.8.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rexml-3.2.5[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rss-0.2.9[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.5.7[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.21.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/bundler-2.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/json-2.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rdoc-6.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )
-pkg_setup() {
- use jit && rust_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/010*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/011*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/020*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/902*.patch
- if use elibc_musl ; then
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${SLOT}/901-musl-*.patch
- fi
- einfo "Unbundling gems..."
- cd "$S"
- # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
- # 539700.
- rm -fr gems/* || die
- touch gems/bundled_gems || die
- # Don't install CLI tools since they will clash with the gem
- rm -f bin/{racc,racc2y,y2racc} || die
- sed -i -e '/executables/ s:^:#:' lib/racc/racc.gemspec || die
- # Remove tests that are known to fail or require a network connection
- rm -f test/ruby/test_process.rb test/rubygems/test_gem{,_path_support}.rb || die
- rm -f test/rinda/test_rinda.rb test/socket/test_tcp.rb test/fiber/test_address_resolve.rb spec/ruby/library/socket/tcpsocket/{initialize,open}_spec.rb|| die
- # Remove webrick tests because setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not work for them.
- rm -rf tool/test/webrick || die
- # Avoid test using the system ruby
- sed -i -e '/test_dumb_terminal/aomit "Uses system ruby"' test/reline/test_reline.rb || die
- # Avoid testing against hard-coded blockdev devices that most likely are not available
- sed -i -e '/def blockdev/a@blockdev = nil' test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb || die
- # Avoid tests that require gem downloads
- sed -i -e '/^test-syntax-suggest/ s/\$(TEST_RUNNABLE)/no/' || die
- sed -i -e '/^check:/ s/\$(TEST_RUNNABLE)-\$(PREPARE_SYNTAX_SUGGEST) test-syntax-suggest//' || die
- # Avoid test that fails intermittently
- sed -i -e '/test_gem_exec_gem_uninstall/aomit "Fails intermittently"' test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_exec_command.rb || die
- if use prefix ; then
- # Fix hardcoded SHELL var in mkmf library
- sed -i -e "s#\(SHELL = \).*#\1${EPREFIX}/bin/sh#" lib/mkmf.rb || die
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- # avoid symlink loop on Darwin (?!)
- sed -i \
- || die
- # make ar/libtool hack for Darwin work
- sed -i \
- -e "s/ac_cv_prog_ac_ct_AR='libtool/ac_cv_prog_AR='${CHOST}-libtool/" \
- || die
- # disable using security framework (GCC barfs on those headers)
- sed -i \
- random.c || die
- fi
- fi
- eapply_user
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local modules="win32,win32ole" myconf=
- # Ruby's build system does interesting things with MAKEOPTS and doesn't
- # handle MAKEOPTS="-Oline" or similar well. Just filter it all out
- # and use -j/-l parsed out from the original MAKEOPTS, then use that.
- # Newer Portage sets this option by default in GNUMAKEFLAGS if nothing
- # is set by the user in MAKEOPTS. See bug #900929 and bug #728424.
- local makeopts_tmp="-j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg)"
- export MAKEOPTS="${makeopts_tmp}"
- # Avoid a hardcoded path to mkdir to avoid issues with mixed
- # usr-merge and normal binary packages, bug #932386.
- export ac_cv_path_mkdir=mkdir
- # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
- filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
- # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
- # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
- append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
- # Workaround for bug #938302
- if use systemtap && has_version "dev-debug/systemtap[-dtrace-symlink(+)]" ; then
- export DTRACE="${BROOT}"/usr/bin/stap-dtrace
- fi
- # Socks support via dante
- if use socks5 ; then
- # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
- # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
- # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
- fi
- # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
- if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
- fi
- # ipv6 hack, bug 168939. Needs --enable-ipv6.
