path: root/net-wireless/kismet
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-wireless/kismet')
7 files changed, 497 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-wireless/kismet/Manifest b/net-wireless/kismet/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c7bf7c2800d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/kismet/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+AUX kismet-2016.07.1-ruby-fixes.patch 1808 SHA256 632db5fa2a79a5fa330867a67da32e84137a950b33e8528098b69444303cb076 SHA512 4bc4832e1f15c3917b67ff80d8b054b6a8aca9a8b03cf3f78cfb2a9b45fdb1f2f2785c2864cfb31bb05cf4da9adca3f96b6df47667107430a7020814ed07549b WHIRLPOOL 5524b5b1af865026916f4411c0988cccb4bcc88e280c5208ca11d955dea81dba480ad7fb974a04614d5ae6b67c32341a475bc5bcfa21d94cb061da295ef41570
+AUX kismet.confd 403 SHA256 d2f5bb606e4dac45c8de27843ab460b9dac02e83979e52e1b8b3ca3af841adeb SHA512 232801f085980d464df831af8c73fa9c4274b44dd45118938cdf9048e0d54cdcc386aec6749e7a1b2c00b73739ab8bb51ff5dadf8cc1866ce2207e28c4e25b71 WHIRLPOOL 51e1ccf14cca8533525f038a6b6755233e3f4e65486952b09f80372756ac128d4359f3061fb97348673a5a7dfc595e3b63bfef2db5be4814f2b2cf76b2ee1de9
+AUX kismet.initd 629 SHA256 7b0fb19c30b4629fc7998d0bc0abd238dec39534505abe92e703d94786c702bf SHA512 864f79715b35595a19f370c2382c3a3383d06245cca7a65b88a35b9ceafb2f4953044e6b3c5c71748ed68d890043ab69a2c47d630c14c51542ba3f86699a11db WHIRLPOOL 23e3409d46da3ec71c27b69186867762e1da17805c8020e6daa68ea68750835548a0c64d958822750e4f2170c6b0235c3b49e52ec9abef59d1531091964bfe12
+DIST kismet-2016-07-R1.tar.xz 709364 SHA256 bdb21f153311f1ff3b16621bf0d6740f66369bf0982b0a289c9a12af8847e237 SHA512 88891a0cd5ef94a4815d259e433f946f52552c125e05a5d8ac447d04e6090f2bd92f8bd8573440f0dfe446b29233bef81d9889e53170757ad0116ddfc2cb8416 WHIRLPOOL 33bbe6e3353c87907e2a58326ccd84ff973e474a884c29f01c29439de673d2050c50348bf001799da25f0b156c3527d3c5f93cdcdccfd830c9e2eb40cce9aa8b
+EBUILD kismet-2016.07.1-r1.ebuild 4189 SHA256 02d84c76ea39a758eb9d5a6be2f01566f47ade5455ba17f325233dc78df974fe SHA512 b391f26359d799adf64ce9e79a66d8676840897d749775df33291ce728772e86adaed3e673bd44d18dccc2537a6e720afd41f5fd8512a1f1e3bdbe138fe0e706 WHIRLPOOL 243836956e0c6bf9de395f7672d92d044fff67ef4924faa4443e778a26eacf06874fa56fc60588a75eed2a9090e558ba4cf804135e9741a5318c0a331a1f6d10
+EBUILD kismet-9999.ebuild 4811 SHA256 953901a36af5bd4b8f824b2c435ed9392e60c9a8e89f1bf40ab8e51dc4723f15 SHA512 02c964308d79019eface7eccf4aadf2913bf6fb0de2cba19a360ff016603442d7215345ea5f439c470888d14761759c54c0fa56f63c9a663bd6165f4daa56608 WHIRLPOOL 99a85fcc419867b6eceaa13943b84aeeb8f44c85b0f5eed36604f51d25f3ecd2b90244d7e793c3221039552c70c093dfd5cfc513b4d9e4892e653d092c41fcdf
+MISC ChangeLog 4556 SHA256 2300753595bd081ac616b1e9e21f859a121db8848be3e6af1cda7f48e746aa97 SHA512 2468fbf2c8d75b2239a0236c29092a3b8b9f3065405741c3a984aad8ef32d4db3f0990c978d245be453cf89eb75a791ec66daed6af82aa6b0eacd0877c5ea99e WHIRLPOOL 6c14986f2af59b1ed931d2cf8e247a0750bac797c9e37a15588bc91347491fb86d337e684b234b99a6afce4a8bf7e52ba5f70d3b1cbf2f53e77dd1d9f2da4607
+MISC ChangeLog-2015 23583 SHA256 2b46762a5efd81dc6053807342022f0d367fb2916e2e78e104dcdc6efadaa77d SHA512 86d3cde33eb8cd448ca1ab4c08c2f8a4b595b2cb9bf5fdf5cbc9a7be8f391e0cf1a4c410e5f05117feb8cba76b4dbb057f7f9ae2e05337a04eb82482bb97f8fb WHIRLPOOL f9403562c55e0f59c85aec83d550d63eefc406f2f85b7f5b742c39da64fae0058e8e540f6cc6b4e7ac13cb2d92c1b40d1ff7fda79ce9dcc17e39490b86f73f20
