# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit desktop flag-o-matic readme.gentoo-r1 inherit systemd toolchain-funcs unpacker user-info NV_URI="https://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/" DESCRIPTION="NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver" HOMEPAGE="https://www.nvidia.com/download/index.aspx" SRC_URI=" ${NV_URI}Linux-x86_64/${PV}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-${PV}.run $(printf "${NV_URI}%s/%s-${PV}.tar.bz2 " \ nvidia-{installer,modprobe,persistenced,xconfig}{,}) " # nvidia-installer is unused but here for GPL-2's "distribute sources" S=${WORKDIR} LICENSE="NVIDIA-r2 Apache-2.0 BSD BSD-2 GPL-2 MIT ZLIB curl openssl" SLOT="5" KEYWORDS="-* amd64" IUSE="abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 +acpi +dkms +persistenced +powerd +tools +wayland +X" RESTRICT="strip" COMMON_DEPEND=" acct-group/video X? ( x11-libs/libpciaccess ) persistenced? ( acct-user/nvpd net-libs/libtirpc:= ) " RDEPEND=" ${COMMON_DEPEND} dev-libs/openssl:0/3 sys-libs/glibc !!x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:3 !!x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:4 acpi? ( sys-power/acpid ) dkms? ( ~sys-kernel/${PN}-dkms-${PV}:${SLOT} ) X? ( media-libs/libglvnd[X,abi_x86_32(-)?] x11-libs/libX11[abi_x86_32(-)?] x11-libs/libXext[abi_x86_32(-)?] ) powerd? ( sys-apps/dbus[abi_x86_32(-)?] ) wayland? ( gui-libs/egl-gbm >=gui-libs/egl-wayland-1.1.10 ) " DEPEND=" ${COMMON_DEPEND} x11-base/xorg-proto x11-libs/libX11 x11-libs/libXext " BDEPEND=" sys-devel/m4 virtual/pkgconfig " PDEPEND=" tools? ( x11-misc/nvidia-settings:${SLOT} ) " QA_PREBUILT="lib/firmware/* opt/bin/* usr/lib*" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/nvidia-modprobe-390.141-uvm-perms.patch ) pkg_setup() { local CONFIG_CHECK=" PROC_FS ~DRM_KMS_HELPER ~SYSVIPC ~!LOCKDEP ~!SLUB_DEBUG_ON !DEBUG_MUTEXES $(usev powerd '~CPU_FREQ') " local ERROR_DRM_KMS_HELPER="CONFIG_DRM_KMS_HELPER: is not set but required for drivers (no custom config), and for wayland / nvidia-drm.modeset=1. Cannot be directly selected in the kernel's menuconfig, and may need selection of a DRM device even if unused, e.g. CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU=m or DRM_I915=y, DRM_NOUVEAU=m also acceptable if a module and not built-in." CONFIG_CHECK+=" X86_PAT" #817764 CONFIG_CHECK+=" MMU_NOTIFIER" #843827 local ERROR_MMU_NOTIFIER="CONFIG_MMU_NOTIFIER: is not set but required. Cannot be directly selected in the kernel's menuconfig, and may need selection of another option that requires it such as CONFIG_KVM." } src_prepare() { # make patches usable across versions rm nvidia-modprobe && mv nvidia-modprobe{-${PV},} || die rm nvidia-persistenced && mv nvidia-persistenced{-${PV},} || die rm nvidia-xconfig && mv nvidia-xconfig{-${PV},} || die default # prevent detection of incomplete kernel DRM support (bug #603818) sed 's/defined(CONFIG_DRM/defined(CONFIG_DRM_KMS_HELPER/g' \ -i kernel/conftest.sh || die # adjust service files sed 's/__USER__/nvpd/' \ nvidia-persistenced/init/systemd/nvidia-persistenced.service.template \ > "${T}"/nvidia-persistenced.service || die sed -i "s|/usr|${EPREFIX}/opt|" systemd/system/nvidia-powerd.service || die # use alternative vulkan icd option if USE=-X (bug #909181) use X || sed -i 's/"libGLX/"libEGL/' nvidia_{layers,icd}.json || die # enable nvidia-drm.modeset=1 by default with USE=wayland cp "${FILESDIR}"/nvidia-545.conf "${T}"/nvidia.conf || die use !wayland || sed -i '/^#.