#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import io import wget import sisyphus.binhost import sisyphus.database import sisyphus.solvedeps import sisyphus.update portageCacheDir = '/var/cache/packages' def start(pkgList): sisyphus.update.start() binhostURL = sisyphus.binhost.getURL() areBinaries,areSources,needsConfig = sisyphus.solvedeps.package(pkgList) if needsConfig == 0: if len(areSources) == 0: if not len(areBinaries) == 0: os.chdir(portageCacheDir) print("\n" + "These are the binary packages that would be merged, in order:" + "\n\n" + str(areBinaries) + "\n\n" + "Total:" + " " + str(len(areBinaries)) + " " + "binary package(s)" + "\n") if input("Would you like to proceed?" + " " + "[y/N]" + " ").lower().strip()[:1] == "y": for index, binary in enumerate([package + '.tbz2' for package in areBinaries]): print(">>> Fetching" + " " + binhostURL + binary) wget.download(binhostURL + binary) print("\n") subprocess.call(['qtbz2', '-x'] + binary.rstrip().split("/")[1].split()) CATEGORY = subprocess.check_output(['qxpak', '-x', '-O'] + binary.rstrip().split("/")[1].replace('tbz2', 'xpak').split() + ['CATEGORY']) if os.path.exists(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1].replace('tbz2', 'xpak')): os.remove(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1].replace('tbz2', 'xpak')) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(portageCacheDir, CATEGORY.decode().strip())): shutil.move(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1], os.path.join(os.path.join(portageCacheDir, CATEGORY.decode().strip()), os.path.basename(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]))) else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(portageCacheDir, CATEGORY.decode().strip())) shutil.move(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1], os.path.join(os.path.join(portageCacheDir, CATEGORY.decode().strip()), os.path.basename(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]))) if os.path.exists(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]): os.remove(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]) portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--usepkg', '--usepkgonly', '--rebuilt-binaries', '--misspell-suggestion=n', '--fuzzy-search=n'] + pkgList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if not "These are the packages that would be merged, in order:" in portageOutput.rstrip(): if not "Calculating dependencies" in portageOutput.rstrip(): print(portageOutput.rstrip()) portageExec.wait() sisyphus.database.syncLocal() else: sys.exit("\n" + "Ok; Quitting." + "\n") else: sys.exit("\n" + "No package found; Quitting." + "\n") else: if not len(areBinaries) == 0: os.chdir(portageCacheDir) print("\n" + "These are the binary packages that would be merged, in order:" + "\n\n" + str(areBinaries) + "\n\n" + "Total:" + " " + str(len(areBinaries)) + " " + "binary package(s)" + "\n") print("\n" + "These are the source packages that would be merged, in order:" + "\n\n" + str(areSources) + "\n\n" + "Total:" + " " + str(len(areSources)) + " " + "source package(s)" + "\n") if input("Would you like to proceed?" + " " + "[y/N]" + " ").lower().strip()[:1] == "y": for index, binary in enumerate([package + '.tbz2' for package in areBinaries]): print(">>> Fetching" + " " + binhostURL + binary) wget.download(binhostURL + binary) print("\n") subprocess.call(['qtbz2', '-x'] + binary.rstrip().split("/")[1].split()) CATEGORY = subprocess.check_output(['qxpak', '-x', '-O'] + binary.rstrip().split("/")[1].replace('tbz2', 'xpak').split() + ['CATEGORY']) if os.path.exists(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1].replace('tbz2', 'xpak')): os.remove(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1].replace('tbz2', 'xpak')) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(portageCacheDir, CATEGORY.decode().strip())): shutil.move(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1], os.path.join(os.path.join(portageCacheDir, CATEGORY.decode().strip()), os.path.basename(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]))) else: os.makedirs(os.path.join(portageCacheDir, CATEGORY.decode().strip())) shutil.move(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1], os.path.join(os.path.join(portageCacheDir, CATEGORY.decode().strip()), os.path.basename(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]))) if os.path.exists(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]): os.remove(binary.rstrip().split("/")[1]) portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--usepkg', '--rebuilt-binaries', '--misspell-suggestion=n', '--fuzzy-search=n'] + pkgList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if not "These are the packages that would be merged, in order:" in portageOutput.rstrip(): if not "Calculating dependencies" in portageOutput.rstrip(): print(portageOutput.rstrip()) portageExec.wait() sisyphus.database.syncLocal() else: sys.exit("\n" + "Ok; Quitting." + "\n") else: print("\n" + "These are the source packages that would be merged, in order:" + "\n\n" + str(areSources) + "\n\n" + "Total:" + " " + str(len(areSources)) + " " + "source package(s)" + "\n") if input("Would you like to proceed?" + " " + "[y/N]" + " ").lower().strip()[:1] == "y": portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--misspell-suggestion=n', '--fuzzy-search=n'] + pkgList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if not "These are the packages that would be merged, in order:" in portageOutput.rstrip(): if not "Calculating dependencies" in portageOutput.rstrip(): print(portageOutput.rstrip()) portageExec.wait() sisyphus.database.syncLocal() else: sys.exit("\n" + "Ok; Quitting." + "\n") else: portageExec = subprocess.Popen(['emerge', '--quiet', '--pretend', '--getbinpkg', '--rebuilt-binaries', '--misspell-suggestion=n', '--fuzzy-search=n'] + pkgList, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for portageOutput in io.TextIOWrapper(portageExec.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): if not "Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used." in portageOutput.rstrip(): if not "ebuild" in portageOutput.rstrip(): if not "binary" in portageOutput.rstrip(): print(portageOutput.rstrip()) portageExec.wait() sys.exit("\n" + "Cannot proceed; Apply the above changes to your portage configuration files and try again; Quitting." + "\n")