diff options
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/backend/ b/src/backend/
index e69de29..66d564f 100644
--- a/src/backend/
+++ b/src/backend/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+jailisomnt () {
+ mount -o bind packages "$jailsynctarget"/var/cache/packages
+ mount -t proc proc "$jailsynctarget"/proc
+ mount -t sysfs sysfs "$jailsynctarget"/sys
+ mount -t devtmpfs -o relatime,size=3055348k,nr_inodes=763837,mode=755 none "$jailsynctarget"/dev
+ mount -t devpts -o nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620 none "$jailsynctarget"/dev/pts
+ mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev none "$jailsynctarget"/dev/shm
+ mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev,noexec none "$jailsynctarget"/tmp
+jailisodmnt () {
+ umount -l "$jailsynctarget"/proc > /dev/null 2>&1
+ umount -l "$jailsynctarget"/sys > /dev/null 2>&1
+ umount -l "$jailsynctarget"/dev/pts > /dev/null 2>&1
+ umount -l "$jailsynctarget"/dev/shm > /dev/null 2>&1
+ umount -l "$jailsynctarget"/dev > /dev/null 2>&1
+ umount -l "$jailsynctarget"/tmp > /dev/null 2>&1
+ umount -l "$jailsynctarget"/var/cache/packages > /dev/null 2>&1
+jailisobinmode () {
+ chroot "$jailsynctarget" su - "$jailuser" -c "$jailbinmodecmd"
+jailisomkramfs () {
+ chroot "$jailsynctarget" su - "$jailuser" -c "$jaildracutcmd"
+jailisomkefi () {
+ chroot "$jailsynctarget" su - "$jailuser" -c "$jailmkx64eficmd"
+ chroot "$jailsynctarget" su - "$jailuser" -c "$jailmkia32eficmd"
+jailisomkchload () {
+ chroot "$jailsynctarget" su - "$jailuser" -c "$jailmkchainloadercmd"
+jailisoenserv () {
+ chroot "$overlaypath" su - "$jailuser" -c "rc-update add redcorelive boot"
+ for service in acpid dbus NetworkManager avahi-daemon syslog-ng cupsd cronie cgmanager consolekit alsasound bluetooth ntpd openrc-settingsd xdm virtualbox-guest-additions ; do
+ chroot "$overlaypath" su - "$jailuser" -c "rc-update add "$service" default"
+ done
+jailisomkdkms () {
+ chroot "$jailsynctarget" su - "$jailuser" -c "$jaildkmscmd"
+jailisostart () {
+ einfo "Oh no, I'm in jail!"
+ chroot "$jailsynctarget" su - "$jailuser"
+mkliveimg () {
+ # create live filesystem image layout
+ mkdir -p "$jailsynctarget"
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=""$jailsynctarget".img" bs=1M count=10240
+ sync
+ mkfs.ext2 -F ""$jailsynctarget".img"
+ mkdir -p "$jailsyncsource"
+ mkdir -p "$jaildvdpath"
+ mkdir -p "$jailsquashfspath"
+ mkdir -p "$jailrealfspath"
+ mkdir -p "$jailbootldrpath"
+ mkdir -p "$jailefildrpath"
+ sync
+ # mount "stage4" image and sync live filesystem image core components
+ mount -t squashfs "$jailx64" "$jailsyncsource"
+ mount -t ext4 ""$jailsynctarget".img" "$jailsynctarget"
+ rsync -aHAXr --progress "$jailsyncsource/" "$jailsynctarget/"
+ sync
+ # umount "stage4" image
+ umount "$jailsyncsource"
+ # copy live kernel image
+ cp -avx ""$jailsynctarget"/boot/"$jailkernname"" ""$jailrootpath"/boot/vmlinuz"
+ # create and copy live initramfs
+ jailisomnt
+ jailisomkramfs
+ jailisodmnt
+ mv ""$jailsynctarget"/boot/"$jailramfsname"" ""$jailrootpath"/boot/initrd"
+ sync
+ # create and copy EFI loader
+ jailisomnt
+ jailisomkefi
+ jailisodmnt
+ mv ""$jailsynctarget"/root/bootx64.efi" "$jailefildrpath"
+ mv ""$jailsynctarget"/root/bootia32.efi" "$jailefildrpath"
+ chmod 755 ""$jailefildrpath"/bootx64.efi"
+ chmod 755 ""$jailefildrpath"/bootia32.efi"
+ sync
+ # create and copy syslinux -> grub chainloader for Unetbootin compatibility
+ jailisomnt
+ jailisomkchload
+ jailisodmnt
+ mv ""$jailsynctarget"/root/core.img" "$jailbootldrpath"
+ cp -avx ""$jailsynctarget"/usr/lib64/grub/i386-pc/lnxboot.img" "$jailbootldrpath"
+ sync
+ # chroot into live filesystem image
+ jailisomnt
+ jailisobinmode
+ jailisostart
+ jailisodmnt
+ sync
+ # compile and install DKMS modules, if any
+ jailisomnt
+ jailisomkdkms
+ jailisodmnt
+ sync
+ # enable live services
+ jailisomnt
+ jailisoenserv
+ jailisodmnt
+ sync
+ # unmount live filesystem image
+ umount -l "$jailsynctarget" > /dev/null 2>&1
+ # move live filesystem image where it should be
+ mv ""$jailsynctarget".img" "$jaildvdpath"
+ sync
+ # compress live filesystem image
+ mksquashfs "$jaildvdpath" ""$jailrootpath"/squashfs.img" -b 1048576 -comp xz -Xdict-size 100%
+ sync
+ # move compressed live filesystem image where it should be
+ mv ""$jailrootpath/"squashfs.img" "$jailsquashfspath"
+ sync
+cfgbootldr () {
+ # fetch and install GRUB2 config files
+ git clone"$distname"/boot-core.git "$jailbootldrdlpath"
+ cp -avx "$jailbootldrcfgpath" "$jailrootpath"
+ sync
+mkclean () {
+ # clean temporary resources
+ rm -rf "$jailsyncsource"
+ rm -rf "$jailsynctarget"
+ rm -rf "$jaildvdpath"
+ rm -rf "$jailbootldrpath"
+mkisoimg () {
+ # create the actual iso image
+ grub2-mkrescue -o ""$jailrootpath".iso" "$jailrootpath"
+makeiso () {
+ checkifroot
+ checkjailsum
+ mkliveimg
+ cfgbootldr
+ mkclean
+ mkisoimg