#!/usr/bin/python3 import atexit import io import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import wget import sisyphus.checkEnvironment import sisyphus.getEnvironment import sisyphus.getFilesystem import sisyphus.killPortage import sisyphus.resolveDeps import sisyphus.syncDatabase import sisyphus.updateAll def start(): if sisyphus.checkEnvironment.root(): sisyphus.updateAll.start() binhostURL = sisyphus.getEnvironment.binhostURL() areBinaries,areSources,needsConfig = sisyphus.resolveDeps.world() if needsConfig == 0: if len(areSources) == 0: if not len(areBinaries) == 0: os.chdir(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir) print("\n" + "These are the binary packages that would be merged, in order:" + "\n\n" + " ".join(areBinaries) + "\n\n" + "Total:" + " " + str(len(areBinaries)) + " " + "binary package(s)" + "\n") if input("Would you like to proceed?" + " " + "[y/N]" + " ").lower().strip()[:1] == "y": for index, binary in enumerate([package + '.tbz2' for package in areBinaries], start=1): print(">>> Downloading binary ({}".format(index) + " " + "of" + " " + str(len(areBinaries)) + ")" + " " + binary) wget.download(binhostURL + binary) print("\n") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir, binary.rstrip().split("/")[0])): shutil.move(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1], os.path.join(os.path.join(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir, binary.rstrip().split("/")[0]), os.path.basename(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]))) else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir, binary.rstrip().split("/")[0])) shutil.move(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1], os.path.join(os.path.join(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir, binary.rstrip().split("/")[0]), os.path.basename(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]))) if os.path.exists(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]): os.remove(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]) portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--update', '--deep', '--newuse', '--usepkg', '--usepkgonly', '--rebuilt-binaries', '--backtrack=100', '--with-bdeps=y', '--misspell-suggestion=n', '--fuzzy-search=n', '@world'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if not "These are the packages that would be merged, in order:" in portageOutput.rstrip(): if not "Calculating dependencies" in portageOutput.rstrip(): print(portageOutput.rstrip()) portageExec.wait() sisyphus.syncDatabase.localTable() else: sys.exit("\n" + "Ok; Quitting." + "\n") else: sys.exit("\n" + "No package upgrades found; Quitting." + "\n") else: sys.exit("\n" + "Source package(s) found in the mix;" + " " + "Use" + " " + "'" + "sisyphus upgrade --ebuild" + "'" + ";" + " " + "Quitting." + "\n") else: # don't silently fail if a source package requested without the --ebuild option needs a keyword, mask, REQUIRED_USE or USE change sys.exit("\n" + "Invalid request;" " " + "Use" + " " + "'" + "sisyphus upgrade --ebuild" + "'" + ";" + " " + "Quitting." + "\n") else: sys.exit("\nYou need root permissions to do this, exiting!\n") def startqt(): binhostURL = sisyphus.getEnvironment.binhostURL() areBinaries,areSources,needsConfig = sisyphus.resolveDeps.world.__wrapped__() #undecorate if not len(areSources) == 0: print("\n" + "Source package(s) found in the mix;" + " " + "Use sisyphus CLI:" + " " + "'" + "sisyphus upgrade --ebuild" + "'" + " " + "to perform the upgrade;" + " " + "Aborting." + "\n") else: if not len(areBinaries) == 0: os.chdir(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir) print("\n" + "These are the binary packages that will be merged, in order:" + "\n\n" + " ".join(areBinaries) + "\n\n" + "Total:" + " " + str(len(areBinaries)) + " " + "binary package(s)" + "\n\n") for index, binary in enumerate([package + '.tbz2' for package in areBinaries], start=1): print(">>> Downloading binary ({}".format(index) + " " + "of" + " " + str(len(areBinaries)) + ")" + " " + binary) wget.download(binhostURL + binary) print("\n") if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir, binary.rstrip().split("/")[0])): shutil.move(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1], os.path.join(os.path.join(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir, binary.rstrip().split("/")[0]), os.path.basename(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]))) else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir, binary.rstrip().split("/")[0])) shutil.move(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1], os.path.join(os.path.join(sisyphus.getFilesystem.portageCacheDir, binary.rstrip().split("/")[0]), os.path.basename(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]))) if os.path.exists(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]): os.remove(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]) portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--update', '--deep', '--newuse', '--usepkg', '--usepkgonly', '--rebuilt-binaries', '--backtrack=100', '--with-bdeps=y', '--misspell-suggestion=n', '--fuzzy-search=n', '@world'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # kill portage if the program dies or it's terminated by the user atexit.register(sisyphus.killPortage.start, portageExec) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if not "These are the packages that would be merged, in order:" in portageOutput.rstrip(): if not "Calculating dependencies" in portageOutput.rstrip(): print(portageOutput.rstrip()) portageExec.wait() sisyphus.syncDatabase.localTable() else: print("\n" + "No package upgrades found; Quitting." + "\n")