+MISC metadata.xml 1369 SHA256 12d86ac3e0574bd31e2e10bb6015e067fae11d12e4dae6e58451554dc48d7e50 SHA512 cb813f8a944ad151ae0cd63b12c2b537f25640e7f74623ed9894c6bfbf47930584fe8f73261ef2288586256f780dfc5030baf0a2f86b079d29dcbf4c5562d567 WHIRLPOOL d8072bcea87702ced8b0bb01ceccd0d6ad304f28e661811a5ea9525f08895468b1baed0bfc532ffc80e64480520f522e6aaeb2cef1c289ff369b1db627249f89
diff --git a/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet-2016.07.1-ruby-fixes.patch b/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet-2016.07.1-ruby-fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bdfde9fbc7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet-2016.07.1-ruby-fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+diff --git a/ruby/kismet.rb b/ruby/kismet.rb
+index 5b18b23..7eab708 100755
+--- a/ruby/kismet.rb
++++ b/ruby/kismet.rb
+@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ class Kismet
+ rescue Exception => e
+ pp e
+- break if @die
+ puts "write error: #{$!}"
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/ruby/kismet_addsource.rb b/ruby/kismet_addsource.rb
+index 057a514..d3ae968 100755
+--- a/ruby/kismet_addsource.rb
++++ b/ruby/kismet_addsource.rb
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ require 'socket'
+ require 'time'
+-require 'kismet'
++require_relative 'kismet'
+ require 'pp'
+ require 'optparse'
+diff --git a/ruby/kismet_alert_syslog.rb b/ruby/kismet_alert_syslog.rb
+index 6969247..27373a9 100755
+--- a/ruby/kismet_alert_syslog.rb
++++ b/ruby/kismet_alert_syslog.rb
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ require 'socket'
+ require 'time'
+-require 'kismet'
++require_relative 'kismet'
+ require 'pp'
+ require "getopt/long"
+ require 'syslog'
+diff --git a/ruby/kismet_list.rb b/ruby/kismet_list.rb
+index ec8f0f9..7adffe6 100755
+--- a/ruby/kismet_list.rb
++++ b/ruby/kismet_list.rb
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ require 'socket'
+ require 'time'
+-require 'kismet'
++require_relative 'kismet'
+ def bssidcb(proto, fields)
+ puts "Kismet saw network #{fields['bssid']} manuf #{fields['manuf']} on channel #{fields['channel']}"
+diff --git a/ruby/kismet_shootout.rb b/ruby/kismet_shootout.rb
+index 25021b9..61f70b0 100755
+--- a/ruby/kismet_shootout.rb
++++ b/ruby/kismet_shootout.rb
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
+ require 'socket'
+ require 'time'
+-require 'kismet'
++require_relative 'kismet'
+ require 'pp'
+ require 'optparse'
+diff --git a/ruby/kismet_sql.rb b/ruby/kismet_sql.rb
+index 9fe581d..b878979 100755
+--- a/ruby/kismet_sql.rb
++++ b/ruby/kismet_sql.rb
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+ require 'socket'
+ require 'time'
+-require 'kismet'
++require_relative 'kismet'
+ require 'pp'
+ require "getopt/long"
+ require "sqlite3"
diff --git a/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet.confd b/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet.confd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d203513c7143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet.confd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# /etc/conf.d/kismet - configuration file for /etc/init.d/kismet
+# Kismet configuration is done in /etc/kismet.conf
+# To use the kismet init script, you must have "logtemplate" set to a location
+# that is writable by the user assigned by "suiduser".
