path: root/app-crypt/pinentry
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2020-06-13 10:39:22 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <>2020-06-13 10:39:22 +0100
commit9452a6e87b6c2c70513bc47a2470bf9f1168920e (patch)
tree8ac67e26b45f34d71c5aab3621813b100a0d5f00 /app-crypt/pinentry
parentf516638b7fe9592837389826a6152a7e1b251c54 (diff)
gentoo resync : 13.06.2020
Diffstat (limited to 'app-crypt/pinentry')
10 files changed, 15 insertions, 729 deletions
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/Manifest b/app-crypt/pinentry/Manifest
index a3875a54ab24..a1188f2e7387 100644
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/Manifest
+++ b/app-crypt/pinentry/Manifest
@@ -1,13 +1,6 @@
AUX pinentry-0.8.2-ncurses.patch 824 BLAKE2B 922bb9a7079d4a3bc307a441f3f884f764f78819a16b57cde3dcb000ae7a23b592b390f53c528358818087c2c313716289b829c307f07dbee3c9580bd174cd0d SHA512 415ad55fd7a4ab66e87e5db76b1314b00f5a86552804f1f431a533ba1e7ec3f2c7136096106688b572639ceb637fdf0c3e25d96aa2e07fd1f6f295d39e1d4901
-AUX pinentry-1.0.0-Disable-tooltips-in-keyboard-grabbing-mode.patch 1571 BLAKE2B 08d4b7b3db26112b2165511eaebb3664f692ea99d0999096c17b11164a222c072ff79aaa9d8d2bf7d6be94644fc2697bcbf114019d18a255bd573ce4375c01b9 SHA512 e5fce39467221865d5a40b54053745c4d7c63bfd07ae763f9e76779dd7e77252acf7627f5768e729e09c49762479692bc2f3e6474878765d80a1132193c87361
-AUX pinentry-1.0.0-build.patch 6634 BLAKE2B f5bd7f10e62ea603add875e14a69f30fbc6a2f8df463fa5c70531dd3f425a9219e36198380fcdd0906b670692bba49fb157807fae1c05a7be6f420b27e7426c0 SHA512 cd71552db3c4ab3bd7dd34d5009ad332e5a430ae1e909085cac6a04e63801086cac18916af65a37c110c2b667054c356f38dcc8af43468a23b1b562bf6dbafec
-AUX pinentry-1.0.0-gtk2-Fix-a-problem-with-fvwm.patch 1900 BLAKE2B b9e7aa8f87615d4780af3361dd85907bf249891c108d51c001b44a5b55c697573c314e20fa2d8ec3df95c71b3aabfd2099e4efce4a0fdc3265fc483e785c3c23 SHA512 0b35900e4641c72c6b28b19bd252ffcabe14669e037c710a1057157fac0b65c709711a5667b66fd07afb433fc1c67509ec84eaddb822213d3ddc4ff7b549967e
+AUX pinentry-1.0.0-AR.patch 326 BLAKE2B 2a05565287d2a3ff9423db1365af6ac1d2d0e0e5b3b7db49ee927eacd480cfbd29abd2313d84eb764e9d7eccd4654e2173fbf8be4508dd88f14bf12f0f9dab39 SHA512 3a8b13ddaa2af8c793586cd73e44b59828e769c3861b2d328273bac991e7e171c8714e2098674a9ae8a77c9a68098012d217e67dde8872df154a1e499837de52
AUX pinentry-1.0.0-make-icon-work-under-Plasma-Wayland.patch 1606 BLAKE2B bebea23f44a0512dad873f693a8343a47684c983ca37faba908bee62a7f87d1eaf2a097672df45fcfabb28911b55bc3b02177f910137f50d9c97a6939a1f7047 SHA512 15e6b86015bbf9f199bfa9e68f2a1b9f3fc14105313e1dbfb303d76b1949092ec2671b8d2a90fa8b05e0196da81e9f20875656dc11fdd96b48a14d79e4becdf7
-DIST pinentry-1.0.0.tar.bz2 436930 BLAKE2B 949be8de8504a42cd5bd6ffebe331a825db7ff3c2ccc5fc554155b7621fddf9df957aa92063eb1a06c6964826a296bf60a4cc46cf2886552e37703a62042f35a SHA512 f109236707c51871b5020ef807a551366461fafcfbe09bf8cda19d4b163a42cf622562b905ceb41429f1d648b3f3d27807538709da6a135b67f9888709eccd62
