# generic functions (used for both build && iso creation) kernelconfig () { if [[ $(zgrep 'CONFIG_OVERLAYFS_FS=' /proc/config.gz) && $(zgrep "CONFIG_SQUASHFS=" /proc/config.gz) && $(zgrep "CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=" /proc/config.gz) ]] ; then # if you use 3.18 LTS or newer kernels, change CONFIG_OVERLAYFS_FS to CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS echo "" echo "Kernel configuration seems OK, moving on" echo "" sleep 1 else echo "" echo "Vasile needs OVERLAYFS && SQUASHFS && LOOP DEVICES to work" echo "Please rebuild the kernel with those activated to use it" echo "" exit 1 fi } checkroot () { if [[ "$(whoami)" != root ]] ; then echo "" echo "You're not root?...No cookies for you, go away !!!" echo "" exit 1 fi } chrootchecksumx64 () { while : true ; do if [[ -f "$chrootx64" && -f "$chrootx64md5" ]] ; then echo "good, squashed chroot && checksum file found ... verifying integrity" echo "" if [[ "$(md5sum -c "$chrootx64md5")" ]] ; then echo "good, squashed chroot checksum passed ... starting engines" echo "" sleep 1 break else echo "ooops, squashed chroot checksum failed ... aborting" exit 1 fi else echo "ooops, squashed chroot or checksum file not found ... aborting" exit 1 fi done } # build functions chrootstop () { umount -l "$overlaydir"/proc > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$overlaydir"/sys > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$overlaydir"/dev/pts > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$overlaydir"/dev/shm > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$overlaydir"/dev > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$overlaydir"/tmp > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$overlaydir"/usr/portage/packages > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$overlaydir"/usr/portage/distfiles > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$overlaydir" > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$rodir" > /dev/null 2>&1 } chrootstart () { mount -t squashfs "$chrootx64" "$rodir" if [[ "$(uname -r | cut -d . -f1,2)" = "3.14" ]] ; then mount -t overlayfs -o lowerdir="$rodir",upperdir="$rwdir" overlayfs "$overlaydir" else # kernel version equal or above 3.18 mount -t overlay -o lowerdir="$rodir",upperdir="$rwdir",workdir="$workdir" overlay "$overlaydir" fi mount -o bind packages "$overlaydir"/usr/portage/packages mount -o bind distfiles "$overlaydir"/usr/portage/distfiles mount -t proc proc "$overlaydir"/proc mount -t sysfs sysfs "$overlaydir"/sys mount -t devtmpfs -o relatime,size=3055348k,nr_inodes=763837,mode=755 none "$overlaydir"/dev mount -t devpts -o nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620 none "$overlaydir"/dev/pts mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev none "$overlaydir"/dev/shm mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev,noexec none "$overlaydir"/tmp } chrootdevtree () { echo "injecting full portage tree into build environment" echo "" sleep 1 chroot "$overlaydir" su - "$chrootuser" -c "$chrootdevtree" } chrootoverlays () { echo "injecting "$releasename" "$releasetarget" overlay into build environment" sleep 1 chroot "$overlaydir" su - "$chrootuser" -c "$chrootmainoverlay" } chrootbuildsystem () { echo "injecting "$releasename" buildsystem && setting up portage" echo "" sleep 1 for cmd in "$chrootbuildgit" "$chrootportageconfig" "$chrootmakeconf" "$chrootprofile" "$chrootenvupdate" ; do chroot "$overlaydir" su - "$chrootuser" -c "$cmd" done } chrootbuild () { echo "" echo "Environment is up && running ... building targets" sleep 1 chroot "$overlaydir" su - "$chrootuser" -c "$chrootbuildtarget" } chrootx64 () { echo -e "" echo -e "#################################################################" echo -e "# ENTERING CHROOT ENV FOR YOU TO PUSH BUILT PACKAGES #" echo -e "# OR TO FIX EVENTUAL BUILD ERRORS #" echo -e "#################################################################" echo -e "# !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! #" echo -e "#################################################################" echo -e "# NEXT RUN OF THIS SCRIPT WILL DESTROY ALL YOUR WORK #" echo -e "# DO NOT EXIT CHROOT UNTIL ALL PACKAGES ARE PUSHED TO REPOS #" echo -e "# OR, IN CASE OF BUILD FAILURES, UNTIL ALL FIXES ARE COMMITED #" echo -e "#################################################################" echo -e "# !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! #" echo -e "#################################################################" echo -e "" echo -e "" chroot "$overlaydir" su - "$chrootuser" } # iso functions isostart () { mount -o bind packages "$isosyncdir"/usr/portage/packages mount -t proc proc "$isosyncdir"/proc mount -t sysfs sysfs "$isosyncdir"/sys mount -t devtmpfs -o relatime,size=3055348k,nr_inodes=763837,mode=755 none "$isosyncdir"/dev mount -t devpts -o nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620 none "$isosyncdir"/dev/pts mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev none "$isosyncdir"/dev/shm mount -t tmpfs -o nosuid,nodev,noexec none "$isosyncdir"/tmp } isostop () { umount -l "$isosyncdir"/proc > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$isosyncdir"/sys > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$isosyncdir"/dev/pts > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$isosyncdir"/dev/shm > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$isosyncdir"/dev > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$isosyncdir"/tmp > /dev/null 2>&1 umount -l "$isosyncdir"/usr/portage/packages > /dev/null 2>&1 } isousertree () { echo "injecting minimal portage tree into environment (user mode)" echo "" sleep 1 chroot "$isosyncdir" su - "$isouser" -c "$isousertree" } isooverlays () { echo "injecting "$releasename" "$releasetarget" overlay into environment" sleep 1 chroot "$isosyncdir" su - "$isouser" -c "$isomainoverlay" } isobuildsystem () { echo "injecting "$releasename" buildsystem && setting up portage" echo "" sleep 1 for cmd in "$isobuildgit" "$isoportageconfig" "$isomakeconf" "$isoprofile" "$isoenvupdate" ; do chroot "$isosyncdir" su - "$isouser" -c "$cmd" done } isoramfs () { chroot "$isosyncdir" su - "$isouser" -c "$isodracutcmd" } systemramfs () { chroot "$isosyncdir" su - "$isouser" -c "$dracutcmd" } isoefiimg () { chroot "$isosyncdir" su - "$isouser" -c "$isoeficmd" } isochroot () { echo -e "" echo -e "DROPPING YOU TO A ROOT SHELL INTO ISO ENVIRONMENT" echo -e "INSTALL APPS & TARGETS & DES YOU WANT INSIDE ISO" echo -e "EXIT WHEN YOU'RE DONE AND I'LL CREATE THE IMAGE" echo -e "" chroot "$isosyncdir" su - "$isouser" }