path: root/sys-fs/owfs
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <>2019-03-03 13:42:34 +0000
committerV3n3RiX <>2019-03-03 13:42:34 +0000
commit066d27181e9a797ad9f8fc43b49fc9a10ff2f707 (patch)
tree3cb05783d73b2c33589ba305144a31c718e123cd /sys-fs/owfs
parent16449a80e28af2209916cc66d19c9a44ca2b90d9 (diff)
gentoo resync : 03.03.2019
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-fs/owfs')
4 files changed, 2 insertions, 387 deletions
diff --git a/sys-fs/owfs/Manifest b/sys-fs/owfs/Manifest
index abe2da959e2e..8ac6c9a4c644 100644
--- a/sys-fs/owfs/Manifest
+++ b/sys-fs/owfs/Manifest
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ AUX owhttpd.confd 89 BLAKE2B 72a355cd1418b7d3c34fe765ff82d298a18c517404e61bfb0a5
AUX owhttpd.initd-r1 820 BLAKE2B 4122ce01036f63083286162f33d576e2a953e7bff7e215093959d126f04d7d0e3c8a422f2b28d0dabcc160ba992e2f787d049e17860c0bc821894aaf8a5b5859 SHA512 79c0307bcb4913f563ca69e4a699b91a4e7a2133882d150694f6738eb8000175a7f840b5de9f07496c166c95fe71bb94c31ea167f6389dc9c37e0d08e2943bc9
AUX owserver.confd 108 BLAKE2B 3279ee61b42a9573472657e4297a7988668c081cd66d0f64d53cbd2eb27248abfebd6c368d77a5a3eb84ccd95b41ce65c2f03e3cb8ee1f095e4b776b60e3283a SHA512 c10fb23a60d89348c82f6f5ee6b0ba1c5d59e506dcdf484fa0c9c8c6ae07064cafc39517670b5edb474bcc1921efddfce2e5dd879f59f3bb3a1f80d6df3c0411
AUX owserver.initd-r1 802 BLAKE2B 8273790945eb4df7b8aadf7d19ac3397152d225495dba7e5e8a472ad7420f2e9e97ba35ec5e7655e0e5b3c37ed97ac740dbda8d1ae030dc9b75ba2bbf1dbf391 SHA512 3c2d186df7c3d4549333f90a87c80a44dd8ed67b10bacdc08edce2b45db35bd0bc7f0956bdee8f03a388ae8a5bab039f7bb19e3bad007632608f945c7e54c649
-DIST owfs-3.1p4.tar.gz 1455420 BLAKE2B 58a0356d0abffd1bda3585a8e05faed0cf80c3818f33ea9ac32c7930ba37c06addb42c3326eadfd662016d6a15a0c5238a4e7bbf0fe6580d35e10f15bf44efad SHA512 9d04b466fc64761f53dc5fb11b4eb71d10154be5eb335174e8a9002a944bb3f2fbfe1cea3cf5962aa794486830e78d7ba5a7a87c68e3a4d32ab1a95e7ca59cdb
DIST owfs-3.2p2.tar.gz 1491195 BLAKE2B 3e56b954fc61e097d6e39345d689d3ba5386f2ed4383bb7755da6a867d802fe56b9e920fe9b4f24cdd639543bad79a6d13bd549e7ce81afb8eab52372864565a SHA512 d64078639ce4c1c5c42735c720cfa6741a34b91297500d6a7cff6e48a0a87b6391e43fc0c5f6bf44cec27feffb9a2f9b5510e085c602666a5adf803bb8ba3338
-EBUILD owfs-3.1_p4-r1.ebuild 4757 BLAKE2B 7b0bdec4f19c2abada54f6ed210895ca426a61d4aa8b994f1cf17b69f14521fb484a36d99b70868efc49828f4d7ec0187796cb6757448f94fddc48a9ca6ecab4 SHA512 6ad887858e45a066e277f49f4ff2a48244f702a965bf0d5862a9a7a54d3bf9614f705efe005627862a84aae8d139a6d0ad1b1e42e8ba61bddc426f81db6b5f47
-EBUILD owfs-3.2_p2-r1.ebuild 4761 BLAKE2B 89dd1f022fabdcb7a87d16b3bc9b296006f1d24f1f44623b46b20c2ecf6206a3fdf12339d7476a919611837323fd02c89353cc7e4f04b6276baf2cf9ebe9854f SHA512 0deff6a1cb75beb10f7c987fc0cfce7d662b28c209f121f96e4e6dd84c4f414f10c996f31f86078fd33ec133bbfeab35bee7129e637c7c40350d4c1a20904465