DIST pinentry-1.1.0.tar.bz2 467702 BLAKE2B cf43555848ab0dc60756fca123aba7599ebb1bfe0458b973ed9d84479f8de9ee69ef309b518b40aa340434d64d37793cf97c94f78f99820bc5c71ecd2aac7a49 SHA512 5012672925bcb5f683358c259e55e4b87c67cf063ad52c759308933733025c33f7ce08e5b8019ffc101cbf7ef30499040ef2fd34a7611698e65e1593f80948cd
-EBUILD pinentry-1.0.0-r2.ebuild 2847 BLAKE2B 8d93187c84bbc2ad6d5e0c26dde48d53473a17f3aacc0e7e7d500518daf30a2eb6195ff712dda8e59185201d98187852364e22fdba35afbddbd711c5cd597c61 SHA512 036c3a1cf4e526ee1934563472f7dd52776e346f9732627af02392b64e6cbd3832afcba5dc49ad8122084f3c7598c210720f8224b95e0fb8be908db02cc4fc0b
-EBUILD pinentry-1.0.0-r3.ebuild 2918 BLAKE2B c565bd9e341bd92ef915ba37820215659b04026a019a8bf035a21880611bea2844c543d3a7ccf39195eddd43f3bb610efe6e7da00eecf8d9da2e9a6950139f5b SHA512 c6ba7579ab5a52b4490d343f971224a3a21f5c0e2d930138c4fc722f26e673be25699c384152d34e38c8fa2eee7a711f131d04767da3e2375cebc6e2bead9fa7
-EBUILD pinentry-1.1.0-r1.ebuild 2769 BLAKE2B 6c82a5f1cf18bf438acdfa972d74231b890e03d6a4d561d6cc4e1b157157805da3ed1d44ef636fd8d9f8e6080e8923798257bf6881e46f4d986b08ed20216806 SHA512 4f8162867d7af98f586a65a12871e136c211dafe4edf4d46121282120f371180b684b828e0c593b7d3f0001fd723eb8c068dba3c68638f0efa49ea4b55cec7ab
-EBUILD pinentry-1.1.0-r2.ebuild 2827 BLAKE2B eb7650162db93d6fe5d98e0935d71237092395ef4610d3f879dd756791b7894c8d331f5eec642264bc0e075237024da189eff471c393819458b58bb3be19e092 SHA512 cb3ada0c71c47d4628662a94401a8e3ccc9ea3416b9dde2b61f8ee1c99a244ee8f4d8c5c7088baeb6aab6de47aea36fd366dc93efc5bb29cbf0dcb1b2ab7aa26
-EBUILD pinentry-1.1.0-r3.ebuild 3087 BLAKE2B 44d32fa76bd750fd7da7fab10d765c5f3cacf681152bffdb64b312eed6363aec3ac5a22d415d1173925aa3ad2f5f4ff1b5310f80ea7c2f447a913b12449de95d SHA512 fd784da8b021c8d9405422be5f4afd831a4a870729b51dfb3356b9e7db6d6ced9d1b5b8b1888be7abb81fe199603918038bd208aa9d3a54ba1450ab196099758
+EBUILD pinentry-1.1.0-r3.ebuild 3119 BLAKE2B 414196c2ae4e3bac606fc1916d3d36c9c50a42b531f223ae36bec3395a111375133779459adec1100917c694cd5419a10ad06d76330b3dde74d53df6dc3b241c SHA512 afc0c83658684254122d6f0bf6278d1d500ba3e9d965662db00d9b20b5999930a54b192a983986be61cf532f14c26baace400dc49da48d3e374b7f809d3771a7
MISC metadata.xml 251 BLAKE2B 958e5ce6ef310471d4c88ef4cfd054eb9476b56abe4e8b82b003632bae4d56a800530601a7fd4b0129fdf22fe5124e8642f60835c6792cdfe38e09afb2d701ec SHA512 10bbd614739518c3b33fc05f34caa511ad71c599e2df0cb58514f05186b9c4ef73e00e3c78018c38581376a90a7968a01c35620fca32fdc5a91a762233a8c5fd
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-AR.patch b/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-AR.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..82af67f694ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-AR.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- a/
++++ b/
+@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ AM_MISSING_PROG(MAKEINFO, makeinfo, $missing_dir)
+ # We need to check for cplusplus here because we may not do the test
+ # for Qt and autoconf does does not allow that.