+# e.g.
+# suiduser=foo
+# logtemplate=%h/kismet_log/%n-%d-%i.%l
+# Options to pass to kismet_server, see `kismet_server --help`
diff --git a/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet.initd b/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet.initd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..000e6ea03cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/kismet/files/kismet.initd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+checkconfig() {
+ if [ ! -e /etc/kismet.conf ]; then
+ eerror "Configuration file /etc/kismet.conf not found"
+ return 1
+ fi
+start() {
+ checkconfig || return 1
+ ebegin "Starting kismet server"
+ start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ \
+ --background --make-pidfile --exec /usr/bin/kismet_server \
+ eend ${?}
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping kismet server"
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/
+ eend ${?}
diff --git a/net-wireless/kismet/kismet-2016.07.1-r1.ebuild b/net-wireless/kismet/kismet-2016.07.1-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..791333603768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/kismet/kismet-2016.07.1-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools eutils multilib user
+KEYWORDS="amd64 arm arm64 ~ppc x86"
+DESCRIPTION="IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN sniffer"
+IUSE="+client +pcre speech +plugin-autowep +plugin-btscan plugin-dot15d4 +plugin-ptw +plugin-spectools +plugin-syslog +ruby selinux +suid"
+ kernel_linux? ( sys-libs/libcap
+ dev-libs/libnl:3
+ net-libs/libpcap
+ )
+ pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre )
+ suid? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ client? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
+ !arm? ( speech? ( app-accessibility/flite ) )
+ plugin-btscan? ( net-wireless/bluez )
+ plugin-dot15d4? ( virtual/libusb:0 )
+ plugin-spectools? ( net-wireless/spectools )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ ruby? ( dev-lang/ruby:* )
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-kismet )
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(logtemplate\)=\(.*\):\1=/tmp/\2:" \
+ conf/
+ # Don't strip and set correct mangrp
+ sed -i -e 's| -s||g' \
+ -e 's|@mangrp@|root|g'
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-ruby-fixes.patch"
+ epatch_user
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable client) \
+ $(use_enable pcre)
+src_compile() {
+ emake
+ if use plugin-autowep; then
+ cd "${S}"/restricted-plugin-autowep
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ fi
+ if use plugin-btscan; then
+ cd "${S}"/plugin-btscan
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ fi
+ if use plugin-dot15d4; then
+ cd "${S}"/plugin-dot15d4
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ fi
+ if use plugin-ptw; then
+ cd "${S}"/restricted-plugin-ptw
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ fi
+ if use plugin-spectools; then
+ cd "${S}"/plugin-spectools
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ fi
+ if use plugin-syslog; then
+ cd "${S}"/plugin-syslog
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ if use plugin-autowep; then
+ cd "${S}"/restricted-plugin-autowep
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ fi
+ if use plugin-btscan; then
+ cd "${S}"/plugin-btscan
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ fi
+ if use plugin-dot15d4; then
+ cd "${S}"/plugin-dot15d4
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ fi
+ if use plugin-ptw; then
+ cd "${S}"/restricted-plugin-ptw
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ fi
+ if use plugin-spectools; then
+ cd "${S}"/plugin-spectools
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ fi
+ if use plugin-syslog; then
+ cd "${S}"/plugin-syslog
+ KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ fi
+ if use ruby; then
+ cd "${S}"/ruby
+ dobin *.rb
+ fi
+ cd "${S}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" commoninstall
+ ##dragorn would prefer I set fire to my head than do this, but it works
+ ##all external kismet plugins (read: kismet-ubertooth) must be rebuilt when kismet is
+ ##is there an automatic way to force this?
