path: root/dev-games/godot
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-02-13 14:17:04 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2023-02-13 14:17:04 +0000
commitfb12f951d1a9071b4ddf774f2d570de245c2d061 (patch)
tree12b4074e61af9ee7b74753f5249f2362dd1060bf /dev-games/godot
parent4a74938e510c0dad732ae4c48f815dd0f0cabb46 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 13:02:2023 - 14:17:03
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-games/godot')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 295 deletions
diff --git a/dev-games/godot/Manifest b/dev-games/godot/Manifest
index f4103e0f176c..ce880c15893b 100644
--- a/dev-games/godot/Manifest
+++ b/dev-games/godot/Manifest
@@ -1,13 +1,10 @@
AUX godot-3.5-musl.patch 325 BLAKE2B 6069b159c7844d471ecf79d080cb4b3d5b21cf82093379961e163efe52866e1d25ca8075ee1ba653aabcaf912592968dca6fba43cb4907d703711af237bacf50 SHA512 828e5870fdec8cd4c4f132db24de722f73f330dc278b21020cf38aaf26498c69723e1fc75855dd01683452c3628a782a3957ff47d5ecf2e13da1bd8aee3a5805
AUX godot-3.5-scons.patch 2568 BLAKE2B 0da3a29689293a0d9681eaa2877c667fbe484e7d479eb7525f3621640f397dc77bd000780a142418a74e671b6f5b241e27898f5cac71376eb684d3e995a9ac33 SHA512 d7f230da26ebcc40ad0c8c59046a863aeca69c314661ccbcab86c49f545df9662c68bc51d72a146033385ed09812ce2de92aae58a32462402f89542a47069202
AUX godot-4.0-musl.patch 345 BLAKE2B 05057241c1e29ff886a38b815f68fcfe2b8c5e23fce6ae1e754bd9f2837f632887712de52065dd669fd12b0ffc5542859a4da67282ef337fdf9a76bccddbd410 SHA512 267bd42d3381d8af608a117bc423da62c86c04bffcdf46d54a19fc1bb5f690bbb311d088b842719843f9acc0a4db65c048786e39cadd32902bc8a09bde3c33e3
-AUX godot-4.0_beta17-no-deprecated-fix.patch 1657 BLAKE2B f2084220af3bf81913f55147c49d066abf21bdffa4968aa9b9f3f2ec388f42b02c5dde1c7415e49db29e6a69f7ca301a5fe8518e0854e157d4d1448314ed3f46 SHA512 a3e82ad8c67c21d39f2ecf7ecb111b81bfa008b7a94294cd6c2e7e07a60fd92255365415ac6fb07de89bc2ef119e888f7eee7c7c30cf2d1ce1741cddaf5e6c84
AUX godot-4.0_beta3-headless-header.patch 498 BLAKE2B 401942c17829136aace28e34f7c9a4f843457d5a76c8b7035f40894f3d4d06936ddf3f1bcedf81584a65c0bff96e6e556d20ed8856107dd76deb173c98256964 SHA512 f83ec6b0667108b7c8f744b90944cd686de114db5694e09febf20a359a7d3fe11457b0c3279719a1281309a647e856b729354d3bed5f6d5048548b8dd259f63b
AUX godot-4.0_beta8-scons.patch 1445 BLAKE2B 6fc5a18911681da54191af590afb9fa62181e485eb06a5eb89e9c1f5a52fd53abf712e0f58f48b9a3bf8c8adc47aa1e7833ea025ede7436873b0a8a7f46cf92a SHA512 cb579d8c8925ee20152aa48a89171433b9e663ee9a44c869987bd9f736cdf9213d77e63d1ddaf45cbecf8b55113e204c80a378dfd8637aa6d0ba64933d48b2cb
DIST godot-3.5.1-stable.tar.xz 24153448 BLAKE2B 9d61276a2d82ef4f4487ec1046b7fa58f2b3626640b2db25c1f98c3f8e2ff40eddcf943fd9ffaaf6814fbafbbe7ef1d3f642d77af953b87731cff570ac3a5473 SHA512 59e5ca88534f542562971efb83b76561705f9ca8761311f01b4453857e7ae046c17cadd0d5ca6f6f56e262b5031294a8b9ad970fa6ffc95e1a6a1e1bae48d55f
-DIST godot-4.0-beta17.tar.xz 31965968 BLAKE2B 897153aa9b36ccb7aea29749534e7a04452cd24ef5e8404063a1f96c6b61633d3f175279f08e49bbc6479a9df0f0ffe7cf4030d483502af7a90cc5cdd24f4010 SHA512 1a0a74a3538947cc3942fdbc27e941e8fe1b4424b257444176ea19fb6db3cc6c374f24190d1779a530cb61b5e42ff242842692d0878280862c5644e9de93d5c9
DIST godot-4.0-rc1.tar.xz 29009768 BLAKE2B 27b39cb048e3c928bac4bd8e1740ae477d6b831b35771ea1132ebd0d3c425587d5fec43057b6097c43c9b6182417d41b3bb85fe7e2336c297b1690c339bad097 SHA512 78e441e88e80e37df421080902ff3a6e460181be306043073b1070320b85854b601b3f34264f58b55b74ca65fa20a0013206e6e3e56481ea3fc86405fa2d467c