-EBUILD owfs-3.2_p2-r2.ebuild 4783 BLAKE2B 5c308bd846ea309062de19626fad870f38329aa50b8600eca4da9f00e00cf79a4c203a58b1db601520966d5663dfb729b73d84df93e4f2db5d0d4fdf31b0a012 SHA512 326ebebac9882250c7f4d2faf19a9b923161d2171f5f4a0ecb724e59bc9d059a91231bdc9b1af7fff1ce448a0ebe69d18fac61493dec40acdedddc0ce1a97986
+EBUILD owfs-3.2_p2-r2.ebuild 4781 BLAKE2B ddbb63d06a3c6475f7b1febfe1b8e0f5bad216d2db2d5337ba0e94e4f96ceadd5872906f8962d905cb11b09e8b7d1f6a431f2c040db1a243477d4583013a5215 SHA512 f77002cd587881b99943c01268ce2ba218ec55e46e79e5c6384fc67b7dd89a94d35bee93a9a9dfde043f34ff85f4c456adfa27601726bfee99e805ff9e3207ef
MISC metadata.xml 1159 BLAKE2B 6a55584f7bf0ae7b11441169d59f53138a2e82a3ac38a53b9ab77c8a4e6baf5c268864e7f6897eb2fd9b35888f8373a6756b8760d894c5f4aeaae394f8cb3706 SHA512 4cff718d367711e5a99891caa7c19db9f50d885200841096f17ec3ee64cd01d3938fa34d1f2c5e6de575dd3cb36c5ea4f3625fa604b11cfdebe13362ea37cefe
diff --git a/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.1_p4-r1.ebuild b/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.1_p4-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 51598eaeb803..000000000000
--- a/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.1_p4-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit autotools distutils-r1 eutils linux-info perl-functions systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="Access 1-Wire devices like a filesystem"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 arm x86"
-# Upstream uses crazy SONAME,
- ftdi? ( dev-embedded/libftdi:0 )
- fuse? ( sys-fs/fuse:0= )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
- parport? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- php? ( dev-lang/php:=[cli] )
- python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
- tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0= )
- usb? ( virtual/libusb:0 )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[mdnsresponder-compat] )"
- perl? ( dev-lang/swig )
- php? ( dev-lang/swig )
- python? ( dev-lang/swig )"
-IUSE="debug ftdi ftpd fuse httpd parport perl php python tcl usb zeroconf"
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.1-vendordir.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.1p4-sysmacros.patch
-pkg_setup() {
- if use kernel_linux; then
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- if linux_config_exists; then
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present W1; then
- ewarn "CONFIG_W1 isn't set. You will not be able to use 1-wire bus on this system!"
- fi
- else
- elog "Cannot find a linux kernel configuration. Continuing anyway."
