path: root/dev-java/antlr-runtime
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-04-06 22:33:41 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-04-06 22:33:41 +0100
commite68d405c5d712af4387159df07e226217bdda049 (patch)
tree009ab0f3d427f0813e62930d71802cb054c07e30 /dev-java/antlr-runtime
parent401101f9c8077911929d3f2b60a37098460a5d89 (diff)
gentoo resync : 06.04.2022
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-java/antlr-runtime')
3 files changed, 127 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/dev-java/antlr-runtime/Manifest b/dev-java/antlr-runtime/Manifest
index c0cc4328b691..759873917d40 100644
--- a/dev-java/antlr-runtime/Manifest
+++ b/dev-java/antlr-runtime/Manifest
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+AUX 4.9.3-test-fixes.patch 1399 BLAKE2B 719571607153951b6a44a7bed7c405b6e217f7a458667388d89ca15683342a5d9849155ad03771eb0f7d326af31fd0cf6e0ab9ddfbd385e189b33f0c842ab53e SHA512 b0aed6d54873ffd841ae5ac6ce1afb5d037fdde6e322903e250e46b38b84fd29ca87668f8b1f38a5c6b0ec4ad99953021d4260b67515158accbc37fd325e98eb
DIST antlr-4.9.3.tar.gz 4640242 BLAKE2B fb58f5e533051cb2c439c32f0462c1d463c99df862ba7e1a37a1c61378ab36a9edb9525c2a342de5b517da6f02d8291de5976c550932314f3464aad1a778afb9 SHA512 61452404c9639b5a0908cda16605f17c0fed0c9adfc3278c7408f9971420e9d1fe8f9e974e0826c2e3e780fdd83324094c0246cd5b28fa63f5686b094ea08127
DIST antlr-runtime-3.5.2-sources.jar 206095 BLAKE2B 62b5ca08b13b80e1cdfe82d7354f75dcd3d82d7618bb2d20c4973c0b588d60cc034a8bc265d1cba6b3fc09f5583450a48948dc0beb86c4b13c6b9fdb32de37fd SHA512 fda8b0b1d6f779098c885360ea5f5e93eac5153f5bf761f3dbc954209b69b76edd21a8e4915bb9e567e5c095f1d173e19429bea34da9698bf241d17599858847
EBUILD antlr-runtime-3.5.2.ebuild 1012 BLAKE2B 4bca36c4491f8e88fd31a8c270737d868b30465e7068db823a354e9dd0d611b19799101cdf448581e4551740f88f70708451f92c93ee9443eb6aab5b6c75e8b7 SHA512 1517b4284e15876a4a4c6dde04ea45410bb20b95f6a5d86c49f6c545bf48d774fcba54ff65a41ed585f440fe2e1f30fc96ab1b29061740e18727f4fd7b35b7d6
-EBUILD antlr-runtime-4.9.3.ebuild 929 BLAKE2B af9f6572ff15703e27f59e03cf151c0dc4c06bcfbcb95cb6a75b7d3162e9d538c502adc03d0bcc148bd56d0b1b3d636c8ab94a22058b91b7467538fbb7093581 SHA512 a577027d78dd7b091187f018e39444db8083417cb8d9beb273ef03862c7fe26de2a1422b2caae9bb62d1bbda194146f67a61091a4ff279f8703cd061cfc353cc
+EBUILD antlr-runtime-4.9.3.ebuild 3856 BLAKE2B be2c41758da73c5158d30a692361eae45f3a5de9a1272d55b85289e1e47e1b29ed7f96c85cb635a6ac38792b8cd497da6e25b53c3b4d9199034c4bfe58bdb1a0 SHA512 8c6287ac52501f41ea0c486f94f4eb17d5be6d4014518ad436be609488944c08bbcbedd20cc54395a7856432f9cd99848aced53b9b162a06caf0d012774c6484
MISC metadata.xml 402 BLAKE2B 8a48b0d50a6356a3bf1f8f2545269d5d21b75af4ba38b07dea53d5660216a8580f5c87b58dc6c235c79f7b5d15f7e4f6925105a2402f557413cf942d21153686 SHA512 26faab37f0c4c1c44000705ee08ec536c6503b70d972b353fcebbd48236688f3d7b5604b2db55753a9b38ac5b86a2d214a937cc68676e1356bec00045cacfe2b
diff --git a/dev-java/antlr-runtime/antlr-runtime-4.9.3.ebuild b/dev-java/antlr-runtime/antlr-runtime-4.9.3.ebuild
index 31d041e6a974..cf26c16eb71e 100644
--- a/dev-java/antlr-runtime/antlr-runtime-4.9.3.ebuild
+++ b/dev-java/antlr-runtime/antlr-runtime-4.9.3.ebuild
@@ -3,13 +3,9 @@
-# Without annotation processing using runtime-testsuite/processors,
-# the tests are bound to fail. However, the annotation processor
-# has been dropped from the 'master' branch as of January 2022, so
-# when updating this package to a new upstream version, please
-# check if it is possible to enable the tests and pass them.
-JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source"
+JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source test"
inherit java-pkg-2 java-pkg-simple
@@ -26,6 +22,10 @@ KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm arm64 ppc64 x86"
+ test? (
+ ~dev-java/antlr-tool-${PV}:${SLOT}
+ dev-java/jol-core:0
+ )
@@ -35,3 +35,96 @@ RDEPEND="
+ junit-4
+ antlr-tool-${SLOT}
+ jol-core
+ runtime-testsuite/test
+ runtime-testsuite/annotations
+ runtime-testsuite/resources
+src_prepare() {
+ java-pkg_clean
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}/${PV}-test-fixes.patch"
+ java-pkg-2_src_prepare
+src_test() {
+ # Build classpath for tests
+ # The JAR created during src_compile must appear in the classpath *before*
+ # any dependencies to ensure that *it* is the JAR being tested; otherwise,
+ # because the test suite depends on antlr-tool, which depends on this
+ # package, the copy of this package's JAR installed on the system would be
+ # tested instead when it appears earlier in the classpath, which might
+ # cause test failures when the version being built differs from the version
+ # already installed on the system, like
+ local CP="${S}/${JAVA_JAR_FILENAME}"
+ local test_dep res_dir
+ for test_dep in ${JAVA_TEST_GENTOO_CLASSPATH}; do
+ CP+=":$(java-pkg_getjars --with-dependencies "${test_dep}")"
+ done
+ for res_dir in "${JAVA_TEST_RESOURCE_DIRS[@]}"; do
+ CP+=":${res_dir}"
+ done
+ pushd "${JAVA_TEST_SRC_DIR[0]}" > /dev/null ||
+ die "Failed to enter test source directory for ${PN}"
+ einfo "Removing tests for non-Java runtimes ..."
+ find org/antlr/v4/test/runtime/* -maxdepth 0 -type d \
+ -not -name category -not -name descriptors -not -name java \
+ -exec einfo " {}" \; -exec rm -r "{}" + ||
+ die "Failed to remove tests for non-Java runtimes"
+ einfo "Generating ANTLR 4 parsers for tests ..."
+ local java_exe="$(java-config -J)"
+ local g4_files=( $(find * -name "*.g4") )
+ local file
+ for file in "${g4_files[@]}"; do
+ local java_pkg="${file%/*.g4}"
+ java_pkg="${java_pkg//\//.}"
+ "${java_exe}" -cp "${CP}" org.antlr.v4.Tool \
+ -visitor -package "${java_pkg}" "${file}" ||
+ die "Failed to generate ANTLR 4 parser from ${file}"
+ done
+ # Create a list of tests to run
+ #
+ # Excluding classes with "No runnable methods"
+ local TESTS=$(find * -type f -name "Test*.java" \
+ -not -name "" \
+ -not -name ""
+ )
+ TESTS="${TESTS//.java}"
+ TESTS="${TESTS//\//.}"
+ popd > /dev/null || die "Failed to leave test source directory for ${PN}"
+ local classes="target/classes"
+ # Compile the annotation processor of @CommentHasStringValue
+ # before the test sources (requires tools.jar)
+ ejavac -d "${classes}" -cp "${CP}:$(java-config -t)" \
+ $(find runtime-testsuite/{annotations,processors} -name "*.java")
+ local processor_cp="${classes}:runtime-testsuite/processors/resources"
+ # Compile Java test sources, and process @CommentHasStringValue
+ # annotations at the same time
+ local javac_extra_args=()
+ if ver_test "$(java-config -g PROVIDES_VERSION)" -ge 17; then
+ javac_extra_args+=(
+ -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/{main,model,tree,util}=ALL-UNNAMED
+ )
+ fi
+ ejavac -d "${classes}" -cp "${CP}:${processor_cp}" \
+ "${javac_extra_args[@]}" \
+ $(find "${JAVA_TEST_SRC_DIR[@]}" -name "*.java")
+ ejunit4 -classpath "${classes}:${CP}" ${TESTS}
diff --git a/dev-java/antlr-runtime/files/4.9.3-test-fixes.patch b/dev-java/antlr-runtime/files/4.9.3-test-fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9cb6884ba194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-java/antlr-runtime/files/4.9.3-test-fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From 3eabbddff69dcbcaf9a59f407cc8bef4be8e215b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Yuan Liao <>
+Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2022 11:51:53 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Use 1.8 as javac -source/-target for running tests on Java 17
+Signed-off-by: Yuan Liao <>
+ .../test/org/antlr/v4/test/runtime/java/ | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/runtime-testsuite/test/org/antlr/v4/test/runtime/java/ b/runtime-testsuite/test/org/antlr/v4/test/runtime/java/
+index cc03bdc11..82061135e 100644
+--- a/runtime-testsuite/test/org/antlr/v4/test/runtime/java/
++++ b/runtime-testsuite/test/org/antlr/v4/test/runtime/java/
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class BaseJavaTest extends BaseRuntimeTestSupport implements RuntimeTestS
+ fileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(files);
+ Iterable<String> compileOptions =
+- Arrays.asList("-g", "-source", "1.6", "-target", "1.6", "-implicit:class", "-Xlint:-options", "-d", getTempDirPath(), "-cp", getTempDirPath() + PATH_SEP + CLASSPATH);
++ Arrays.asList("-g", "-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8", "-implicit:class", "-Xlint:-options", "-d", getTempDirPath(), "-cp", getTempDirPath() + PATH_SEP + CLASSPATH);
+ JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task =
+ compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, null, compileOptions, null,