EBUILD godot-3.5.1.ebuild 6752 BLAKE2B b7a6a3851292aa6bd134a45bf2ab7019a55da8bcc815e952ae3acd204b71314fb1a436fe5bab3c83906289566c274f1bc3240e3482c337aca488071d71618df5 SHA512 84a385fbcb01813c6b09e21a76b832b6e7329302e9d7ebd3d3ccbb37ce504f3cc13e1c0d460daa299ef40f9fe5cb04b7d1362e538004f96ef9b6c9dd56a115ac
-EBUILD godot-4.0_beta17.ebuild 7826 BLAKE2B 08c016b3bc1271702a2922c5ea4968814f501de60f0fe586f357e9463675f4a900e56a67d9905c353c3253daf5c4090c95b3442a628d4540b0c8aadf06dccaf6 SHA512 f46c7b15d744a3eb021c29916c61f4d06365f62c79d876fdcfefd178071c513c29a0743057c9a9cf9f391d84e22a12ce3602334bfd950f78419eaefad40b46c1
EBUILD godot-4.0_rc1.ebuild 7775 BLAKE2B 3585fcba40d6e8d4939fdf4cffeaa00be17ceac180081f13e9c567c76743eebbad386910844502d1316c860d79954152075d7f6a44f491d9edc4a7a921a7c498 SHA512 249269f52cbadbd99361735433773151fcb70665ba0554ee4f02314292c624ace90ccc3a4c9646aacee73dd1b7b70859d266507e85e310a9bb6a0c361caf3b5a
MISC metadata.xml 1547 BLAKE2B 39108142c8e34b3c2683d5bbab6989693156d320797d86efa36f3df39e3d667160cbdb1a0b0efe127f67b3977e1cf3cde151d07915542fa88831e626457bf86f SHA512 a099aacfdd27c4b9536512762fcc63f09ea71cce807b59ff70026a09d79856e1911405e64186597b8e3dd9fef0029c13944ceb3b77d7969adf7182218e532559
diff --git a/dev-games/godot/files/godot-4.0_beta17-no-deprecated-fix.patch b/dev-games/godot/files/godot-4.0_beta17-no-deprecated-fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c4a14edc4bb..000000000000
--- a/dev-games/godot/files/godot-4.0_beta17-no-deprecated-fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Backport to fix build with USE=-deprecated
-From: =?UTF-8?q?R=C3=A9mi=20Verschelde?= <>
-Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 22:29:33 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix build with `deprecated=no` not exclude
- ProjectConverter3To4 options
-Fixes #72520.
---- a/main/main.cpp
-+++ b/main/main.cpp
-@@ -2366,8 +2366,10 @@ bool Main::start() {
- String _export_preset;
- bool export_debug = false;
- bool export_pack_only = false;
- bool converting_project = false;
- bool validating_converting_project = false;
- #endif
- main_timer_sync.init(OS::get_singleton()->get_ticks_usec());
-@@ -2383,10 +2385,12 @@ bool Main::start() {
- } else if (args[i] == "--no-docbase") {
- doc_base = false;
- } else if (args[i] == "--convert-3to4") {
- converting_project = true;
- } else if (args[i] == "--validate-conversion-3to4") {
- validating_converting_project = true;
- } else if (args[i] == "-e" || args[i] == "--editor") {
- editor = true;
- } else if (args[i] == "-p" || args[i] == "--project-manager") {
-@@ -2547,6 +2551,7 @@ bool Main::start() {
- return false;
- }
- if (converting_project) {
- int exit_code = ProjectConverter3To4(converter_max_kb_file, converter_max_line_length).convert();
- OS::get_singleton()->set_exit_code(exit_code);
-@@ -2557,6 +2562,7 @@ bool Main::start() {
- OS::get_singleton()->set_exit_code(exit_code);
- return false;
- }
- #endif
diff --git a/dev-games/godot/godot-4.0_beta17.ebuild b/dev-games/godot/godot-4.0_beta17.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 712797804adc..000000000000
--- a/dev-games/godot/godot-4.0_beta17.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{9..11} )
-inherit bash-completion-r1 desktop optfeature python-any-r1
-inherit scons-utils toolchain-funcs xdg
-MY_P="${PN}-$(ver_rs 2 -)"
-DESCRIPTION="Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine with a feature-rich editor"
-SRC_URI="$(ver_rs 2 /)/${MY_P}.tar.xz"
- AFL-2.1 Apache-2.0 BSD Boost-1.0 CC0-1.0 LGPL-2.1+ Unlicense ZLIB
- gui? ( CC-BY-4.0 ) tools? ( OFL-1.1 )"
-# Enable roughly same as upstream by default so it works as expected,
-# except raycast (tools-only heavy dependency), and deprecated.