- myconf="${myconf} --with-lookup-order-hack=INET"
- # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
- if ! use berkdb ; then
- modules="${modules},dbm"
- fi
- if ! use gdbm ; then
- modules="${modules},gdbm"
- fi
- if ! use ssl ; then
- modules="${modules},openssl"
- fi
- if ! use tk ; then
- modules="${modules},tk"
- fi
- # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
- # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
- # #564272
- INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" LIBPATHENV="" econf \
- --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-readline-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
- --enable-shared \
- --enable-pthread \
- --disable-rpath \
- --without-baseruby \
- --with-compress-debug-sections=no \
- --enable-mkmf-verbose \
- --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
- $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
- $(use_enable jit jit-support) \
- $(use_enable jit yjit) \
- $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
- $(use_enable systemtap dtrace) \
- $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
- --enable-ipv6 \
- $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
- $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- ${myconf} \
- $(use_with valgrind) \
- --enable-option-checking=no
- # Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
- rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
-src_compile() {
-src_test() {
- emake V=1 check
-src_install() {
- # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
- # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
- # documentation.
- einfo "Removing default gems before installation"
- rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
- # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
- unset RUBYOPT
- local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
- local -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- if [[ ${CHOST} == *darwin* ]] ; then
- local -x DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- fi
- local -x RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
- for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
- done
- # Create directory for the default gems
- local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
- mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
- emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install
- # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- if use doc; then
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc
- fi
- if use examples; then
- dodoc -r sample
- fi
- dodoc ChangeLog README*
- dodoc -r doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
- eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
- fi
- elog
- elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
- elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(30|31|...)"
- elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect ruby cleanup
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.5-r2.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.5-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f912e9272740..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.5-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic multiprocessing rust
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
-MY_SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
-MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${MY_SLOT})
-DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
-LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm jemalloc jit socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
- jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:= )
- jit? ( ${RUST_DEPEND} )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
- systemtap? ( dev-debug/systemtap )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
- dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
- )
- dev-libs/libyaml
- dev-libs/libffi:=
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/libcrypt:=
- >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20231008
- valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )
- >=dev-ruby/debug-1.7.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/irb-1.6.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/matrix-0.4.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.16.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-ftp-0.2.0[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-imap-0.3.4[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-pop-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-smtp-0.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/power_assert-2.0.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/prime-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rbs-2.8.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rexml-3.2.5[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rss-0.2.9[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.5.7[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.21.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/bundler-2.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/json-2.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rdoc-6.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )
-pkg_setup() {
- use jit && rust_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/010*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/011*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/013*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/902*.patch
- if use elibc_musl ; then
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${SLOT}/901-musl-*.patch
- fi
- einfo "Unbundling gems..."
- cd "$S"
- # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
- # 539700.
- rm -fr gems/* || die
- touch gems/bundled_gems || die
- # Don't install CLI tools since they will clash with the gem
- rm -f bin/{racc,racc2y,y2racc} || die
- sed -i -e '/executables/ s:^:#:' lib/racc/racc.gemspec || die
- # Remove tests that are known to fail or require a network connection
- rm -f test/ruby/test_process.rb test/rubygems/test_gem{,_path_support}.rb || die
- rm -f test/rinda/test_rinda.rb test/socket/test_tcp.rb test/fiber/test_address_resolve.rb spec/ruby/library/socket/tcpsocket/{initialize,open}_spec.rb|| die
- # Remove webrick tests because setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not work for them.
- rm -rf tool/test/webrick || die
- # Avoid test using the system ruby
- sed -i -e '/test_dumb_terminal/aomit "Uses system ruby"' test/reline/test_reline.rb || die
- # Avoid testing against hard-coded blockdev devices that most likely are not available
- sed -i -e '/def blockdev/a@blockdev = nil' test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb || die
- # Avoid tests that require gem downloads
- sed -i -e '/^test-syntax-suggest/ s/\$(TEST_RUNNABLE)/no/' || die
- sed -i -e '/^check:/ s/\$(TEST_RUNNABLE)-\$(PREPARE_SYNTAX_SUGGEST) test-syntax-suggest//' || die
- # Avoid test that fails intermittently
- sed -i -e '/test_gem_exec_gem_uninstall/aomit "Fails intermittently"' test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_exec_command.rb || die
- if use prefix ; then
- # Fix hardcoded SHELL var in mkmf library
- sed -i -e "s#\(SHELL = \).*#\1${EPREFIX}/bin/sh#" lib/mkmf.rb || die
- fi
- eapply_user
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local modules="win32,win32ole" myconf=
- # Ruby's build system does interesting things with MAKEOPTS and doesn't
- # handle MAKEOPTS="-Oline" or similar well. Just filter it all out
- # and use -j/-l parsed out from the original MAKEOPTS, then use that.
