#!/usr/bin/env bash checkifroot () { if [[ "$(whoami)" != root ]] ; then eerror "I won't do that, unless you're root!" exit 1 fi } checkkerncfg () { if [[ $(zgrep 'CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS=' /proc/config.gz) && $(zgrep "CONFIG_SQUASHFS=" /proc/config.gz) && $(zgrep "CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=" /proc/config.gz) ]] ; then einfo "Kernel config OK, moving on" else eerror "I won't do that with the current kernel" eerror "I want a kernel with OVERLAYFS && SQUASHFS && LOOP DEVICES enabled" exit 1 fi } checkiflive () { if [[ -L /dev/mapper/live-base ]] ; then eerror "I won't do that on a live system" exit 1 fi } checkjailsum () { if [[ -f "$jailx64" && -f "$jailx64sum" ]] ; then if [[ "$(md5sum -c "$jailx64sum")" ]] ; then einfo "Jail integrity OK, moving on" else eerror "I won't do that with a corrupted jail" exit 1 fi else eerror "I won't do that with a missing jail" exit 1 fi } jaildkmsbuild () { checkifroot if [[ -x /usr/sbin/dkms ]] ; then for i in $(dkms status | cut -d " " -f1,2 | sed -e 's/,//g' | sed -e 's/ /\//g' | sed -e 's/://g') ; do dkms install $i done fi }