path: root/eclass/kde4-meta.eclass
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eclass/kde4-meta.eclass')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 631 deletions
diff --git a/eclass/kde4-meta.eclass b/eclass/kde4-meta.eclass
deleted file mode 100644
index 88d9ef89ad15..000000000000
--- a/eclass/kde4-meta.eclass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# @DEAD
-# Removal on 2018-03-06.
-# @ECLASS: kde4-meta.eclass
-# @BLURB: Eclass for writing "split" KDE packages.
-# This eclass provides all necessary functions for writing split KDE ebuilds.
-# You must define KMNAME to use this eclass, and do so before inheriting it. All other variables are optional.
-# Do not include the same item in more than one of KMMODULE, KMMEXTRA, KMCOMPILEONLY, KMEXTRACTONLY.
-if [[ -z ${_KDE4_META_ECLASS} ]]; then
-[[ -z ${KMNAME} ]] && die "kde4-meta.eclass inherited but KMNAME not defined - broken ebuild"
-inherit kde4-base
-KDEMETA_EXPF="pkg_setup src_unpack src_prepare src_configure src_compile src_test src_install pkg_preinst pkg_postinst pkg_postrm"
-# Add dependencies that all packages in a certain module share.
-case ${KMNAME} in
- kdepim|kdepim-runtime)
- case ${PN} in
- akregator|kaddressbook|kjots|kmail|knode|knotes|korganizer|ktimetracker)
- IUSE+=" +kontact"
- RDEPEND+=" kontact? ( $(add_kdeapps_dep kontact '' ${PV}) )"
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
-debug-print "line ${LINENO} ${ECLASS}: DEPEND ${DEPEND} - after metapackage-specific dependencies"
-debug-print "line ${LINENO} ${ECLASS}: RDEPEND ${RDEPEND} - after metapackage-specific dependencies"
-# Useful to build kde4-meta style stuff from extragear/playground (plasmoids etc)
-case ${KDE_BUILD_TYPE} in
- live)
- if [[ ${KDE_SCM} == svn ]]; then
- case ${KMNAME} in
- extragear*|playground*)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
-# Name of the parent-module (e.g. kdebase, kdepim, ...). You _must_ set it
-# _before_ inheriting this eclass, (unlike the other parameters), since it's
-# used to set $SRC_URI.
-# Specify exactly one subdirectory of $KMNAME here. Defaults to $PN.
-# The subdirectory listed here is treated exactly like items in $KMEXTRA.
-# Example: The ebuild name of "kdebase/l10n" is kde-base/kdebase-l10n, because
-# just 'l10n' would be too confusing. Hence it sets KMMODULE="l10n".
-# If set to "true", $KMMODULE doesn't have to be defined.
-# Example usage: If you're installing subdirectories of a package, like plugins,
-# you mark the top subdirectory (containing the package) as $KMEXTRACTONLY, and
-# set KMNOMODULE="true".
-if [[ -z ${KMMODULE} ]] && [[ ${KMNOMODULE} != true ]]; then
-# All subdirectories listed here will be extracted, compiled & installed.
-# $KMMODULE is always added to $KMEXTRA.
-# If KDE_HANDBOOK is 'always' or 'optional' and handbook USE-flag is set, and if this
-# directory exists, then "doc/$KMMODULE" is added to $KMEXTRA. If there's additional
-# documentation in different subdirectories, it should be added to KMEXTRA manually..
-# All subdirectories listed here will be extracted & compiled, but not installed.
-# TODO: better formulation may be needed
-# All subdirectories listed here will be extracted, but neither compiled nor installed.
-# This can be used to avoid compilation in a subdirectory of a directory in $KMMODULE or $KMEXTRA
-# Specify extra parameters to pass to tar, in kde4-meta_src_extract.
-# '-xpf -j' are passed to tar by default.
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_pkg_setup
-# Currently calls its equivalent in kde4-base.eclass(5) and checks the gcc version.