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-Disable-tooltips-in-keyboard-grabbing-mode.patch b/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-Disable-tooltips-in-keyboard-grabbing-mode.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7724d1beae8c..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-Disable-tooltips-in-keyboard-grabbing-mode.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-From 1590b664d88be8386a4664c2994b685187d1eb25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Damien Goutte-Gattat <>
-Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 22:56:49 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH 1/6] gtk: Disable tooltips in keyboard-grabbing mode.
-* gtk+-2:/pinentry-gtk-2.c (show_hide_button): Do not show the
-tooltip if we attempt to grab the keyboard.
-(create_window): Likewise.
-For unclear reasons, those tooltips may interfere with grabbing
-under some tiling window managers.
-GnuPG-bug-id: 3297
-Signed-off-by: Damien Goutte-Gattat <>
- gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c | 7 +++++--
- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c b/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-index d467ec5..f17a702 100644
---- a/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-+++ b/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-@@ -516,7 +516,10 @@ show_hide_button_toggled (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
- }
- gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL(label), text);
-- gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET(button), tooltip);
-+ if (!pinentry->grab)
-+ {
-+ gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (GTK_WIDGET(button), tooltip);
-+ }
- g_free (tooltip);
- }
-@@ -736,7 +739,7 @@ create_window (pinentry_t ctx)
- gtk_progress_bar_set_text (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (qualitybar),
- gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (qualitybar), 0.0);
-- if (pinentry->quality_bar_tt)
-+ if (pinentry->quality_bar_tt && !pinentry->grab)
- {
- #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION (2, 12, 0)
- gtk_tooltips_set_tip (GTK_TOOLTIPS (tooltips), qualitybar,
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-build.patch b/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-build.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e367b8566450..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-build.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-From c5c7bee68730c9f66a27f9bb0d023480623a2bfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Werner Koch <>
-Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 09:10:08 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix linkage problem in tty and emacs pinentries.
-* emacs/pinentry-emacs.c (curses_cmd_handler): Remove var.
-* tty/pinentry-tty.c (curses_cmd_handler): Remove var.
-* pinentry/pinentry.c (flavor_flag): New local var.
-(pinentry_set_flavor_flag): New function.
-(cmd_getinfo): Use FLAVOR_FLAG for the "flavor" sub-command.
-* gnome3/pinentry-gnome3.c (main): Call pinentry_set_flavor_flag.
-* gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c (main): Ditto.
-* pinentry/pinentry-emacs.c (initial_emacs_cmd_handler): Ditto.
-* qt/main.cpp (main): Ditto.
-Fixes-commit: e4e3a9cc88704dcffac660d0b92fd1ed8abecc11
-Fixes-commit: d126036671e7dd631babc118cb4113f723f15748
-Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <>
- emacs/pinentry-emacs.c | 4 ----
- gnome3/pinentry-gnome3.c | 3 +++
- gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c | 10 ++++++++--
- pinentry/pinentry-emacs.c | 5 ++++-
- pinentry/pinentry.c | 34 ++++++++++++++++++----------------
- pinentry/pinentry.h | 4 ++++
- qt/main.cpp | 1 +
- tty/pinentry-tty.c | 3 ---
- 8 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/emacs/pinentry-emacs.c b/emacs/pinentry-emacs.c
-index b6b3eb8..3c39a96 100644
---- a/emacs/pinentry-emacs.c
-+++ b/emacs/pinentry-emacs.c
-@@ -29,10 +29,6 @@
- pinentry_cmd_handler_t pinentry_cmd_handler = emacs_cmd_handler;
--/* needed to link cleanly; should never be used except for comparison
-- * in pinentry/pinentry.c's cmd_getinfo(): */
--pinentry_cmd_handler_t curses_cmd_handler = NULL;
- int
-diff --git a/gnome3/pinentry-gnome3.c b/gnome3/pinentry-gnome3.c
-index a040f9b..d5a49d6 100644
---- a/gnome3/pinentry-gnome3.c
-+++ b/gnome3/pinentry-gnome3.c
-@@ -517,18 +517,21 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
- fprintf (stderr, "No $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS found,"
- " falling back to curses\n");
