path: root/dev-haskell/haddock-api
diff options
authorV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-07-24 02:52:00 +0100
committerV3n3RiX <venerix@koprulu.sector>2022-07-24 02:52:00 +0100
commite19b21c73e5feac42ade97baf3eeb45c58a2f234 (patch)
treef524a01a657ca0dd25be3a5bf70fbb6b694b0275 /dev-haskell/haddock-api
parentfceabcd48faf4c890719a14ac4ed93b6b7993364 (diff)
gentoo auto-resync : 24:07:2022 - 02:51:59
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-haskell/haddock-api')
4 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-haskell/haddock-api/Manifest b/dev-haskell/haddock-api/Manifest
index b8aefcc9668a..39f07f0ddf2b 100644
--- a/dev-haskell/haddock-api/Manifest
+++ b/dev-haskell/haddock-api/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
AUX haddock-api-2.24.0-ghc-8.10.2.patch 6161 BLAKE2B d13f756bb8736d320f00c06bc654b684ab5dff03df0f58a5a895ba61f038e8566a08a1174a62c984e94f2ce145ecf7a443a9b453f7260e09dee1d7caac4de551 SHA512 351c34536d3faccececd4ccbc3f6b8aa9bf03438d65ef46788496be9455ba9d7c1db4bb6fdc1b185ad014ec06ed7e1ab94dddf72be56a1205ae95a6e6167d448
+AUX haddock-api-2.24.0-haddock-library-1.10.patch 5234 BLAKE2B ee476b851cb1dc6aed4a3be259402b19fc8d3720cb130927c7fbedaaf24743ad6077f0d5fe9b4cf5e9016139aac639f4dd3e36fa133896892455576d2097bc4e SHA512 a52288df217a9bd532f5f070d383e6f60a58fe67748cf84f4731f2decda50a795c5ba29de51a374274ac694d9ecefeb4d0cde7af09c25a8cac2d102faed5c144
DIST haddock-api-2.23.1.tar.gz 200096 BLAKE2B 0635881e198c1df3690f07185da7cc49f8eb92283d99c581756c86fb9f293b28608ac3eea9090abcc3afa12c646e584939df9b8c38b4844e9c462824426019f5 SHA512 fb7826102476a3f292da336f8f16c7a647df7c4432bed905815509fff0df164255c0856cc17663bb42479114ed9a418e6bcd214fb8594b245d401c9e091ac4ef
DIST haddock-api-2.24.0.tar.gz 200478 BLAKE2B 5c4f7be45066583e3d3afa0b1866070f2c05d71685526b0d915461f75208f13cf6bbf2b91cc820e1f229df9dbf240cfef150fb3a9929878cfdc02db9dc124c99 SHA512 dfbe5bcfd722dc92ec70aca2dd681da9e122f60ec3da5c9583c188f65b11bade314c64d4af1a3a51cf8f618d8bea943bd4052aa9860ece38ab10717b484ed057
+DIST haddock-api-2.25.1.tar.gz 208616 BLAKE2B 4ee682e797f6d8790ba83f53111263b07ce4080809d2aa8306123e04dd0d5472822b45ad8f09bcd4d4a4cf01e4462cfe8f6ed683b6468e2870d43f02bc761717 SHA512 ce34eb986733f3cc8338781054ff4d88f7fcdefed476a8a9861657306ffd8d89e7768b2640f354257fd2db336c5d66bd0acdd1676ad401422d785847277d914f
EBUILD haddock-api-2.23.1.ebuild 1087 BLAKE2B 937fb9b076c2081f74228d85f11366b937ebfcf450a04f8eccf0ce43b03a8c8c13657a4571a873db543b346c853658bee39c6706857e69342eea953b7e27cae5 SHA512 d795bc7254f46790f615b6a6d507ed8693c1cc84bab3fb143f5e9201d486d77459579705f22cb1e335a6dca6532621e10eeafddb0e5ca0721b5771f346834918
+EBUILD haddock-api-2.24.0-r1.ebuild 1208 BLAKE2B a19fa8d6f264492b572b53569b8d55215167d723965573b3dd3008c9ca4253b2cc86e26b7815c6e0096e8a9f2e3bb34cbe3822966c5170734e47980016879b9c SHA512 9bfbc84b66b5883b045c19c36c0d74b751f7fc52b1f9325932b901ef02e39b36f216ea6b0bc1c4ca36a1b5815622700e4cd3452eda52111fc0189cfb897ab9f7
EBUILD haddock-api-2.24.0.ebuild 1146 BLAKE2B bbc12c4eda94191c71bed7a5cb42b550a75d7c1310cf1851452cf67e235df15e771470a41eb5fa42670abca079cb03fd3f8fedeedde56360e7c741279a130c01 SHA512 1bde64fd2ff4ef0337ac2050e08b71dd3b7d323b35a9ac5a1efe3392552b205d52ac1fb9d5e460efcef512c17ecafa0ee34e853867946377a30042c2efb40805
+EBUILD haddock-api-2.25.1.ebuild 1401 BLAKE2B be6e15288c69cba3a3d0d1448418cfd953dbbbebb6fcad35a7b46b495c193f6743bb60ab2edbc828f92244fbc3a85e5b4580a9d18acf82729b32f143af61581c SHA512 e221afb1fada5f2bf5b089a16f68e3e38acb4c1cddbaf94b935d52da7407ef2ee649979cd1a54a561d03cb09bdf7766f95bcf589416a38423c2e7e63ee8410f4
MISC metadata.xml 250 BLAKE2B 3adf9597d5114c480b4cc9fb5c3e231d8475b795cd6dce77986e13583ab6e59b43857cf2328570490abef0062a8b8a6b73d231867f9b62124855515cdc044d6d SHA512 5ef2c1d34a3438b39a38c041d45bb06bd0f1ae8a3f8b971bd5aaf36dee560f380e9abefab0c2a4cd7b518e151f5c6a0d0c7cd53caee9a384818f1bdc7deeadc4