*modeset=1$/s/^#//' "${T}"/nvidia.conf || die } src_compile() { tc-export AR CC CXX LD OBJCOPY OBJDUMP PKG_CONFIG local xnvflags=-fPIC #840389 # lto static libraries tend to cause problems without fat objects tc-is-lto && xnvflags+=" $(test-flags-CC -ffat-lto-objects)" NV_ARGS=( PREFIX="${EPREFIX}"/usr HOST_CC="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)" HOST_LD="$(tc-getBUILD_LD)" BUILD_GTK2LIB= NV_USE_BUNDLED_LIBJANSSON=0 NV_VERBOSE=1 DO_STRIP= MANPAGE_GZIP= OUTPUTDIR=out WAYLAND_AVAILABLE=$(usex wayland 1 0) XNVCTRL_CFLAGS="${xnvflags}" ) use persistenced && emake "${NV_ARGS[@]}" -C nvidia-persistenced emake "${NV_ARGS[@]}" -C nvidia-modprobe use X && emake "${NV_ARGS[@]}" -C nvidia-xconfig } src_install() { local libdir=$(get_libdir) libdir32=$(ABI=x86 get_libdir) NV_ARGS+=( DESTDIR="${D}" LIBDIR="${ED}"/usr/${libdir} ) local -A paths=( [APPLICATION_PROFILE]=/usr/share/nvidia [CUDA_ICD]=/etc/OpenCL/vendors [EGL_EXTERNAL_PLATFORM_JSON]=/usr/share/egl/egl_external_platform.d [FIRMWARE]=/lib/firmware/nvidia/${PV} [GBM_BACKEND_LIB_SYMLINK]=/usr/${libdir}/gbm [GLVND_EGL_ICD_JSON]=/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d [OPENGL_DATA]=/usr/share/nvidia [VULKAN_ICD_JSON]=/usr/share/vulkan [WINE_LIB]=/usr/${libdir}/nvidia/wine [XORG_OUTPUTCLASS_CONFIG]=/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d [GLX_MODULE_SHARED_LIB]=/usr/${libdir}/xorg/modules/extensions [GLX_MODULE_SYMLINK]=/usr/${libdir}/xorg/modules [XMODULE_SHARED_LIB]=/usr/${libdir}/xorg/modules ) local skip_files=( $(usev !X "libGLX_nvidia libglxserver_nvidia") libGLX_indirect # non-glvnd unused fallback libnvidia-{gtk,wayland-client} nvidia-{settings,xconfig} # from source libnvidia-egl-gbm 15_nvidia_gbm # gui-libs/egl-gbm libnvidia-egl-wayland 10_nvidia_wayland # gui-libs/egl-wayland libnvidia-pkcs11.so # using the openssl3 version instead ) local skip_modules=( $(usev !X "nvfbc vdpau xdriver") $(usev !dkms gsp) $(usev !powerd powerd) installer nvpd # handled separately / built from source ) local skip_types=( GLVND_LIB GLVND_SYMLINK EGL_CLIENT.\* GLX_CLIENT.\* # media-libs/libglvnd OPENCL_WRAPPER.\* # virtual/opencl DOCUMENTATION DOT_DESKTOP .\*_SRC DKMS_CONF SYSTEMD_UNIT # handled separately / unused ) local DOCS=( README.txt NVIDIA_Changelog supported-gpus/supported-gpus.json ) local HTML_DOCS=( html/. ) einstalldocs local DISABLE_AUTOFORMATTING=yes local DOC_CONTENTS="\ Trusted users should be in the 'video' group to use NVIDIA devices. You can add yourself by using: gpasswd -a my-user video\ See '${EPREFIX}/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf' for modules options.\ Note that without USE=abi_x86_32 on ${PN}, 32bit applications (typically using wine / steam) will not be able to use GPU acceleration.\ For additional information or for troubleshooting issues, please see https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/NVIDIA/nvidia-drivers and NVIDIA's own documentation that is installed alongside this README." readme.gentoo_create_doc insinto /etc/modprobe.d doins "${T}"/nvidia.conf emake "${NV_ARGS[@]}" -C nvidia-modprobe install fowners :video /usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe #505092 fperms 4710 /usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe if use persistenced; then emake "${NV_ARGS[@]}" -C