<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE greeter SYSTEM "greeter.dtd"> <!-- Sabayon KDM theme 5.4 Copyright (c) 2010 Sabayon Foundation Copyright (c) 2012 Rogentos Linux Based on: Elegant Air KDM Theme 0.2 Copyright (c) 2008 Max Resch <resch.max@gmail.com> Copyright (C) 2008 Vaxx <vaxxipooh@yahoo.se> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. =========== Changelog: 0.2 (16.09.2008) - Rewrote the xml file because of compatibility issues with KDM 4.1 - Released Background: Emotion by Vlad Gerasimov <vladstudio@gmail.com> - Used Fonts: Segoe Semibold, Segoe Black, Segoe UI --> <greeter id="theme"> <style font="Sans 9" window-text-color="#bbbbbb" text-color="#000000" disabled-text-color="#808080"/> <item type="svg" id="background" background="true"> <normal file="kdm.jpg"/> <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="100%" height="100%"/> </item> <item type="rect" id="titlebanner"> <pos anchor="n" x="50%" y="0" width="100%" height="48"/> <fixed> <item type="pixmap"> <normal file="welcome-time-shadowed.png"/> <pos width="824" height="48" expand="true"/> </item> <item type="label"> <pos anchor="w" x="28" y="33%" width="100%" expand="true"/> <normal color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 10"/> <stock type="welcome-label"/> </item> <item type="label" id="clock"> <pos anchor="e" x="-22" y="33%" expand="true"/> <normal color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 10"/> <text>%c</text> </item> </fixed> </item> <item type="rect" id="main"> <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="50%" width="100%" height="192"/> <fixed> <item type="pixmap"> <normal file="main-runner.png"/> <pos width="100%" height="192"/> </item> </fixed> <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="100" xpadding="10"> <item type="pixmap"> <normal file="logo.png"/> <pos anchor="w" x="40" y="50%" width="100" height="100"/> </item> <item type="rect" id="talker"> <pos anchor="w" y="50%" width="box" height="box"/> <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="8"> <box orientation="vertical" spacing="8"> <item type="label"> <pos anchor="w"/> <stock type="username-label"/> </item> <item type="label"> <pos anchor="w"/> <stock type="password-label"/> </item> </box> <box orientation="vertical" spacing="8"> <item type="entry" id="user-entry"> <pos anchor="e" width="180" height="28"/> </item> <item type="entry" id="pw-entry"> <pos anchor="e" width="180" height="28"/> </item> </box> </box> </item> </box> </item> <item type="rect"> <pos anchor="e" x="-22" y="50%" width="box" height="box"/> <box orientation="vertical" spacing="15"> <item type="rect" id="session_button" button="true"> <pos anchor="e" x="-0" y="50%" width="box" height="box" expand="true"/> <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="7" width="100%" expand="true"> <item type="pixmap"> <normal file="sessions_inactive.png"/> <prelight file="sessions.png"/> <pos anchor="e" x="-0" y="50%" width="48" height="48"/> </item> <item type="label"> <normal color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 9"/> <prelight color="#ffffff" font="Sans 9"/> <active color="#ff0000" font="Sans 9"/> <pos anchor="e" x="-0" y="50%" min-width="100" width="100%"/> <stock type="session"/> </item> </box> </item> <item type="rect" id="system_button" button="true"> <show modes="console" type="system"/> <pos anchor="e" x="-0" y="50%" width="box" height="box"/> <!--<pos anchor="ne" x="100%" y="50%" width="box" height="box"/>--> <box orientation="horizontal" spacing="7"> <item type="pixmap"> <normal file="system_inactive.png"/> <prelight file="system.png"/> <pos anchor="e" x="-0" y="50%" width="48" height="48"/> </item> <item type="label"> <normal color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 9"/> <prelight color="#ffffff" font="Sans 9"/> <active color="#ff0000" font="Sans 9"/> <pos anchor="e" x="-0" y="50%" min-width="100" width="100%"/> <stock type="system"/> </item> </box> </item> </box> </item> <item type="rect" id="caps-lock-warning"> <normal color="#000000" alpha="0.4"/> <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="20%" width="box" height="box"/> <box orientation="vertical" min-width="400" xpadding="10" ypadding="5" spacing="0"> <item type="label"> <normal color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 9"/> <pos x="50%" anchor="n" width="100%"/> <stock type="caps-lock-warning"/> </item> </box> </item> <item type="rect" id="pam-error"> <normal color="#000000" alpha="0.4"/> <pos anchor="c" x="50%" y="20%" width="box" height="box"/> <box orientation="vertical" min-width="400" xpadding="10" ypadding="5" spacing="0"> <item type="label"> <normal color="#bbbbbb" font="Sans 9"/> <pos anchor="n" x="50%" width="100%"/> <text>Login failed</text> </item> </box> </item> </greeter>