diff --git a/dev-haskell/haddock-api/files/haddock-api-2.24.0-haddock-library-1.10.patch b/dev-haskell/haddock-api/files/haddock-api-2.24.0-haddock-library-1.10.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1627b73eba9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-haskell/haddock-api/files/haddock-api-2.24.0-haddock-library-1.10.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+--- a/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
++++ b/src/Haddock/Backends/Hoogle.hs
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -326,7 +327,11 @@ markupTag dflags = Markup {
+ markupAppend = (++),
+ markupIdentifier = box (TagInline "a") . str . out dflags,
+ markupIdentifierUnchecked = box (TagInline "a") . str . showWrapped (out dflags . snd),
++#if MIN_VERSION_haddock_library(1,10,0)
++ markupModule = box (TagInline "a") . str . modLinkName,
+ markupModule = box (TagInline "a") . str,
+ markupWarning = box (TagInline "i"),
+ markupEmphasis = box (TagInline "i"),
+ markupBold = box (TagInline "b"),
+--- a/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
++++ b/src/Haddock/Backends/LaTeX.hs
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
+ {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+@@ -1206,7 +1207,11 @@ latexMarkup = Markup
+ , markupAppend = \l r v -> l v . r v
+ , markupIdentifier = \i v -> inlineElem (markupId v (fmap occName i))
+ , markupIdentifierUnchecked = \i v -> inlineElem (markupId v (fmap snd i))
++#if MIN_VERSION_haddock_library(1,10,0)
++ , markupModule = \m _ -> inlineElem (let (mdl,_ref) = break (=='#') (modLinkName m) in (tt (text mdl)))
+ , markupModule = \m _ -> inlineElem (let (mdl,_ref) = break (=='#') m in (tt (text mdl)))
+ , markupWarning = \p v -> p v
+ , markupEmphasis = \p v -> inlineElem (emph (p v empty))
+ , markupBold = \p v -> inlineElem (bold (p v empty))
+--- a/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
++++ b/src/Haddock/Backends/Xhtml/DocMarkup.hs
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ -- |
+ -- Module : Haddock.Backends.Html.DocMarkup
+@@ -44,7 +45,11 @@ parHtmlMarkup qual insertAnchors ppId = Markup {
+ markupAppend = (+++),
+ markupIdentifier = thecode . ppId insertAnchors,
+ markupIdentifierUnchecked = thecode . ppUncheckedLink qual,
++#if MIN_VERSION_haddock_library(1,10,0)
++ markupModule = \m -> let (mdl,ref) = break (=='#') (modLinkName m)
+ markupModule = \m -> let (mdl,ref) = break (=='#') m
+ -- Accomodate for old style
+ -- foo\#bar anchors
+ mdl' = case reverse mdl of
+--- a/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
++++ b/src/Haddock/Interface/LexParseRn.hs
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
++{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
+ {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+ {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+@@ -148,7 +149,11 @@ rename dflags gre = rn
+ DocDefList list -> DocDefList <$> traverse (\(a, b) -> (,) <$> rn a <*> rn b) list
+ DocCodeBlock doc -> DocCodeBlock <$> rn doc
+ DocIdentifierUnchecked x -> pure (DocIdentifierUnchecked x)
++#if MIN_VERSION_haddock_library(1,10,0)
++ DocModule (ModLink m l) -> DocModule . ModLink m <$> traverse rn l
+ DocModule str -> pure (DocModule str)
+ DocHyperlink (Hyperlink u l) -> DocHyperlink . Hyperlink u <$> traverse rn l
+ DocPic str -> pure (DocPic str)
+ DocMathInline str -> pure (DocMathInline str)
+--- a/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
++++ b/src/Haddock/InterfaceFile.hs
+@@ -521,9 +521,16 @@ instance (Binary mod, Binary id) => Binary (DocH mod id) where
+ put_ bh (DocIdentifier ae) = do
+ putByte bh 4
+ put_ bh ae
++#if MIN_VERSION_haddock_library(1,10,0)
++ put_ bh (DocModule (ModLink af bf)) = do
++ putByte bh 5