-IUSE="debug deprecated +gui raycast +runner test +theora +tools +upnp +vulkan +webp"
-# disable tests until out of beta, tests themselves are new and can be volatile
-# dlopen: libX*,libglvnd
- app-arch/zstd:=
- dev-games/recastnavigation:=
- dev-libs/icu:=
- dev-libs/libpcre2:=[pcre32]
- media-libs/freetype[brotli,harfbuzz]
- media-libs/harfbuzz:=[icu]
- media-libs/libogg
- media-libs/libpng:=
- media-libs/libvorbis
- <net-libs/mbedtls-3:=
- net-libs/wslay
- sys-libs/zlib:=
- gui? (
- media-libs/libglvnd[X]
- x11-libs/libX11
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXi
- x11-libs/libXinerama
- x11-libs/libXrandr
- x11-libs/libXrender
- tools? ( raycast? ( media-libs/embree:3 ) )
- vulkan? ( media-libs/vulkan-loader[X] )
- )
- theora? ( media-libs/libtheora )
- tools? ( app-misc/ca-certificates )
- upnp? ( net-libs/miniupnpc:= )
- webp? ( media-libs/libwebp:= )"
- tools? ( test? ( dev-cpp/doctest ) )"
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.0-musl.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.0_beta3-headless-header.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-4.0_beta8-scons.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-no-deprecated-fix.patch
-src_prepare() {
- default
- sed -i "1,5s/ godot/&${SLOT}/i" misc/dist/linux/godot.6 || die
- sed -i "/id/s/Godot/&${SLOT}/" misc/dist/linux/org.godotengine.Godot.appdata.xml || die
- sed -e "s/=godot/&${SLOT}/" -e "/^Name=/s/$/ ${SLOT}/" \
- -i misc/dist/linux/org.godotengine.Godot.desktop || die
- sed -i "s|pkg-config |$(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) |" platform/linuxbsd/ || die
- # use of builtin_ switches can be messy (see below), delete to be sure
- local unbundle=(
- doctest embree freetype graphite harfbuzz icu4c libogg
- libpng libtheora libvorbis libwebp mbedtls miniupnpc
- pcre2 recastnavigation volk wslay zlib zstd
- # certs: unused by generated header, but scons panics if not found
- # linuxbsd_headers: would /want/ to unbundle these, but it is rather
- # messy given godot has dropped all the pkg-config calls and uses
- # hardcoded paths on top -- on the plus side, removes a real need
- # to have IUSE="alsa dbus fontconfig pulseaudio speech udev" (dlopen)
- )
- rm -r "${unbundle[@]/#/thirdparty/}" || die
- # do symlinks to avoid too much patching with hardcoded header paths
- mkdir thirdparty/lib{vorbis,ogg} || die
- ln -s "${ESYSROOT}"/usr/include thirdparty/zstd || die
- ln -s "${ESYSROOT}"/usr/include/doctest thirdparty/ || die
- ln -s "${ESYSROOT}"/usr/include/ogg thirdparty/libogg/ || die
- ln -s "${ESYSROOT}"/usr/include/vorbis thirdparty/libvorbis/ || die
-src_compile() {
- local -x GODOT_VERSION_STATUS=$(ver_cut 3-4) # for dev versions only
- local -x BUILD_NAME=gentoo # replaces "custom_build" in version string
- local esconsargs=(
- AR="$(tc-getAR)" CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)"
- progress=no
- verbose=yes
- deprecated=$(usex deprecated)
- #execinfo=$(usex !elibc_glibc) # libexecinfo is not packaged
- opengl3=$(usex gui)
- use_volk=no # unnecessary when linking directly to libvulkan
- vulkan=$(usex gui $(usex vulkan))
- x11=$(usex gui)
- system_certs_path="${EPREFIX}"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
- # platform/*/ uses builtin_* switches to check if need
- # to link with system libraries, but ignores whether the dep is
- # actually used, so "enable" deleted builtins on disabled deps
- builtin_certs=no
- builtin_embree=$(usex !gui yes $(usex !tools yes $(usex !raycast)))
- builtin_enet=yes # bundled copy is patched for IPv6+DTLS support
