#!/usr/bin/python3 import animation import csv import os import shutil import sqlite3 import subprocess import sys import urllib3 import io import wget from dateutil import parser portageCfg = '/opt/redcore-build/' portageCache = '/var/cache/packages/' remotePkgsDB = '/var/lib/sisyphus/csv/remotePackagesPre.csv' remoteDscsDB = '/var/lib/sisyphus/csv/remoteDescriptionsPre.csv' localPkgsDB = '/var/lib/sisyphus/csv/localPackagesPre.csv' sisyphusDB = '/var/lib/sisyphus/db/sisyphus.db' mirrorCfg = '/etc/sisyphus/mirrors.conf' def checkRoot(): if not os.getuid() == 0: sys.exit("\nYou need root permissions to do this, exiting!\n") def checkSystemMode(): portageBinCfg = '/opt/redcore-build/conf/intel/portage/make.conf.amd64-binmode' portageCfgSym = '/etc/portage/make.conf' if not os.path.islink(portageCfgSym): print("\nmake.conf is not a symlink, refusing to run!\n") sys.exit(1) else: if os.path.realpath(portageCfgSym) == portageBinCfg: pass else: print("\nThe system is not set to binmode, refusing to run!\n") sys.exit(1) def getMirrorList(): mirrorList = [] with open(mirrorCfg) as mirrorFile: for line in mirrorFile.readlines(): if 'PORTAGE_BINHOST=' in line: url = line.split("=")[1].replace('"', '').rstrip() mirror = {'isActive': True, 'Url': url} if line.startswith('#'): mirror['isActive'] = False mirrorList.append(mirror) mirrorFile.close() return mirrorList def getBinhostURL(): binhostURL = [] portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--info', '--verbose'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if "PORTAGE_BINHOST" in portageOutput.rstrip(): binhostURL = str(portageOutput.rstrip().split("=")[1].strip('\"')) return binhostURL def getRemotePkgsURL(): remotePkgsURL = [] portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--info', '--verbose'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if "PORTAGE_BINHOST" in portageOutput.rstrip(): remotePkgsURL = str(portageOutput.rstrip().split("=")[1].strip('\"').replace('packages', 'csv') + 'remotePackagesPre.csv') return remotePkgsURL def getRemoteDscsURL(): remoteDscsURL = [] portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--info', '--verbose'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if "PORTAGE_BINHOST" in portageOutput.rstrip(): remoteDscsURL = str(portageOutput.rstrip().split("=")[1].strip('\"').replace('packages', 'csv') + 'remoteDescriptionsPre.csv') return remoteDscsURL @animation.wait('resolving dependencies') def getPkgDeps(pkgList): pkgDeps = [] portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '-qgp'] + pkgList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if "/" in portageOutput.rstrip(): pkgDep = str(portageOutput.rstrip().split("]")[1].split("[")[0].strip("\ ")) if not "blocks" and not "uninstall" in pkgDep: pkgDeps.append(pkgDep) return pkgDeps @animation.wait('resolving dependencies') def getWorldDeps(): worldDeps = [] portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '-uDNqgp', '--backtrack=100', '--with-bdeps=y', '@world'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if "/" in portageOutput.rstrip(): worldDep = str(portageOutput.rstrip().split("]")[1].split("[")[0].strip("\ ")) if not "blocks" and not "uninstall" in worldDep: worldDeps.append(worldDep) return worldDeps def fetchRemoteDatabase(): remotePkgsURL = getRemotePkgsURL() remoteDscsURL = getRemoteDscsURL() http = urllib3.PoolManager() with http.request('GET', remotePkgsURL, preload_content=False) as tmp_buffer, open(remotePkgsDB, 'wb') as output_file: shutil.copyfileobj(tmp_buffer, output_file) with http.request('GET', remoteDscsURL, preload_content=False) as tmp_buffer, open(remoteDscsDB, 'wb') as output_file: shutil.copyfileobj(tmp_buffer, output_file) def makeLocalDatabase(): subprocess.check_call(['/usr/share/sisyphus/helpers/make_local_csv']) def syncRemoteDatabase(): fetchRemoteDatabase() sisyphusdb = sqlite3.connect(sisyphusDB) sisyphusdb.cursor().execute('''drop table if exists remote_packages''') sisyphusdb.cursor().execute('''drop table if exists remote_descriptions''') sisyphusdb.cursor().execute('''create table remote_packages (category TEXT,name TEXT,version TEXT,slot TEXT)''') sisyphusdb.cursor().execute('''create