+ # install headers for external plugins
+ insinto /usr/include/kismet
+ doins *.h
+ doins
+ #todo write a plugin finder that tells you what needs to be rebuilt when kismet is updated, etc
+ dodoc CHANGELOG RELEASENOTES.txt README* docs/DEVEL.client docs/README.newcore
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.initd kismet
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.confd kismet
+ insinto /etc
+ doins conf/kismet{,_drone}.conf
+ if use suid; then
+ dobin kismet_capture
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if use suid; then
+ enewgroup kismet
+ fowners root:kismet /usr/bin/kismet_capture
+ # Need to set the permissions after chowning.
+ # See chown(2)
+ fperms 4550 /usr/bin/kismet_capture
+ elog "Kismet has been installed with a setuid-root helper binary"
+ elog "to enable minimal-root operation. Users need to be part of"
+ elog "the 'kismet' group to perform captures from physical devices."
+ fi
+ if ! use suid; then
+ ewarn "It is highly discouraged to run a sniffer as root,"
+ ewarn "Please consider enabling the suid use flag and adding"
+ ewarn "your user to the kismet group."
+ fi
diff --git a/net-wireless/kismet/kismet-9999.ebuild b/net-wireless/kismet/kismet-9999.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aaa08799fb95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/kismet/kismet-9999.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit autotools eutils multilib user
+if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="${PN}.git"
+ SRC_URI=""
+ inherit git-r3
+ SRC_URI="${MY_P}.tar.xz"
+ KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc ~x86"
+DESCRIPTION="IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN sniffer"
+#IUSE="+client +pcre speech +plugin-autowep +plugin-btscan plugin-dot15d4 +plugin-ptw +plugin-spectools +plugin-syslog selinux +suid"
+IUSE="+client +pcre speech selinux +suid"
+ net-misc/networkmanager:=
+ dev-libs/glib:=
+ dev-libs/elfutils:=
+ sys-libs/zlib:=
+ dev-db/sqlite:=
+ net-libs/libmicrohttpd
+ kernel_linux? ( sys-libs/libcap
+ dev-libs/libnl:3
+ net-libs/libpcap
+ )
+ pcre? ( dev-libs/libpcre )
+ suid? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ client? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
+ !arm? ( speech? ( app-accessibility/flite ) )
+ "
+ #plugin-btscan? ( net-wireless/bluez )
+ #plugin-dot15d4? ( virtual/libusb:0 )
+ #plugin-spectools? ( net-wireless/spectools )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-kismet )
+src_prepare() {
+ sed -i -e "s:^\(logtemplate\)=\(.*\):\1=/tmp/\2:" \
+ conf/
+ # Don't strip and set correct mangrp
+ sed -i -e 's| -s||g' \
+ -e 's|@mangrp@|root|g'
+ eapply_user
+ eautoreconf
+src_configure() {
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable client) \
+ $(use_enable pcre)
+src_compile() {
+ emake
+ #if use plugin-autowep; then
+ # cd "${S}"/restricted-plugin-autowep
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-btscan; then
+ # cd "${S}"/plugin-btscan
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-dot15d4; then
+ # cd "${S}"/plugin-dot15d4
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-ptw; then
+ # cd "${S}"/restricted-plugin-ptw
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-spectools; then
+ # cd "${S}"/plugin-spectools
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-syslog; then
+ # cd "${S}"/plugin-syslog
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake
+ #fi
+src_install() {
+ #if use plugin-autowep; then
+ # cd "${S}"/restricted-plugin-autowep
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-btscan; then
+ # cd "${S}"/plugin-btscan
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-dot15d4; then
+ # cd "${S}"/plugin-dot15d4
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-ptw; then
+ # cd "${S}"/restricted-plugin-ptw
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-spectools; then
+ # cd "${S}"/plugin-spectools
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ #fi
+ #if use plugin-syslog; then
+ # cd "${S}"/plugin-syslog
+ # KIS_SRC_DIR="${S}" emake DESTDIR="${ED}" LIBDIR="$(get_libdir)" install
+ #fi
+ #if use ruby; then
+ # cd "${S}"/ruby
+ # dobin *.rb
+ #fi
+ cd "${S}"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" commoninstall
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" forceconfigs
+ ##dragorn would prefer I set fire to my head than do this, but it works
+ ##all external kismet plugins (read: kismet-ubertooth) must be rebuilt when kismet is
+ ##is there an automatic way to force this?