- builtin_freetype=no
- builtin_glslang=yes #879111
- builtin_graphite=no
- builtin_harfbuzz=no
- builtin_icu=no
- builtin_libogg=no
- builtin_libpng=no
- builtin_libtheora=$(usex !theora)
- builtin_libvorbis=no
- builtin_libwebp=$(usex !webp)
- builtin_mbedtls=no
- builtin_miniupnpc=$(usex !upnp)
- builtin_msdfgen=yes # not wired for unbundling nor packaged
- builtin_pcre2=no
- builtin_recast=no
- builtin_rvo2=yes # bundled copy has godot-specific changes
- builtin_squish=yes # ^ likewise, may not be safe to unbundle
- builtin_wslay=no
- builtin_xatlas=yes # not wired for unbundling nor packaged
- builtin_zlib=no
- builtin_zstd=no
- # (more is bundled in third_party/ but they lack builtin_* switches)
- # modules with optional dependencies, "possible" to disable more but
- # gets messy and breaks all sorts of features (expected enabled)
- module_gridmap_enabled=$(usex deprecated) # fails without deprecated
- module_mono_enabled=no # unhandled
- # note raycast is only enabled on amd64+arm64, see raycast/
- module_raycast_enabled=$(usex gui $(usex tools $(usex raycast)))
- module_theora_enabled=$(usex theora)
- module_upnp_enabled=$(usex upnp)
- module_webp_enabled=$(usex webp)
- # let *FLAGS handle these, e.g. can pass -flto as-is
- debug_symbols=no
- lto=none
- optimize=custom
- use_static_cpp=no
- )
- if use runner && use tools; then
- # build alternate faster + ~60% smaller binary for running
- # games or servers without game development debug paths
- escons extra_suffix=runner target=template_release "${esconsargs[@]}"
- fi
- esconsargs+=(
- target=$(usex tools editor template_$(usex debug{,} release))
- dev_build=$(usex debug)
- # harmless but note this bakes in --test in the final binary
- tests=$(usex tools $(usex test))
- )
- escons extra_suffix=main "${esconsargs[@]}"
-src_test() {
- xdg_environment_reset
- bin/godot*.main --headless --test || die
-src_install() {
- local s=godot${SLOT}
- newbin bin/godot*.main ${s}
- if use runner && use tools; then
- newbin bin/godot*.runner ${s}-runner
- else
- # always available, revdeps shouldn't depend on [runner]
- dosym ${s} /usr/bin/${s}-runner
- fi
- newman misc/dist/linux/godot.6 ${s}.6
- dodoc
- if use gui; then
- newicon icon.svg ${s}.svg
- newmenu misc/dist/linux/org.godotengine.Godot.desktop \
- org.godotengine.${s^}.desktop
- insinto /usr/share/metainfo
- newins misc/dist/linux/org.godotengine.Godot.appdata.xml \
- org.godotengine.${s^}.appdata.xml
- insinto /usr/share/mime/application
- newins misc/dist/linux/org.godotengine.Godot.xml \
- org.godotengine.${s^}.xml
- fi
- newbashcomp misc/dist/shell/godot.bash-completion ${s}
- bashcomp_alias ${s}{,-runner}
- insinto /usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d
- newins misc/dist/shell/ ${s}.fish
- dosym ${s}.fish /usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d/${s}
- insinto /usr/share/zsh/site-functions
- newins misc/dist/shell/_godot.zsh-completion _${s}
- dosym _${s} /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_${s}-runner
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- # these use bundled headers then get dlopen()'ed if available, USE=gui
- # itself could technically be a optfeature too but it'd be messy here
- if use gui; then
- optfeature "gamepad connection detection support" virtual/libudev
- optfeature "screensaver and portal desktop handling" sys-apps/dbus
- optfeature "sound support" media-libs/alsa-lib media-libs/libpulse
- fi
- optfeature "system fonts support" media-libs/fontconfig
- optfeature "text-to-speech support" app-accessibility/speech-dispatcher