- # Newer Portage sets this option by default in GNUMAKEFLAGS if nothing
- # is set by the user in MAKEOPTS. See bug #900929 and bug #728424.
- local makeopts_tmp="-j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg)"
- export MAKEOPTS="${makeopts_tmp}"
- # Avoid a hardcoded path to mkdir to avoid issues with mixed
- # usr-merge and normal binary packages, bug #932386.
- export ac_cv_path_mkdir=mkdir
- # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
- filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
- # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
- # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
- append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
- # Workaround for bug #938302
- if use systemtap && has_version "dev-debug/systemtap[-dtrace-symlink(+)]" ; then
- export DTRACE="${BROOT}"/usr/bin/stap-dtrace
- fi
- # Socks support via dante
- if use socks5 ; then
- # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
- # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
- # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
- fi
- # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
- if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
- fi
- # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
- if ! use berkdb ; then
- modules="${modules},dbm"
- fi
- if ! use gdbm ; then
- modules="${modules},gdbm"
- fi
- if ! use ssl ; then
- modules="${modules},openssl"
- fi
- if ! use tk ; then
- modules="${modules},tk"
- fi
- # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
- # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
- # #564272
- # except on Darwin, where we really need LIBPATHENV to set the right
- # DYLD_ stuff during the invocation of miniruby for it to work
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] || export LIBPATHENV=""
- INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" econf \
- --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-readline-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
- --enable-shared \
- --enable-pthread \
- --disable-rpath \
- --without-baseruby \
- --with-compress-debug-sections=no \
- --enable-mkmf-verbose \
- --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
- $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
- $(use_enable jit jit-support) \
- $(use_enable jit yjit) \
- $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
- $(use_enable systemtap dtrace) \
- $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
- $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
- $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- ${myconf} \
- $(use_with valgrind) \
- --enable-option-checking=no
- # Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
- rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
-src_compile() {
-src_test() {
- emake V=1 check
-src_install() {
- # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
- # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
- # documentation.
- einfo "Removing default gems before installation"
- rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
- # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
- unset RUBYOPT
- local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
- local -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- local -x RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
- for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
- done
- # Create directory for the default gems
- local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
- mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
- emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install
- # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- if use doc; then
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc
- fi
- if use examples; then
- dodoc -r sample
- fi
- dodoc ChangeLog README*
- dodoc -r doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
- eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
- fi
- elog
- elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
- elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(30|31|...)"
- elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect ruby cleanup
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.6-r3.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.6-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e8f94cdf13c..000000000000
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.6-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic multiprocessing rust
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_cut 1-3)"
-MY_SLOT=$(ver_cut 1-2)
-MY_SUFFIX=$(ver_rs 1 '' ${MY_SLOT})
-DESCRIPTION="An object-oriented scripting language"
-LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
-IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm jemalloc jit socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"
- berkdb? ( sys-libs/db:= )
- gdbm? ( sys-libs/gdbm:= )
- jemalloc? ( dev-libs/jemalloc:= )
- jit? ( ${RUST_DEPEND} )
- ssl? (
- dev-libs/openssl:0=
- )
- socks5? ( >=net-proxy/dante-1.1.13 )
- systemtap? ( dev-debug/systemtap )
- tk? (
- dev-lang/tcl:0=[threads]
- dev-lang/tk:0=[threads]
- )
- dev-libs/libyaml
- dev-libs/libffi:=
- sys-libs/readline:0=
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/libcrypt:=
- >=app-eselect/eselect-ruby-20231008
- valgrind? ( dev-debug/valgrind )
- >=dev-ruby/debug-1.7.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/irb-1.6.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/matrix-0.4.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/minitest-5.16.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-ftp-0.2.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-imap-[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-pop-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/net-smtp-0.3.4[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/power_assert-2.0.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/prime-0.1.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rake-13.0.6-r2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rbs-2.8.2[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rexml-3.3.9[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rss-0.3.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/test-unit-3.5.7[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/typeprof-0.21.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/bundler-2.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/json-2.6.1[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- >=dev-ruby/rdoc-6.3.3[ruby_targets_ruby32(-)]
- xemacs? ( app-xemacs/ruby-modes )
-pkg_setup() {
- use jit && rust_pkg_setup
-src_prepare() {
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/010*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/011*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/013*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/014*.patch
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/"${SLOT}"/902*.patch
- if use elibc_musl ; then
- eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${SLOT}/901-musl-*.patch
- fi
- einfo "Unbundling gems..."