table remote_descriptions (category TEXT,name TEXT,description TEXT)''') with open(remotePkgsDB) as rmtCsv: for row in csv.reader(rmtCsv): sisyphusdb.cursor().execute("insert into remote_packages (category, name, version, slot) values (?, ?, ?, ?);", row) with open(remoteDscsDB) as rmtCsv: for row in csv.reader(rmtCsv): sisyphusdb.cursor().execute("insert into remote_descriptions (category, name, description) values (?, ?, ?);", row) sisyphusdb.commit() sisyphusdb.close() def syncLocalDatabase(): makeLocalDatabase() sisyphusdb = sqlite3.connect(sisyphusDB) sisyphusdb.cursor().execute('''drop table if exists local_packages''') sisyphusdb.cursor().execute('''create table local_packages (category TEXT,name TEXT,version TEXT,slot TEXT)''') with open(localPkgsDB) as lclCsv: for row in csv.reader(lclCsv): sisyphusdb.cursor().execute("insert into local_packages (category, name, version, slot) values (?, ?, ?, ?);", row) sisyphusdb.commit() sisyphusdb.close() def syncPortageTree(): subprocess.call(['emerge', '--sync', '--quiet']) def syncPortageCfg(): os.chdir(portageCfg) subprocess.call(['git', 'pull', '--quiet']) @animation.wait('syncing remote database') def syncAll(): checkRoot() remotePkgsURL = getRemotePkgsURL() remoteDscsURL = getRemoteDscsURL() http = urllib3.PoolManager() reqRemotePkgsTS = http.request('HEAD', remotePkgsURL) remotePkgsTS = int(parser.parse(reqRemotePkgsTS.headers['last-modified']).strftime("%s")) localPkgsTS = int(os.path.getctime(remotePkgsDB)) reqRemoteDscsTS = http.request('HEAD', remoteDscsURL) remoteDscsTS = int(parser.parse(reqRemoteDscsTS.headers['last-modified']).strftime("%s")) localDscsTS = int(os.path.getctime(remoteDscsDB)) if remotePkgsTS < localPkgsTS: pass elif remoteDscsTS < localDscsTS: pass else: syncPortageTree() syncPortageCfg() syncRemoteDatabase() @animation.wait('syncing local database') def startSyncSPM(): syncLocalDatabase() @animation.wait('syncing portage') def startSync(): syncPortageTree() syncPortageCfg() @animation.wait('resurrecting database') def rescueDB(): if os.path.exists(remotePkgsDB): os.remove(remotePkgsDB) if os.path.exists(remoteDscsDB): os.remove(remoteDscsDB) if os.path.exists(localPkgsDB): os.remove(localPkgsDB) if os.path.exists(sisyphusDB): os.remove(sisyphusDB) syncRemoteDatabase() syncLocalDatabase() def startSearch(pkgList): subprocess.check_call(['emerge', '-sg'] + pkgList) def startUpdate(): syncAll() def startInstall(pkgList): syncAll() binhostURL = getBinhostURL() pkgDeps = getPkgDeps(pkgList) pkgBins = [] if not len(pkgDeps) == 0: if input(len(pkgDeps) + "package(s) will be merged, would you like to proceed ?" + " " + str(pkgDeps) + " " + "[y/N]" + " ").lower().strip()[:1] == "y": for index, url in enumerate([binhostURL + package + '.tbz2' for package in pkgDeps]): print(">>> Fetching" + " " + url) wget.download(url) print("\n") else: sys.exit("\n" + "Quitting!") for index, binpkg in enumerate(pkgDeps): pkgBin = str(binpkg.rstrip().split("/")[1]) pkgBins.append(pkgBin) for index, binpkg in enumerate(pkgBins): subprocess.call(['qtbz2', '-x'] + str(binpkg + '.tbz2').split()) CATEGORY = subprocess.check_output(['qxpak', '-x', '-O'] + str(binpkg + '.xpak').split() + ['CATEGORY']) os.remove(str(binpkg + '.xpak')) if os.path.isdir(portageCache + CATEGORY.decode().strip()): shutil.move(str(binpkg + '.tbz2'), os.path.join(portageCache + CATEGORY.decode().strip(), os.path.basename(str(binpkg + '.tbz2')))) else: os.makedirs(portageCache + CATEGORY.decode().strip()) shutil.move(str(binpkg + '.tbz2'), os.path.join(portageCache + CATEGORY.decode().strip(), os.path.basename(str(binpkg + '.tbz2')))) if os.path.exists(str(binpkg + '.tbz2')): os.remove(str(binpkg + '.tbz2')) portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '-q'] + pkgList) portageExec.wait() syncLocalDatabase() else: sys.exit(1) def startUpgrade(): syncAll() binhostURL = getBinhostURL() worldDeps = getWorldDeps() worldBins = [] if not len(worldDeps) == 0: if input(len(pkgDeps) + "package(s) will be merged, would you like to proceed ?" + " " + str(worldDeps) + " " + "[y/N]" + " ").lower().strip()[:1] == "y": for index, url in enumerate([binhostURL + package + '.tbz2' for package in