-# Use this one in split ebuilds.
-kde4-meta_pkg_setup() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- kde4-base_pkg_setup
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_src_unpack
-# This function unpacks the source for split ebuilds.
-# Further more is processed in kde4-meta_src_extract
-kde4-meta_src_unpack() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- if [[ ${KDE_BUILD_TYPE} = live ]]; then
- case "${KDE_SCM}" in
- svn)
- S="${WORKDIR}/${P}"
- mkdir -p "${S}"
- ESVN_RESTRICT="export" subversion_src_unpack
- subversion_wc_info
- subversion_bootstrap
- ;;
- git)
- git-r3_src_unpack
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- kde4-meta_src_extract
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_src_extract
-# A function to extract the source for a split KDE ebuild.
-kde4-meta_src_extract() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- if [[ ${KDE_BUILD_TYPE} = live ]]; then
- # Export working copy to ${S}
- einfo "Exporting parts of working copy to ${S}"
- kde4-meta_create_extractlists
- case ${KDE_SCM} in
- svn)
- local rsync_options subdir targetdir wc_path escm
- rsync_options="--group --links --owner --perms --quiet --exclude=.svn/ --exclude=.git/"
- wc_path="${ESVN_WC_PATH}"
- escm="{ESVN}"
- # Copy ${KMNAME} non-recursively (toplevel files)
- rsync ${rsync_options} "${wc_path}"/* "${S}" \
- || die "${escm}: can't export toplevel files to '${S}'."
- # Copy cmake directory
- if [[ -d "${wc_path}/cmake" ]]; then
- rsync --recursive ${rsync_options} "${wc_path}/cmake" "${S}" \
- || die "${escm}: can't export cmake files to '${S}'."
- fi
- # Copy all subdirectories
- for subdir in $(_list_needed_subdirectories); do
- targetdir=""
- if [[ $subdir = doc/* && ! -e "$wc_path/$subdir" ]]; then
- continue
- fi
- [[ ${subdir%/} = */* ]] && targetdir=${subdir%/} && targetdir=${targetdir%/*} && mkdir -p "${S}/${targetdir}"
- rsync --recursive ${rsync_options} "${wc_path}/${subdir%/}" "${S}/${targetdir}" \
- || die "${escm}: can't export subdirectory '${subdir}' to '${S}/${targetdir}'."
- done
- ;;
- esac
- else
- local abort tarball tarfile f extractlist postfix
- if [[ ${PV} =~ 4.4.11 ]]; then
- postfix="bz2"
- KMTARPARAMS+=" --bzip2"
- else
- postfix="xz"
- KMTARPARAMS+=" --xz"
- fi
- tarball="${KMNAME}-${PV}.tar.${postfix}"
- # Full path to source tarball
- tarfile="${DISTDIR}/${tarball}"
- # Detect real toplevel dir from tarball name - it will be used upon extraction
- # and in _list_needed_subdirectories
- topdir="${tarball%.tar.*}/"
- ebegin "Unpacking parts of ${tarball} to ${WORKDIR}"
- kde4-meta_create_extractlists
- for f in cmake/ CMakeLists.txt ConfigureChecks.cmake config.h.cmake
- do
- extractlist+=" ${topdir}${f}"
- done
- extractlist+=" $(_list_needed_subdirectories)"
- pushd "${WORKDIR}" > /dev/null || die
- # Print out all issues found executing tar / kmextract files
- # Set on if you want to find issues in kde-base ebuild unpack sequences
- [[ -n ${KDE4_STRICTER} ]] && echo 'tar -xpf "${tarfile}" ${KMTARPARAMS} ${extractlist}'
- tar -xpf "${tarfile}" ${KMTARPARAMS} ${extractlist} 2> /dev/null || echo "tar extract command failed at least partially - continuing anyway"
- # Default $S is based on $P; rename the extracted directory to match $S if necessary
- if [[ ${KMNAME} != ${PN} ]]; then
- mv ${topdir} ${P} || die "Died while moving \"${topdir}\" to \"${P}\""
- fi
- popd > /dev/null || die
- eend $?
