AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-02-26add use.desc :)V3n3RiX
2016-02-13Merge branch 'master' into 'master' Ghiunhan Mamut (aka V3n3RiX)
2016-02-12[kogaion-kernel.eclass] adding support for future kernel 4.4BlackNoxis
2016-02-12Upgraded support in kernels for full versioning, with the exception of revisi...BlackNoxis
2016-02-06adding 4.x kernel supportStefanCristian
2016-01-10Merge branch 'master' into 'master' Ghiunhan Mamut (aka V3n3RiX)
2016-01-10changing genkernel build `all` to build only `kernel` ( and modules )BlackNoxis
2016-01-03bump vasile to version 1.0V3n3RiX
2015-12-21port Gentoo livecd-tools to systemdV3n3RiX
2015-12-15bump vasile to v0.2V3n3RiX
2015-11-29Merge branch 'master' of
2015-11-29drop our grub, use gentoo oneV3n3RiX
2015-11-22[os-prober] unveil the right version of os-prober-1.65BlackNoxis
2015-10-25Fixed baselayout 2.2 in -r2BlackNoxis
2015-10-25Dropping old rogentos settings on baselayoutBlackNoxis
2015-10-04Revert "use full version in kernel"V3n3RiX
2015-10-04virtual packages are always stable, cause they are...virtualV3n3RiX
2015-10-04we only ship kogaion-sources as official, so prevent another sources to be in...V3n3RiX
2015-10-04small kogaion-sources fixV3n3RiX
2015-10-04use full version in kernelV3n3RiX
2015-10-04drop fucked up avahi and pinentryV3n3RiX
2015-10-04drop splitted x11 drivers, we go gentoo wayV3n3RiX
2015-09-21[eclass/kogaion-kernel.eclass] modificat optiunile de genkernelBlackNoxis
2015-09-20update readme to point to new overlay locationV3n3RiX
2015-09-20change overlay locationV3n3RiX
2015-09-20Revert "follow our own path, free of people who fail to keep their words"V3n3RiX
2015-09-19follow our own path, free of people who fail to keep their wordsV3n3RiX
2015-09-13Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'V3n3RiX
2015-09-07[sddm] adaugat sddm, poate o sa-l folosimBlackNoxis
2015-09-06drop 3.14.40, it's broken with old aufs patches, and we don't plan to backportV3n3RiX
2015-09-06Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'V3n3RiX
2015-09-06finally we can drop live kernel, as we made the regular kernel live friendlyV3n3RiX
2015-09-06[sys-kernel/*] adaugat surse noiBlackNoxis
2015-09-06[sys-kernel/*] remanifest kernelBlackNoxis
2015-09-05fix firmware versionV3n3RiX
2015-09-05remanifest za kernal sursesV3n3RiX
2015-09-05remanifest za kernelV3n3RiX
2015-07-01reverbish do-artwork bumping with kogaionStefanCristian
2015-07-01dropping kernel-schimbareStefanCristian
2015-09-05[app-misc/*] stergem ramasitile ce nu le mai folosim ale vechiului sistemStefanCristian
2015-09-02[linux-kogaion] remanifestare arhiva nouaBlackNoxis
2015-09-01[kogaion-sources] demascam noua versiune de surse de nucleuBlackNoxis
2015-09-01[linux-kogaion] demascam noua versiune de kernelBlackNoxis
2015-08-31[kogaion-sources] remanifestat surse noi, sters surse vechiBlackNoxis
2015-08-31[linux-kogaion] remanifestat linux-kogaion 3.14.50. urmeaza sa il introduc in...BlackNoxis
2015-08-31drop kernels without sourcesV3n3RiX
2015-08-31first ebuild for vasileV3n3RiX
2015-08-28[numix-icon-theme-circle] keyword pentru amd64/x86BlackNoxis