nvidia-persistenced install newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/nvidia-persistenced.confd nvidia-persistenced newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nvidia-persistenced.initd nvidia-persistenced systemd_dounit "${T}"/nvidia-persistenced.service fi use X && emake "${NV_ARGS[@]}" -C nvidia-xconfig install # mimic nvidia-installer by reading .manifest to install files # 0:file 1:perms 2:type 3+:subtype/arguments -:module local m into while IFS=' ' read -ra m; do ! [[ ${#m[@]} -ge 2 && ${m[-1]} =~ MODULE: ]] || [[ " ${m[0]##*/}" =~ ^(\ ${skip_files[*]/%/.*|\\} )$ ]] || [[ " ${m[2]}" =~ ^(\ ${skip_types[*]/%/|\\} )$ ]] || has ${m[-1]#MODULE:} "${skip_modules[@]}" && continue case ${m[2]} in MANPAGE) gzip -dc ${m[0]} | newman - ${m[0]%.gz}; assert continue ;; GBM_BACKEND_LIB_SYMLINK) m[4]=../${m[4]};; # missing ../ VDPAU_SYMLINK) m[4]=vdpau/; m[5]=${m[5]#vdpau/};; # .so to vdpau/ esac if [[ -v 'paths[${m[2]}]' ]]; then into=${paths[${m[2]}]} elif [[ ${m[2]} == EXPLICIT_PATH ]]; then into=${m[3]} elif [[ ${m[2]} == *_BINARY ]]; then into=/opt/bin elif [[ ${m[3]} == COMPAT32 ]]; then use abi_x86_32 || continue into=/usr/${libdir32} elif [[ ${m[2]} == *_@(LIB|SYMLINK) ]]; then into=/usr/${libdir} else die "No known installation path for ${m[0]}" fi [[ ${m[3]: -2} == ?/ ]] && into+=/${m[3]%/} [[ ${m[4]: -2} == ?/ ]] && into+=/${m[4]%/} if [[ ${m[2]} =~ _SYMLINK$ ]]; then [[ ${m[4]: -1} == / ]] && m[4]=${m[5]} dosym ${m[4]} ${into}/${m[0]} continue fi [[ ${m[0]} =~ ^libnvidia-ngx.so|^libnvidia-egl-gbm.so ]] && dosym ${m[0]} ${into}/${m[0]%.so*}.so.1 # soname not in .manifest printf -v m[1] %o $((m[1] | 0200)) # 444->644 insopts -m${m[1]} insinto ${into} doins ${m[0]} done < .manifest || die insopts -m0644 # reset # MODULE:installer non-skipped extras : "$(systemd_get_sleepdir)" exeinto "${_#"${EPREFIX}"}" doexe systemd/system-sleep/nvidia dobin systemd/nvidia-sleep.sh systemd_dounit systemd/system/nvidia-{hibernate,resume,suspend}.service dobin nvidia-bug-report.sh # MODULE:powerd extras if use powerd; then newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nvidia-powerd.initd nvidia-powerd #923117 systemd_dounit systemd/system/nvidia-powerd.service insinto /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d doins nvidia-dbus.conf fi # enabling is needed for sleep to work properly and little reason not to do # it unconditionally for a better user experience : "$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)" local unitdir=${_#"${EPREFIX}"} # not using relative symlinks to match systemd's own links dosym {"${unitdir}",/etc/systemd/system/systemd-hibernate.service.wants}/nvidia-hibernate.service dosym {"${unitdir}",/etc/systemd/system/systemd-hibernate.service.wants}/nvidia-resume.service dosym {"${unitdir}",/etc/systemd/system/systemd-suspend.service.wants}/nvidia-suspend.service dosym {"${unitdir}",/etc/systemd/system/systemd-suspend.service.wants}/nvidia-resume.service # also add a custom elogind hook to do the equivalent of the above exeinto /usr/lib/elogind/system-sleep newexe "${FILESDIR}"/system-sleep.elogind nvidia # =systemd-256 or may fail to resume with some setups # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1072722 insinto "${unitdir}"/systemd-homed.service.d newins - 10-nvidia.conf <<-EOF [Service] Environment=SYSTEMD_HOME_LOCK_FREEZE_SESSION=false EOF insinto "${unitdir}"/systemd-suspend.service.d