- if [[ -n ${KDE4_STRICTER} ]]; then
- for f in $(_list_needed_subdirectories fatal); do
- if [[ ! -e ${S}/${f#*/} ]]; then
- eerror "'${f#*/}' is missing"
- abort=true
- fi
- done
- [[ -n ${abort} ]] && die "There were missing files."
- fi
- # We don't need it anymore
- unset topdir
- fi
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_create_extractlists
-# Create lists of files and subdirectories to extract.
-kde4-meta_create_extractlists() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- # Add default handbook locations
- # FIXME - legacy code - remove when 4.4.5 is gone or preferrably port 4.4.5.
- if [[ $(get_kde_version) < 4.5 ]] && use_if_iuse handbook && [[ -z ${KMNOMODULE} ]]; then
- # We use the basename of $KMMODULE because $KMMODULE can contain
- # the path to the module subdirectory.
- doc/${KMMODULE##*/}"
- fi
- # Add default handbook locations
- if [[ -z ${KMNOMODULE} ]] && ( [[ ${KDE_HANDBOOK} == always ]] || ( [[ ${KDE_HANDBOOK} == optional ]] && use handbook ) ); then
- fi
- # Add some CMake-files to KMEXTRACTONLY.
- # Note that this actually doesn't include KMEXTRA handling.
- # In those cases you should care to add the relevant files to KMEXTRACTONLY
- case ${KMNAME} in
- kde-baseapps)
- CTestConfig.cmake
- config-apps.h.cmake
- ConfigureChecks.cmake"
- ;;
- kde-runtime)
- cmake/modules/
- CTestConfig.cmake
- config-runtime.h.cmake"
- ;;
- kde-workspace)
- cmake/modules/
- config-unix.h.cmake
- ConfigureChecks.cmake
- config-workspace.h.cmake
- config-X11.h.cmake
- startkde.cmake
- ;;
- kdepim)
- if [[ ${PN} != libkdepim ]]; then
- libkdepim/"
- fi
- config-enterprise.h.cmake
- kleopatra/ConfigureChecks.cmake
- CTestCustom.cmake
- kdepim-version.h.cmake
- kdepim-version.h"
- if use_if_iuse kontact; then
- kontact/plugins/${PLUGINNAME:-${PN}}/"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-_list_needed_subdirectories() {
- local i j kmextra kmextra_expanded kmmodule_expanded kmcompileonly_expanded extractlist
- # We expand KMEXTRA by adding CMakeLists.txt files
- kmextra="${KMEXTRA}"
- [[ ${1} != fatal ]] && kmextra+=" ${KMEXTRA_NONFATAL}"
- for i in ${kmextra}; do
- kmextra_expanded+=" ${i}"
- j=$(dirname ${i})
- while [[ ${j} != "." ]]; do
- kmextra_expanded+=" ${j}/CMakeLists.txt";
- j=$(dirname ${j})
- done
- done
- # Expand KMMODULE
- if [[ -n ${KMMODULE} ]]; then
- kmmodule_expanded="${KMMODULE}"
- j=$(dirname ${KMMODULE})
- while [[ ${j} != "." ]]; do
- kmmodule_expanded+=" ${j}/CMakeLists.txt";
- j=$(dirname ${j})
- done
- fi
- for i in ${KMCOMPILEONLY}; do
- kmcompileonly_expanded+=" ${i}"
- j=$(dirname ${i})
- while [[ ${j} != "." ]]; do
- kmcompileonly_expanded+=" ${j}/CMakeLists.txt";
- j=$(dirname ${j})
- done
- done
- debug-print "line ${LINENO} ${ECLASS} ${FUNCNAME} - kmextra_expanded: ${kmextra_expanded}"
- debug-print "line ${LINENO} ${ECLASS} ${FUNCNAME} - kmmodule_expanded: ${kmmodule_expanded}"
- debug-print "line ${LINENO} ${ECLASS} ${FUNCNAME} - kmcompileonly_expanded: ${kmcompileonly_expanded}"
- # Create final list of stuff to extract
- # We append topdir only when specified (usually for tarballs)
- for i in ${kmmodule_expanded} ${kmextra_expanded} ${kmcompileonly_expanded} \
- do
- extractlist+=" ${topdir}${i}"
- done
- echo ${extractlist}
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_src_prepare
-# Meta-package build system configuration handling - commenting out targets, etc..