worldDeps]): print(">>> Fetching" + " " + url) wget.download(url) print("\n") else: sys.exit("\n" + "Quitting!") for index, worldpkg in enumerate(worldDeps): worldBin = str(worldpkg.rstrip().split("/")[1]) worldBins.append(worldBin) for index, worldpkg in enumerate(worldBins): subprocess.call(['qtbz2', '-x'] + str(worldpkg + '.tbz2').split()) CATEGORY = subprocess.check_output(['qxpak', '-x', '-O'] + str(worldpkg + '.xpak').split() + ['CATEGORY']) os.remove(str(worldpkg + '.xpak')) if os.path.isdir(portageCache + CATEGORY.decode().strip()): shutil.move(str(worldpkg + '.tbz2'), os.path.join(portageCache + CATEGORY.decode().strip(), os.path.basename(str(worldpkg + '.tbz2')))) else: os.makedirs(portageCache + CATEGORY.decode().strip()) shutil.move(str(worldpkg + '.tbz2'), os.path.join(portageCache + CATEGORY.decode().strip(), os.path.basename(str(worldpkg + '.tbz2')))) if os.path.exists(str(worldpkg + '.tbz2')): os.remove(str(worldpkg + '.tbz2')) portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '-uDNq', '--backtrack=100', '--with-bdeps=y', '@world']) portageExec.wait() syncLocalDatabase() else: sys.exit("\n" + "Nothing to upgrade; quitting." + "\n") def startUninstall(pkgList): portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '-cqa'] + pkgList) portageExec.wait() syncLocalDatabase() def startUninstallForce(pkgList): portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '-Cqa'] + pkgList) portageExec.wait() syncLocalDatabase() def removeOrphans(): portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '-cqa']) portageExec.wait() syncLocalDatabase() def sysInfo(): subprocess.check_call(['emerge', '--info']) def portageKill(portageCmd): portageCmd.terminate() def printMirrorList(): mirrorList = getMirrorList() for i, line in enumerate(mirrorList): if line['isActive']: print(i + 1, '*', line['Url']) else: print(i + 1, ' ', line['Url']) def writeMirrorCfg(mirrorList): with open(mirrorCfg, 'w+') as mirrorFile: mirrorFile.write("#######################################################\n") mirrorFile.write("# Support for multiple mirrors is somewhat incomplete #\n") mirrorFile.write("# Uncomment only one mirror from the list bellow #\n") mirrorFile.write("#######################################################\n") mirrorFile.write("\n") for line in mirrorList: mirror = 'PORTAGE_BINHOST=' + '"' + line['Url'] + '"' if not line['isActive']: mirror = '# ' + mirror mirrorFile.write(mirror + "\n") mirrorFile.write("\n") def setActiveMirror(mirror): mirror = int(mirror[0]) mirrorList = getMirrorList() if mirror not in range(1, len(mirrorList) + 1): print('mirror index is wrong, please check with "sisyphus mirror list"') else: for i in range(0, len(mirrorList)): indx = i + 1 if indx == mirror: mirrorList[i]['isActive'] = True else: mirrorList[i]['isActive'] = False writeMirrorCfg(mirrorList) def showHelp(): print("\nUsage : sisyphus command [package(s)] || [file(s)]\n") print("Sisyphus is a simple python wrapper around portage, gentoolkit, and portage-utils that provides") print("an apt-get/yum-alike interface to these commands, to assist newcomer people transitioning from") print("Debian/RedHat-based systems to Gentoo.\n") print("Commands :\n") print("install - Install new packages") print("uninstall - Uninstall packages *safely* (INFO : If reverse deps are found, package(s) will NOT be uninstalled)") print("force-uninstall - Uninstall packages *unsafely* (WARNING : This option will ignore reverse deps, which may break your system)") print("remove-orphans - Uninstall packages that are no longer needed") print("update - Update the Portage tree, Overlay(s), Portage config files && Sisyphus database remote_packages table") print("upgrade - Upgrade the system") print("search - Search for packages") print("spmsync - Sync Sisyphus database with Portage database (if you install something with Portage, not Sisyphus)") print("rescue - Rescue Sisyphus database if lost or corrupted") print("mirror list - List available mirrors (the active one is marked with *)") print("mirror set INDEX - Switch the repository to the selected mirror") print("sysinfo - Display information about installed core packages and portage configuration")