path: root/net-mail/Freemail/files/build.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'net-mail/Freemail/files/build.patch')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-mail/Freemail/files/build.patch b/net-mail/Freemail/files/build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3fef282f74ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-mail/Freemail/files/build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+--- build.xml 2009-06-26 16:46:58.829728329 +0200
++++ 2009-06-26 16:48:44.654930593 +0200
+@@ -5,64 +5,7 @@
+ <property name="build" location="build"/>
+ <property name="lib" location="lib"/>
+ <property name="dist" location="dist"/>
+- <property name="deps" location="deps"/>
+- <property name="bcdist" value="lcrypto-jdk14-138"/>
+- <property name="freenetjarurl.url" value=""/>
+- <property name="freenetjarurl.localpath" value="${deps}/freenet-testing-latest.jar.url"/>
+- <property name="freenetjar" value="freenet-main.jar"/>
+- <target name="freenetjar-check">
+- <available file="${deps}/${freenetjar}" property="freenetjar.present" />
+- </target>
+- <!-- Fetching the Freenet jar here is far from optimal:
+- Ideally we'd compile against a the freenet jar or class files
+- which the user almost certainly has on their computer already.
+- Unfortunately about the only sensible way of doing this would
+- be with Maven2, and both Freenet and Freemail import code from
+- other projects which would make things difficult and/or ugly.
+- -->
+- <target name="freenetjar-fetch" depends="freenetjar-check" unless="freenetjar.present">
+- <echo>
+- Attempting to fetch Freenet main jar - ant cannot do this reliably, so if it fails, delete ${deps}/${freenetjar} and ${freenetjarurl.localpath} and run ant again.
+- </echo>
+- <mkdir dir="${deps}" />
+- <!-- loadresource directly from an HTTP URL is causing problems -->
+- <get src="${freenetjarurl.url}"
+- dest="${freenetjarurl.localpath}" />
+- <loadfile property="freenetjar.url"
+- srcFile="${freenetjarurl.localpath}" />
+- <get src="${freenetjar.url}"
+- dest="${deps}/${freenetjar}"
+- verbose="true" />
+- </target>
+- <target name="bouncycastle-check">
+- <available file="${deps}/${bcdist}" property="bouncycastle-dist.present" />
+- <available file="${build}/org/bouncycastle" property="bouncycastle-bin.present" />
+- </target>
+- <target name="bouncycastle-fetch" depends="bouncycastle-check" unless="bouncycastle-dist.present">
+- <mkdir dir="${deps}" />
+- <get src="${bcdist}.zip"
+- dest="${deps}/${bcdist}.zip"
+- verbose="true"
+- usetimestamp="true" />
+- <unzip src="${deps}/${bcdist}.zip" dest="${deps}" />
+- </target>
+- <target name="bouncycastle-compile" depends="bouncycastle-fetch" unless="bouncycastle-bin.present">
+- <mkdir dir="build" />
+- <javac srcdir="${deps}/${bcdist}/src" destdir="${build}" debug="on" optimize="on" source="1.4" nowarn="true">
+- <exclude name="**/test/*" />
+- <exclude name="org/bouncycastle/util/" />
+- <exclude name="org/bouncycastle/util/" />
+- </javac>
+- </target>
+- <target name="compile" depends="bouncycastle-compile, freenetjar-fetch">
++ <target name="compile">
+ <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
+ <tstamp/>