- pinentry_cmd_handler = curses_cmd_handler;
-+ pinentry_set_flavor_flag ("curses");
- }
- else if (!pe_gcr_system_prompt_available ())
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "No Gcr System Prompter available,"
- " falling back to curses\n");
- pinentry_cmd_handler = curses_cmd_handler;
-+ pinentry_set_flavor_flag ("curses");
- }
- else if (pe_gnome_screen_locked ())
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "GNOME screensaver is locked,"
- " falling back to curses\n");
- pinentry_cmd_handler = curses_cmd_handler;
-+ pinentry_set_flavor_flag ("curses");
- }
- #endif
-diff --git a/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c b/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-index 6037533..473c4aa 100644
---- a/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-+++ b/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-@@ -938,10 +938,16 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
- if (pinentry_have_display (argc, argv))
- {
- if (! gtk_init_check (&argc, &argv))
-- pinentry_cmd_handler = curses_cmd_handler;
-+ {
-+ pinentry_cmd_handler = curses_cmd_handler;
-+ pinentry_set_flavor_flag ("curses");
-+ }
- }
- else
-- pinentry_cmd_handler = curses_cmd_handler;
-+ {
-+ pinentry_cmd_handler = curses_cmd_handler;
-+ pinentry_set_flavor_flag ("curses");
-+ }
- #else
- gtk_init (&argc, &argv);
- #endif
-diff --git a/pinentry/pinentry-emacs.c b/pinentry/pinentry-emacs.c
-index df12f1b..50ba406 100644
---- a/pinentry/pinentry-emacs.c
-+++ b/pinentry/pinentry-emacs.c
-@@ -644,7 +644,10 @@ initial_emacs_cmd_handler (pinentry_t pe)
- if (emacs_socket < 0)
- pinentry_cmd_handler = fallback_cmd_handler;
- else
-- pinentry_cmd_handler = emacs_cmd_handler;
-+ {
-+ pinentry_cmd_handler = emacs_cmd_handler;
-+ pinentry_set_flavor_flag ("emacs");
-+ }
- return (* pinentry_cmd_handler) (pe);
- }
-diff --git a/pinentry/pinentry.c b/pinentry/pinentry.c
-index 322a651..a198fb3 100644
---- a/pinentry/pinentry.c
-+++ b/pinentry/pinentry.c
-@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ static char this_pgmname[50];
- struct pinentry pinentry;
-+static const char *flavor_flag;
- static void
- pinentry_reset (int use_defaults)
- {
-@@ -793,6 +797,16 @@ pinentry_parse_opts (int argc, char *argv[])
- }
- }
-+/* Set the optional flag used with getinfo. */
-+pinentry_set_flavor_flag (const char *string)
-+ flavor_flag = string;
- static gpg_error_t
- option_handler (assuan_context_t ctx, const char *key, const char *value)
-@@ -1444,27 +1458,15 @@ cmd_getinfo (assuan_context_t ctx, char *line)
- }
- else if (!strcmp (line, "flavor"))
- {
-- const char *flags;
- if (!strncmp (this_pgmname, "pinentry-", 9) && this_pgmname[9])
- s = this_pgmname + 9;
- else
- s = this_pgmname;
-- if (0)
-- ;
-- else if (pinentry_cmd_handler == emacs_cmd_handler)
-- flags = ":emacs";
-- else if (pinentry_cmd_handler == curses_cmd_handler)
-- flags = ":curses";
-- else
-- flags = "";
-- snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s%s", s, flags);
-+ snprintf (buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s%s%s",
-+ s,
-+ flavor_flag? ":":"",
-+ flavor_flag? flavor_flag : "");
- buffer[sizeof buffer -1] = 0;
- rc = assuan_send_data (ctx, buffer, strlen (buffer));
- }
-diff --git a/pinentry/pinentry.h b/pinentry/pinentry.h
-index 01fb373..45d35ad 100644
---- a/pinentry/pinentry.h
-+++ b/pinentry/pinentry.h
-@@ -275,6 +275,10 @@ int pinentry_have_display (int argc, char **argv);
- or version output is requested. */
- void pinentry_parse_opts (int argc, char *argv[]);
-+/* Set the optional flag used with getinfo. */
-+void pinentry_set_flavor_flag (const char *string);
- /* The caller must define this variable to process assuan commands. */
- extern pinentry_cmd_handler_t pinentry_cmd_handler;
-diff --git a/qt/main.cpp b/qt/main.cpp
-index 8284960..225c06b 100644
---- a/qt/main.cpp
-+++ b/qt/main.cpp
-@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
- if (!pinentry_have_display(argc, argv)) {
- pinentry_cmd_handler = curses_cmd_handler;
-+ pinentry_set_flavor_flag ("curses");
- } else
- #endif
- {
-diff --git a/tty/pinentry-tty.c b/tty/pinentry-tty.c
-index 3d6cd5a..a509d79 100644
---- a/tty/pinentry-tty.c
-+++ b/tty/pinentry-tty.c
-@@ -556,9 +556,6 @@ tty_cmd_handler(pinentry_t pinentry)
- pinentry_cmd_handler_t pinentry_cmd_handler = tty_cmd_handler;
--/* needed to link cleanly; should never be used except for comparison
-- * in pinentry/pinentry.c's cmd_getinfo(): */
--pinentry_cmd_handler_t curses_cmd_handler = NULL;
- int
