path: root/sys-kernel/kogaion-sources/Manifest
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-10-18drop some older kernelsV3n3RiX
2016-10-18bump kernel to 4.4.10V3n3RiX
2016-08-27manifest the new kernelV3n3RiX
2016-08-27bump kernel to 4.4.5, manifest will follow as soon as sources are upV3n3RiX
2016-08-27fixed sources, remanifestV3n3RiX
2016-08-26manifest the beastV3n3RiX
2016-04-24remanifest with fixed tarballsV3n3RiX
2016-04-24manifest new kernelV3n3RiX
2016-03-12[kogaion-sources] upgraded kogaion-sourcesBlackNoxis
2016-03-12patch kogaion-sources with latest fixes, drop old kernelV3n3RiX
2015-09-06drop 3.14.40, it's broken with old aufs patches, and we don't plan to backportV3n3RiX
2015-09-06[sys-kernel/*] adaugat surse noiBlackNoxis
2015-09-06[sys-kernel/*] remanifest kernelBlackNoxis
2015-09-05remanifest za kernal sursesV3n3RiX
2015-08-31[kogaion-sources] remanifestat surse noi, sters surse vechiBlackNoxis
2015-05-03[kogaion-sources] added kogaion-sources 3.14.40BlackNoxis
2015-01-30Remanifested kernel and source for kernelBlackNoxis
2015-01-15Remanifest kogaion sources 3.14.25 with new configsBlackNoxis
2015-01-13Forgot we still haz 3.12.10BlackNoxis
2014-11-25Dropping -20, upgrading to -25 linux kernels and sourceBlackNoxis
2014-10-27Incoming! Moving Rogento.git to kogaion-desktop. FinallyBlackNoxis
2014-02-15Added ebuilds for kogaion desktopBlackNoxis