Sisyphus Qt::NonModal 0 0 1024 576 0 0 1024 576 Sisyphus : Graphical User Interface ../icon/sisyphus.png../icon/sisyphus.png 15 15 15 15 15 0 175 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Sunken Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn QAbstractScrollArea::AdjustToContents QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers false true QAbstractItemView::MultiSelection QAbstractItemView::SelectRows Qt::DashLine true 150 200 true false false 16777215 25 0 175 16777215 200 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Sunken Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn Qt::TextSelectableByMouse The progress output will be displayed here 25 25 25 0 30 16777215 30 10 QFrame::StyledPanel Search by Qt::MarkdownText true Qt::NoTextInteraction inputLayout 0 30 16777215 30 false 0 30 16777215 30 10 true QFrame::StyledPanel in true Qt::NoTextInteraction 0 30 16777215 30 false 0 30 16777215 30 Type in the search term true 0 30 16777215 30 <html><head/><body><p align="center">License Information</p></body></html> ../icon/license.png../icon/license.png 16 16 true 0 30 16777215 30 <html><head/><body><p align="center">Mirror Configuration</p></body></html> ../icon/settings.png../icon/settings.png 16 16 true 125 48 175 64 Install selected package(s) ../icon/install.png../icon/install.png 30 30 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon true Qt::NoArrow 125 48 175 64 Uninstall selected package(s) ../icon/uninstall.png../icon/uninstall.png 30 30 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon true Qt::NoArrow 125 48 175 64 Upgrade the system ../icon/upgrade.png../icon/upgrade.png 30 30 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon true 125 48 175 64 Uninstall orphan package(s) ../icon/orphans.png../icon/orphans.png 30 30 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon true 125 48 175 64 Quit program ../icon/exit.png../icon/exit.png 30 30 Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon true applicationFilter databaseFilter inputBox licenseButton settingsButton databaseTable progressBox installButton uninstallButton upgradeButton autoremoveButton exitButton