path: root/x11-misc/habak/files/README.en
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-Habak - "Ha" Background
- We need a compiler, X server and Imlib2. Just run make, that's all.
- Well, place a ready binary where you want.
-A short review:
-Habak is using layers. The lowest layer is just a black screen.
-On this you can place other objects, called habaks. There are
-three kinds of habaks: graphic files (images), fonts and "internal objects"
-(internals). Wallaper is created by putting on a black screen
-one or more habaks. An order of habaks in command line is an order
-of putting them on desktop, so the last habak will be drawed above
-previous habaks.
-Kinds of habaks:
-Files (images) are included by -i option, ie:
-./habak -i ~/graphics/wallpaper.jpg
-will include to desktop wallpaper.jpg file. If you typed after -i not a file,
-but a directory, habak would create a list of files contained within, randomly
-select any one of them, and then try to load it. In other words,
-if you have a lot of pictures in ~/gfx/nice_wallpapers/ then habak
-can choose random image. You only need to run './habak -i ~/gfx/nice_wallpapers/'
-Aside from files, you can use fonts (TrueType). Option -f will be useful in this
-case. By means of -f option you have to point a file with TrueType font, ie.
-./habak -f ~/.fonts/nice_font.ttf
-You can set a size of font, by typing it following slash after font name, ie
-'./habak -f ~/.fonts/nice_font.ttf/50'
-Third (and last) type of habaks are internal habaks. You can enable them
-by the -I option. They are not adopting any external data, but
-themself generate some patterns. At this moment only two patterns
-are available, "int" and "INT", which do an interlacing. For example:
-./habak -I int
-Internal habak "int" do an interlacing, by turning out even lines
-of image. Very nice effect, especially if wallpaper is gaudy.
-"INT" habak works identical as "int", but turns out odd lines
-(by putting together "int" and "INT" you can turn out all lines of screen).
-By default lines aren't turned out in fact, but darked (in my opinion
-it generates a better effect), but you can control it by
--c color modifier (i will tell about it later).
-You can (and you should to) put habaks together, ie.
-./habak -i ~/gfx/cool.jpg -I int -i ~/gfx/small_logo.png -f ~/.fonts/deltafont.ttf -f ~/.fonts/deltafont.ttf/10
-that syntax means, that habak will firstly draw coll.jpg file,
-then put on internal habak "interlace", and then will draw small_logo.png
-image, then deltafont.ttf font, and eventually one more time deltafont.ttf
-file, but this time with size of 10 pixels. Simple.
-Obviously, alone habaks wouldn't be so elastic, so there are available a lot
-of modifiers that affect on them look. Some modifiers are even
-necessary. Modifiers are options, that are given following
-a definition of any habak - they affect only just followed habak.
-Modifier -C
--C is a centering modifier. Habak that is followed by this modifier will be
-centered on the screen.
-Modifier -S
--S is a scaling modifier. Habak treated by this modifier will be scaled
-to fill whole screen (but with proportions saved). Using it have a sense
-only for file habaks (images).
-Modifier -p
--p is a position modifier. It precisely determines position of habak
-on desktop. This modifier requires also additional parameter, in the
-form of 'x,y', ie.
-./habak -i ~/gfx/meggy.jpg -p 10,50
-will render meggy.jpg file with upper-left corner in point 10,50 on desktop.
-Coortinates can be negative, so position will be calculated from the
-opposite side of screen, ie.
-./habak -i ~/gfx/meggy.jpg -p -10,50
-will calculate "the beggining" position of habak to a ten pixels from
-right and 50 pixels from upper side of screen. To place habak for example
-in upper-right corner, you should use '-p -0,0'
-Modifier -c
--c is a color modifier. Some habaks supports choosing a color
-(at this time only font habaks and internal habaks). -C option
-require parameter, that describe color in form of R,G,B,A, ie.
-./habak -I int -c 50,60,70,190
-means using "int" habak with color:
-- red component set to 50
-- green component set to 60
-- blue component set to 70
-- alpha channel set to 190
-All numbers accepts numbers from 0 (minimal saturation) to 255
-(maximal saturation).
-For example '-c 0,0,0,255' means black, fully not transparent color,
-'-c 255,255,255,0' means white, fully transparent color (so just
-not visible), and '-c 200,0,0,128' is a strong red and transparent
-in 50% color.
-Modifier -t
-This modifier is a text modifier, works only with font habak.
-As parameter accepts only one line of text, that is rendered
-by the font habak. Any text is accepted, you can write kernel
-version, date, your name, name of favourite distribution or
-image of cat that have a lie-in on your printer. Select something,
-i like a date, text will be nicely antialiased, if you want to use
-not ASCII characters, you have to use utf-8 encoding.
-For example.
-./habak -f ~/.fonts/deltafont.ttf/15 -t "User $USER on day `date +%Y-%m-%d`" -p 0,-0 -c 240,240,240,200
-will render on a black screen for example text "User gregory on day
-2003-12-21", using deltafont.ttf font in size of 15 pixels. Text
-will be placed in lower-left corner of screen, gray color and will
-be transparent a little.
-Obviously it is a so simple example, you can complicate it:
-./habak -i /usr/local/share/backgrounds/lens -C -f ~/.fonts/deltafont.ttf/15 -t "User $USER on day `date +%Y-%m-%d`" -p 0,-0 -c 240,240,240,200
-Now on the background firstly will be placed centered image
-from /usr/local/share/backgrounds/lens directory, and that
-text will be rendered on it. You can complicate it yet:
-./habak -i /usr/local/share/backgrounds/lens -C -f ~/.fonts/deltafont.ttf/15 -t "User $USER on day `date +%Y-%m-%d`" -p 5,-0 -c 240,240,240,100 -f ~/.fonts/deltafont.ttf/15 -t "User $USER on day `date +%Y-%m-%d`" -p 0,-5 -c 240,240,240,255
-This situation is simpilar, but i complicated text a little -
-i generats *two* font habaks with the same content, but
-one of it is displacemented a little, and have smaller
-transparency. It gives so nice effect of shadow under text. By
-putting together *several* such shadows differenced in size of font
-and intensivity of transparency you can achieve fantastic effects.
-Finally, fire up:
-./habak -i /usr/local/share/backgrounds/lens -C -I int -f ~/.fonts/deltafont.ttf/15 -t "User $USER on day `date +%Y-%m-%d`" -p 5,-0 -c 240,240,240,100 -f ~/.fonts/deltafont.ttf/15 -t "User $USER on day `date +%Y-%m-%d`" -p 0,-5 -c 240,240,240,255
-Here i added an internal habak "interlace", between picture
-from /usr/local/share/backgrounds/lens and font habaks, so
-image is faced by small grid of interlacing, but text is not
-(because it is placed above interlacing).