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-gtk2-Fix-a-problem-with-fvwm.patch b/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-gtk2-Fix-a-problem-with-fvwm.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f7476de1ff67..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/files/pinentry-1.0.0-gtk2-Fix-a-problem-with-fvwm.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-From b0e0bdeac5d40ca645afc9017778b39a26303523 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Werner Koch <>
-Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2017 18:40:17 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 01/25] gtk2: Fix a problem with fvwm
-* gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c (grab_pointer): Take care of
-Debian-bug-id: 850708
-Co-authored-by: Vincent Lefevre <>
-Signed-off-by: Werner Koch <>
- gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c | 10 ++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c b/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-index 473c4aa..e37601f 100644
---- a/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-+++ b/gtk+-2/pinentry-gtk-2.c
-@@ -203,7 +203,12 @@ grab_pointer (GtkWidget *win, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
- (void)data;
- /* Change the cursor for the duration of the grab to indicate that
-- something is going on. */
-+ * something is going on. The fvwm window manager grabs the pointer
-+ * for a short time and thus we may end up with the already grabbed
-+ * error code. Actually this error code should be used to detect a
-+ * malicious grabbing application but with fvwm this renders
-+ * Pinentry only unusable. Thus we try again several times also for
-+ * that error code. See Debian bug 850708 for details. */
- /* XXX: It would be nice to have a key cursor, unfortunately there
- is none readily available. */
- cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (gtk_widget_get_display (win),
-@@ -215,7 +220,8 @@ grab_pointer (GtkWidget *win, GdkEvent *event, gpointer data)
- NULL /* confine to */,
- cursor,
- gdk_event_get_time (event));
-- while (tries++ < max_tries && err == GDK_GRAB_NOT_VIEWABLE);
-+ while (tries++ < max_tries && (err == GDK_GRAB_NOT_VIEWABLE
- if (err)
- {
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.0.0-r2.ebuild b/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.0.0-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index a27f7a37b90c..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.0.0-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic qmake-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Simple passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sparc x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="caps emacs gnome-keyring gtk ncurses qt5 static"
- app-eselect/eselect-pinentry
- >=dev-libs/libassuan-2.1
- >=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.6.3
- >=dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.17
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/libsecret )
- gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
- ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
- qt5? (
- dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5
- )
- static? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.7-r5:0=[static-libs,-gpm] )
- sys-devel/gettext
- virtual/pkgconfig
- gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/gcr )
- gtk? ( !static )
- qt5? ( !static )
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.8.2-ncurses.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-build.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-Disable-tooltips-in-keyboard-grabbing-mode.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gtk2-Fix-a-problem-with-fvwm.patch"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- use static && append-ldflags -static
- [[ "$(gcc-major-version)" -ge 5 ]] && append-cxxflags -std=gnu++11
- export QTLIB="$(qt5_get_libdir)"
- econf \
- --enable-pinentry-tty \
- $(use_with caps libcap) \
- $(use_enable emacs pinentry-emacs) \
- $(use_enable gnome-keyring libsecret) \
- $(use_enable gnome-keyring pinentry-gnome3) \
- $(use_enable gtk pinentry-gtk2) \
- $(use_enable ncurses pinentry-curses) \
- $(use_enable ncurses fallback-curses) \
- $(use_enable qt5 pinentry-qt) \
- MOC="$(qt5_get_bindir)"/moc
-src_install() {
- default
- rm -f "${ED}"/usr/bin/pinentry || die
- use qt5 && dosym pinentry-qt /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4
-pkg_postinst() {
- if ! has_version 'app-crypt/pinentry' || has_version '<app-crypt/pinentry-0.7.3'; then
- elog "We no longer install pinentry-curses and pinentry-qt SUID root by default."