- fi
- fi
- use perl && perl_set_version
- enewgroup ${OWGID} 150
- enewuser ${OWUID} 150 -1 -1 ${OWGID}
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Support user's CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
- sed -i "s/@CPPFLAGS@/@CPPFLAGS@ ${CFLAGS}/" \
- module/swig/perl5/OW/ || die
- sed -i "s/@LIBS@/@LIBS@ ${LDFLAGS}/" \
- module/swig/perl5/OW/ || die
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # disable owpython since we can build python anyway
- # and without it, we don't have to fix the build ;)
- local myeconf=(
- $(use_enable debug)
- $(use_enable fuse owfs)
- $(use_enable ftdi)
- $(use_enable ftpd owftpd)
- $(use_enable httpd owhttpd)
- $(use_enable parport)
- $(use_enable perl owperl)
- $(use_enable php owphp)
- --disable-owpython
- $(use_enable tcl owtcl)
- $(use_enable zeroconf avahi)
- $(use_enable zeroconf zero)
- $(use_enable usb)
- --with-systemdsystemunitdir=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)
- )
- if use httpd || use ftpd || use fuse; then
- myeconf+=( --enable-owserver )
- else
- myeconf+=( --disable-owserver )
- fi
- econf ${myeconf[@]}
-src_compile() {
- default
- if use python; then
- local CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fno-strict-aliasing"
- pushd module/ownet/python > /dev/null || die
- distutils-r1_src_compile
- popd > /dev/null || die
- pushd module/swig/python > /dev/null || die
- emake ow_wrap.c
- distutils-r1_src_compile
- popd > /dev/null || die
- fi
-src_test() { :; }
-src_install() {
- default
- if use httpd || use ftpd || use fuse; then
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/owserver.initd-r1 owserver
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/owserver.confd owserver
- for i in httpd ftpd; do
- if use ${i}; then
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/ow${i}.initd-r1 ow${i}
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ow${i}.confd ow${i}
- fi
- done
- if use fuse; then
- dodir /var/lib/owfs
- dodir /var/lib/owfs/mnt
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/owfs.initd-r1 owfs
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/owfs.confd owfs
- fi
- fi
- use perl && perl_delete_localpod
- if use python; then
- pushd module/ownet/python > /dev/null || die
- distutils-r1_src_install
- popd > /dev/null || die
- pushd module/swig/python > /dev/null || die
- distutils-r1_src_install
- popd > /dev/null || die
- fi
- prune_libtool_files
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use httpd || use ftpd || use fuse; then
- echo
- if [[ ${OWUID} != root ]]; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "In order to allow the OWFS daemon user '${OWUID}' to read"
- ewarn "from and/or write to a 1 wire bus controller device, make"
- ewarn "sure the user has appropriate permission to access the"
- ewarn "corresponding device node/path (e.g. /dev/ttyS0), for example"
- ewarn "by adding the user to the group 'uucp' (for serial devices)"
- ewarn "or 'usb' (for USB devices accessed via usbfs on /proc/bus/usb),"
- ewarn "or install an appropriate UDEV rules (see"
- ewarn "for more information)."
- ewarn
- if use fuse; then
- ewarn "In order to allow regular users to read from and/or write to"
- ewarn "1 wire bus devices accessible via the owfs FUSE filesystem"
- ewarn "client and its filesystem mountpoint, make sure the user is"
- ewarn "a member of the group '${OWGID}'."
- ewarn
- fi
- echo
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.2_p2-r1.ebuild b/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.2_p2-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c795ca7df493..000000000000
--- a/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.2_p2-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit autotools distutils-r1 ltprune linux-info perl-functions systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="Access 1-Wire devices like a filesystem"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~x86"
-# Upstream uses crazy SONAME,
- ftdi? ( dev-embedded/libftdi:0 )
- fuse? ( sys-fs/fuse:0= )
- perl? ( dev-lang/perl:= )
- parport? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers )
- php? ( dev-lang/php:=[cli] )
- python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
- tcl? ( dev-lang/tcl:0= )
- usb? ( virtual/libusb:0 )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[mdnsresponder-compat] )"
- perl? ( dev-lang/swig )
- php? ( dev-lang/swig )
- python? ( dev-lang/swig )"
-IUSE="debug ftdi ftpd fuse httpd parport perl php python tcl usb zeroconf"
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.1-vendordir.patch
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-3.1p4-sysmacros.patch
-pkg_setup() {
- if use kernel_linux; then
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- if linux_config_exists; then
- if ! linux_chkconfig_present W1; then
- ewarn "CONFIG_W1 isn't set. You will not be able to use 1-wire bus on this system!"
- fi
- else
- elog "Cannot find a linux kernel configuration. Continuing anyway."
