path: root/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-04-20 12:05:24 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2024-04-20 12:05:24 +0100
commitda7ae1dd1fccb6b3c0e4763ab983ad96d57bf463 (patch)
tree0a7a1b7b3ad60c3b21c697e75908b256fc9ed6b1 /app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d
parentb6cfc0c19effe2d9f7b8ab303cd00636f16da253 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 20:04:2024 - 12:05:23
Diffstat (limited to 'app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d')
2 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-color.bash b/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-color.bash
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5a6df5690c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-color.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# /etc/bash/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-color.bash
+if [[ ${NO_COLOR} ]]; then
+ # Respect the user's wish not to use color. See
+ gentoo_color=0
+elif [[ ${COLORTERM@a} == *x* && ${COLORTERM} == @(24bit|truecolor) ]]; then
+ # The COLORTERM environment variable can reasonably be trusted here.
+ # See for further information.
+ gentoo_color=1
+elif unset -v COLORTERM; ! gentoo_color=$(tput colors 2>/dev/null); then
+ # Either ncurses is not installed or no terminfo database could be
+ # found. Fall back to a whitelist which covers the majority of terminal
+ # emulators and virtual console implementations known to support color
+ # and which remain (somewhat) popular. This will rarely happen, so the
+ # list need not be exhaustive.
+ case ${TERM} in
+ *color* |\
+ *direct* |\
+ [Ekx]term* |\
+ alacritty |\
+ aterm |\
+ dtterm |\
+ foot* |\
+ jfbterm |\
+ linux |\
+ mlterm |\
+ rxvt* |\
+ screen* |\
+ tmux* |\
+ wsvt25* ) gentoo_color=1
+ esac
+elif (( gentoo_color == 16777216 )); then
+ # Truecolor support is available. Advertise it.
+ export COLORTERM=truecolor
+if (( gentoo_color <= 0 )); then
+ # Define a prompt without color.
+ PS1='\u@\h \w \$ '
+elif (( EUID == 0 )); then
+ # If root, omit the username and print the hostname in red.
+ PS1='\[\e[01;31m\]\h\[\e[01;34m\] \w \$\[\e[00m\] '
+ # Otherwise, print the username and hostname in green.
+ PS1='\[\e[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\e[01;34m\] \w \$\[\e[00m\] '
+if (( gentoo_color > 0 )); then
+ # Colorize the output of grep and several coreutils utilities.
+ for _ in diff dir egrep fgrep grep ls vdir; do
+ alias "$_=$_ --color=auto"
+ done
+ # Enable colors for ls(1) and some other utilities that respect the
+ # LS_COLORS variable. Prefer ~/.dir_colors, per bug #64489.
+ if hash dircolors 2>/dev/null; then
+ if [[ -f ~/.dir_colors ]]; then
+ eval "$(dircolors -b -- ~/.dir_colors)"
+ elif [[ -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ]]; then
+ eval "$(dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS)"
+ else
+ eval "$(dircolors -b)"
+ fi
+ fi
+unset -v gentoo_color
diff --git a/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-title.bash b/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-title.bash
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56afcf213045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-shells/bash/files/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-title.bash
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# /etc/bash/bashrc.d/10-gentoo-title.bash
+# Set window title with the Title Definition String sequence. For screen, the
+# sequence defines the window title (%t) and for tmux, the pane_title (#T).
+# For tmux to be affected requires that its allow-rename option be enabled.
+case ${TERM} in
+ screen*|tmux*)
+ genfun_set_pane_title() {
+ printf '\033k%s\033\\' "${HOSTNAME%%.*}"
+ }
+ PROMPT_COMMAND+=('genfun_set_pane_title')
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # If the TTY is that of sshd(8) then proceed no further. Alas,
+ # there exist many operating environments in which the window
+ # title would otherwise not be restored upon ssh(1) exiting.
+ if [[ ${SSH_TTY} && ${SSH_TTY} == "$(tty)" ]]; then
+ return
+ fi
+# Assigns the basename of the current working directory, having sanitised it
+# with @Q parameter expansion. Useful for paths containing newlines and such.
+# As a special case, names consisting entirely of graphemes shall not undergo
+# the parameter expansion, for reasons of cleanliness.
+genfun_sanitise_cwd() {
+ _cwd=${PWD##*/}
+ if [[ ! ${_cwd} ]]; then
+ _cwd=${PWD}
+ elif [[ ${_cwd} == *[![:graph:]]* ]]; then
+ _cwd=${_cwd@Q}
+ fi
+# Set window title with the Set Text Parameters sequence. For screen, the
+# sequence defines the hardstatus (%h) and for tmux, the window_name (#W).
+# For graphical terminal emulators, it is normal for the title bar be affected.
+# The only terminals permitted here are those for which there is empirical
+# evidence that the sequence is supported and that the UTF-8 character encoding
+# is handled correctly. Quite rightly, this precludes many vintage terminals.
+case ${TERM} in
+ alacritty |\
+ foot* |\
+ rxvt-unicode* |\
+ screen* |\
+ tmux* |\
+ xterm* )
+ genfun_set_win_title() {
+ genfun_sanitise_cwd
+ printf '\033]2;%s@%s - %s\007' "${USER}" "${HOSTNAME%%.*}" "${_cwd}"
+ }
+ PROMPT_COMMAND+=('genfun_set_win_title')