- elog "Linux kernels >=2.6.9 support memory locking for unprivileged processes."
- elog "The soft resource limit for memory locking specifies the limit an"
- elog "unprivileged process may lock into memory. You can also use POSIX"
- elog "capabilities to allow pinentry to lock memory. To do so activate the caps"
- elog "USE flag and add the CAP_IPC_LOCK capability to the permitted set of"
- elog "your users."
- fi
- eselect pinentry update ifunset
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect pinentry update ifunset
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.0.0-r3.ebuild b/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.0.0-r3.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f58c3ec17977..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.0.0-r3.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic qmake-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Simple passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="caps emacs gnome-keyring gtk ncurses qt5 static"
- app-eselect/eselect-pinentry
- >=dev-libs/libassuan-2.1
- >=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.6.3
- >=dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.17
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/libsecret )
- gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
- ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
- qt5? (
- dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5
- )
- static? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.7-r5:0=[static-libs,-gpm] )
- sys-devel/gettext
- virtual/pkgconfig
- gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/gcr )
- gtk? ( !static )
- qt5? ( !static )
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.8.2-ncurses.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-build.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-Disable-tooltips-in-keyboard-grabbing-mode.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-gtk2-Fix-a-problem-with-fvwm.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-make-icon-work-under-Plasma-Wayland.patch"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- use static && append-ldflags -static
- [[ "$(gcc-major-version)" -ge 5 ]] && append-cxxflags -std=gnu++11
- export QTLIB="$(qt5_get_libdir)"
- econf \
- --enable-pinentry-tty \
- $(use_with caps libcap) \
- $(use_enable emacs pinentry-emacs) \
- $(use_enable gnome-keyring libsecret) \
- $(use_enable gnome-keyring pinentry-gnome3) \
- $(use_enable gtk pinentry-gtk2) \
- $(use_enable ncurses pinentry-curses) \
- $(use_enable ncurses fallback-curses) \
- $(use_enable qt5 pinentry-qt) \
- MOC="$(qt5_get_bindir)"/moc
-src_install() {
- default
- rm -f "${ED}"/usr/bin/pinentry || die
- use qt5 && dosym pinentry-qt /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4
-pkg_postinst() {
- if ! has_version 'app-crypt/pinentry' || has_version '<app-crypt/pinentry-0.7.3'; then
- elog "We no longer install pinentry-curses and pinentry-qt SUID root by default."
- elog "Linux kernels >=2.6.9 support memory locking for unprivileged processes."
- elog "The soft resource limit for memory locking specifies the limit an"
- elog "unprivileged process may lock into memory. You can also use POSIX"
- elog "capabilities to allow pinentry to lock memory. To do so activate the caps"
- elog "USE flag and add the CAP_IPC_LOCK capability to the permitted set of"
- elog "your users."
- fi
- eselect pinentry update ifunset
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect pinentry update ifunset
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r1.ebuild b/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index eafaf2f416e5..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic qmake-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Simple passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="caps emacs gnome-keyring gtk ncurses qt5 static"
- app-eselect/eselect-pinentry
- >=dev-libs/libassuan-2.1
- >=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.6.3
- >=dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.17
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/libsecret )
- gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
- ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
- qt5? (
- dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5
- )
- static? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.7-r5:0=[static-libs,-gpm] )
- sys-devel/gettext
- virtual/pkgconfig
- gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/gcr )
- gtk? ( !static )
- qt5? ( !static )
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.0.0-make-icon-work-under-Plasma-Wayland.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.8.2-ncurses.patch"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- use static && append-ldflags -static
- [[ "$(gcc-major-version)" -ge 5 ]] && append-cxxflags -std=gnu++11
- export QTLIB="$(qt5_get_libdir)"
- econf \
- --enable-pinentry-tty \
- $(use_with caps libcap) \
- $(use_enable emacs pinentry-emacs) \
- $(use_enable gnome-keyring libsecret) \
- $(use_enable gnome-keyring pinentry-gnome3) \
- $(use_enable gtk pinentry-gtk2) \
- $(use_enable ncurses pinentry-curses) \
- $(use_enable ncurses fallback-curses) \
- $(use_enable qt5 pinentry-qt) \
- MOC="$(qt5_get_bindir)"/moc
-src_install() {
- default
- rm -f "${ED}"/usr/bin/pinentry || die
- use qt5 && dosym pinentry-qt /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4
-pkg_postinst() {
- if ! has_version 'app-crypt/pinentry' || has_version '<app-crypt/pinentry-0.7.3'; then
- elog "We no longer install pinentry-curses and pinentry-qt SUID root by default."