-kde4-meta_src_prepare() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- kde4-meta_change_cmakelists
- kde4-base_src_prepare
-# @FUNCTION: _change_cmakelists_parent_dirs
-# Adjust CMakeLists.txt to shadow subdirectories
-# that are not required for the build.
-_change_cmakelists_parent_dirs() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- local _olddir _dir
- _dir="${S}"/${1}
- until [[ ${_dir} == ${S} ]]; do
- _olddir=$(basename "${_dir}")
- _dir=$(dirname "${_dir}")
- debug-print "${LINENO}: processing ${_dir} CMakeLists.txt searching for ${_olddir}"
- if [[ -f ${_dir}/CMakeLists.txt ]]; then
- sed -e "/add_subdirectory[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*${_olddir}[[:space:]]*)/s/#DONOTCOMPILE //g" \
- -e "/ADD_SUBDIRECTORY[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*${_olddir}[[:space:]]*)/s/#DONOTCOMPILE //g" \
- -i ${_dir}/CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: died in ${FUNCNAME} while processing ${_dir}"
- fi
- done
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_change_cmakelists
-# Adjust CMakeLists.txt to comply to our splitting.
-kde4-meta_change_cmakelists() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- pushd "${S}" > /dev/null || die
- comment_all_add_subdirectory ./
- # Restore "add_subdirectory( cmake )" in ${S}/CMakeLists.txt
- if [[ -f CMakeLists.txt ]]; then
- sed -e '/add_subdirectory[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*cmake[[:space:]]*)/s/^#DONOTCOMPILE //' \
- -e '/ADD_SUBDIRECTORY[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*cmake[[:space:]]*)/s/^#DONOTCOMPILE //' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: cmake sed died"
- fi
- # Restore "add_subdirectory( ${ ..." (this is done in kdesdk)
- if [[ -f CMakeLists.txt ]]; then
- sed -e '/add_subdirectory[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*\${/s/^#DONOTCOMPILE //' \
- -e '/ADD_SUBDIRECTORY[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*\${/s/^#DONOTCOMPILE //' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: cmake sed died"
- fi
- if [[ -z ${KMNOMODULE} ]]; then
- # Restore "add_subdirectory" in $KMMODULE subdirectories
- find "${S}"/${KMMODULE} -name CMakeLists.txt -print0 | \
- xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/^#DONOTCOMPILE //g' || \
- die "${LINENO}: died in KMMODULE section"
- _change_cmakelists_parent_dirs ${KMMODULE}
- fi
- local i
- # KMEXTRACTONLY section - Some ebuilds need to comment out some subdirs in KMMODULE and they use KMEXTRACTONLY
- for i in ${KMEXTRACTONLY}; do
- if [[ -d ${i} && -f ${i}/../CMakeLists.txt ]]; then
- sed -e "/([[:space:]]*$(basename $i)[[:space:]]*)/s/^/#DONOTCOMPILE /" \
- -i ${i}/../CMakeLists.txt || \
- die "${LINENO}: sed died while working in the KMEXTRACTONLY section while processing ${i}"
- fi
- done
- for i in ${KMCOMPILEONLY}; do
- debug-print "${LINENO}: KMCOMPILEONLY, processing ${i}"
- # Uncomment "add_subdirectory" instructions inside $KMCOMPILEONLY, then comment "install" instructions.
