# kogaion-theme best to be viewed togheter with Numix-Circle icon theme https://github.com/numixproject/numix-icon-theme-circle ### Actual status: bumping to v2.2 for alfa in beta may jump to 3.0 #### metacity-1 updated 4/27/2016 designed to automatically pick-up gtk colors #### metacity-2 updated 4/27/2016 designed to automatically pick-up gtk colors #### xfwm updated 4/2/2016 - cleaner look designed to automatically pick-up gtk colors #### gtk2 re-worked based on Numix GTK theme https://github.com/numixproject/numix-gtk-theme #### gtk3 done for now, fixes may be needed based on Numix GTK theme #### metacity-3 WIP, waiting for Gnome in repos ... may wait for a century #### gnome-shell N/A for the momment #### cinnamon lost in a galaxy far-far away