acct-group/smbshare 0: System group: smbshare app-admin/calamares Distribution-independent installer framework app-admin/vasile 2.1812.2: Versatile Advanced Script for ISO and Latest Enchantments app-arch/unp 2.0_pre9-r1: Script for unpacking various file formats app-backup/timeshift 22.11.1-r1: A system restore utility for Linux app-emulation/linux-steam-integration 0.7.3-r3: Helper for enabling better Steam integration on Linux app-emulation/steam Digital distribution client bootstrap package app-emulation/steam-native-runtime Native replacement for the Steam runtime using system libraries app-emulation/virtualbox-modules 7.0.6: Kernel Modules for Virtualbox app-misc/calamares-config-redcore 1.314.1337-r2: Redcore Linux Calamares modules config app-misc/geoclue 2.6.0-r10: A location information D-Bus service app-misc/redcore-live 1.314.1337: Redcore Linux live scripts app-misc/redcore-skel 1.314.1337-r1: Redcore Linux skel tree app-portage/sisyphus 5.2301.1: A simple portage python wrapper which works like other package managers(apt-get/yum/dnf) app-portage/sisyphus-qt 5.2301.1: A simple portage python wrapper which works like other package managers(apt-get/yum/dnf) app-text/simplenote 2.6.0: The simplest way to keep notes dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt 0.9.3_pre20160218-r2: A library providing Qt implementation of DBusMenu specification (meta mackage) dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3_pre20160218-r3: Library providing Qt implementation of DBusMenu specification dev-python/animation 0.0.5-r3: Tools for terminal-based wait animations dev-python/click 7.1.2-r100: A Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces dev-python/sh 1.12.14-r5: Python process launching dev-python/typer 0.2.1-r3: Build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints dev-python/wget 2.2-r3: Python library for downloading from http URLs gui-libs/display-manager-init 1.1.2-r1: RC init files for starting display and login managers kde-plasma/kinfocenter 5.26.5-r5: Utility providing information about the computer hardware lxde-base/lxappearance 0.6.3-r5: LXDE GTK+ theme switcher lxqt-base/lxqt-config 1.2.0-r1: LXQt system configuration control center lxqt-base/lxqt-meta 1.2.0-r1: Meta ebuild for LXQt, the Lightweight Desktop Environment lxqt-base/lxqt-session 1.2.0-r1: LXQt Session Manager mail-client/mailspring 1.9.2-r1: A beautiful fast and maintained fork of Nylas Mail media-libs/libpipewire 0.3.43-r10: Pipewire client libraries media-libs/portsmf 239-r1: The Tenacity fork of PortSMF, a Standard MIDI File library media-sound/cantata 2.5.0-r10: Featureful and configurable Qt client for the music player daemon (MPD) media-tv/sopcast 3.2.6-r3: SopCast free P2P Internet TV binary media-video/guvcview 2.0.6-r10: Simple Qt5 or GTK+3 interface for capturing and viewing video from v4l2 devices net-libs/libnm-glib 1.18.10-r2: Legacy NetworkManager glib and util libraries net-libs/webkit-gtk 2.36.7-r1 2.38.2-r1: Open source web browser engine net-print/lexmark-upd-ppd Lexmark universal printer driver PPDs net-wireless/broadcom-sta Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device driver sys-apps/baselayout 2.8-r2: Filesystem baselayout and init scripts sys-apps/firetools 0.9.64: Graphical user interface of app-emulation/firejail sys-apps/lsb-release 3.2-r1: LSB version query program sys-apps/openrc 0.46-r1: OpenRC manages the services, startup and shutdown of a host sys-auth/elogind 246.10-r3: The systemd project's logind, extracted to a standalone package sys-auth/polkit-qt 0.113.0-r11: PolicyKit Qt API wrapper library (meta package) sys-auth/polkit-qt5 0.113.0-r5: Qt wrapper around polkit-1 client libraries sys-boot/etcher 1.5.116: Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily. sys-boot/grub 