# Redcore's Qtile Config ## Dependencies * Qtile * rofi * Alacritty * JetBrainsMono Nerd Font * Kvantum and QT5CT for applying themes to QT applications * lxappearance for applying themes to GTK applications * feh to set the wallpaper ## Assets The wallpaper and font used in this config can be found in the assets directory. ## Changing Themes The current configuration comes with several pre-installed color schemes. The default theme is the Redcore theme. These are also included: * Dracula * Everforest * Doom-One * Nord * Gruvbox Dark * Catppuccin * moonfly * retro * whitey To change a theme, locate the line below in your $HOME/.config/qtile/config.py file: ```colors, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, workspaceColor, chordColor = colors.redcore()``` Change the last word in that line to the color scheme you'd like to use. ## Changing the bar position You can easily change the bar position by changing the word bottom to the word top in this line: ```Screen(bottom=bar.Bar(widgets=widgets_list, size=30, background=backgroundColor, margin=0, opacity=0.8),),``` # Credits * Contributed by Matt Weber AKA [The Linux Cast](https://youtube.com/thelinuxcast). * Original Design inspiration from Jeff Winget. * Fonts from Nerd Fonts