- find "${S}"/${i} -name CMakeLists.txt -print0 | \
- xargs -0 sed -i \
- -e 's/^#DONOTCOMPILE //g' \
- -e '/install(.*)/I{s/^/#DONOTINSTALL /;}' \
- -e '/^install(/,/)/I{s/^/#DONOTINSTALL /;}' \
- -e '/kde4_install_icons(.*)/I{s/^/#DONOTINSTALL /;}' || \
- die "${LINENO}: sed died in the KMCOMPILEONLY section while processing ${i}"
- _change_cmakelists_parent_dirs ${i}
- done
- # KMEXTRA section
- for i in ${KMEXTRA}; do
- debug-print "${LINENO}: KMEXTRA section, processing ${i}"
- find "${S}"/${i} -name CMakeLists.txt -print0 | \
- xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/^#DONOTCOMPILE //g' || \
- die "${LINENO}: sed died uncommenting add_subdirectory instructions in KMEXTRA section while processing ${i}"
- _change_cmakelists_parent_dirs ${i}
- done
- for i in ${KMEXTRA_NONFATAL}; do
- if [[ -d "${S}"/${i} ]]; then
- find "${S}"/${i} -name CMakeLists.txt -print0 | \
- xargs -0 sed -i -e 's/^#DONOTCOMPILE //g' || \
- die "${LINENO}: sed died uncommenting add_subdirectory instructions in KMEXTRA section while processing ${i}"
- _change_cmakelists_parent_dirs ${i}
- fi
- done
- case ${KMNAME} in
- kde-workspace)
- # Install the startkde script just once, as a part of kde-plasma/kdebase-startkde,
- # not as a part of every package.
- if [[ ${PN} != kdebase-startkde && -f CMakeLists.txt ]]; then
- # The startkde script moved to kdebase-workspace for KDE4 versions > 3.93.0.
- sed -e '/startkde/s/^/#DONOTINSTALL /' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: sed died in the kdebase-startkde collision prevention section"
- fi
- # Remove workspace target prefix in order to get direct linking to workspace libs
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: sed died in KDE4WORKSPACE_TARGET_PREFIX removal section"
- # Strip EXPORT feature section from workspace for KDE4 versions > 4.1.82
- if [[ ${PN} != libkworkspace ]]; then
- sed -e '/install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}\/KDE4WorkspaceConfig.cmake/,/^[[:space:]]*FILE KDE4WorkspaceLibraryTargets.cmake )[[:space:]]*^/d' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: sed died in kde-workspace strip config install and fix EXPORT section"
- fi
- # <KDE/4.11
- if [[ ${PN} != plasma-workspace ]]; then
- sed -e '/KActivities/s/REQUIRED//' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: sed died in kde-workspace dep reduction section"
- fi
- sed -e '/QImageBlitz/s/REQUIRED//' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: sed died in kde-workspace dep reduction section 2"
- # >=KDE/4.11
- -e 's/message(FATAL_ERROR/message(/' -i CMakeLists.txt \
- || die "${LINENO}: sed died in kde-workspace dep reduction section"
- if [[ "${PN}" != "kwin" ]]; then
- sed -i -e "/^ macro_log_feature(OPENGL_OR_ES_FOUND/s/TRUE/FALSE/" \
- "${S}"/CMakeLists.txt || die "${LINENO}: sed died removing kde-workspace opengl dependency"
- fi
- ;;
- kde-runtime)
- sed -e 's/TYPE REQUIRED/TYPE OPTIONAL/' -e '/LibGcrypt/s/REQUIRED//' -i CMakeLists.txt \
- || die "${LINENO}: sed died in kde-runtime dep reduction section"
- # Only install the kde4 script as part of kde-base/kdebase-data
- if [[ ${PN} != kdebase-data && -f CMakeLists.txt ]]; then
- sed -e '/^install(PROGRAMS[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]*\/kde4[[:space:]]/s/^/#DONOTINSTALL /' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "Sed to exclude bin/kde4 failed"
- fi
- ;;
- kdenetwork)
- # Disable hardcoded kdepimlibs check
- sed -e 's/find_package(KdepimLibs REQUIRED)/macro_optional_find_package(KdepimLibs)/' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "failed to disable hardcoded checks"