- elog "Linux kernels >=2.6.9 support memory locking for unprivileged processes."
- elog "The soft resource limit for memory locking specifies the limit an"
- elog "unprivileged process may lock into memory. You can also use POSIX"
- elog "capabilities to allow pinentry to lock memory. To do so activate the caps"
- elog "USE flag and add the CAP_IPC_LOCK capability to the permitted set of"
- elog "your users."
- fi
- eselect pinentry update ifunset
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect pinentry update ifunset
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r2.ebuild b/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b8cada19a72e..000000000000
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit autotools flag-o-matic qmake-utils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Simple passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sparc x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="caps emacs gnome-keyring fltk gtk ncurses qt5 static"
- app-eselect/eselect-pinentry
- >=dev-libs/libassuan-2.1
- >=dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.6.3
- >=dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.17
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- fltk? ( x11-libs/fltk )
- gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/libsecret )
- gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+:2 )
- ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
- qt5? (
- dev-qt/qtcore:5
- dev-qt/qtgui:5
- dev-qt/qtwidgets:5
- )
- static? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.7-r5:0=[static-libs,-gpm] )
- sys-devel/gettext
- virtual/pkgconfig
- gnome-keyring? ( app-crypt/gcr )
- gtk? ( !static )
- qt5? ( !static )
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.0.0-make-icon-work-under-Plasma-Wayland.patch"
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.8.2-ncurses.patch"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- use static && append-ldflags -static
- [[ "$(gcc-major-version)" -ge 5 ]] && append-cxxflags -std=gnu++11
- export QTLIB="$(qt5_get_libdir)"
- econf \
- --enable-pinentry-tty \
- $(use_with caps libcap) \
- $(use_enable emacs pinentry-emacs) \
- $(use_enable fltk pinentry-fltk) \
- $(use_enable gnome-keyring libsecret) \
- $(use_enable gnome-keyring pinentry-gnome3) \
- $(use_enable gtk pinentry-gtk2) \
- $(use_enable ncurses pinentry-curses) \
- $(use_enable ncurses fallback-curses) \
- $(use_enable qt5 pinentry-qt) \
- MOC="$(qt5_get_bindir)"/moc
-src_install() {
- default
- rm -f "${ED}"/usr/bin/pinentry || die
- use qt5 && dosym pinentry-qt /usr/bin/pinentry-qt4
-pkg_postinst() {
- if ! has_version 'app-crypt/pinentry' || has_version '<app-crypt/pinentry-0.7.3'; then
- elog "We no longer install pinentry-curses and pinentry-qt SUID root by default."
- elog "Linux kernels >=2.6.9 support memory locking for unprivileged processes."
- elog "The soft resource limit for memory locking specifies the limit an"
- elog "unprivileged process may lock into memory. You can also use POSIX"
- elog "capabilities to allow pinentry to lock memory. To do so activate the caps"
- elog "USE flag and add the CAP_IPC_LOCK capability to the permitted set of"
- elog "your users."
- fi
- eselect pinentry update ifunset
-pkg_postrm() {
- eselect pinentry update ifunset
diff --git a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r3.ebuild b/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r3.ebuild
index 0ff90bda9f48..053f01d8ca6f 100644
--- a/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r3.ebuild
+++ b/app-crypt/pinentry/pinentry-1.1.0-r3.ebuild
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ SRC_URI="mirror://gnupg/${PN}/${P}.tar.bz2"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ~arm ~arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc ~x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv s390 sparc x86 ~ppc-aix ~x64-cygwin ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x86-macos ~sparc-solaris ~sparc64-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
IUSE="caps emacs gnome-keyring fltk gtk ncurses qt5 static"
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ DOCS=( AUTHORS ChangeLog NEWS README THANKS TODO )
+ "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-1.0.0-AR.patch"
src_prepare() {