- fi
- fi
- use perl && perl_set_version
- enewgroup ${OWGID} 150
- enewuser ${OWUID} 150 -1 -1 ${OWGID}
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Support user's CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
- sed -i "s/@CPPFLAGS@/@CPPFLAGS@ ${CFLAGS}/" \
- module/swig/perl5/OW/ || die
- sed -i "s/@LIBS@/@LIBS@ ${LDFLAGS}/" \
- module/swig/perl5/OW/ || die
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- # disable owpython since we can build python anyway
- # and without it, we don't have to fix the build ;)
- local myeconf=(
- $(use_enable debug)
- $(use_enable fuse owfs)
- $(use_enable ftdi)
- $(use_enable ftpd owftpd)
- $(use_enable httpd owhttpd)
- $(use_enable parport)
- $(use_enable perl owperl)
- $(use_enable php owphp)
- --disable-owpython
- $(use_enable tcl owtcl)
- $(use_enable zeroconf avahi)
- $(use_enable zeroconf zero)
- $(use_enable usb)
- --with-systemdsystemunitdir=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)
- )
- if use httpd || use ftpd || use fuse; then
- myeconf+=( --enable-owserver )
- else
- myeconf+=( --disable-owserver )
- fi
- econf ${myeconf[@]}
-src_compile() {
- default
- if use python; then
- local CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fno-strict-aliasing"
- pushd module/ownet/python > /dev/null || die
- distutils-r1_src_compile
- popd > /dev/null || die
- pushd module/swig/python > /dev/null || die
- emake ow_wrap.c
- distutils-r1_src_compile
- popd > /dev/null || die
- fi
-src_test() { :; }
-src_install() {
- default
- if use httpd || use ftpd || use fuse; then
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/owserver.initd-r1 owserver
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/owserver.confd owserver
- for i in httpd ftpd; do
- if use ${i}; then
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/ow${i}.initd-r1 ow${i}
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ow${i}.confd ow${i}
- fi
- done
- if use fuse; then
- dodir /var/lib/owfs
- dodir /var/lib/owfs/mnt
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/owfs.initd-r1 owfs
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/owfs.confd owfs
- fi
- fi
- use perl && perl_delete_localpod
- if use python; then
- pushd module/ownet/python > /dev/null || die
- distutils-r1_src_install
- popd > /dev/null || die
- pushd module/swig/python > /dev/null || die
- distutils-r1_src_install
- popd > /dev/null || die
- fi
- prune_libtool_files
-pkg_postinst() {
- if use httpd || use ftpd || use fuse; then
- echo
- if [[ ${OWUID} != root ]]; then
- ewarn
- ewarn "In order to allow the OWFS daemon user '${OWUID}' to read"
- ewarn "from and/or write to a 1 wire bus controller device, make"
- ewarn "sure the user has appropriate permission to access the"
- ewarn "corresponding device node/path (e.g. /dev/ttyS0), for example"
- ewarn "by adding the user to the group 'uucp' (for serial devices)"
- ewarn "or 'usb' (for USB devices accessed via usbfs on /proc/bus/usb),"
- ewarn "or install an appropriate UDEV rules (see"
- ewarn "for more information)."
- ewarn
- if use fuse; then
- ewarn "In order to allow regular users to read from and/or write to"
- ewarn "1 wire bus devices accessible via the owfs FUSE filesystem"
- ewarn "client and its filesystem mountpoint, make sure the user is"
- ewarn "a member of the group '${OWGID}'."
- ewarn
- fi
- echo
- fi
- fi
diff --git a/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.2_p2-r2.ebuild b/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.2_p2-r2.ebuild
index 3ed9161338ad..8bc833ad7ff9 100644
--- a/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.2_p2-r2.ebuild
+++ b/sys-fs/owfs/owfs-3.2_p2-r2.ebuild
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ MY_P="${P/_/}"
DESCRIPTION="Access 1-Wire devices like a filesystem"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm x86"
+KEYWORDS="amd64 arm x86"
# Upstream uses crazy SONAME,