- ;;
- kdepim)
- # Disable hardcoded checks
- sed -r -e 's/TYPE REQUIRED/TYPE OPTIONAL/' -e '/find_package\(KdepimLibs/s/REQUIRED//' \
- -e '/find_package\((KdepimLibs|Boost|QGpgme|Akonadi|ZLIB|Strigi|SharedDesktopOntologies|Soprano|Nepomuk)/{/macro_optional_/!s/find/macro_optional_&/}' \
- -e '/macro_log_feature\((Boost|QGPGME|Akonadi|ZLIB|STRIGI|SHAREDDESKTOPONTOLOGIES|Soprano|Nepomuk)_FOUND/s/ TRUE / FALSE /' \
- -e 's/if[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*BUILD_.*)[[:space:]]*/if(1) # &/' \
- -e 's/if[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*[[:alnum:]]*_FOUND[[:space:]]*)[[:space:]]*$/if(1) # &/' \
- -i CMakeLists.txt || die "failed to disable hardcoded checks"
- # Disable broken or redundant build logic
- if use_if_iuse kontact || [[ ${PN} = kontact ]]; then
- sed -e 's/if[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*BUILD_.*)[[:space:]]*$/if(1) # &/' \
- -e 's/if[[:space:]]*([[:space:]]*[[:alnum:]]*_FOUND[[:space:]]*)[[:space:]]*$/if(1) # &/' \
- -i kontact/plugins/CMakeLists.txt || die 'failed to override build logic'
- fi
- case ${PV} in
- 4.4*)
- case ${PN} in
- kalarm|kmailcvt|kontact|korganizer|korn)
- sed -n -e '/qt4_generate_dbus_interface(.*org\.kde\.kmail\.\(kmail\|mailcomposer\)\.xml/p' \
- -e '/add_custom_target(kmail_xml /,/)/p' \
- -i kmail/CMakeLists.txt || die "uncommenting xml failed"
- _change_cmakelists_parent_dirs kmail
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- popd > /dev/null || die
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_src_configure
-# Currently just calls its equivalent in kde4-base.eclass(5). Use this one in split
-# ebuilds.
-kde4-meta_src_configure() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- kde4-base_src_configure
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_src_compile
-# General function for compiling split KDE4 applications.
-# Overrides kde4-base_src_compile.
-kde4-meta_src_compile() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- kde4-base_src_compile "$@"
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_src_test
-# Currently just calls its equivalent in kde4-base.eclass(5) if
-# I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING is set. Use this in split ebuilds.
-kde4-meta_src_test() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- if [[ $I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING ]]; then
- kde4-base_src_test
- else
- einfo "Tests disabled"
- fi
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_src_install
-# Function for installing KDE4 split applications.
-kde4-meta_src_install() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- # Search ${S}/${KMMODULE} and install common documentation files found
- local doc
- [[ -f "${doc}" ]] && [[ -s "${doc}" ]] && dodoc "${doc}"
- done
- kde4-base_src_install
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_pkg_preinst
-# Invoke its equivalent in kde4-base.eclass.
-kde4-meta_pkg_preinst() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- kde4-base_pkg_preinst
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_pkg_postinst
-# Invoke kbuildsycoca4.
-kde4-meta_pkg_postinst() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- kde4-base_pkg_postinst
-# @FUNCTION: kde4-meta_pkg_postrm
-# Currently just calls its equivalent in kde4-base.eclass(5). Use this in split
-# ebuilds.
-kde4-meta_pkg_postrm() {
- debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"
- kde4-base_pkg_postrm