+ # install headers for external plugins
+ insinto /usr/include/kismet
+ doins *.h
+ doins
+ #todo write a plugin finder that tells you what needs to be rebuilt when kismet is updated, etc
+ #dodoc CHANGELOG RELEASENOTES.txt README* docs/DEVEL.client docs/README.newcore
+ newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.initd kismet
+ newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.confd kismet
+ #if use suid; then
+ # dobin kismet_capture
+ #fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if use suid; then
+ enewgroup kismet
+ fowners root:kismet /usr/bin/kismet_capture_tools/kismet_cap_linux_bluetooth
+ fowners root:kismet /usr/bin/kismet_capture_tools/kismet_cap_linux_wifi
+ fowners root:kismet /usr/bin/kismet_capture_tools/kismet_cap_pcapfile
+ # Need to set the permissions after chowning.
+ # See chown(2)
+ fperms 4550 /usr/bin/kismet_capture_tools/kismet_cap_linux_bluetooth
+ fperms 4550 /usr/bin/kismet_capture_tools/kismet_cap_linux_wifi
+ fperms 4550 /usr/bin/kismet_capture_tools/kismet_cap_pcapfile
+ elog "Kismet has been installed with a setuid-root helper binary"
+ elog "to enable minimal-root operation. Users need to be part of"
+ elog "the 'kismet' group to perform captures from physical devices."
+ fi
+ if ! use suid; then
+ ewarn "It is highly discouraged to run a sniffer as root,"
+ ewarn "Please consider enabling the suid use flag and adding"
+ ewarn "your user to the kismet group."
+ fi
diff --git a/net-wireless/kismet/metadata.xml b/net-wireless/kismet/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..272b818abd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-wireless/kismet/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <maintainer type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Rick Farina</name>
+ <description>maintainer</description>
+ </maintainer>
+ <maintainer type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Steev Klimaszewski</name>
+ <description>co-maintainer, CC him on bugs</description>
+ </maintainer>
+ <use>
+ <flag name="client">Build the ncurses-based user interface</flag>
+ <flag name="suid">
+ Install a setuid root helper binary with limited functionality;
+ this allows running kismet as a normal user, significantly
+ reducing security risks
+ </flag>
+ <flag name="pcre">Build with pcre support</flag>
+ <flag name="speech">Audio support using <pkg>app-accessibility/flite</pkg></flag>
+ <flag name="plugin-autowep">Build the autowep plugin</flag>
+ <flag name="plugin-btscan">Build the btscan plugin</flag>
+ <flag name="plugin-dot15d4">Build the dot15d4 plugin</flag>
+ <flag name="plugin-ptw">Build the ptw plugin</flag>
+ <flag name="plugin-spectools">Build the spectools plugin. This uses <pkg>net-wireless/spectools</pkg></flag>
+ <flag name="plugin-syslog">Build the syslog plugin.</flag>
+ <flag name="ruby">Build extras which are written in ruby, example plugins and the like.</flag>
+ </use>