++ put_ bh af
++ put_ bh bf
+ put_ bh (DocModule af) = do
+ putByte bh 5
+ put_ bh af
+ put_ bh (DocEmphasis ag) = do
+ putByte bh 6
+ put_ bh ag
+@@ -598,8 +605,14 @@ instance (Binary mod, Binary id) => Binary (DocH mod id) where
+ ae <- get bh
+ return (DocIdentifier ae)
+ 5 -> do
++#if MIN_VERSION_haddock_library(1,10,0)
++ af <- get bh
++ bf <- get bh
++ return (DocModule (ModLink af bf))
+ af <- get bh
+ return (DocModule af)
+ 6 -> do
+ ag <- get bh
+ return (DocEmphasis ag)
+--- a/src/Haddock/Types.hs
++++ b/src/Haddock/Types.hs
+@@ -466,7 +466,11 @@ instance (NFData a, NFData mod)
+ DocParagraph a -> a `deepseq` ()
+ DocIdentifier a -> a `deepseq` ()
+ DocIdentifierUnchecked a -> a `deepseq` ()
++#if MIN_VERSION_haddock_library(1,10,0)
++ DocModule (ModLink a b) -> a `deepseq` b `deepseq` ()
+ DocModule a -> a `deepseq` ()
+ DocWarning a -> a `deepseq` ()
+ DocEmphasis a -> a `deepseq` ()
+ DocBold a -> a `deepseq` ()
diff --git a/dev-haskell/haddock-api/haddock-api-2.24.0-r1.ebuild b/dev-haskell/haddock-api/haddock-api-2.24.0-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2d6ebc78f6e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-haskell/haddock-api/haddock-api-2.24.0-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+CABAL_FEATURES="lib hoogle hscolour profile test-suite" # haddock
+inherit haskell-cabal
+DESCRIPTION="A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries"
+# keep in sync with ghc-8.10
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+RDEPEND=">=dev-haskell/ghc-paths-[profile?] <dev-haskell/ghc-paths-0.2:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/haddock-library-1.9.0:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/xhtml-3000.2.2:=[profile?] <dev-haskell/xhtml-3000.3:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-lang/ghc-8.10.1:=
+ >=dev-haskell/cabal-
+ test? ( >=dev-haskell/ghc-paths- <dev-haskell/ghc-paths-0.2
+ >=dev-haskell/hspec-2.4.4 <dev-haskell/hspec-2.8
+ >=dev-haskell/quickcheck-2.11
+ )
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-ghc-8.10.2.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-haddock-library-1.10.patch
+src_prepare () {
+ default
+ cabal_chdeps \
+ 'QuickCheck >= 2.11 && < 2.14' 'QuickCheck >= 2.11' \
+ 'haddock-library ^>= 1.9.0' 'haddock-library >= 1.9.0'
diff --git a/dev-haskell/haddock-api/haddock-api-2.25.1.ebuild b/dev-haskell/haddock-api/haddock-api-2.25.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8cd0abc5df68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-haskell/haddock-api/haddock-api-2.25.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# ebuild generated by hackport 0.7
+CABAL_FEATURES="lib profile hoogle hscolour test-suite" # haddock
+inherit haskell-cabal
+DESCRIPTION="A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries"
+#keep in sync with ghc-9.0.2
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+ >=dev-haskell/ghc-paths-[profile?] <dev-haskell/ghc-paths-0.2:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/haddock-library-1.10.0:=[profile?] <dev-haskell/haddock-library-1.11:=[profile?]
+ dev-haskell/mtl:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/parsec-[profile?] <dev-haskell/parsec-3.2:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-haskell/xhtml-3000.2.2:=[profile?] <dev-haskell/xhtml-3000.3:=[profile?]
+ >=dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2:=
+ >=dev-haskell/cabal-
+ test? ( >=dev-haskell/ghc-paths- <dev-haskell/ghc-paths-0.2
+ >=dev-haskell/hspec-2.4.4
+ >=dev-haskell/hspec-discover-2.4.4
+ >=dev-haskell/quickcheck-2.14 <dev-haskell/quickcheck-2.15 )
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ cabal_chdeps \
+ 'hspec >= 2.4.4 && < 2.8' 'hspec >=2.4.4' \
+ 'hspec-discover:hspec-discover >= 2.4.4 && < 2.8' 'hspec-discover:hspec-discover >= 2.4.4'