newins - 10-nvidia.conf <<-EOF [Service] Environment=SYSTEMD_SLEEP_FREEZE_USER_SESSIONS=false EOF dosym -r "${unitdir}"/systemd-{suspend,hibernate}.service.d/10-nvidia.conf dosym -r "${unitdir}"/systemd-{suspend,hybrid-sleep}.service.d/10-nvidia.conf dosym -r "${unitdir}"/systemd-{suspend,suspend-then-hibernate}.service.d/10-nvidia.conf # symlink non-versioned so nvidia-settings can use it even if misdetected dosym nvidia-application-profiles-${PV}-key-documentation \ ${paths[APPLICATION_PROFILE]}/nvidia-application-profiles-key-documentation # don't attempt to strip firmware files (silences errors) dostrip -x ${paths[FIRMWARE]} # sandbox issues with /dev/nvidiactl others (bug #904292,#921578) # are widespread and sometime affect revdeps of packages built with # USE=opencl/cuda making it hard to manage in ebuilds (minimal set, # ebuilds should handle manually if need others or addwrite) insinto /etc/sandbox.d newins - 20nvidia <<<'SANDBOX_PREDICT="/dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidia-caps:/dev/char"' # Dracut does not include /etc/modprobe.d if hostonly=no, but we do need this # to ensure that the nouveau blacklist is applied # https://github.com/dracut-ng/dracut-ng/issues/674 # https://bugs.gentoo.org/932781 dodir /usr/lib/dracut/dracut.conf.d if use dkms; then echo "install_items+=\" ${EPREFIX}/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf \"" >> \ "${ED}/usr/lib/dracut/dracut.conf.d/10-${PN}.conf" || die fi } _dracut_initramfs_regen() { if [ -x $(which dracut) ]; then dracut -N -f --no-hostonly-cmdline fi } pkg_preinst() { # set video group id based on live system (bug #491414) local g=$(egetent group video | cut -d: -f3) [[ ${g} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] || die "Failed to determine video group id (got '${g}')" sed -i "s/@VIDEOGID@/${g}/" "${ED}"/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf || die } pkg_postinst() { if [ $(stat -c %d:%i /) == $(stat -c %d:%i /proc/1/root/.) ]; then _dracut_initramfs_regen fi readme.gentoo_print_elog if [[ $(/dev/null | wc -l) -gt 2 ]] then ewarn ewarn "!!! WARNING !!!" ewarn "Detected a custom script at ${EROOT}{/etc,{/usr,}/lib*}/elogind/system-sleep" ewarn "referencing NVIDIA. This version of ${PN} has installed its own" ewarn "hook at ${EROOT}/usr/lib/elogind/system-sleep/nvidia and it is recommended" ewarn "to remove the custom one to avoid potential issues." ewarn ewarn "Feel free to ignore this warning if you know the other NVIDIA-related" ewarn "scripts can be used together. The warning will be removed in the future." fi if [[ ${REPLACING_VERSIONS##* } ]] && ver_test ${REPLACING_VERSIONS##* } -lt 470.256.02-r1 # may get repeated then elog elog "For suspend/sleep, 'NVreg_PreserveVideoMemoryAllocations=1' is now default" elog "with this version of ${PN}. This is recommended (or required) by" elog "major DEs especially with wayland but, *if* experience regressions with" elog "suspend, try reverting to =0 in '${EROOT}/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf'." elog elog "May notably be an issue when using neither systemd nor elogind to suspend." elog elog "Also, the systemd suspend/hibernate/resume services are now enabled by" elog "default, and for openrc+elogind a similar hook has been installed." fi } pkg_postrm() { if [ $(stat -c %d:%i /) == $(stat -c %d:%i /proc/1/root/.) ]; then _dracut_initramfs_regen fi }