2.04-r12: GNU GRUB boot loader sys-boot/os-prober 1.77-r10: Utility to detect other OSs on a set of drives sys-boot/plymouth 0.9.4-r11: Graphical boot animation (splash) and logger sys-boot/unetbootin-static 625-r3: Universal Netboot Installer creates Live USB systems for various OS distributions sys-devel/binutils 2.39-r2: Tools necessary to build programs sys-devel/gcc 12.2.0: The GNU Compiler Collection sys-devel/libtool 2.4.7: A shared library tool for developers sys-fs/cryptsetup 2.3.4-r10: Tool to setup encrypted devices with dm-crypt sys-fs/gocryptfs 2.0.1-r1: Encrypted overlay filesystem written in Go sys-fs/vhba 20211218: Virtual (SCSI) Host Bus Adapter kernel module for the CDEmu suite sys-fs/zfs 2.1.7: ZFS meta-package (Gentoo compatibility ebuild) sys-fs/zfs-utils 2.1.7-r1: Userland utilities for ZFS Linux kernel module sys-kernel/bcmwl-dkms Broadcom's IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n hybrid Linux device driver source sys-kernel/dkms 2.3-r2: Dynamic Kernel Module Support sys-kernel/dracut 056-r10: Generic initramfs generation tool sys-kernel/linux-headers 5.19: Linux system headers sys-kernel/linux-image-redcore 6.0.19-r1: Redcore Linux Kernel Image sys-kernel/linux-image-redcore-lts 5.10.165 5.15.90 6.1.8: Redcore Linux LTS Kernel Image sys-kernel/linux-sources-redcore 6.0.19-r1: Redcore Linux Kernel Sources sys-kernel/linux-sources-redcore-lts 5.10.165 5.15.90 6.1.8: Redcore Linux LTS Kernel Sources sys-kernel/nvidia-drivers-dkms 390.157-r1 470.161.03-r1 515.86.01-r1 525.85.05: NVIDIA driver sources for linux sys-kernel/vhba-dkms 20211218: Virtual (SCSI) Host Bus Adapter kernel module for the CDEmu suite sources sys-kernel/virtualbox-modules-dkms 7.0.6: Kernel Modules source for Virtualbox sys-kernel/zfs-dkms 2.1.7: ZFS sources for linux sys-libs/binutils-libs 2.39-r1: Core binutils libraries (libbfd, libopcodes, libiberty) for external packages sys-libs/glibc 2.35-r8: GNU libc C library sys-power/radeon-profile 20200824-r10: Read current clocks of ATi/AMD Radeon cards virtual/libudev 314.1337: Virtual for libudev providers virtual/notification-daemon 1.334.1337: Virtual (dummy package) for notification daemon dbus service virtual/rust 1.314.1337-r3: Virtual for Rust language compiler virtual/tmpfiles 1.314.1337: Virtual to select between different tmpfiles.d handlers virtual/udev 314.1337: Virtual to select between different udev daemon providers x11-base/xorg-drivers 21.1-r100: Meta package containing deps on all xorg drivers (dummy package) x11-base/xorg-server 21.1.6-r10: X.Org X servers x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers 390.157-r1 470.161.03-r1 515.86.01-r1 525.85.05: NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver x11-libs/gtk+ 2.24.33-r3 3.24.34-r2: Gimp ToolKit + x11-libs/libX11 1.8.1-r1: X.Org X11 library x11-misc/nvidia-prime 314: NVIDIA Prime Render Offload configuration and utilities x11-misc/nvidia-settings 390.157-r1 470.161.03-r1 515.86.01-r1 525.85.05: NVIDIA Linux X11 Settings Utility x11-misc/pcmanfm-qt-share 1337: PCManFM-QT custom action to share folder using Samba x11-misc/sddm 0.18.1-r11: Simple Desktop Display Manager x11-themes/material-icon-theme 1.314.1337: Icon theme following the Google's material design specifications x11-themes/redcore-artwork-calamares 1.314.1337: Redcore Linux branding component for Calamares x11-themes/redcore-artwork-community 1.314.1337: Redcore Linux Community Wallpapers x11-themes/redcore-artwork-core 1.314.1337: Offical Redcore Linux Core Artwork x11-themes/redcore-artwork-grub 1.314.1337: Redcore Linux GRUB2 Images x11-themes/redcore-theme 1.314.1337: Official Redcore Linux GTK theme x11-themes/redcore-theme-sddm 1.314.1337: Redcore Linux SDDM Theme