- cd "$S"
- # Remove bundled gems that we will install via PDEPEND, bug
- # 539700.
- rm -fr gems/* || die
- touch gems/bundled_gems || die
- # Don't install CLI tools since they will clash with the gem
- rm -f bin/{racc,racc2y,y2racc} || die
- sed -i -e '/executables/ s:^:#:' lib/racc/racc.gemspec || die
- # Remove tests that are known to fail or require a network connection
- rm -f test/ruby/test_process.rb test/rubygems/test_gem{,_path_support}.rb || die
- rm -f test/rinda/test_rinda.rb test/socket/test_tcp.rb test/fiber/test_address_resolve.rb spec/ruby/library/socket/tcpsocket/{initialize,open}_spec.rb|| die
- # Remove webrick tests because setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not work for them.
- rm -rf tool/test/webrick || die
- # Avoid test using the system ruby
- sed -i -e '/test_dumb_terminal/aomit "Uses system ruby"' test/reline/test_reline.rb || die
- # Avoid testing against hard-coded blockdev devices that most likely are not available
- sed -i -e '/def blockdev/a@blockdev = nil' test/ruby/test_file_exhaustive.rb || die
- # Avoid tests that require gem downloads
- sed -i -e '/^test-syntax-suggest/ s/\$(TEST_RUNNABLE)/no/' || die
- sed -i -e '/^check:/ s/\$(TEST_RUNNABLE)-\$(PREPARE_SYNTAX_SUGGEST) test-syntax-suggest//' || die
- # Avoid test that fails intermittently
- sed -i -e '/test_gem_exec_gem_uninstall/aomit "Fails intermittently"' test/rubygems/test_gem_commands_exec_command.rb || die
- if use prefix ; then
- # Fix hardcoded SHELL var in mkmf library
- sed -i -e "s#\(SHELL = \).*#\1${EPREFIX}/bin/sh#" lib/mkmf.rb || die
- fi
- eapply_user
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local modules="win32,win32ole" myconf=
- # Ruby's build system does interesting things with MAKEOPTS and doesn't
- # handle MAKEOPTS="-Oline" or similar well. Just filter it all out
- # and use -j/-l parsed out from the original MAKEOPTS, then use that.
- # Newer Portage sets this option by default in GNUMAKEFLAGS if nothing
- # is set by the user in MAKEOPTS. See bug #900929 and bug #728424.
- local makeopts_tmp="-j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg)"
- export MAKEOPTS="${makeopts_tmp}"
- # Avoid a hardcoded path to mkdir to avoid issues with mixed
- # usr-merge and normal binary packages, bug #932386.
- export ac_cv_path_mkdir=mkdir
- # -fomit-frame-pointer makes ruby segfault, see bug #150413.
- filter-flags -fomit-frame-pointer
- # In many places aliasing rules are broken; play it safe
- # as it's risky with newer compilers to leave it as it is.
- append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing
- # Workaround for bug #938302
- if use systemtap && has_version "dev-debug/systemtap[-dtrace-symlink(+)]" ; then
- export DTRACE="${BROOT}"/usr/bin/stap-dtrace
- fi
- # Socks support via dante
- if use socks5 ; then
- # Socks support can't be disabled as long as SOCKS_SERVER is
- # set and socks library is present, so need to unset
- # SOCKS_SERVER in that case.
- fi
- # Increase GC_MALLOC_LIMIT if set (default is 8000000)
- if [ -n "${RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT}" ] ; then
- fi
- # Determine which modules *not* to build depending in the USE flags.
- if ! use berkdb ; then
- modules="${modules},dbm"
- fi
- if ! use gdbm ; then
- modules="${modules},gdbm"
- fi
- if ! use ssl ; then
- modules="${modules},openssl"
- fi
- if ! use tk ; then
- modules="${modules},tk"
- fi
- # Provide an empty LIBPATHENV because we disable rpath but we do not
- # need LD_LIBRARY_PATH by default since that breaks USE=multitarget
- # #564272
- # except on Darwin, where we really need LIBPATHENV to set the right
- # DYLD_ stuff during the invocation of miniruby for it to work
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]] || export LIBPATHENV=""
- INSTALL="${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/install -c" econf \
- --program-suffix=${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-soname=ruby${MY_SUFFIX} \
- --with-readline-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr \
- --enable-shared \
- --enable-pthread \
- --disable-rpath \
- --without-baseruby \
- --with-compress-debug-sections=no \
- --enable-mkmf-verbose \
- --with-out-ext="${modules}" \
- $(use_with jemalloc jemalloc) \
- $(use_enable jit jit-support) \
- $(use_enable jit yjit) \
- $(use_enable socks5 socks) \
- $(use_enable systemtap dtrace) \
- $(use_enable doc install-doc) \
- $(use_enable static-libs static) \
- $(use_enable static-libs install-static-library) \
- $(use_with static-libs static-linked-ext) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- ${myconf} \
- $(use_with valgrind) \
- --enable-option-checking=no
- # Makefile is broken because it lacks -ldl
- rm -rf ext/-test-/popen_deadlock || die
-src_compile() {
-src_test() {
- emake V=1 check
-src_install() {
- # Remove the remaining bundled gems. We do this late in the process
- # since they are used during the build to e.g. create the
- # documentation.
- einfo "Removing default gems before installation"
- rm -rf lib/bundler* lib/rdoc/rdoc.gemspec || die
- # Ruby is involved in the install process, we don't want interference here.
- unset RUBYOPT
- local MINIRUBY=$(echo -e 'include Makefile\ngetminiruby:\n\t@echo $(MINIRUBY)'|make -f - getminiruby)
- local -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)${LD_LIBRARY_PATH+:}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
- local -x RUBYLIB="${S}:${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"
- for d in $(find "${S}/ext" -type d) ; do
- done
- # Create directory for the default gems
- local gem_home="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/gems/${RUBYVERSION}"
- mkdir -p "${D}/${gem_home}" || die "mkdir gem home failed"
- emake V=1 DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install
- # Remove installed rubygems and rdoc copy
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}/rubygems" || die "rm rubygems failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"gem"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/$(get_libdir)/ruby/${RUBYVERSION}"/rdoc* || die "rm rdoc failed"
- rm -rf "${ED}/usr/bin/"{bundle,bundler,ri,rdoc}"${MY_SUFFIX}" || die "rm rdoc bins failed"
- if use doc; then
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" GEM_DESTDIR=${gem_home} install-doc
- fi
- if use examples; then
- dodoc -r sample
- fi
- dodoc ChangeLog README*
- dodoc -r doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ ! -n $(readlink "${EROOT}"/usr/bin/ruby) ]] ; then
- eselect ruby set ruby${MY_SUFFIX}
- fi
- elog
- elog "To switch between available Ruby profiles, execute as root:"
- elog "\teselect ruby set ruby(30|31|...)"
- elog
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect ruby cleanup
diff --git a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.6-r4.ebuild b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.6-r4.ebuild
index b089d1be714b..b0637f6bcdda 100644
--- a/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.6-r4.ebuild
+++ b/dev-lang/ruby/ruby-3.2.6-r4.ebuild
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ S=${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}
LICENSE="|| ( Ruby-BSD BSD-2 )"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~loong ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris"
IUSE="berkdb debug doc examples gdbm jemalloc jit socks5 +ssl static-libs systemtap tk valgrind xemacs"